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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Yamatai News (YINN) Markets fluctuate in Western Frontier, Mishhu invasion thrwarted.

"... And in financial news, new corporations on the Western Frontier of the Kyoyo sector have been seeing explosive growth the past year, despite the dangers of living outside of the major empire's borders.

This growth is not without risk however.

The FSC and Uso's Star Organization both saw high volitility in their markets. In part due to massive budget exendatures in security.

However it does look like those expendatures paid off, when early this year the USO Skyguard were able to drive off an NMX fleet. For more information on that we will be turning over this broadcast to our combat correspondant,"

"Thanks Oanez, as you can see from this diagram behind me, the USO Skyguard was faced with a force of just under 300 megamishuu class vessels. I'm told that while the Skyguard's fleet was composed of only 75 capital sized ships, they did have over 1000 small craft sized drones in support, as well as a vessel that we've been unable to identify. By some stroke of luck, the Skyguard seems to have driven off this invasion with no friendly casualties."

Oanez nodded, and checked her notes on the fight,

"Thank you for that report, From what I understand both the USO and the NMX lost a large number of ships during the engagement?"

"That's right. Both the Skyguard and the NMX suffered massive ship losses, however the Skyguard seems to have employed drones at the forefront of the battle, reserving manned ships and small craft to keep in safer locations. This strategy seems to have worked extremely well, since no lives were lost on the USO side of the battle."

"And what do we know about the NMX losses? These ships appear to be very different than the ones we saw during the Mishhu Wars." Oanez prompted.

"Well Oanez, Megamishuu used to be a lot more rare, since the NMX used to rely a lot more on their normal ships. This could be a sign of a shift in naval strategy for them, and it may bode badly for outlying nations like the USO."

"And what about the commander of the USO forces? Rumor has it that not only are they heavily using drones, but that also their commanders are extremely new to this kind of combat." Oanez asked.

"Well, yes. According to our understanding of the situation, most of their commanders are rookies. In fact, a widely circulating rumor states that the commander of the Skyguard force that participated in this battle is only 17 years old."

"17 is exceptionally young for humanoids of his kind correct? They have a lengthy childhood phase that can last more than a decade. Unlike Nekos they are not born knowing how to walk?" The clarification seeming obvious, but some viewers might not have known the specifics. After all 17 was nearly ancient for a neko.

"That is correct. From what we've heard, this young boy is a baseline human. In fact, 17 isn't even of the age of maturity for a baseline human according to my admitedly basic understanding of biology."

"This recklessness can certainly be reflected in the volitilty of their markets. Though it looks like this has not slowed them down at all. We will have more on their situation as it develops."