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RP: UCS Zenpyou [Mayer Station]Loading the Red Lilly

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Inactive Member
In docking bay 23 of Mayer Station the Shuttlecraft Red Lilly sat waiting for the last of the assigned crewmembers to arrive. The Lilly was a Jilanth Class shuttlecraft, probably the most common kind of shuttle available in the UOCPF if not the only type available for the moment. Markings on the Lilly's hull indicated that she was a shuttle for the Cael. There was a short line of about 3 people waiting to board, though from their ship patches they were actually bound for the UCS Cael and not the Zenpyou. At the door to the Lilly stood one of its crewmembers, checking each person in as they approached.
Aoto Sukai a new recruit in the UOCPF was preparing luggage one last time. Looking over his gear again he made sure to have the standard uniforms, gear and his grandmother's apron. With all set he look at the Red Lilly and took a breath.

His first assignment. How could he not be nervous? Feeling slightly uneasy yet excited the boy walk at a fast, nervous pace and enter first in line. Seeing a crewmember looking over them he didn't know how to introduce himself. All his training went away.

Calm yourself Sukai. Relax... Think of this as a... Tea party... Right like that works.

Seeing the the crewmember looking at him he decided that addressing himself might be the best action. "Peacekeeper Recruit, Aoto Sukai, reporting to board Red Lilly and head for the Zenpyou. Is there anything I need to show?" He ask half-nervous. He let his himself get check and waited for a response before moving further ahead.
It had been nearly a day and a half. A day and a half of scrubbing toilets, swabbing decks, wiping windows and doing other wise menial tasks that he was ordered to do by Sub-commander Blake. The sad thing was Ira had actually gotten quite fond of being on this station, and doing his rather degrading chores. So when Ira surprisingly had gotten orders to be once again crewed on the Zenpyou, he vocally expressed his surprise with his characteristic icy voice “Damn.” Of course, Ira's joy washed over into a sense of amusement. "Get to clean the Zenpyou now...sweet."

Ira on the deck looking at the shuttle with his belongings stuffed into his standard issue duffle bag. It was draped over his left shoulder with everything he would need for his stay on what he had originally though was going to be on board the Zenpyou. Ira approached the line of crew members and casually he fell in behind them. Oddly the poor fellow in front of him seemed terrified, or at the very least nervous, so Ira felt he could comfort the man, or at least calm him down.

A soft smile formed on his face as he heard the young man speak. “Relax.” Ira said from behind. If the young man turned around he would see Ira was a junior officer, a Cadet to be specific. “Don’t salute.” Ira said calmly, speaking to the young enlisted man with a degree of respect. “You do not salute Cadets, and even so, I don’t think I deserve it at this point. Ira said as he held out his orders for inspection and awaited his turn to board the Lilly.
The person at the airlock to the Jilanth looked up as Sukai approached and identified himself. The doorkeeper was a Cadet, judging by his rank pin, and had short jet black hair, black eyes, and fairly narrow facial features. "That won't be necessary Peacekeeper. I've got your orders right here. If you want to you can go ahead and board, we'll be leaving in about 10 minutes." the man said.

As Ira approached the man lifted his face to scan Ira over once or twice. "And you are?" he asked before looking down at his pad briefly to run through the list of passengers.

Sukai turn around to look at the man who spoke to him. Noticing it was a officer he almost saluted but the man stop him. He explain to Sukai that he was a cadet and that you weren't suppose to be salut to cadets. Sukai felt slightly embarrassed at how he forgotten such a simple thing from his training. Aldo seeing the calm man reassure him and he actually started to relax.

"T-thanks. Sorry I'm kinda on edge. I'm new to this whole thing. Just got out of basic training and this is my first assignment... Sir... I'm suppose to say that right? Sorry if I'm not suppose to umm... Sir." He said. Hearing himself Sukai burst out with a small laughter.

Wow listen to me! If grandpa was hearing me at this moment he would smack the backside of my head!

Smiling and feeling more confident he now heard the other cadet telling he was allowed to board the ship.

"It's alright if I stay here for a few minutes" He said. He step out of the way so the calm cadet could give his order to the other one. When there two were finish Sukai approach the cadet that calm him down earlier. Giving his hand to shake he spoke "Hey thanks for what happened a while back. You didn't do much but you kinda made me relax. Name's Aoto Sukai sir. Yours sir?"
Ira would pause, and await for the young enlisted man to be acknowledge by the cadet who was clearly in charge of making sure that now stowaways got on board this shuttle. “No.” Ira said calmly in response to Sukai’s question about being called sir. “I am currently in the process of disciplinary action, my rank for the most part is in name only, plus, I am by all means of the word still completing training, I do not have a true commission yet.”

Ira would then reach out and shake Sukai’s hand. “Welcome to the Zenpyou.” as he turned and got back in line.

Ira stepped up to the Cadet who was making verifications on the passenger’s boarding the shuttle.

“And you are?”

Ira not missing a beat looked the young Cadet in the face, and expressionlessly said “Cadet…Ira Ramirez.” He would stand and allow the man to verify that his orders had indeed been received.
He's just like a robot...

Aoto was slightly confuse by this man. He seem to lack emotions and motivation. Then again he did help Aoto and shook his hand. He might just be the quiet type. The fact this man just a Cadet, and that just being a name, confuse Aoto slightly. Interested he walk beside the man and ask him a question. "Disciplinary action? What did you do sir if I'm allowed to ask? That if it not personal..."
Ira stood watching the young cadet check all of the information he had, and all of his paper work checked out. Ira turned around and placed his own data pad into his left pocket. He then turned and joined Sukai, to fraternize with him. Ira’s rank was in name only at this point, so their was no real harm that could be done.

Ira heard Sukai’s question and a smug smile formed a line across his lips . “Yea I guess I was going to get that one sooner or later..” Ira said more to him self then to Sukai. “Long story short, I attempted to rig a combat simulation in my favor, of course I got caught. Apparently the instructors aren’t to find of cheaters. So I have been scrubbing toilets and swabbing decks for more then a day now.”
He let out a chuckle. “It could be worse, I heard the Star Army would have send me packing it through the nearest air lock.”
"Alright kiddies, looks like everyone is here. Let's load up." the cadet watching the door said. The other people sitting nearby picked up their bags, hoisted them over their shoulder and walked into the shuttle. "We're going to drop you off at the Zenpyou first, that way there won't need to be anymore transfers between shuttlecraft."

Once the Peacekeepers had boarded they would find plenty of seating available as the shuttle was clearly underloaded. Minutes later the shuttle received its clearance and lifted off, heading to it's target, the UCS Cael and its sister the UCS Zenpyou.


The world suddenly flashed outside the windows of the Red Lilly as the shuttle dropped out of hyperfold. Through the windows, the Zenpyou and the Cael could be seen floating in close proximity to each other. Shuttlecraft flew like flies between the two craft as materials and personnel were being transferred between from the Cael to the Zenpyou. "Attention passengers, we have arrived in the Miyame system. We're going to be stopping at the Zenpyou first to drop off personnel destined for there first, then we'll be arriving at our final destination.

As Ira and Aoto waited for the shuttle to land, their communicators buzzed indicating new orders.

Orders said:
To: Peacekeeper Sukai
From: Commander Belinder Blake

You have been temporarily assigned under Cadet Ramirez on a special assignment. Cadet Ramirez will brief you with the details of your mission.

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