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MBT-01 Dragoon


Inactive Member
[Leistung Group] [MBT-01]
[MBT-01 Dragoon Main Battle Tank]

History and Background: Yes
About the MBT-01: The MBT-01 was designed mainly because the designer was tired of seeing 12 story tall mechs that are supposed to be effective in combat. After noticing that the role of heavy power armor and ground based power armor are practically non-existent, that seemed like a good place to start.

Statistical Information:

Government: Nepleslia
Organization: Nepleslia Army, Nepleslia Police
Type: Bi-pedal Main Battle Tank
Class: MBT-01 Dragoon
Designer: leistung Group

Crew: 2, Pilot and Gunner
Maximum Capacity: 2
Appearance: The Dragoon's main communications and control system is a forward mounted box with sloped sides and cut off corners that forms more of a flat 3d polygon. Slung under the nose is a small hemi-sphere which holds the nose mounted weaponry. Mounted behind and to the right of this is a small rotating cylinder with a panoramic camera built inside surrounded by a clear armor, another of these is on the top of the tank. Running from the nose up and out past the back of the vehicle is an armored plate that sticks about an inch up above the rest of the surface of the tank. This panel slides open to expose the pilot and gunner's chair. Behind this main segment is the drive system and the legs of the tank which tuck in under the vehicle to allow it to move at full speed in rough terrain without sticking out noticeably. (see picture)

Length: 8m
Width: 2.8m
Height: 1.9m / 8.9m
Cupholders: 4

Planetary: Mach 12

Lifespan: 6 years
Weapons Systems:
Microwave Attack System(1): The Dragoon's microwave attack system utilizes several microwave emitters to project various forms of microwave radiation onto the battlefield. The weapon is mainly intended for use against lightly defended targets such as missiles, unarmored people, and small arm electronics. Low power settings of the beam can be used as an active denial system with microwave radiation penetrating short distances into the skin of a person to cook their nerve systems and cause intense pain. moderate power levels can be used to short out electronics or cause severe burns to a person. High strength pulses of microwave energy can be used to burn through solids and light armor. The weapon can fired in any direction quickly and if left on automatic will track and fire at fast moving objects such as incoming missiles. The Microwave Attack system can also generate a mirage field over an area to protect against lasers and visual acquisition. The Microwave attack system is the only weapon on the Dragoon that requires LOS to its target.
Location: Emitter sphere located below front of tank.
Primary Purpose: Anti-infantry
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Electronics
Damage: moderate
Range: 12km
Rate of Fire: Continuous
Payload: Energy is drawn from the vehicle's generator, payload is unlimited so long as the vehicle provides power.

Rail Cannon, 120mm (1): Mounted on top of the Dragoon is a 120mm smoothbore rail cannon designed for fighting other vehicles and taking down structures. The cannon can rotate up to 160 degrees and has high powered optics and sensors mounted on top inside of an armored casing. The primary ammunition is a smart metal kinetic energy penetrator round that once fired at high speeds uses air-friction to heat the smart metal casing and compress the round while computer controlled fins guide the round toward its target. Once the round hits the smart metal on the outside tends to bunch up like a dum dum round and help guide the penitrator into the target at a right angle to the surface at which it is striking. The second round is a compact fusion weapon that uses both compressed and ambient hydrogen to generate a focused fusion reaction upon impact in the form of a jet of high energy plasma that gets hot enough to burn through three meters of almost any material. This round can also be configured for delayed, or area detonation or both in order to penetrate and destroy structures.
Location: Mounted piggyback on top of the Dragoon.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Material
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
Damage: Heavy
Range: 5000 km in one atmosphere
Rate of Fire: 120rpm
Payload: 24 rounds

Anti-Air Interception Missile system(1): The anti-air missiles stored on the back of the Dragoon are deceptive in nature because of their size and naming. Because of advanced electronics, subspace dampeners, internal deflector shields and an anti-matter propulsion system the missiles are capable of reaching targets that are far beyond just the ‘air'. Anti-carbon is stored inside of a carbon buck ball with a powerful electrical charge stored inside. This charge is released slowly to break apart the buck balls and release a small controlled amount of anti-matter to provide propulsion or all at once in order to detonate the missile and launch the high density tip at incredible speeds along with a jet of high energy anti-carbon. The subspace distortion generator on the missile provides limited propulsion assistance, speeding the missile to near C velocities while it actively works to shut down distortion fields by creating a subspace field around the missile that allows it to hide in its own small pocket of space to bypass shields and other distortion effects. When encapsulated in this subspace distortion the only real give away to the missile's location is an area of bent light much like a mirage.
Location: up to 24 missiles can be stored on the ‘tail' of the Dragoon.
Primary Purpose: Air Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
Damage: Heavy
Range: .8au
Rate of Fire: 24 rounds per second
Payload: 24 missiles

Relay Laser (2): Mounted on top of the Dragoon, the Relay Laser is designed to aid the Dragoon in its non-LOS target engagement capabilities. Although not powerful by modern weapon standards the Relay Laser can be accurately guided to any target up to 365km away via being bounced off the Dragoon's orbit sensors or any other relay point. Like any laser, the Relay laser uses a highly focused beam of light to burn through its target.
Location: Ontop, housed inside of an emitter dome.
Primary Purpose: Anti-missle
Secondary Purpose: Anti-light vehicle
Damage: Light
Range: 365km
Rate of Fire: 2000RPM
Payload: 3000 shots

Systems Descriptions:

Adaptive Camouflage: A coating of nanomachines arrayed on a holographic surface of the Dragoon allows the vehicle to remain virtually invisible to the causal observer. The nanomachines collect visual data from one side and display it on the corresponding side and angle to give the impression of invisibility. The Nanomachines also aid the pilots with visual data.

Armor: The majority of the vehicle is covered by either rounded or angled plates of smart metal only an inch thick with an extra inch on a strip over the nose and running to the back of the vehicle. The smart metal is mainly designed to stop small arms rounds and heal itself without the aid of a repair station. Under this layer is a layer of highly pressurized smart metal that is solid at room temperature. The pressure keeps the metal in liquid state and when pierced by an attack that pressure is released sending a jet of armor at the incoming attack. This effectively increases the armor of the Dragoon to 26/27 inches of smart metal. Once the attack has been dissipated the lack of pressure and temperatures outside will cool the metal and allow it to set into its solid form and heal the damage. On the top of the vehicle high grade contact armor has been installed. These bricks of shaped charge explosives blow up when struck and deflect a projectile away at an angle, either causing it to bounce off, diffract, or go through more armor than it would otherwise need to.

Cockpit: The cockpit is located in the center of the Dragoon and his hidden under two sliding armor panels. The pilot's chair is in front of the gunners and both are reclined to where they are almost completely laying on their backs. At eye level is a high resolution video screen for each of them and controls are located at their hand rests with a joystick and tactile I/O system for both as well. An insert into the headrest contains the type 8 Mind Machine Interface system (The predecessor to the type 9 which most Qel'norans are familiar with.). This system uses ultrasound to gather and transmit sensory information to the user's brain. Because of the non-invasive nature and programming of the system it can be used with almost any humanoid pilot with minimal or even no training. Both chairs come with a five point restraint harness. A touch interface is used for manual control while the AI assisted type 8 MMI system uses a set of rotating circles that generate menu's based on the user's thought patterns and what they are looking for to use. The cockpit has a built in NBC system to protect the pilots and also is equipped with its own air supply that lasts for up to three days of use by two 150 pound humans. Comfort options include an air conditioning system for the pilots as well as four cup holders stationed on the outer sides of the hand rest controls. Heating and massage features are also installed in the chairs which come in a synthetic fur, padded metal, or synthetic-leather covering. The seats are always padded with a memory foam to cradle the pilots body and contour to his/her shape for maximum comfort during long operations.

Communications: The Dragoon uses three main types of communication, Radio, Microwave, and Subspace Radio. The electronics system onboard can automatically vary the transmissions for broadcast or tight beam dependent on the available information about allies in the area. The Communication system also makes use of quantum entanglement based privacy amplification to analyze when an attempt to eavesdrop on the conversation is made although that can only be used during a tight beam communication, the Computer encodes broadcast transmissions with a more standard enciphering system.

Computer System: The Dragoon uses a small quantum computer system for control and operation purposes.

Drive System: The drive system of the Dragoon are two reverse jointed legs that extend from the back of the vehicle down and forward to about the mid section. The tucked under style of the legs allows the Dragoon to remain very close to the ground or pop up to make attacks from behind terrain. The legs are covered by smart metal plates with a smart metal skirt casing over the joints. A smart metal chain mail that is designed to contract and increase in density when struck is placed in the sensitive spot between the legs under the chassis that has a high degree of moving parts that are hard to protect with ridged plates. The feet are built in a Y shape with 5 spheres underneath that can rotate to facilitate movement without having to move the legs.

ECM: The Dragoon is capable of also uses its communications system as a ECM module, generating a lot of interference on radio, subspace, and microwave frequencies. This is usually not used because of ECM's ability to give away the position of the vehicle to ECM hunter devices.

Ion Drives: Using fins built into the legs and top of the vehicle the Dragoon is capable of Ionizing air and drawing it backwards to create a simple ion drive system to increase speed. The ionized air can also be used to generate layers of virtual armor with the Kinetic Energy Barrier System.

Kinetic Energy Barrier: Using ambient hydrogen and other elements in the air the Kinetic barrier field is able to collect and concentrate ambient ion particles and hold them rigidly in place to create layers of virtual armor around the Dragoon. The resulting armor can slow or even stop attacks against the Dragoon as well as providing other uses. The field can be projected inside to reduce the effects of acceleration and act like an inertial dampener and is also used in the Ion drives of the Dragoon.

Mirage Field (1): The mirage field uses the microwave system of the vehicle to generate a mirage by creating layers of progressively cooler air around the Dragoon. This causes the area around the dragoon to act like a mirage, bending light up away from surface of the vehicle and directing it upwards so that the area around the vehicle seems invisible to the causal observer. A higher intensity field can be projected to work against certain types of energy weapons by refracting their beams up and away from the Dragoon with increased heat emissions. This field can be used by order or be set for autonomous mode so that the computer can automatically use it against inbound beams.

Orbit Sensors: The Dragoon is capable of deploying four pods equipped with a simple Ion based propulsion and levitation drive, ZPE module, Reflector and sensor package that allow the drones to move about independently at speeds up to mach 2 and act as relay stations for the Dragoon's relay laser. The Orbit sensors are stored under the tail of the vehicle.

Panoramic Camera: Two high resolution panoramic cameras are built on top and on bottom of the dragoon to provide high definition images to the pilots. Each is encased in a thin layer of clear armor.

Plasma/ZPE power core: The Dragoon uses a combination plasma and ZPE system to power itself. The ZPE reactor not only provides electrical power but heats a plasma reactor which provides pressurization, some power, and most importantly fuel for the rocket engines of the Dragoon

Regenerative Rocket Engines: In the frictionless supercavitation environment that allows the Dragoon to reach speeds of up to mach 12 in the atmosphere Oxygen to power Ion and Jet engines is not available, instead plasma is used to ignite oxygen released from compression tanks to generate thrust. Carrying a large amount of rocket fuel is impractical however so intakes on the outsides of the Dragoon allow it to gather and store oxygen as needed. In a normal atmosphere there is never a need to refuel unless the Dragoon runs out of power.

Sensors: In addition to radio, microwave, and subspace radio based imaging equipment the Dragoon also has highly precise Zero Point Energy sensors to detect opposing force power sources. A quark/gluon density imager is also installed to detect highly dense materials that would act as armors allowing a gunner to easily find dense or odd structures and shapes that most modern armors are made out of.

Subspace Dampener:
The Dragoon uses a small subspace dampener field to disrupt the effects of distortion based shields within a 100mile radius as well as stop FTL effects by re-enforcing subspace and requiring more and more energy for a useful subspace effect to be generated.

Subspace Distortion Field:
The subspace distortion field does little more than project a subspace field forward in front of the dragoon to flex space and create a small vacuum at high speeds. In combination with the Kinetic Energy Barrier system the Dragoon can create a traveling frictionless environment around itself that allows it to move at speeds up to Mach 12 inside of an atmosphere without creating a sonic boom, instead the dissipation of the frictionless environment in its passing creates a lightning clap like effect.

Author and Copyright Information

Subspace supercavitation using a distortion field to create a vacum for which the vehicle can move inside. That makes areodynamics pointless which is nice. It is necessary because it allows the tank to move from engagement to engagement quickly without having to load up on a transport. It is fairly practical because the rockets to provide the actuall speed require almost no fuel to operate because it mostly can be harvested from the atmosphere and subspace distortion dealymabobs are used on the smaller SA power armors so technology wise a small efficent one could be designed for a larger power armor with a heavyer generator. The tech behind it is all in the system discription bit.

Most importantly, other ground vehicles are highly limited in their atmospheric speeds.
There's no point in berating him. I realize the ridiculousness of this weapon (and the fact that a LAMIA or similarly designed power armor is by far a tactically-superior weapon), but he'll do what he wants.
Tactical Superiority is something that can be debated later. I just want to know if this has any technical problems.
Just a question but is Mach 12 really nessecary? Why not make it like mach 6 or mach 7? Won't the speed of mach 12 cause the tanks to overshoot the engagement zone because of the speed compaired to reaction time of the pilots?
I don't see any reason why it should be any slower for a maximum possible speed as there would be plenty of limiting factors anyways such as the presense of anti-subspace fields, the need for good roads or at least a very open area so that the Dragoon could make short jumps.

Do to limits in rocket fuel (And logic) it is safe to assume that the tank won't be moving at mach 12 100% of the time but only using supersonic speeds to reposition themselves quickly if needed.
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