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Approved Character medic: Taharial Chasan

I would suggest adding more skills. You're allowed to have up to 7, I think. Of course, you don't have to have seven if you wish. Having only three is perfectly acceptable, it just might limit what your character can do effectively in the RP. It's your choice in the end.

However, I do think your character's pre-RP history could stand to be expanded upon. Where was she born? Where did she grow up? What made her want to join the Star Army? Who were her parents? Why were they annoyed by her going to the Academy? What are her political, social, and religious beliefs?
A couple of other things: I may be wrong (it's not my area of expertise), but I don't think new SAoY characters get issued power armor. Also, a 36D bust would not be considered "slender," even with a 26 inch waist (ugh, I hate her already, LOL). Comparatively speaking, the measurements you gave her would make her look much more voluptuous.
I may be wrong (it's not my area of expertise), but I don't think new SAoY characters get issued power armor.

Its part of their standard equipment right out of kitty basic... I mean SAoY basic, its a copy paste thing.

Also FYI BloodyScarlet, I do believe that Yoshi is out for awhile... something about a faire, you may want to check the IRC to see if he pokes in and also to get any questions answered by the helpful people there. Alternatively you could shoot a message to the Co-GM which is Kyle (don't quote me on that though....).
I don't see any post from him on the forums or on his status page, but I think I remember him saying something about him about to start a 14-day trip, which is kind of awkward.

Maybe I should approve the character on his behalf? The character bio looks fine to me.

@BloodyScarlet Alternatively, if you don't want to wait, we could put you on another ship.
Yoshi is working at a fair for the next couple of weeks and will have spotty internet connectivity, so it will be a while for him.
thank you floodwaters, I thought the common skills counted as four that is why

I will add to the history, and change slender as well, you would hate me then, they are my measurement hehe.

I don't mind wes, I can wait till Yoshi is back or I can go for a different ship
Oh! I see what you did with the skills. It makes sense to me now.

It looks good to me now. My other bit of advice would be to use this as your template to refer to, but continue to build her history and personality as the RP unfolds. Situations and questions will come up that you may not necessarily have been prepared for, so when they do, be sure to make a note of how Taharial responds. You'd be surprised how "real" a character can get the longer you RP him/her.

Somebody sent this to me several weeks ago: http://tiinasaurus.tumblr.com/post/47561180082. It's a list of detailed questions that force you to flesh out a character's personality beyond the point of reason. I did it for my character, and it took me more than two days of thought to answer them all, even after I'd been playing her for over a year. But I'm glad I did, because not only did it give me a better idea of her as a person, but I learned a few things I didn't know about her before.

You would hate me then, they are my measurement hehe.

Hey. I only look sweet and innocent. Don't intentionally try to annoy me. LOL
thank you hun ^^ I am still quite new to rping but I know what to do, if I need to I will use it on this character, if I don't I will use it on my next
I really enjoyed doing it. It made me think about a lot of character aspects that I never did before. The odds that any of those specific things would come up in an RP are pretty slim, but it still gives you a much clearer picture of what kind of person your character is, and makes it much easier to extrapolate other aspects of their mind. You know you've succeeded when you start thinking of your character as a real person you know, rather than just a list of stats, vague descriptions, and jealousy-inducing measurements.
hehe I feel guilty now because i based most of my character on me with the looks, but I will use it for my next character
It seems like a solid start for your character. If I may offer advise based on my own short experience with RPing, I always advise against creating a character that is intended to resemble yourself(the writer) until you are familiar and comfortable with the setting. The first character I ever made was similar to myself but all the other characters were so OP on the site that I had to revise him three times. As a matter of preference, my characters typically only reflect parts of myself and mostly qualities of other people I know.
Anywho, that's all I got. Have fun
Character approved!
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