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Inactive Member
I honestly don't know how well 'older' weapons could be introduced- I was thinking of this weapon as one that had been around for years, but the company that produced it had gone under fairly quickly with its limited stock sitting around, unwanted, in a few warehouses. Feel free to correct me on anything that seems out of place, too, especially with the weapon design. I based most of its actual technical data on the Barrett M99-1 sniper rifle.

Producer Information
Designer: Mizuhara Ballistics (Defunct)
Manufacturer: Mizuhara Ballistics (Defunct)
(Suggested) Price, Warehouse Stock: 1500 KS
(Suggested) Price, Used: 900 KS
Individual Component Costs:
Box of 60 Rounds: 90 KS

Nomenclature Information
Name: MB-901S "Silencer"
Type: Heavy Rifle
Role: Armor-piercing, anti-vehicular, and secondarily, sniper weapon
Length: 1189mm (709mm barrel)
Weight: The weight of the weapon in metric, and optionally the English system.

Discharge Information
Projection/ammo type: Armor Piercing Rounds
Firing Mechanism:
The bolt is unlocked and slid back, ejecting a spent casing if one is present. The new round is slid into the chamber, and the bolt is slid forward, and locked once more. The weapon must be braced fully against the shooter's shoulder, and preferably on a surface in front of him at firing height via the built-in bipod. The trigger is then squeezed, a simple mechanical mechanism pulling back the firing pin, then releasing at high speed. The powder in the round is ignited, propelling the actual projectile from the muzzle at extremely high speed. The weapon is then ready to fire once more.
Caliber: .50 cal (12.7mm)
Effective Range: 700mm, if braced, approx. 300m if unbraced.
Maximum Range: 1200m
Minimum Range: 0
Muzzle Velocity: Approx. 975m/s (3200 ft/s)
Muzzle Blast: When fired, the weapon produces an extremely low pitched, loud report, capable of shattering nearby glass, as well as a very bright, highly visible muzzle flash, which cannot be fully suppressed.
Firing Mode(s): Bolt-action, single round
Recoil: Without the bipod, this weapon has a tremendous recoil- the shooter must be stationary, and have the weapon fully braced against his shoulder to have any chance of remaining stable. It has a real chance of breaking bones if improperly braced. It is also not advisable to fire facing uphill, lest the recoil knock the shooter over. Using the bipod, it is far more manageable, though the weapon still must be fully braced against the shoulder.

Ammo Description:Name: 12.7mm MBG Round
Visual Description: This is a single round cartridge, approximately 140mm (5.5") long, with a relatively smooth taper along its entire length, with two 'step-downs' of diameter at roughly 3/8 and 2/3 of the cartridge's length. Its casing is of copper, the round itself a steel core surrounded by brass, coated in teflon to reduce wear to the weapon barrel. The rounds generally are stored in either a high-strength plastic ammunition box, or on the shooter's body, contained in a cloth or leather bandolier.
Ammo: Single Shot
Damage Description: This round is quite capable of penetrating steel, aluminum, and iron with ease- it is the exact sort of round one would use if attempting to shoot through an engine block, for example. It has the capability to punch through roughly two feet of solid metal, before being so slowed as to be useless. When applied to flesh, however, this round is quite gruesome. Due to the high speed and force of the impact, it is capable of tearing very large holes in one's body, or possibly shattering one's skull completely. It is not likely an unarmored opponent will survive a direct torso hit from this sort of round.

Weapon Mechanisms:
Safety: Yes- there is a slidelock near the trigger, as well as the bolt-action nature.
Fire mode selector: None
Weapon Sight: (Y/N) Mizuhara Ballistics 5000m laser sight
Attachment Hard points: A standard rail is provided across the top of the weapon, to which the stock scope is attached.

Maintenance Information:
Field Maintenance Procedure: The weapon must be kept oiled, when not used for long periods of times. It must also be cleaned thoroughly after each use, which involves disassembling the weapon into its major component parts- barrel, stock, bolt, and receiver, cleaning all firing mechanisms thoroughly. The weapon may then be reassembled for storage.
Replaceable Parts and components: Each of the major components of the weapon may be simply swapped out if they become damaged, these are easily disassembled by unscrewing and/or unlatching them. If needed, the firing chamber and main body of the weapon may be further disassembled with simple hand tools, though replacement parts such as the trigger assembly may be harder to find than another entire weapon.
Visual Description: This weapon recalls the guns of a time past- while it is all modern in construction, its shape, its blocky contour, and its utilitarian casing recall the past, rather than the future. Its stock is heavy, and entirely unpadded, made of steel with a carved wood shoulder rest. The stock is braced via a rectangular steel spacer to the main body of the weapon. The firing chamber, grip, and sight rail are all functionally one solid piece, with the bolt sliding in just below the sight. The grip is rubberized, and all fingers are protected by a secondary guard, built onto the trigger guard. The barrel is plain and unadorned, apart from the muzzle flash guard, which is essentially a wide protrusion on the barrel, rectangular in shape. The bipod is attached at the base of the barrel, and it folds up along the main body of the weapon, forming the forward grip when folded up. This is simply a pair of aluminum legs, with a number of holes drilled through to decreaase weight even more. They lock into place parallel with the weapon, snapping into grooves which are sunk into the rubberized grip.

History: Mizuhara Ballistics' flagship gun, the MB-901S is one of only two models that made it into production. The company only produced roughly two thousand units before demand was exhausted, and the company had to shut down production. The weapon is rarely used, and for the most part, they sit moldering in the few warehouses that stock them.

(edited to remove extraneous 'Additional weapon part: Cost' lines)