Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

[MAN] Subspace Powered Advertising Machine


[MAN] - "Offering fulfillment for needs and wants"

A white and blue robed woman with a rather pale complexion and sapphire blue eyes would appear on the receiver screen of the viewer after a short promotional jingle and flashy splash screen.

"Hello ladies, gentlemen, and androgynous life forms of the universe, you're watching the Matriarchy News Network's presentation of the commercial cooperation broadcast hour, during this time you the viewer will be presented with the opportunity to acquire rare and valuable goods, offered to you by the skilled artisans of the Lorath and Helashio."

The woman's image shifted to the side of the screen as a small pop-up window appeared beside her head. In the window, a pedestal presented a large forty ounce glass bottle which was labeled as Lorath wine.

"Through our presentation, you will be able to order various items presented by our network, first off we shall present a display bottle of our lovely wine which the Lorath produce from the finest of hand-picked fruits . We also offer Helashio variants."

As the woman explained, a text description of the item scrolled beneath the display window which held the frosty chilled bottle of wine. After a few minutes of droning onwards, the window and text featuring the wine dropped away.

"For our next item, I shall call upon a guest presenter, General Heartbreak, of the Fyunnen."

The soft and delicate robed woman's image slipped off screen and was replaced by an armor clad individual of megalithic proportions. Needless to say the camera had zoomed out in comparison to it's previous point of view. The woman's crimson red armor seemed to soak up the light of the studio. Her unarmored face would reveal a woman who by Nepleslian estimates would be around forty years of age. Various scars peppered the pale white flesh of the woman. Her scarred flesh was a sharp contrast to the vivid red and white braid which was draped over her shoulder.

To match the woman's appearance, when she spoke, her voice came out with a tone that would be reminiscent of a female version of a Nepleslian war veteran.

"Thank you for this opportunity, I would like to take this time to present a product not meant for the ordinary lazy soft bellied Lek'kydm." The woman's lips parted to reveal a pearly white smile.

Again the presentation window appeared, and inside of it was a rather sophisticated tubular device, and a recognizable object which looked like a missile launcher round.

"I would like to present to you the R.P.A.M.S or Rocket Propelled Antimatter Missile System. This weapon is intended to fire an antimatter warhead which can deliver a .5 kiloton explosion on target in an atmospheric setting. Larger explosive missiles can be supplied to authorized military personnel." The woman continued to smile as another window appeared, and outlining this window was a scrolling marque which read 'Today's special!'. "To go along with this marvelous weapon, we will also be offering a promotional Hand cannon revolver!" In the window, a rather classic but imposing revolver style pistol appeared. "The promotional weapon includes hand carved wooden grips, fifty rounds of hollow point ammunition, and a mountable scope and laser system."

In the presentation window which held the antimatter rocket launcher, the image was replaced with video footage of a Helashio/Lorath conflict filmed during the evacuation. "This video is not for the squeamish, but it demonstrates the destructive power of both of these weapons, and the precision of our promotional revolver."

The heavily censored footage continued along with the explanation of the weapons as Heartbreak seemed to enjoy this portion of her day. "That concludes our presentation of these fine implements of warfare." the screen then faded to black, and soon the image of the presentation program dropped away. On the screen there was a message which read 'And now a word from our sponsors!'

The screen was entirely black, only the sound of some sort of atmospheric system and heavy breathing could be heard for a few seconds, until the image came on line to reveal a rather intricate HUD, and the image of a star scape. The HUD marked a number of vomit green targets and within moments streaks of white shot out from outside of the field of vision. The perspective of the scene then shifted to reveal a Mindy armor in combat against twenty SMX weapon pods. Accompanying this scene of valor was a rousing Yamataian classical piece. A voice then played over the sounds of combat.

"This soldier has what it takes to defend her ideals and her love for the Yamatai Empire. She has the determination which it takes to defeat the enemies of freedom and peace. She has the will to go on for her people, and the trillions of others of the Empire. She has what it takes, do you?"

As the narrative spoke it's last words, the Mindy defeated the last of her enemies. The camera zoomed in on the Mindy as she gave a 'thumbs up' gesture before flying off at faster-than-light speeds. The scene then switched to a still image of a group of Nekovalkryja standing at attention on deck inside of a power armor bay.

"You too can have the opportunity to serve your Empire, enlist in the Star Army of Yamatai, today!"

"Now accepting non-Nekovalkryja and Yamataian species"

The screen then switched to a text screen which read "And now, back to our presentation!".

"Welcome back viewers!" The pale skinned white and blue robed Lorath said in a cheerful tone as she gave a short bow to the camera. "Next on our presentation is a product which is being made-to-order by Lorath shipyards."

The screen switched to an image of a long and box shaped starship with obvious external cargo containers, robotic arms, and four massive engines on the rear section.

"We would like to present our “Harvester” TASV-0001 Salvage Vessel, this vessel is a highly customizable, efficient, and durable salvage vessel. This ship is intended to be able to haul entire starships in tow, and be able to sort and store several dozen cubic meters of salvaged goods within a day." As she continued to speak, the screen switched to an internal first person view of the 'Harvester' class ship. The image was that of 'walking' through the interior of the ship. After fifteen minutes of this view and explanation of the various ship systems, the image returned to the studio.

"What a lovely ship!" The blue haired presenter stated as she smiled softly. "We will be concluding our program with a charity piece. For this segment, I'd like to introduce a guest presenter, Keeper Talon Lmanel."

The camera then shifted to a woman clad in various leathers, who also wore an intricate feathered head dress. "Greetings to you, and thank you for your time." The woman smiled a soft smile, but her eyes seemed to maintain a piercing stare. "I've been selected to present to the viewer a humanitarian crisis which has befallen the people who once lived upon Lor." The camera then faded to the next image.

On the screen was an image of a group of Helashio, seated in a Lorath bed pit. They seemed quite well mannered, and dressed for that matter. The group seemed to be a family unit consisting of an adult male and female, and a group of young children which fidgeted about.

"Viewers, I would like to show to you the face of the victims of the war against the SMX, these poor unsophisticated tribal villagers were once able to live a life outside of the confines of steel walls, they were once able to forage for their own food, and they once were able to roam about the plains and forests of Lor, but now they are without a home, and they need help."

The camera shifted back to Talon as she seemed to gain a sorrowful expression, yet her eyes remained quite emotionless, which she shielded behind the rim of her head dress.

"Viewers, we hate to have to ask, but these poor villagers, and billions like them do not have a voice to ask, we would like to ask for donations for their wellbeing. Either that, or we would like to ask the viewer to pay a donation of two-thousand KS, and for this two thousand KS you can adopt a Helashio, or hire a Helashio for work, which would then be sent to your location. Helashio which can be adopted or hired will be well trained, civilized, and capable of working for their new chance at freedom. We are also offering to 'hand pick' your Helashio in the case of needing specific traits from your Helashio due to your living or work situation. For additional details, please contact the Lorath Lmanel caste, and ask for our Helashio Management Program, where you can then apply for your opportunity to adopt a Helashio. And now, we will conclude our program with fifteen minutes of archive footage of free Helashio."

Indeed, for the next fifteen minutes there was footage taken on Lor of various Helashio roaming about clad in thin leather cloths, or nothing at all. They seemed to run about happily, there was even a moment of a Helashio female poking at the hidden camera which she found, and even a distorted close up of her pearly black eyes.

After the fifteen minutes were up, the image shifted back to the robe clad woman. "Thank you ladies and gentlemen, and we shall follow up our presentation with the typical attachment of our additional advertising specials!"

With that, a rather low bass and slow beat song began to play which centered around various drums. During this music, scrolling text appeared on the screen which had selectable and interactive menus for various Lorath items, and even information on the Lorath themselves and tourist information.