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RP: YSS Miharu Malifar: Malls and Mommas

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The Pixel Knight
Inactive Member
OP, ON> Malifar, West Side

Asher took a deep breath from the dry desert air flowing through the streets of Malifar. When the suggestion of Malifar went over well with Yoroko, he went back to change in a T-Shirt and pair of comfortable cargo shorts. He kicked a little dirt off the side-walk with his tennis shoes.

The part of the city they were in didn't have much activity on the street. There was the occasional car, but it was empty enough for a few kids to start a small soccer game on the concrete. Behind Yoroko and Asher was a relatively clean shuttle service station, where they had landed to get into the city.

"So, Yoroko, whatcha' think?" Asher said shifting his eyes in her direction.

"I've never been here before, I didn't even know Yamatai had a desert. It so much different than what I'm used to." Yoroko replied. "It's got a completely different feeling than the city, kinda open type feeling you know?" Yoroko replied as she felt the air stir her hair, which was down in spite of the fact that she was in uniform.

Asher took a very deep breath, then exhaled, "Yeah, ain't it grand? Now, uh, you had somethin' you wanted ta' do?"

"Un, I need to go shopping for a few things. You wouldn't happen to know of a few places would you?" Yoroko asked as she looked back at Asher

"A'course, I lived here twenty years a'my life! Just tell me whatcha want, n'I'll find it for ya." Asher answered proudly, rubbing the end of his nose with his thumb.

"Well...I'm not quite sure, I need somehwere where I can get some clothes and a few other things. Are there any malls around?" Yoroko asked. Yoroko didn't want to give away the fact that she was getting something for him as well.

Asher pointed off towards a particularly large building off towards the east. "The Seacrest Mall, one'a tha' biggest in Yamatai, iss' a little far off, though."

"Heeii, let's go!!" Yoroko said excitedly. "Is there a fast way to get there?" it appeared that Yoroko really liked shopping.

Asher nodded and then grinned, he turned his head towards the street and stood there for a moment. For about a minute, only a car or two seemed to bother going down the street, then a brightly yellow car came into view. Asher seemed to draw breath into his lungs.
"TAXI!!!" yelled Asher, authoritively. The car complied quickly and pulled to the curb. The Hei walked over to the car and opened the door for Yoroko. "Y'carriage, m'dam."

Yoroko pulled covered her ears in surprise when Asher called out to the taxi. When it pulled up and Asher pulled open the door for her Yoroko's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Westwood-Hei." Yoroko spoke as she giggled and got into the cab.

Asher got into the car after her and shut the door. "Ey, buddy, Seacrest Mall." said Asher, tapping the cabbie's shoulder. The Cabbie, a rather rough edged Geshrin, looked over his shoulder and chuckled. "You da' pack mule f'tha young Star Army lady today, boy?"

The Hei's brow raised with a twitch, "Just shut up'n'drive." The Cabbie chuckled and started the Taxi off to Seacrest.

Yoroko watched the streets go by. "You said you grew up around here Westwood-Hei?" Yoroko asked as they moved. It seems kind of rough around here. Yoroko thought as she glanced at the streets.

"Yeah, life was pretty... 'warm' around here, I got-" Asher went on before he was interuptted by the cabby. "Westwood? Hah! So you're Asher? Hah HAH!" The Cabbie laughed louder as he went on, "Lady, I'd find a better pack mule t'carry ya stuff, he might run off with all ya' stuff!"

Asher's face turned red visibly with anger. If Yoroko wudn't here, I'd turn that guys ass upside down right now...

"You know eachother?" Yoroko asked politely, suddenly Yoroko corrected her posture a little bit. You're getting too relaxed. the Hei sternly reminded herself. "Eeto, actually Westwood-Hei isn't my pack mule...more like my supior officer." Yoroko said in a more controlled voice.

The Cab almost stopped as the Cabbie tapped the brake in surprise. He looked at Yoroko with a bit of shock through the rear-view mirror. "Sheesh..." sighed the Cabby as he kept the Taxi on a steady drive, "Star Army is lowering their standards every day..."

Yoroko flew forward but caught herself as the cab abruptly decreased it's velocity. "I don't see what you mean, sir." Yoroko replied as she slid back into the seat. "You don't get promoted without doing work that deserves it. While I've never seen Westwood-Hei in action before, just by his position as XO of the armor wing means that he's most certainly capable." Yoroko replied.

The now silent cabbie gave a short look into the rear-view mirror. From there he caught a glimpse of Asher looking right at him, with an extremely smug grin. "Alright then..." said the Cabbie. After a little time had passed, the Taxi arrived into a very large parking lot. The Cab parked infront of the main enterance into the Mall, and Asher moved to get out, holding the door for Yoroko.

What was with that guy? Yoroko thought silently as she got out of the cab. "Westwood-Hei, you don't have to do that!!" Yoroko said her cheeks blushed as she spoke. "You're the CO if anything I should be doing that for you." Yoroko said. "But...since we're here let's go shopping." Yoroko said enthusiastically.

"Tch! My motha' would chop my hands off If I didn't." Asher chuckled as he leaned towards the Taxi's window to pay the fare of 51 KS. When stood back up, he walked back over to Yoroko and continued towards the Mall, "N'anyway, we're not on duty, we're on leave, so we're good!" Asher grinned.

Yoroko nodded when Asher mentioned that they were on leave. "Yes sir!" Yoroko said, laughing as she did so. "Saa, where to first?" Yoroko wondered aloud as she looked at the largest mall on Yamatai. "How about we hit the general merchandise stores first?" Yoroko asked looking over to Asher.

"Shigusa's." Asher said, pointing over to a rather wide ended store with a extremem assortment of items within. "If ya lookin' for somethin' not too specific, ya' gunna find it at Shigusa's."

"Saa, let's go!!" Yoroko said as she started toward Shigusa's. "Ne, Westwood-Hei, what do you think would be a good gift for Ashitaka-Heisho?" Yoroko asked once they had entered the store.

"Social skills, heh heh heh." chuckled Asher.

"Westwood-Hei!" Yoroko said in a mock scolding tone. "Hmm, I wonder if they have a copy of A Tactful Approach to Tacit." Yoroko said thoughtfully before laughing. "Seriously though, what do you think would be a good gift?"

"A joke book, honestly." Asher chuckled once more.

"Hmm, that's a good idea." Yoroko thought about it a second before flagging down the nearest sales attendant. "Anou sumimasen, I'm trying to buy a gift for a guy I know....he's kinda...stiff. He's a very rigid person, always does things very precisely, what do you recommend? Should I go with the traditional Soy sauce or something else?" Yoroko asked.

The woman Yoroko flagged down was a rather skinny woman, wearing the standard Shigusa's collared t-shirt, and a pair of khaki slacks. The skinny woman pushed a heavy lock of long curly hair to the side to answer. "Sounds like tha' kinda' guy who likes gettin' a notepad for his birthday. I'm guessing something like a PDA or a book. Office items should be on aisle seven." shrugged the attendant.

Yoroko walked down the office aisle trying to decide what to buy Sanjuro. "Hmmm, how about his?" Yoroko asked picking up a black day planner with colored tabs.

"He'll probably love ya foreva', heh." Asher chuckled at the fact of giving a day planner as a gift to someone.

Yoroko laughed before speaking "Knowing Ashitaka-Heisho he'll say something like 'I've already got a planner that is sufficient, it was not necessary Mizuno-Hei.'" When Yoroko spoke she did an imitation Sanjuro voice. "Saa, next stop clothing!!!" Yoroko said enthusiastically before starting to head over to the clothing department.

Asher followed around in tow, glancing down from time to time at Yoroko's bottom as she moved.

Once Yoroko reached the clothing section she turned around to face Asher. "Ladies only." Yoroko said as she wagged her finger. "You'll have to stay here." Yoroko said playfully.

"D'aww, shucks, y'sure I can't come along?" Asher chuckled, winking at her.

Yoroko just smiled at Asher before heading off into the lingerie section. Once back there she found the nearest sales associate, "Is there a way to the video section?" Yoroko asked in a hushed tone. "I'm trying to get a surprise gift for a friend of mine." Yoroko explained.

A well kept male dressed in the same fashion as the previous associate turned around to face her. "Aisle 9, if you don't feel like takin' the quick way back where you came, or you can around that way." the associate pointed off at the way away from Asher.

Yoroko thanked the gentleman before sneaking around the back way that the man had indicated. Once there Yoroko looked around for the commedy section. As she looked at all the video's she felt slighly overwhelmed. I wonder which one Westwood-Hei would like most? Yoroko thought silently as she looked through them. Finally after a few minutes Yoroko decided on a video that she thought Asher would find entertaining. It was supposedly an award winning film, "By the edge of my teeth." though Yoroko didn't quite understand the humor behind the film she was sure that Asher would enjoy it. As quickly as she could Yoroko made her way back to the clothing section and quickly chose a lace bra to go with it. "Can these be rung up back here?" Yoroko asked the attendant.

The attendant walked over behind the desk and register, "Sure! Let me scan your items and we'll have you out as soon as possible."

"Thanks." Yoroko responded. As soon as everything was rung up and payed for Yoroko walked out of the clothing section with a big white bag. "Sorry I took so long!" The hei said apologetically. "I think I've got everything I need to get, where to next?"

Asher had fallen asleep next to a rack of cards, surprisingly still standing. He woke with a jump when Yoroko came back over to him, "Huwah?" The Hei shook his for a moment and then focused his drowsy vision. "I really wudn't thinkin' a buyin' anything."

"Well, there has to be something you want to do around here." Yoroko said eyeing Asher. How do you selep standing up?! Yoroko wondered. "I chose the last one, it's your turn now." Yoroko said in a fake serious tone.

"L'right, we're goin' t'my moms, visit m'family." Asher said, thumbing back towards the enterance of the mall.

PAUSE> Seacrest Mall, Shigusa's All-Purpose Store
ON> Seacrest Mall, Shigusa's All-Purpose Store

The pair walked back to the entrance of the mall, and once out there Yoroko spun around to Asher. "Where do your parents live?" Yoroko asked inquisitively.

Asher stopped for a moment, his brow twitched for the moment at the plural of 'parents'. "Well, my mom'n'sistah lives back near tha' shuttleport."

Yoroko caught the brow twitch but decided not to say anything. Sore relations with his father maybe? she silently wondered. "Waaa, that's nice. Let's go then!!" Yoroko said enthusiastically.

Asher lead her out of the mall and back towards the street and spotted a cab parked on the curb. He walked over to the cab and tapped the window. The cabbie inside was neko, who just looked at him for a moment. "Hey, you get us t'Westwood'n'Anderson?" Asher asked, the Neko just nodded and gestured them to get in. He opened the door and looked over at Yoroko, "C'mon, let's beat it."

Yoroko bobbed her head in agreement before hopping into the cab with Asher. Yoroko looked forward at the cabbie before they started to move, "I like your hair!!"Yoroko said to the cabbie. "It looks beuatiful." Yoroko continued.

The Neko smiled at Yoroko, grabbing a lock of her own hair. "Oh, thanks cutie, y'don't look too bad y'self..." the cabbie winked rather suggestively. Asher twirled his finger for a moment in her line of sight to signal her to start driving. The Cabbie frowned at Asher and started back towards teh spaceport.

"What are your mother and sister like?" Yoroko asked as she sat back into the seat and fidled with a strand of her hair.

Asher leaned back into his seat and laid arm over the back, he looked out at the traffic and then back to Yoroko. "Well, Ma's a nice ol' woman, but she's weak all over, especially in tha' heart. Oshi, well, she's a little brat." Asher said spitefully in the end.

"That's not nice to say about your sister." Yoroko said, her face baring a jokingly stern look. "Weak in the heart? That's sad..." Yoroko said allowing the silence to finish the sentence. Yoroko was afraid to continue the sentence, she didn't want to push at an area that would upset Asher.

"Pssh, she's been a knife in my back eva' since that little crybaby wass' born. Always tellin' when I don' sumthin' wrong. Always crying' when I try ta' get back at her. Always talkin' down about me, n'tellin' me what a douche I am. I'd like her to see her t'do any of that now, heh heh..." Asher grinned wickedly, looking at where they were going through the windshield and looked back at Yoroko.

"You should be nicer to her, how old is she anyway?" Yoroko asked, her expression returning to normal. "I used to be like her, I caused so many problems for my sisters back then." Yoroko softly chuckled as she reminisced of her first few years with the noble family she was created to serve.

"She's eighteen, so she still lives wit' ma'. N'what about you bein' like my sista'?" Asher arched a brow at her in a fairly inquisitive way.

Yoroko sighed a little before she spoke, "Well, I'd frequently not do chores and they'd have to cover for me. Sometimes I took things that we weren't supposed to take, food usually but sometimes things like small pieces of jewelry, they took the blame. Man I was such a pain. Don't get me wrong," Yoroko said looking back at Asher, "They weren't happy about it, but they still covered for me"

"Makes me glad you were my subordinate n'not my sister!" Asher chuckled, he looked out the window and grinned. He was beginning to recognize some of the areas around him.

Yoroko laughed a little. "Try to treat her nicer, you won't get another sister anyway. It's probably just a phase, she'll grow out of it soon enough I'm sure. Heck one day you may even finding yourself missing it." Yoroko said before glancing around as well. She didn't recognize any of the area, but Asher seemed comfortable, so it was probably okay.

"She's been that way f'all her life, I think it's how she's gunna 'stay'." Asher grunted, and was about to go on, but the cab stopped and the Cabbie turned around to face them. "Alright, that's fifty-three KS, please." she looked squarely at Asher. The Hei begrudgingly charged it through his card and stepped out of the car, holding the door for Yoroko.

Yoroko slid out of the car and turned to look at Asher's place. "If you say so." Yoroko said as she turned.

Asher closed the door to the cab and walked past Yoroko, "Eh, if you're what someone like her turns into, I sure as hell hope she's done in the time I've been gone." He walked over to a house, stepped up the stoop infront of it and knocked on the door. The House itself was locked in like wall, like most other houses on the street. Most of Westwood Drive had no alleyways with the ways the houses were set up.

Yoroko shook her head at Asher and stood behind him in, unsure of what or who would even answer the door.

The girl that answered the door opened it only slightly to let her head out. Her face was quite pretty, but lacking of make-up. However, her hair was very similar to Asher's, longer, but just as spiky as his. Her lazy red eyes focused on Yoroko for a moment, then on Asher. "Hah, they kicked you out of tha' Star Army already?" She laughed at him, she then looked at Yoroko, "This your girlfriend or ya' escort?"

Yoroko giggled a little, "She seems nice enough to me." Yoroko said looking at Asher, "Besides, why would they kick you out of the Army?" Yoroko asked curiously, while trying to avoid the last question completely. She's not the first person who's mentioned something similar to this... Yoroko thought before pondering exactly what her relationship to Asher really was.

"She's just bein' a smartass." Asher grunted, and then looked back to the girl. "Move the fuck ova', Oshi, I'm here t'see momma." Oshiana scowled at him, and then opened the door further, she looked over at Yoroko. "I don't know what you see in him..." Asher cut by Oshiana and stepped inside.

Yoroko smiled and started through the door behind Asher, once Oshi was out of the way. "Evidently everyone else is seeing something I'm not." Yoroko replied telepathically as she entered.

A thin woman turned the corner and looked at Asher for a moment. She was a very normal looking Geshrin compared to her children. Her body fram was thin, and almost frail looking, her face showed sign of age. Her hair, and style was very similar to Yoroko's. She almost dashed to Asher and threw her arms around the short Yamataian.

"Oh, my baby is home!" said the older woman. "You evidentally don't know much about him." replied Oshiana spitefully.

"Well, we've lived and worked together for a few weeks now. I haven't had any reason to see that he isn't as bad as people around here seem to believe." Yoroko responded back to Oshi. Aww, that's sweet. She really misses him. Yoroko thought as her expression softened while she watched Asher being almost glomped by the woman. However, something inside of Yoroko ticked, I wish I had someone like that... Yoroko thought silently.

Oshiana stared at Yoroko for a moment, a brow arched, but walked off and turned the corner from which Asher's mom had come. Asher gently wrapped his muscular arms around his thin mother, like trying to hug a glass statue, "Hey Momma, doin' well?" Asher grinned at her. "Yes, I was just discussing something with Oshi." she smiled back at him, breaking the embrace. "Something important?" Asher crossed his arms. "Oh, not really... I mean... Well, who's your friend?" Asher's mother changed the subject, looking directly at Yoroko. The Hei turned around and looked at Yoroko, and then beckoned her to come over and introduce herself.

"A-ah, I'm Mizuno Yoroko. Pleased to meet you." Yoroko said before bowing to Asher's mother. He wasn't lying...she doesn't look so healthy. Poor woman, I wonder why she doesn't switch to a Yamataian body though...

"Oh, such a polite girl, are you two here for a night on the town?" Icelini smiled weakly at Asher. "Nah, we just stopped by at tha' mall, t'get some gifts, n'such. Though, if we had more time in tha' night, we probably could." Asher chuckled and winked at Yoroko.

"A-ah, I'm Mizuno Yoroko. Pleased to meet you." Yoroko said before bowing to Asher's mother. He wasn't lying...she doesn't look so healthy. Poor woman, I wonder why she doesn't switch to a Yamataian body though...

"Oh, such a polite girl, are you two here for a night on the town?" Icelini smiled weakly at Asher. "Nah, we just stopped by at tha' mall, t'get some gifts, n'such. Though, if we had more time in tha' night, we probably could." Asher chuckled and winked at Yoroko.

Yoroko smiled at the elderly woman, "It's not what you think." Yoroko telepathically spoke to the woman, sending her a mental grin with it. "It's nice to meet you Ma'am." Yoroko said politely. This is Asher's mom? She looks....so frail. Yoroko thought as she remembered the neko who was almost a mother to her.

Asher's mother gave Yoroko a rather confused look. Asher looked between the two of them and then switched his gaze down the hallway. "So! What's for dinner!" He claped his hands together. Icelini giggled a little and led the both of them down the hall and past to the corner into a small dining/living room. The table was low to the ground and had four pillows at each edge. On the wall nearest the table was a thin large screened television. At the table, was Oshiana who seemed to shove something under the table right before they fully entered the room.

Yoroko noticed the confused look and decided she would not try to explain it. Yoroko noticed Oshiana put something under the table as they entered, What's that about? Yoroko wondered as she moved to a seat. "Waa! This is cute!!" Yoroko said as she looked the table trying to decide where to sit down.

Asher chuckled as he sat down and looked on the bare table. "No dinner?" Asher chuckled as looked over at Icelini, who was just sitting down, being careful how she set herself on the pillow. "Actually we were discussing something." said the frail mother. Oshiana began making a cutting motion at her neck with her hand, trying to get her mother to be quiet.

Yoroko felt awkward sitting in a family's private discussion. Yoroko sat quietly in her seat trying not to listen to intently to the conversation that was occuring.
"Oh? Did Oshi finally lose her virginity?" Asher chuckled meanly. Oshiana growled as her face turned red in embarassment. Icelini shook her head and then spoke again, "Well, Oshiana was thinking of joining the Star Army."

Yoroko was surprised and slightly confused at the same time. Why wouldn't she want Asher to know? Overprotective brother maybe? Yoroko wondered as she looked at Asher, she didn't imagine him being that kind of person.

Asher's brow twinged at the Icelini's mention of Oshiana joining the Star Army. "Well..." Asher rubbed his nose and looked intently at Oshiana, "What brings this up?" Oshiana moved her legs with a quick strut, as if kicking something. After that moment, Yoroko would feel like some kind of folded piece of cloth hitting her leg. "Keep it out of sight." Oshiana rapidly sent to Yoroko.

Yoroko wasn't sure if she should look down at it, so as she slid the cloth under her leg she chanced a glance down at she was covering up. What? Yoroko wondered silently.

What Yoroko would see was a uniform of the Star Army carefully tucked under her leg. This, of course, would signify that Oshiana wasn't thinking of joining, she already had. Asher's eyes drifted over into Yoroko's direction as he heard something slide across the floor. He looked back over at Oshiana. "Well?" Asher asked, a little more forceful. "I thought it would be a good time, since the Mishuu are gone." Oshiana replied in a rather annoyed tone.

Yoroko kept a straight face as she glanced down and saw the uniform. The fact that Oshiana wanted to keep it a secret only served to further confirm Yoroko's belief that this might be taboo. "Well," Yoroko started, not really wanting to instigate a feud within the seemingly peacefull family, "It is a little safer with the Misshu gone now." Yoroko said.

Asher looked over at Yoroko for one second and then shot his gaze back over Oshiana. Oshi justed squinted her eyes and scowled. "It may look like tha' fightin's ova', but it ain't." Asher said plainly, Icelini looked at the both of them. "Baby... Your little sister wants to make her big decisions on her own, she just wanted to let you know she was going to make it." Icelini seemed to shake as she spoke.

As soon as Asher looked over at Yoroko she felt kinda bad, however the next words out of Asher's mouth broke Yoroko's preconceptions of Asher right there. He really does care about her. she thought warmly. Yoroko sat quietly, unsure of which side to take. She understood both sides eqauly of course, the issue was who to support.

"Oh? She doesn't know what she's gettin' into." Asher seemed to relax his glance at his mother, but looked more intensly at his sister. "Do ya even fuckin' know?" The Hei spat angrily. Oshiana was silent for a moment and then opened her mouth, "Well... uh-" Asher cut in, "That's right! Ya don't know, and ya never will, because ya not joinin'."

"Asher." Yoroko said calmly as she looked over at the Hei. "Relax." Yoroko was actually frightened by Asher's sudden change in personality. He hadn't been this loud before. "What's wrong?" Yoroko asked Asher telepathically.

The table was silent. "She's not supposed to join, she's not supposed to be in dangerous shit like that..." Asher growled in his message to Yoroko.

Yoroko glanced away from Asher, her face toward the floor. "But you are Westwood-Hei?" Yoroko asked, almost defensively. Yoroko definetly was unconfortable now, not only was she being forced to choose sides, she now had earned Asher's wrath.

"I'm different, I'm tha' one in tha' family who chose the violent path in life. Her? She's lived comfortably, outside all the rough and bloody things, she doesn't need to start now. Even if she did, she wouldn't be joinin' anyway." Asher then looked over at Yoroko. "Y'not joining, n'thass final." He placed his face into his palm.

Yoroko sat there quietly. "You know Asher, I lived outside all of that as well." Yoroko said still not looking at the Hei. "Why are you so against this Westwood-Hei?" Yoroko asked. As Yoroko asked she looked out of the corner of her eyes at both Oshiana and Icelini.

"Dad told me t'protect tha family before he died, keepin' her out is one way'a doin' that." Asher replied as Oshiana face began to flush red with anger. "What makes you think ya' c'n boss me around!? Y'think you can juss' come home from the fight'n and think your a 'man' cause of it?" Oshi began to raise her voice. Asher just returned her with a cold stare and then, he brought his hand lightly on the table. "You done?"

"Westwood-Hei...." Yoroko said looking back at Asher. Then the former neko did something that even she didn't expect, she leaned over and hugged Asher. "You can't protect her forever, she has to grow you know." Yoroko said telepathically while embracing the Yamataian. "It'll be okay, she'll make it. It's arguably safer now than it ever has been." After she finihsed sending the message Yoroko pulled back.

Asher almost jumped as she felt Yoroko put her arms around him, he himself didn't expect that action either. For some reason, she calmed him greatly. Oshiana looked at her mother, who returned a similar gaze. "Asher?" asked Oshiana. The Hei sighed heavily, "I guess your right..." He looked back up at Oshiana, "Just... try not to get yourself killed..."

Yoroko breathed little easier, thugh still was unsure if mentioning the fact that Oshiana had already joined to Asher was a good idea. "He really loves you, you know." Yoroko said as she looked over at Oshiana.

"I know... Thanks f'keeping him calm, he probably would've lost it if he had found out I'm already in." Oshiana smiled at Yoroko and then looked at Asher. Icelini stood, "Alright! I think it's time for lunch!" She walked over to a door and stepped into the Kitchen. Oshiana stood up herself, "I'm going t'head up t'my room for a bit." Oshiana said as she dissappeared back around the corner into the hallway.

Yoroko looked over at Asher. "You gonna be ok?" Yoroko asked with genuine concern.. "It's a big decision, she'll want the support of her big brother you know." Yoroko said, silently wishing she had someone to support her when she had made the choice to join.

Asher sighed, "Yeah, I juss' wish she would've juss' came out with tha' fact that she'd joined already."

Yoroko cocked her head slightly. "You knew?" Yoroko asked looking at him. Is that why he suddenly calmed down? Yoroko wondered

Asher chuckled a little, "No, but now I do."

Yoroko made a "tcht" noise with her teeth, when Asher responded. "You don't sound surprised." Yoroko said. "I've never seen you that upset before Westwood-Hei."

"It was kinda' obvious she was hidin' somethin' when she kicked somethin' ova' t'you." Asher tilted his head. "I really can't help myself when it comes t'stuff like that. I already lose m'cool easily already. Thanks, for calmin' me down."

Yoroko chuckled lightly, "I see. I'll remember that." Yoroko said lightly. When Asher thanked her for calming him down, Yoroko merely responded by rubbing his back gently unsure of how else to respond. "This is a nice place." Yoroko said.

"Eh, yeah, even with mom's salary, she was able to afford to keep a nice place f'us." Asher leaned over on the table, placing a chin on his hand and closed his eyes. "I grew up in this house, hasn't changed much at all here."

"Hmm" Yoroko said as she too leaned on the table. "What was it like, growing up in Malifar?" Yoroko looked at the walls of the room as she asked, wondering how many stories they could tell if they could speak.

"Rough, I chose ta' get involved in with tha' assholes on tha' streets around here. I made plenty a'trouble n'it gave me a bad rap. I was young, n'dumb, I still am, but I'm lil' smarta'. Watched out f'my sista' n'mom, but I never really was there, probably why my sista' ain't to fond a me." Asher spoke tiredly of his past.

Yoroko decided not to press Asher anymore, anymore excitement and the man could very well snap. "It must be nice to be visiting home though." Yoroko said nostalgically.

"Oh yeah, it's nice ta' relax with tha' hum of engines in tha' background. Funny thing, though, last time I came home, family thought I was a ghost." Asher chuckled.

"Oh?" Yoroko asked, wondering what had happened that would cause that.

"Yeah, when tha' Shikaku blew up, the Star Army Personell Management took me f'dead and had already sent tha' letta' on home. So, when I showed up f'shoreleave they freaked out." Asher opened his eyes to look at Yoroko and grin.

"Somehow, I'm not surprised that you did that." Yoroko said, laughing lightly as she spoke. "I bet that turned out to be pretty interesting. So tell me, how's it feel to be a ghost?" Yoroko gently poked the Yamataian, testing his 'solidity' as she jokingly asked the question.

Asher arched a brow and chuckled. "I dunno, I can't go through people, can't possess folks, and I still can't get a free peak at tha' women in tha' bathes eitha'." Asher pinched Yoroko lightly on the arm in return.

Yoroko inhaled sharply. "Westwood-Hei! To think that you'd do such a thing!" she said jokingly.


"Ne...is your mother okay? She looks....so fragile." Yoroko spoke quietly as she asked this, not wanting Asher's mom to overhear her ask.

"She's been like that eva' since dad died. Lifes been rough on her, too, so it's just her weak in general. Docta's can't explain, and they can't convince her t'change to a new body." Asher looked toward the door that led to the kitchen, not bothering to keep his voice down.

It must be hard for you, Westwood-Hei. Yoroko thought, To see your own mother, go through this and be unable to do anything about it. Yoroko leaned against Asher as she sat there. There was so much she wanted to say, about how sorry she was for him, but she had no way to say it.

Asher shifted his weight so that he would be leaning against Yoroko as well. "She's a tough old girl, tough enough to bring me up right," The Hei continued, "I wish I had been a betta' kid, but, eh, I turned out good."

"I think you turned out fine." Yoroko sat quietly for a while. "When do you think we have to be back by?" Yoroko didn't want to get in trouble for being back late aboard the ship, but she didn't want to have to leave too early either.

"Oh shit, I didn't check." Asher said, suddenly straightening up. His face paled a little in this realization.

Yoroko flipped up her communicator and queried Miharu remotely. "We have a few more hours I think. Though we probably shouldn't dawdle too much." Yoroko said replacing the communicator in it's pouch.

"Should we head back?" Asher asked.

"We can stay for lunch, it'd be a shame for us to have come to visit and not eat. Especially since your mom is making food." Yoroko paused for a second, "Hey, where did Oshiana run off to?"

"Come t'think of it, she did seem a little bit in a hurry or somethin'." Asher looked around for, taking a bit of a wonder where his sister could've went.

PAUSE> Westwood Residence
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