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Mark V, Take Two

Spelling and clarification

vary dark skin - vary should be very, and what color is his skin, is a very tanned caucasian? or is his skin dark brown/black?

His body has no hair on it what-so-ever ??? why? is this a result of a mutation? Are we talking only body hair, or no eyebrows, hair, and eyelashes as well?

tatoos - sp tattoos

jaggen tribal ??? What exactly is Jaggen.

Mark has accrued an equally imposing selection of tattoos and piercings over the years details what kind of piercing and tattoos, how many and where?

percieves, broacast, neighboorhood , reguarding , peice

There is more but I think you get the point,

Rouge should be Rogue unless he's a drag queen, Rouge is a type of makeup
Very dark brown skin, a man of African descent by our standards. I'm not sure what the SARP equivalent is...

I've also ran the whole thing through a spell-checker.
Just giving us the color was fine.

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