Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: 188604 Meet Izzy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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ON> Queen's Slave

The Queen's slave was a small freighter, and it had clearly seen some use. Many of the small rooms for the crew were filled with personal belongings, and the main room just outside of the cockpit seemed just as full of stuff. There were chairs with their backs against the walls all around the circular room, with one of them having a half-disassembled power armor belted in. There were some lose gun parts on the ground, and the central display table had all kinds of images displayed as hovering, illuminated, figures above it.

Uso herself, was standing at the table, her hair pulled back into a ponytail, her deep blue bodysuit clinging to her body as she looked through the images at the new arrival,

"So I hear you're looking to join up and get away from home?" She asked.

Isabelle watched Uso closely, wondering just how this was going to go. Her medium length hair hung loose, a style she rarely kept it in due to the nature of her job. She was always aware of her surroundings and generally kept a close watch on people to pick up if they could easily be friends or not. She had chosen to wear the cleaner of her mechanic jumpsuits that she had from a previous job.

"Yeah, I thought it would be nice to get away from what I know. Or at least the area I know," She said happily, her voice bright and optimistic as always.

"Well what is the area you know? I can't say I really know where to send you. We don't even really have a traditional... you know... corperate structure or whatever... the USO is more like a lose group of people who like working with me. I got plant farmers, pilots, soldiers... some people with a weird fascination with industry...." Uso let her voice trail off, leaning forward over the table to focus her attention on Isabelle

Izzy smiled, "Mostly I do Engineer work, I can do some piloting but not really much past knowing how to do test runs to make sure what I fix doesn't have any other problems. It sounds nice that this is such a good group, or at least you make it sound like the people here get along relativly well."

"We try and keep it interesting. How good are you at being shot at?" Uso asked, rather abruptly.

"What exactly do you mean?" Izzy asked curiously.

"I'm going to take that as a 'I haven't been shot at before'." Uso said, "... I mean, not that that kind of thing happens all the time where we work but there is certainly a more than zero chance that you're going to have something shooting at you at some point. But lets not dwell on that, we've got great medial and our own ST system. We can always bring ya back if you get yourself killed. What do you like to build? You a structure-type? or do you have a thing for starships?"

"Starships and robots, things like that," Izzy said, a little worried about being shot at in the future but Uso's words put her at ease. Besides life was an advanture, and what's an adventure without a little action.

"Starships AND robots?" Uso asked, perking up just a little bit, "I actually have a few people for you to talk to where those intrests overlap a lot. How do you feel about robots in the 20 meter size range?"

Izzy smiled happily, "That's bigger than any robot I've ever worked on but I'm willing to give it a try if it needs repairs or anything. You have a specific one in mind that you have?"

"Yeah, giveme just a moment...." Uso said, digging through the file system on the ship in order to bring up an image of a white fighter craft. A swift swipe of her finger across the display and the fighter craft would transform into a humanoid robot.

"I mean, I don't really get the transforming thing... that was kinda pushed on us by Alex.... but we got a lot of really smart people who put the thing together and now its what we're using. Thing is the girl who put it together isn't much of a 'stick around all the time' type and the other guy that's working on it from a design perspective isn't much of a joints and arms guy. He probably hates having to think about all that folding geometry."

( )

"Huh, it'll be an interesting challenge, nothing umanageable. Should actually be fun. They certainly are interesting machines," She said, looking through the information they had on them.

The design was amazing and she could see that whoever built them was great at what they did. She would have to go look at them as soon as she could, it would definitly be something to look into how everything worked with the transforming and everything.

"So how much do you know about our operation already?" Uso asked.

"I will admit, not much. But I like the idea of getting away from home and still being in an area where people are friendly and hopefully not annoyed by me," Izzy answered truthfully.

"Ah, one of those types. We've certainly got a few already... anyways we started maybe more than a year ago and took charge of some remote colony world. Now we've got industry, a military, diplomatic stuff... its a whole government that needs all those governmental things.

Hm, We should find a skyguard pilot. They use the U1 mecha a whole lot and they'll be the ones you work with the most.." Uso said, pulling out her datapad and looking throug it to find who was the closest pilot.

"Okay, I'm up for meeting anyone, I'm usually pretty friendly," She said, smiling at Uso and wondering who she would get to meet now.

"Yeah, well it is a bit of a trip back out there. Might as well give you more of a run down while we're doin that.

The Skyguard is Alex's group. Kindof a militia... they've got planes and ships and are generally trying to build up the locals into something a bit more professional.

Ragnarok is the PMC taking care of all the stuff on the groud. Raphael, Cyrus, and Corgan are the ones heading that up... though Corgan's got his reavers offshoot. Local people, train them to be soldiers and police, that kinda thing.

Candon is running the FSC, which is an ACTUAL corporation doing things and selling stuff. They are training up the locals in the fine art of being a company and selling things to make money. They kinda have an in with the U1 development. Between them and the others there is some tech sharing going on so you should probably have a chat with them at some point.

Vier looks like us, but she's one of those robot types. Basically running the city at this point... which is Osman city... which is really the only city on the planet. Generally if anything happens it happens there you know?

Then Truffleclub, also a robot-type but like... actually a robot. Tall, Orange, covered in grass and stuff now... you can't miss him. Anyways, he's doing this weird spacer-druid-thing. The machine is absolutely adorable and we just let it do its thing. We end up getting all kinds of spacer goodies and plants out of it."

Izzy nodded, listening and taking in the new information. It sounded like she had her work cut out for her to some extent. She had a few people to meet it seemed as well, she was hoping all of them, or at least most of them, she would become friends with eventually.

"So there are a few groups that I'm going to have to get aquanted with, and will be dealing with, just because of the skills I have. Should be nice," Izzy said, she thought she could remember all of that.

"JACK GET OVER HERE!" Uso called out, suddenly looking up from her datapad. Her attention shifted from the back areas of the ship over to Izzy for just a moment, "Also, if you need anything just let Vier or me know and we'll hook you up with whatever..." In just a second her attention was back to the rear areas of the ship, "WE'VE GOT A NEW RECRUIT I NEED YOU TO SHOW AROUND!"

Jack walked into the room, but stopped instantly when he spotted Isabelle.

Izzy turned to him and smiled, "Hey Jack, didn't know you worked here." It was a lie but she said it convincingly enough to hopefully get away with it.

"Well I'lI make sure to show you around HQ when we'we're back, but I guess a tour of the ship will have to be enough for now.", He said as he pulled out his datajodatajockey and sent an emergency message out to hide all alcohol.

"Okay, is there anyone specific I should watch out for, to stay away from or make friends with?" She asked, smiling innocently. She had no idea what he sent out or that it would ruin all her fun later.

"Yinsar likes machines over people, so you'll see him a lot, there'there's Jay, kinda a smartass, but well respected. There's also Arxie, another Elysian. Then Alex the boss himself, me, and my robot Tacticus.", He gave as he looked over his files on his comrades. "I don't really know about those of the other groups working for Uso.", He finished now looking back at Izzy.

"Well, it seems I will probably be working some with every group that works for Uso, I do wanna take a look at those U-1 starships as soon as I can," Izzy said, looking at him. "Maybe I can get someone to introduce me to everyone in the other groups as well sometime, or at least tell me the main people in each group."

"That would probably be best, since I myself am fairly new to the Skyguard myself.", Jack said as he lead her out of the room to begin the tour. Though he couldn't help but feel like he had seen the dogtag she was wearing looked oddly familiar.