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RP: Lorath Matriarchy & Lorath Self Defense Force - Event Logs


Inactive Member
OOC: I am begining a new system which I am dubbing at this point "Event Logs", these will be short summaries of events which have transpired from the point of view of leadership-level NPCs or characters. These posts are intended to allow for passive readers, and even players which have been absent for some time, to catch up on current plot and faction events. These logs are intended to read something like a journal.

I hope that my readers will enjoy this new system.
Event Log Entry Source: Lorath Matriarchy
Entry Made By: High Priest Velor Tomoe Tur'lista
Year: YE 32
Subject: Occhestian Front & Impending War


"This morning I have received good news from our expeditionary task force which was sent to the northern reaches in pursuit of the Occhestians. Our task force has claimed victory over the Occhestian Seperatists through the use of overwhelming force. While loss of life is a saddening event, this does ensure the safety of my beloved Xiaah, and the safety of the Matriarchy as a whole. Peace talks are continuing with the Occhestian Republic, and seem favorable.

I am glad that we have had the good fortune of being able to dispose of the Occhestian Separatist forces before they could become too much of a threat... this feeling is especially enhanced by the reports in which I have been receiving regarding the NMX.

I fear that my people's time to prepare has ran out, the most recent report indicates that there has been enemy contact made along the western borders of the United Outer Colonies. These incursions tell me that I must mobilize our forces to defend the lines of our allies. However, with the task force still en route in their return from the Occhestian front, we will have to manage our forces carefully, and only respond when a clear threat is observed.

For the sake of the Matriarchy, I will be proposing a plan to the Xiaah, in which I will propose that she be taken to somewhere safe. I will also be contacting Prime Minister Ayana. I am concerned as to the lack of activity which has been observed from the Peacekeeper forces in regard to their response to the NMX incursions.

Despite these troubling signs... I will hope for the best. End log entry."
Event Log Entry Source: Lorath Self Defense Force - Occhestian Expeditionary Fleet
Entry Made By: General Cy'fi 'Heartbreak' Fyunnen
Year: YE 32
Subject: Occhestian Front & Home Concerns


"I am proud to announce in the official log that my task force has secured victory against the Occhestian traitors. Each planet has been purged, and the morale of the troops is intensely positive. We are eager to return home, and savor our victory, and embrace the joy which we all feel in protecting our Matriarchy.

While I savor this victory, I must also note, I am certain that I will be entering the field of battle soon. Reports from home indicate that the NMX have been pushing our borders. I do wish that we could move our fleet homeward faster... however, if we risk increasing our speed, our fleet's movement will be made obvious to Yamatai, and any other groups which may wish to slow our return.

Due to our hindered return speed, I will be sending word ahead to my fellow generals that a ship should be assigned to scouting our borders, and reporting potential threats. I suspect that the Trishka, which has ventured home ahead of us, will be suitable for the task. With hopes that my next log entry be made from my home, end log entry."
Event Log Entry Source: Lorath Matriarchy
Entry Made By: High Priest Velor Tomoe Tur'lista
Year: YE 33
Subject: War, Exploration, Signs of Life, Royal Concerns



"Ill news flows from all parts of space at this point. NMX forces have managed to push through a majority of the Yamataian lines, while what Yamataian victories do take place, take place at the cost of too many ships, while displacing their fleet from crucial defense locations. Nepleslian news is not much better, with the enemy upon their home soil, and their fleet stretched across the western defense line. Such cursed luck has not avoided the home-front either, with the NMX forcing their way against our outposts, and the recent attempt made upon the United Outer Colonies.

"It seems, that the NMX are entirely capable of managing to fight a multi-front war. Not even our Wh'ki shipyards could manage to out produce their forces, especially with the fall of so many Yamataian industrial centers, which were captured so easily. Due to the NMX's capacity for multi-tasking their war, I am certain that the United Outer Colonies is doomed to a head-on assault. Due to this likelihood, I have issued orders to begin development of our fall-back location in the northern reaches of space. Unfortunately, setbacks have resulted in slowed development of our industrial infrastructure in the area.

"Due to the slowed rate of development in regard to our northern assets, I have rallied the Defense Force into position to strengthen our borders, while accepting any and all United Outer Colonies refugees, and Peace Keepers which are disillusioned with their position as glorified police. We have already added some of their numbers into our ranks. I expect, that when the colonies fall, our forces will absorb the Peacekeepers into our ranks, along with their assets. This will likely give us the capacity to hold off the NMX on our front, and force them to return their interest to Yamatai's forces and hopefully leave us for later.

"Certainly though, this war will not be won by simply holding the line... we must strike soon, I know this, but I wait for the right moment, the right vulnerability to ensure that my people will not be caught in the backlash to a point where we will be unable to continue our defense of our homelands. Though... I do wish though that we were still tucked away, hidden in a nebula, undisturbed by such horrific creatures and weapons. That desire though is merely a dream, and I will encourage my people to push onward, and I will rally the people of the United Outer Colonies to stand with us, and push the NMX back to where they came from."


"Our expansion in the north has been delayed. While our exploration in the area has provided us with a better picture of what is in the immediate area around the Occhestian Republic, we are still blind to what exists north of the Republic. Due to this lack of information, I am reluctant to invest resources in expanding to this area of space in large numbers, even with clones or Helashio.

"Our delay though... our delayed expansion has truly been caused by the loss of contact with a number of early outposts. Mere forward camps really, with pioneers looking for places to claim early on. These pioneering individuals were in semi-constant contact with the Matriarchy and the Republic. This contact ceased, and initial scouts indicated that our initial settlements were simply gone. I have given orders to the LSDF Trishka to investigate the area, and to find out what mysteries the area of space holds."

Signs of Life

"Our friends in the Free State, they show signs of life again. After their initial defeat by the Imperialist Yamatai, it seemed that the majority of their population went into a stupor, a lack of activity which brought great worry, since we promised our friendship to these people, and to help them. Our fears though were unwarranted, as recent communications which came out of the Free State have indicated a surge in activity. Though, this surge, it is intended to save them from what we feared, and due to the dire nature of this operation, I have decided to send them what support I can spare.

"Colony ships will form the cornerstone of this aid, Nir-Class ships, one-hundred in number, will be sent to the Free State with full supplies. Though, I do feel uncomfortable with the prospect of sending such a sizable convoy undefended, thus I have decided to allocate a number of ships to serve as a permanent escort for the colony ships, and will be transferred to the Free State upon the arrival of the convoy. Along with those assets, I will be including a number of additional craft to ensure that the Free State will remain safe in their time of trouble.

"I have hopes that they will accept our aid, since I see them as something of kin, a people of spirituality and peace, broken by contact with those outside of their culture, and so brutally harmed by them. What happened at their 'Great Lighthouse', reminded me so bitterly of what happened on Lor, as a moon fell upon our world, and we struggled to fight to contain the damage, while the Yamataian government merely watched... watched like before, when the Occhestians left us with the very ships that Yamatai supplied them.

"Due to the Free State sharing much of the same pain that my people have suffered through, I hope that they will work with my people, and allow us to work with them. I have previously proposed to them the possibility of aiding in the recovery of their numbers through the aid of our genetic engineering programs, as well as our industrial base. I also hope that they may take advantage of the space which we have available for refugees to set up settlements. Such things aside, I wish them the best, and hope that what aid we are sending will serve them well.

Furthermore, to ensure the safe travel of the colony ships through the space which we've come to know of as plagued with pirate and NMX activity, as well as activity on the part of Yamatai, I have entrusted the first leg of escorting the convoy to Korr'ih, and the Trishka as the ship heads out on their expedition."

Royal Concerns

"With the departure of Kakutama Heavy Industries' industrial base, I have taken that departure as a sign of the times. Their venture into the unknowns of space has led me to understand that perhaps the future of my people exists beyond the mapped regions which we squabble over. Due to this notion, my sister, the Xiaah, has departed with a small escort to investigate the space settled by KHI, as well as to investigate the assets of the United Outer Colonies which were sent outside of the Yugumo Cluster in a similar direction. During her fact-finding-expedition, I am left here to mind the throne... I miss her, and I do hope for her safe return in a timely manner. Due to the attachment which our children have to my sister, they have also departed with her, thus leaving me to my own thoughts, which linger upon the perpetual dread of 'What If'."
Event Log Entry Source: Lorath Matriarchy
Entry Made By: High Priest Velor Tomoe Tur'lista
Year: YE 33
Subject: Free State Aid

Due to a swift development of events on our home front, it has been determined that the expenditure of ships to escort the aid package to the Free State settlement on Null and Void would be tactically unsound. At this point, an expedient departure is recommended for these vessels, to guarantee their safety, and to avoid possible conflict.

With this, the Trishka will likely be entrusted with another escort mission, one of less urgency, as the remainder of our fleet maintains a defensive posture while conducting humanitarian aid operations in UOC space, evacuating personnel from those systems and delivering them to our territories, as well as Jiyuu.
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