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Maras refit: Glint-Class

I'll start on this sometime tomorrow after I get some rest.

EDIT: Ok, so, so far I've gotten into the submission, and have been giving it a light brushing. Will get more indepth soon.
So wait, I can't have two layers of DR7?

So a direct hit will go right through but an indirect hit won't breach the hull (and would instead mess up all manner of electricals)?

It's a measure to stop people from getting sucked out into space that doesn't need some StarTrek energy field. It also means we can hit something at a decent speed and come out OK.
A ship can only have one DR, overall.
DR as concepted is the general resilience to damage of a ship's hull. Basically, it's to act as an handy guide to know what weapon can do what against a surface. It doesn't act in itself as 'ship Hit Points' - it's more similar to the Mohs scale with gems.

Some things will scratch or harm the ship and some things won't. How much is really up to the difference between the weapon used and the material harmed. How much actual damage a surface or ship can soak, however, is up in the air and pretty much decided through GM interpretation.

One example could be on how I believe that Miharu can take a lot more damage than a Plumeria to be destroyed (light cruiser vs. light gunship; get it?) but that the Plumeria's zesuaium-only hull makes it much less prone to be damaged by anything but top-end weapons compared to Miharu.

So, Osakan, you really only need one DR value. The rest is up to your interpretation essentially as long as you don't go in PvP - then, youhave to convince the other GM of how much punishment your ship can actually take.
On Doc's recommendation, I bumped it up to DR8 to achieve the desired effect and the multiple DR issue has been amended.

The DR system isn't that mechanically precise.

You have to understand that when it was brought up, most of the weapons in SARP were graded to go from very heavy to 'total annihilation', from the small Mindy aether rifle to the Sakura gunship's aether shock cannon. Some of us (me included) needed some way of knowing just how much a weapon was supposed to be destructive in contrast to materials.

With lukewarm results, because the DR system ended up mostly with extreme values anyways. No one wants to be the underdog.

However, when Wes stepped in and detailed the DR 'system', he made it so to sort of twist it to act as a surrogate HP system as well. Namely in that when a weapon struck an armor, if the weapon was of sufficient strength (at least 4 less than the material's DR value) that it could hurt it and thus diminish the effective DR of the material by the weapon's DR value. The material's local DR value dropping to zero meant essentially that the section was compromised, breached or destroyed. Really up to the interpreter in charge.

Thus, I recommend against worrying overmuch over what it means. DR 7 basically means 'above-average resilience'. Most anti-personnel and anti-tank weapons are going to glance off. Concentrated anti-mecha weaponry will be able to mar the material. Anti-ship weapons will be able to be endured at least once or twice (assuming the location struck is pristine) as long as it's not a high end anti-starship weapon.

DR 7 also represents a relatively tough alloy of the materials SARP offers without going too heavy (DR 8 yamataiaum is very heavy... but the Daisy armor uses a composite of light durandium and yamataium to hit DR 7 and end up being much lighter).

All in all, just write DR 7, add some technobabble and deal with the rest in the roleplay. Besides, we pretty much all expect ships to have some redundancy and be able to handle more than one potentially killing hit. *shrugs*
I've gone 8, as per Doc's advice and sorted this out.

Thanks for your input thread -- It's pretty fascinating stuff, tbh.

It'd be good if we used the Simulation Chamber more for this sort of thing:

Say someone wants to see how one unit (written by one roleplayer) responds against another. Gives you a good heads up as a GM and a good feel for this sort of thing without having to make assumptions.
On the topic of the Armor, I'm assuming the armors DR lvl is only 8 when charged is this correct?

If this is the case it should be noted in the description.
Yes I understand that that is the DR listed, however that is not an exact answer to my question.

My question stems from the fact that the original "Structolloid hull" only seems to be able to achieve its relatively high DR 7 value when charged, so my question more specificly, is it like:

Charged Structolloid+Duremium Hull: DR 8
(then it takes a hit, and needs to recharge)
Fallback to Duremium Alloy Strength: DR 7

Well, guess you'll have to wait until Osa comes back on tomorrow. He's on GMT +5 so yeah. I'd expect him to respond quickly if he is eyeing this like a hawk. Sometimes it can take a bit.
Oh, I see. I got used to using different terminology to describe this action.

Basically, this means it can create a diverse defense against the majority of particle/wave based weapons, even if the shields are inoperative unless the volume of the attack exceeds specific energy limitations (speed, energy potential, specific impulse, etc) which are under my discretion unless the DR level exceeds DR8.

I say this because there will be moments when a DR8 weapon will scorch the hull and will obviously leave more than just scratches but since there's no complex system for defining that, I'll declare it as my own ruling:

I'll be honest: I can't over-complicate things with DR Action Rules because there'd also be an out-cry from people who think marysueism and "just works" magical technology is acceptable.

Because when they come gunning for Rebeka, all they want to read is a single number, not the capabilities of her ship.
Ahh ok that makes sense I guess.
She's gonna be one hell of a ship to face, if anyone dare try, I must say.
It has been eight days since the last comment. The requested change to the Multiple DR Issue has been amended, and no other issues have been brought forth.

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