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Approved Character Mako the Merco for the Nep Merc plot

I like her, nekos typically don't scar but we can say she either chose to keep them before forgetting how she got them or it's some funky nanobot related thing that refuses to properly heal.

Page could use some touching up on a few details here and there, like the gang name, but as long as you get around to them at some point I have nothing else to say other than welcome aboard!
yeah I'll figure the gang name. I can change the other scars. Mostly they're just stuff from before her memory vanished. It's kinda up to GM discretion where she came from before that.
And yeah I'll figure a gang name. I kinda want to tie that more into greater established Funky City lore instead of creating something brand new.
Maybe someone at SAINT decided to use some authority to disable their ability to self-correct. Though since she is a NH-29, perhaps there was some error in the firmware that wasn't corrected since she is 1. Away from Yamatai's network and 2. they are no longer supported.

Since SirSkully said welcome aboard:

Its already approved but I should mention that if needed there are a very small minority of black-market nekos in Nepleslia and are known for being low quality and having dysfunctions like my Tabako for example who is somewhat schizophrenic, sounds like doctor girlfriend from venture bros, and was a faulty nh-27 made by the ikemen~
Here's some art you can use if you want. I made these in SD based on the character's description.

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