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RP: Second Draconian War Marred Celebrations

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Admiral Princeps Thraven
Posts: 1
(1/11/03 12:58 pm)
Marred Celebrations Ayenee Prime.

A planet the cause of, and at the heart of so much controversy, violence and turmoil in its past. In its name, millions of people had died in recent years alone. For its possession, millions more had died. Around it, mere metallic specs in the void of space, its defenders. Starships, space-stations, orbital docks, satellites and monitors. Orbiting the glistening jewel for which so many had fought and died, guarding the relatively empty planet.

Far below them, the major cities of the much abused world were starting to erect their sky-scraping buildings again, trying to repair the damage that years of war and a near-fatal barrage of nuclear weapons had done to their lives and their home. The whole of the planet, indeed the whole of the Imperial Ayenee Republic was alive with activity. From the grey Forge World of Praxis and it's orbital factories, to the verdant crops of Regani III, the people of the Republic worked with a haste born of hope. Peace had been secured for them, and at last they could begin to rebuild their lives without fear of attack.

Orbital Defence Station Dante, Geosynchronous Orbit Around Ayenee Prime

Admiral-Princeps Endoran Thraven, Commander-in-chief of the Ayenee Defence Forces, and Lord-Admiral of the Ayenee Space Coalition stood by the large window in his personal quarters, looking out at the world below. Seated around the large room on various seats were some of his closest friends and confidants. Lord-Captain Leoten Semper, Farseer Aber Suriel, Admiral Thierry Greyfe, General Alex Coburn, and Exarch Arur. For the first time in what seems like an Age, they all seem relaxed, even Arur who's natural state of mind seems to be angry.

"Endoran, I swear if you stare out of that window for much longer, i'll order the tech's to seal it!" said Semper, a broad smile on his face. Thraven had made it clear that rank was left at the door today. This was a celebration, not a military meeting.

With a smile, Thraven turned away from the window, retrieving the drink he'd left on his desk, and headed towards the others, seated on the comfortable chairs which occupied much of the room. In the background, music played softly, a classical piece from his home galaxy. Thraven sat in an armchair-style seat, and looked across to Semper "And if you drink any more Leoten, i'm sure you will try and walk through it"

Semper laughed loudly. He had become quite fond of a local brew called 'beer', and was currently on his 7th or 8th glass of it. The others all held glasses of their favoured drink. This was something of a rarity for all of them. Usually when they were gathered together, grave decisions had to be made. But today, Peace was the reason for their gathering. Peace with Nerima, even if under some distasteful terms, was worthy of celebration.

Raising his glass, Thraven proposed a toast "To the Republic"

"To getting a full nights sleep" added Coburn, the only native of Ayenee in the room.

"Here here!" called Semper. They raised their glasses, just as a chime indicated a priority message from the Com arriving at Thraven desk terminal. Thraven sighed quietly.

"If you will excuse me gentlemen" he said, rising and heading to his desk. the others resumed their conversations as he sat behind his desk. It turned out that the message was a communication from Commander Grieves, the stations commander.

"Admiral, we've recieved a priority message from Praxis, from Lord Baranus himself. They refused to wait sir, even when I told them you didn't want to be disturbed" said the small image of the Commander. Thraven nodded.

"Very well Commander. I will recieve the message". The Commander nodded, and his image faded from the screen. The small holo-projector fitted to the desk came to life, and a miniature image of Baranus shimmered into existence.

"Admiral-Princeps, I trust this message finds you in good health. It is indeed Joyous news to finally find peace with the Nerimians, and I thank you for securing it. But now, I fear I have a pressing matter that may change a great many things." the image appeared to pause for a moment "I can say no more via communications channels, for I trust none save yourself with this information. This message will erase itself moments after it's completion, And I am on my way to you as I speak. I pray the Emperor watches over me, and I reach you in haste." the image bowed slightly "I remain your loyal servant, Baranus out"

The image faded, and sure enough, the message erased itself. Thraven doubted even the best techs in the galaxy would find a trace of that message, if he knew Baranus. He sat their for a long moment. The message had him on edge. What could be so urgent and important that the Fabricator-General would leave his Forge to bring word personally? Thraven frowned, and found himself staring out of the window again. Reports where reaching him of races stirring in the depths of the void, ships appearing that matched no recognised configuration. Once again, it appeared grand events were afoot. But this time, would Ayenee be found wanting?

Admiral Princeps Thraven
Posts: 2
(1/12/03 2:56 pm)
Reply Arrival of the Fabricator The Warp, en route from Praxian system to Ayenee.

The small, sleek ship sped through the tumultous and shifting alternate universe known as the Warp. Around it, the raw essence of the Warp curled over and around the 'reality-sphere' which prevented the ships utter destruction by the Daemons and un-named horrors which inhabited this dark and forbidding universe. The small ships travelled with a speed that would be envied by all but the fastest of Edritch vessels, renowned throughout the galaxy as the fastest ships in existence. There was no indication that this small, un-named vessel was carrying news that could shatter beliefs that lay at the heart of the ADF.

Ayenee Prime. Warp exit zone 3

The markers that separated the 4 cubic miles of space from the rest of the system flashed, making themselves clearly visible. They broadcast a continous message on all known open channels, warning ships to remain clear of the designated space. The same space which now rippled, then split, spilling forth an eerie redish light, and thin, almost clawing tendrils of what appeared to be smoke or vapour. Amdist this, the small sleek vessel sped from the Warp into realspace, and immediately headed straight towards Defence Station Dante.

On board, Fabricator-General Baranus sat in what were used as VIP quarters aboard the small vessel. He could feel his heart beginning to race beneath the steel construct of his chest. Indeed, if he so wished, he could watch his heart rate climb via his internal monitoring systems. He concentrated on calming himself, but every time his eyes fell upon the small data-card that sat on the desk before him, he felt the near panic rising in him. That small, insignificant piece of plastic an metal could cause untold damage. yet he couldn't keep it to himself. More people knew its contents than he was happy with already. None knew all of it as he did, but some knew too much.

The desks terminal chimed, and Baranus reached out, recieving the incoming message with one mechanical limb. The image of the ships captain - an Eldar whos name escaped him - appeared on the screen.

"My lord, we are preparing to dock with station Dante. The Admiral will meet you on board" came the mans soft voice, soft as most Eldar were.

"My thanks captain. And my praise to you, your crew and your ship for transporting me with haste" replied Baranus, his voice ringing with a mechanical edge due to his Vox-caster.

The captain nodded "Farewell my lord". The image faded, and Barabus reached out to the data-card. Retrieving it, he moved aside a part of his flowing robes, and inserted the card into one of the input slots on his chest, and concelaed it again with his robe. He rose, and went to meet the Admiral.

Nathan Rakuseki
Posts: 1
(1/12/03 7:13 pm)
Reply The Supreme Commander N.S.S. Emerald Sun

The Emerald Sun dropped from hyperspace a near the fifth moon of the planet -- which had been occupied by Nerimian military forces since the culmination of the Chaos/Hive Wars of 2070. The Emerald Sun was a fearsome monster among the stars; it was nearly fifteen kilometers end to end. Massive gun turrets were littered across the hull as a reminder to the Bastion battleship's formidable strength. Inside of its launch bays rested 1,300 combat aircraft that further extended the battleship's striking strength. Alone, the battleship was enough to lay waste to enemy strongholds. Nevertheless, the mighty flagship was flanked by two Kirishima heavy cruisers, two Sierra escort carriers, four Prometheus stealth cruisers, and eight Otomo stealth destroyers.

On the bridge of the newly constructed Emerald Sun, the 37th Bastion-class battleship, was General Nathan Rakuseki, the supreme commander of the NDI.

"It's amazing, we give the man responsibility for the system and what has he done with it? Right now, I could send some of our military academy cadets and run over the system of defenses Thraven has set up. Oh well, that's what we're here for," said Rakuseki, the long-range sensors of the battleship probing the system for contacts and displaying them upon the screen.

As soon as it became possible, a transmission came from the CV-8 communications array of the battleship. Defense Station Dante was soon greeted by the image of the Nerimian Supreme Commander.

"Surprise, Admiral Thraven. The Supreme Commander has arrived."

Alexandre Card
Posts: 5
(1/13/03 5:37 pm)
Reply Idle Banter. Zerinthes IV.

Since the initial colonization of Zerinthes IV by the KIF, the planet had undergone a drastic change. With the NDI's famed Tienshinhan Battle Station technology at the forefront of the planet's defences and the interwoven KIF second, fourth and eigth fleets strategically placed in an all-encompassing grid of the planet. Outside the grid, various ships from the Tenth fleet were patrolling The Ayenee Sector. While on the planet, the begining's of several cities scattered the surface of the planet, while underground military installations were woven beneath the surface. Zerinthes IV had become the KIF's official base of Operations while in the Ayenee sector, and was a precious resource needed to fuel the four fleets that resided there.

Crimson Blade ship - In orbit over Zerinthes IV

Commander Alexandre Card resided within the confines of his quarters. His chin rested in two open palms, gazing over the large crescent arch of the planet. The steam from his tea billowing softly about the room, as he sat pondering silently. Space was restless. Card could feel it in his bones, something was brooding about something he didn't know yet. Though all would soon be unveiled to him. Soon enough, he knew it would unravel. Things were going to happen on a grand scale soon and he would be prepared. The man appeared very youthful, with rich cerulean locks that cascaded messily about his head, the smooth albeit bronzed flesh of his face and his typically cheerful demeanor one would guess he was no more than 20 years of age.

The abrupt sound of his door sliding open would shatter his silent thoughts. Grand Admiral Jaradis StormCaller and a young woman suited in a Raptor pilot's uniform stepped softly in to the darkened room. Alexandre recognised the woman as Shaunna Patterson. An up and coming pilot who had recently been promoted to Captain. She stood at attention, offering a stiff salute. Jaradis quickly nudged her arm down, softly whispering to the young woman. "He's not one for the formalities of the military."

The two approached Alexandre's desk. Card simply turning his head up from his thoughts questioning them. "What've you brought me, Jaradis? I certainly hope you're not trying to find me dates again." With a hearty chuckle Jaradis would softly shake his head. "No. I tried my best, but of the ninety thousand women on this ship, not one of them would even consider the idea."

The two friends would idly exchange comments and formalities, questioning each of their well-being and of their respective families. Alex would eventually offer the two a drink, before they sat down to discuss the issues at hand. Given her queue from Jaradis, Shaunna would stand, brushing a few stray golden locks behind her ear and speaking. "Sir, today while on patrol my Wingman and I ran in to a convoy of Nerimian vessels en route to Defence Station Dante around Ayenee Prime. My wingman and I recognised the ships to be a Bastion Class, with a pair of Kirishima Cruisers, two ships we didn't identify, four Prometheus Stealth Cruisers and either Otomo Destroyers. We think they may have made a transmission - but we didn't catch any of it, unfortunately."

Silence pervaded the room for a moment, before Alexandre would offer the young woman a nod of his head. "Thank you, Captain Patterson. This information is a great use to us. Keep up the good work, Captain. You're dismissed." Shaunna's face lit up abruptly seeing that she had done a good service that benefitted the Commander directly. Giving a quick salute, she turned and strided quickly out of the office.

Following the Captain's exit, Jaradis turned his attention to Alexandre, quirking a whooly gray brow. "How was that information so useful?" Card would wave his hand softly before Jaradis, motioning him to sit. "It wasn't. Gotta keep everyone happy, though. If she thinks she's done a great service to us, she'll be looking to continue in that manner - which might be helpfull down the road. You never know, Jaradis." Taking a deep breath, Alexandre sat quietly for a moment before speaking again. "Something's not right. Long range scanners have been picking up a lot of activity from NDI ships. Moving about not only in this sector, either."

Jaradis raised a hand to comb through the thick braided locks of gray hair at his chin. "Well, long range censors may have picked up that transmission to Dante. I could take a look in to it. Maybe even decipher it. Might give us some information.." Alexandre shook his head softly. "No. I don't care what the NDI does with the ASC. They're probably just hammering out their peace agreements, or negotiating. In any case, they're our alies. Why eavesdrop? They're our ally. If they want to tell us something, they will. If they don't - leave it to their own accord." Pausing Card would take another deep breath, adding as if in vain to the conversation. "If only Xeraux hadn't been promoted. I enjoyed dealing with him directly in these matters."

The two remained silent for a long while, before finally Jaradis spoke up. "Who replaced Xeraux as Grand Admiral then?" Alex shrugged softly. "Not sure, I only heard about Xeraux being passed up through a news cast. I'd imagine on the Admirals that was under him before." Jaradis nodded before bringing a curious question about to Alexandre. "So, what do you think is going on right now?" Card offered another deft shrug. "Dunno, Jaradis. Things are uneasy. The ASC and the NDI have a checkered past. I'd imagine there might be some political unrest between the two, even though they're allied. Other than that, things don't feel right."

Jaradis nodded, appreciating the confidence Alex put in him. With his true feelings on the matters at hand. The commander wasn't a very open man, especially when he had no idea what was going on. Standing from his seat, Jaradis waved softly. "Pleasure talkin' with you again as always, Alex. I must be off, though. Next time I bring a good lookin' pilot through here show a little 'preciation!" and with that, Jaradis would slip out as quickly as he'd come.

Alexandre remained resting in the dark. Leaning forward, he would grasp the discarded glass of vodka that Jaradis had left in his haste. Swishing the fluid lightly, he leaned back in to the thick leather chair, eyes turning to the dorment monitor across from him. "Well, Kage. Cheers on the promotion." He raised the glass, before tilting it to his lips, gulping the remaining fluid.

(ooc) I felt so left out what with everyone else posting. I just had to add something! Even if it idle banter.

Admiral Princeps Thraven
Posts: 4
(1/14/03 3:53 pm)
Reply Re: Idle Banter. Defence Station Russ

"Despatch Squadron 3. Escort duties, weapons powered down" Commander Sarah Hall smiled "Wouldn't want to scare the commander, would we?"

Three points of space around the NSS Emerald Sun shimmered, like the air over a hot stove, then split. One directly above the NDI vessels, and one either side of them. From the rifts emerged three sleek Eldar Hemelock destroyers. They matched the NDI's speed and course, remaining a respectful distance from the other ships.

The captain aboard the lead vessel opened transmissions to the Emerald Sun, presuming it to be the lead vessel "Greeting Supreme Commander. We have been instructed to escort you to Defence Station Dante. Welcome to Ayenee"

Aboard Defence Station Dante

Thraven stepped onto the command deck of the station. His hands were clenched behind his back, and his jaw was set. He had just come from a meeting with Lord Baranus, and the news the Fabricator-General had brought him had been as ominous as he had said. And the last thing he needed right now was a jumped NDI officer appearing and snooping about. He returned a brief salute to the stations commander, and headed straight to the Astropath terminal, establishing a link with Station Russ. The image of the head and shoulders of Commander Hall appeared before him.

"Admiral, seventeen NDI vessels have jumped in-system.One of them appears to be a command vessel. We're assessing classes now, since the NDI have been less than forthcoming with tactical data on their vessels. According to their hail, the command vessel is carrying the NDI Supreme Commander" she said. Her face was nearly frowning. She didn't like having an NDI fleet in the system any more than he did

"Very well commander. They are on their way here?" Commander Hall nodded "Good. I will meet them. Have all vessels remain in position in the Warp unless instructed otherwise" the commander nodded, and the image faded. It wouldn't do for one of the patrol fleets to leave the Warp and spook the NDI. Best if they stayed where they were until Thraven had assayed the NDI's intentions.

He sighed, and moved aside, to a Vox terminal, ordering the officer to hail the NDI lead vessel. The man nodded, and Thraven spoke, sending an audio only transmission for the time being "Ndi Commander, I am Admiral-Princeps Thraven. Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

Nathan Rakuseki
Posts: 2
(1/14/03 4:28 pm)
Reply A Gift N.S.S. Emerald Sun

The battleship's neutrino scanners, which were utilized to detect hyperspatial disturbances, suddenly went active as the Hemlock destroyers came out of warp. As a standard measure, the crews onboard these vessels would feel multiple pings from the Emerald Sun's point-defense radars and if they looked closely, they would see pulse cannon and gatling phasor turrets rotating to face the newly arrived vessels. This was an automated function, but once the IFF signature was recognized from the Hemlocks, the weapons stood down.

Upon hearing the destroyer captain's greeting message, General Rakuseki nodded to the communication's officer to return the transmission. "Very well, Captain, lead the way."

After the communications link was closed, the Otomo-class destroyers began to break away from the main formations and move off in groups of two. The destroyers then activated their search radars and began a system-wide sensor sweep.

"Captain Greene, I want you to survey the defense systems laid out thus far by the ADF. I want to see what Thraven has done with his time here," said Rakuseki over a secured line.

"Yes, sir, we're on it," replied Captain Art Greene onboard the destroyer Manchvegas.

Thraven made contact less than 15 minutes later - just as Rakuseki had anticipated. Neutrino scanners had placed several ADF vessels in the alternate dimension they liked to call 'The Warp', though the NDI liked to pretend they were ignorant of their method of FTL travel.

"I am General Nathan Rakuseki, Commander-in-Chief of the Nerimian Defense Initiative. Don't worry, I'm not here for your hide; I'm here to evaluate the defenses you've built for this system since we left you in command of it. Also, we have a nice present for you and your troops."

On the other end of the system, a second naval floatilla jumped in-system, this one much larger than Rakuseki's floatilla with 84 warships comprising its ranks.

"Those ships are fresh from their shakedown trials in the Aquilae system. 24 Kasen and Otomo destroyers each, 10 Memphis cruisers, 12 Prometheus cruisers, 4 Kirishima cruisers, 5 Sierra carriers, 4 Whirlwind carriers, and for some fun, a single Suzaku dreadnought. Consider them a goodwill present from the High Command. Perform well in the upcoming conflicts, and you might find yourself receiving more reinforcemen[/i]

Edited by: Derran Tyler at: 1/14/03 4:30:18 pm
Kitsurugi Yui
Posts: 69
(1/14/03 6:18 pm)

Nosy Catgirls Interestingly enough, the scalar radar began to point out some suspicious blips as the ships moved along. Thay were teardrop-shaped, which could only mean one thing--They were newer-model GSA ships, hanging out in secrecy nearby. Apparently they were too light for the subspace mass sensors, and that was why the little stealthers hadn't been noticed until now.

Upon closer visual inspection, the small blue-hulled craft were floating quietly with gunports closed, and some sort of sensor pod mounted on the extension slot on the dorsal hull, probably some sort of electronics. Rakuseki probably knew that the GSA was always looking to grab an NDI ship or two for research purposes. And this was probably one of their key motivations for being there. Plus, it was not unusual for the GSA to consistantly spy on anything they considered of concern to them, and doubtless this exchange had the Geshrin most intrigued.

GF-163, GF-164, GF-165, GF-166

GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui
Commanding Officer, GSA 1st Fleet
Admiral Princeps Thraven
Posts: 5
(1/15/03 3:46 pm)
Reply Derran, OOC: Derran, we're gonna need some other way of communicating than the boards since we're allies this time around.

My Yahell ID is, predictably - Admiral_Princeps_Thraven
Email - [email protected]

I'm alos on MSN messenger if that's easier for you. Gonna need some tips, since I don't know a great deal about how to crew/use NDI vessels.


Posts: 1
(1/15/03 7:36 pm)
Reply Mind if I peek in " Lord Styphon, I beseech you in this moment where your assistance is gravely needed. Many forces align themselves together, to form mock alliances in the name of war. Lend me the strength that will allow me to see through eyes that I cannot see. Let me view these mortals through eyes of one of their own.â€
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