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Approved Submission [Martial Arts] Mugen'Yoshu Senko


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: New Sora-Mai sub-style Martial Art
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?do=&id=wip:mugen_yoshu_senko & https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:mugen_yoshu_senko:known_sedoka

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes, the list of Known Sedoka
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: I think this will be a fun addition, a martial art that focuses on Neko abilities in interesting new ways. Also adds a way to add a bit of anime flair to fights without actually yelling special attack names. I am hoping other players besides me adopt this style, or at least contribute to it, so I have only created a few example poet names and poems. More would be added through the course of RP.

Also, I was planning to have this be linked to the new ':martial arts' namespace that will hopefully be approved, instead of ':wip' like it is now. Not sure how to move that myself.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Define "a school" in this context. How is one or two people "a school?"

Edit: "Known Sedoka" page has no text, and can't be approved yet because of an unbalanced text ratio (basically, the wiki style guide says header need prose after them (text in complete sentences, basically), and stuff that's in tables or bullets do not count.).
So far there is the unnamed creator, one NPC I have made, and one more I will be making for a new plot. There are assumed to be dozens of unnamed NPCs and potential PCs that practice this school of martial arts. It's definitely a less popular school, but I didn't think I needed to specify a number of students or make up a list of names for a roster.

If you mean the poetry schools, they were groups of poets from a particular area during a particular era. I left the specific locations and dates they were active vague to avoid delving too deep into pre-RP history, since recently rediscovered ancient poetry likely came from Earth, lost civilizations from pre-RP or the early RP before Yamatai, or very early Yamatai. There are supposed to be eight 'immortals' from each school, basically the most talented and famous. I only created names for a few myself, to leave room for later creations or for other players to add names as they create poems. In case they decide they want to create a recurring name who writes a certain way, for the type of style they use.

I'm not sure what you mean by the second part. There's two sentences describing what the page is right at the top, before the lists of schools, poets and poems.
If it's any help, here's the definition of "school" I think is being used here, which is inclusive of anything from a handful of people to countless "students."

The Dictionary said:
a group of people, particularly writers, artists, or philosophers, sharing the same or similar ideas, methods, or style.

Additionally, it's important to note that martial arts schools are essentially considered life philosophies in Eastern/Yamataian culture.
Perhaps names of styles for "Known Sedoka" can be bullets and the names of practitioners can be descriptions of the bullets, that way the text/ header ratio point is nullified. Perhaps making a table would be conducive to this particular problem, as well?
The only thing here I'm curious about is if there was a Samurai in mind who began this art. Someone who you could spin a one-paragraph tale about. I would not break that Samurai, Ketsurui or not, into a new character entry (I can do that later anyway if needed), but I'd like to know about the creator a bit.
I have no particular PC or NPC in mind.

I asked in the original thread if there was one that someone who has been here longer and dealt with the Samurai more thought might be involved, or if someone wanted to volunteer, but I got no response.
I picked out a name for the Samurai creator (fun bonus, anyone who deciphers the name will see how much I care about that) and wrote an extra paragraph of pure fluff involving her and some scientists and artists. Hopefully that's enough to assuage any potential reader's curiosity.