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RP: Lorath [Matriarchy] Royal Management


Inactive Member
Nyli III - Royal Palace - Royalty Private Office

Shipyards to be routed to Freespacers... ammunition to be routed to the UMC and UOC... Pirate raiding our Northern exploration teams.... Velor quietly thought to himself as he reviewed activity reports which scrolled past his eyes. The Matriarchy was alive, breathing, and for the moment prospering... considering all which conspired against the Matriarchy, it was something resembling a miracle. "Now, if only I could use a Helashio as a table again, we'd be set." The High Priest said out loud in a tone of relaxed triumph.

"It's odd, but I think I've gotten past the urge to use one as a chair...Odd Hm?" Harr'Ikke said to her brother as she relaxed back into a nice pillowed half chair, two screens in front of her both watching the royal twins.

"Pfft, only because now they have the ability to complain about it." A soft chuckle escaped Velor's lips as he rotated his chair so he could face his sister. "Don't you ever long for the old ways, like before we were forced to expand our territory, bend to the whims of outside forces, and divise new and cowardly ways to slay our foes?"

"When everything we could want or need was just taken with the sword, we had nothing to worry about but what to name our children and we were the superior race on our planet? Every day my dear brother... Every day. But we tempted the God, and tempted ourselves with knowledge we should not have searched for. Now the Goddess is punishing us for our transgressions, and we must simply endure.." Harr'Ikke let out a small sigh, giving a nod to her brother and a saddened look.

"Mmm..." Velor leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful expression upon his face. "As High Priest, I know it is my job to interpret the teachings which our ancestors have passed down, and take a guess at what our Goddess would want of us. At this time, what you said seems about right, we need to endure, but how? Are we to mimic the shy yet noble hard-shelled beasts and tuck our arms and head away behind our shell while waiting out the threat, or are we to mimic the mighty beasts of claw and fang, seeking to eliminate the threats against our survival actively? I ask that day and night, and all I get are conflicted opinions from our ancestral teachings. Its troubling."

"We must weather the storm brother, attack when attacked, yet sit back and bring no fight to another nation or faction. We must foster relations and make sure that when we are needed, we are there to aid, so when we need, we are never left alone. We must therefore find a middle ground..."

Harr'Ikke lifted a hand, palm up and fingers relaxed, curled in their natural position as she rested her elbow on the arm of the chair, watching her brother now.

"So, our current course it is. I just hope we do not give our all, only to be forsaken as we have been before." Velor shook his head to dismiss his pessimism. "At least, for now, we are well and able to prepare for what may come, good or bad... speaking of such..." Velor trailed off as he caught a report come up on a screen out of the corner of his eye. "Good news my dearest, the Trishka has tracked down some of those worthless Occhestians."

"I have seen." Harr'Ikke grinned a little more then she should have, having felt a personal sting from the traitors that had left. "They have engaged them already from what I understand, a small outpost I believe?"

"So the report indicates... The Trishka has requested aid in the mop-up and securing of the area. Should we use a heavy hand, or continue with our conservative approach?" Velor asked as he allowed a smile to cross his own lips as he looked upon his sister's face, her joy brought his joy.

"Heavy hand...I want to wipe them out...All of them." Harr'Ikke's ears tilted back some as she grinned just a little more.

Velor's gaze rested on his sister as she spoke and her words brought a flutter to his heart as he observed her enter such a state of blood lust. He loved to see her in such a way. "I will issue the order for a mobilization of an expeditionary task force. We will move one Nu'Fei to where the Trishka is now, and ten Wh'ki. Along with those, we shall send out twelve percent of our assets to further scout the region for the traitors. We'll send another thirteen percent to the farthest northern border of the UOC to wait for attack orders when more of them are found."

"Good. I want them to explore that installation first...To see if he is there." Harr'Ikke's tone suddenly took a sharp drop from excited to deadly. There would be little doubt of whom she meant.

"That wretch is a coward, he would not be in such a vulnerable place. But it will be searched." Velor gave his sister a nod as he turned to his console to input orders to the admirals of the LSDF.

"Good, see to it that it does. Make sure that the Trishka begins immediately...I do not want him getting away..." Harr'Ikke's scowl slowly dripped away until she simply relaxed again and leaned back. "You know, we had made a promise to the leaders of the UOC, to have a gathering here after the little ones had hatched and learned to run on their own..."

"However, as we saw at the conference... Ayana may be too burdened by what little ones she will be having soon." Velor stated as he recalled the Jiyuuan Prime Minster's persisting illness during the conference.

"That is true..." Harr'Ikke nodded a little. "Make sure we send them a gift. It would only be kind as they sent us one. Or perhaps we could pay them a visit to see the children when she is settled in?"

Velor gained a rather thoughtful look. "That is a good idea... I just wonder how well our children will get along with hers... I understand the Jiyuuans, like the Yamataians, have children which develop very quickly."

Harr'Ikke nodded a little. "We should ask before we simply barge in though brother, it would probably be a better idea, rather then just simply showing up...Send the gift, but with the gift a request."

"Mmm, I'm terrible at gift shopping, I'll most likely cause an international incident." Velor replied with a chuckle. "Maybe we should find one together?"

Harr'Ikke nodded a little as she thought over what they could get for the woman. "It is tough to buy for them really..."

"Their culture is difficult to begin with, they have everything..." Velor slumped back in his chair as he looked up in thought. "There are always vices, can't go wrong with a gift that tends to vices."

"What vices do they have...?" Harr'Ikke frowned a little.

"We could give them new ones maybe?" Velor suggested.

"They tend not to chew anything..." Harr'Ikke thought helpfully. "I have see-...heard of some smoking in our bars and clubs we have on planet.."

Velor quirked his brow as he scooted up in his seat. "Been watching the surveillance, or have you been sneaking out?" It was not easy to keep secrets between telepathic siblings, it was made quite apparent at that moment as he sensed the spark of a tiny lie.

"Surveillance. When in the name of the goddess do I have time to sneak out anymore...?" Harr'Ikke frowned at her brother a little bit.

"I don't know, maybe you didn't get as bad of a concussion from that head shot as we thought, so you sneaked out of the hospital? We do know your skull is quite hard." Velor commented with a grin on his lips. "But yes, it is fun to watch off-worlders when they 'Get into the spirit of things' as they say."

Harr'Ikke winced a little at the comment about her near death experience, rubbing her forehead idly along the freshly added scar that now complimented the other above her eye. "From time-to-time yes it is."

"The scientist... Tai was it? Yes, she has quite a fondness for being coddled. Its rather amusing." Velor noted as he leaned on the arm of his chair. "But for Ayana... hrm... she did seem to be quite easy going. Maybe some of the smoking herbs would work then."

"Something to allow her to relax during any troubling times of parenthood?" Harr'Ikke nodded a little herself.

"Maybe a simulated sensation device? Jiyuuans do have the internal programming to be able to use them properly. She could get away without getting away. It would be just perfect." Velor thought with a nod. "However, they can be a little addictive."

"I would rather not get one of their leaders addicted to anything dear, no matter how well intentioned.” Harr’Ikke shook her head a little.

"Well anything can be addictive my love. We don't know how prone she is to such things either, so maybe a vice based gift is not a good idea." Velor looked thoughtful again as they returned to square one. "Can't send her a Helashio either, that would be a disaster."

“Perhaps some furs? Something to keep her warm on a cold night?” Harr’Ikke shrugged a little.

Velor gave a soft chuckle. "She has her mate for that you know. Since when have we needed heavy blankets ourselves, hm?"

“I enjoy it every so often, snuggling under the nice warm cuddly blanket.” Harr’Ikke smiled as she remembered her fond nights, sleeping all alone in her pit, covered completely head to toe in nothing but furs.

"True... you know... I have an idea." Velor gave a firm nod. "How about we give her all of these things in one big luxurious package?"

“That sounds like a good idea brother.” Harr’Ikke smiled and nodded back to her brother, chuckling a little. “Knew I kept you around for something...”

"Oh, I'm useful in many things, you know this my dear." Velor tilted his head. "So, a ship is my idea... what would be suitable for a Prime Minister to travel in though... Safety is a concern, as is style."

“In that field dear brother, I have no idea...” Harr’Ikke simply shrugged to her brother.

"I'll work on it then... as for us." Velor tilted his head a bit as he looked to a calendar on a monitor. "You know my dear, our birthday is coming up."

“Really?...When...?” Harr’Ikke blinked as she began to think, her facial expression taking on a worried look as she tried to figure it out.

"According to our home world calendar, a week." Velor noted as he smiled softly at his sister. He watched her, curious as to how she'd respond.

‘It...Is it?” Harr’Ikke’s ears twitched slightly as she checked herself, wondering why it was she had forgotten...

"Yes, just a week. Most of the staff have switched over to a local calendar to match the cycle of Nyli, I however have been making sure to keep an eye on the calendar of our home." Velor explained as he chuckled softly. "Don't feel guilty sister, I forget sometimes too."

“Right, I suppose I’ve just been a little thrown off with the switch.” Harr’Ikke chuckled a little.

"Now, what could either of us possibly want?" Velor thought to himself, throwing himself for a small loop as he realized it was a rather difficult concept to think on.

“A day of relaxation and a nice bit of pampering. At least, that is what I want.” Harr’Ikke grinned playfully.

"That is easily done... maybe I should take the same and we could just relax together, hm?" Velor suggested as he tilted his head in thought on the matter. "Maybe a tiny bit of a vacation outside of the palace... Or we could bring some forms of relaxation here, after all, we are royalty, are we not entitled to the bounty of our culture?"

“A vacation to one of the beaches of the planet? We have yet to explore them.” Harr’Ikke grinned a little.

"We should make it a nice expedition, bring about a troupe of entertainers and maybe make a tiny festival of it." Velor thought, building upon the idea. "Of course, sometime along the way we'll slip off on our own you know."

“Rather not all the pomp and parade. Just a nice relaxing afternoon. Sen’Ythy and a few of her people to watch over us, and the children.”

Harr’Ikke shook her head softly at her brother’s idea.

"Mmm, something quiet sounds good too... We'll keep the destination private and the plans as well until the last minute. That will be all the security we need for the matter." Velor stated as he settled on the matter. It did sound quite pleasing to him to have such a simple time.

“I would feel better brother if they were along as well...” Harr’Ikke seemed a little uncertain.
"Yes of course, we'll tell them last minute, you know, just enough time for them to pack a bag." Velor gave off a laugh. "Of course I would not deprive our closest companions of the opportunity to vacation with us."

“Ok..” Harr’Ikke seemed relieved at the notion of Sen’Ythy and her guards accompanying them.

Velor noticed the outward display, it was unmistakable. It had been a short time since the incident which left his sister with her scar, and not only the scar was fresh, but the memory as well. "I understand your worry sister, we'll take precautions. One of the best precautions though is secrecy, thus why we won't speak of it until we're packing our bags and warming up the vehicle to go."

“Understood brother...” Harr’Ikke nodded a little to her brother and simply relaxed back into her seat, watching her children again.

Velor meanwhile gave a soft nod to his sister before turning to his work console again where he began to issue orders which would shape the Matriarchy's future, bit by bit. First bit, was war, and soon the LSDF would move to enact a long-standing plan of action against the Occhestians.
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