Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
((Think something along the lines of the TF2 Meet The Character Promo videos - Make a promo for your character for the hell of it!))

The scene was quiet ahead, but the guys who had been working hard to keep those swindled paintings safe wouldn't feel their satisfaction for so long.
Up on the battlements there was someone setting up a heavy calibre sentrygun, a couple of sharpshooters peeking out the window. Down on the ground there as a flamethrower wielding crazy and a tall man juggling some Anti-P.A rockets with a rocket launcher over his shoulder.

"Aheh..." A blue blur smiled to himself as he began sprinting forwards with an archaic lever-action shotgun in his hands. The people on the battlements noticed him immediately.
The sentry began shooting at him, but he ducked, wove and tumbled past while keeping his cool. He did take a couple of hits though, but he shrugged it off.
He then ran between the flamethrower wielder and the rocket launcher toting crazies. They chased after him with fire and explosives - when suddenly a train went their way. Luca sidestepped it and continued onto his goal while the other two were mowed over.


Luca walked onstage over a backdrop of the title. He had his hands clapped together, rubbing them and leaning against the title screens.
"Ahh. Where to begin?" He nonchalantly mouthed off, "Chances are you already know who I am."

It then cut to a scene of where the paintings were being stored in an open storeroom. A portly guard was trying to snack on a sandwich when Luca dropped down behind him with his fisticuffs up. The guard turned around as quickly as his frame would allow.
"Good Morning!" Luca said cheerily.

"Then again, some people don't know about me that well."

The two were soon in a full blown fistfight. While the heavy guard tried to attack Luca, all he could amount to was hitting the walls and floor while the nimble blur managed to weave past it all.

"But no hard feelings, 'course, I can always be sent to find you!"

Luca had his foe in a headlock with his long shotgun. The guard was resisting easily.

Luca was then looking at his three-barrelled shotgun and the Ketsurui Zaibatsu 10mm Mass-Production pistol he was given when he first joined the army.
"Aren't they beautiful?" He commented with a chuckle.

The tables turned swiftly. Luca found himself trying to escape the guard's iron grips.

"Okay okay - Let me put it to you like this." He tried to make sense of what he was saying, "The world can fall into war, people can die and the governments can mess it all up - but I prevent that."

Luca had escaped from the grip and gave him a powerful kick in the gut!

"I'm a necessary good." Luca put his arms out wide.

And an uppercut to the face!

"In a world full of evil there's gotta be some hope - right?" He pointed to the audience at the last word.
As the monologue was playing the guard was on the ground trying to reach for his shotgun, or his sandwich. Luca then ran up a wall, somersaulted off it and landed foot first, squarely on the guard.

"I thought so. My name is Luca Pavone, and I'm a odd-jobber for fun and profit."


The final scene had Luca sitting down on top of the downed guard, and looking at the paintings on the wall. Eating that sandwich.
"These'll make great conversation pieces..."
He gave a quick glance to the audience before heading back to his viewing and the screen fading out.
Bravissimo, Luca. Excellent work.

Meet Mikhael Chandler

A black-haired soldier stands on a rooftop overlooking a crowded Nepleslian city district.

"My name's Mikhael Chandler, though some call me Kel."

Scanning the ground with a pair of thermal binoculars, he looks into a large knot of men and women.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you much about what I do now, because a lot of that is classified."

Chandler lowers the binoculars to the small concrete wall and picks up a large sniper rifle.

"But what I can tell you is this."

Chandler sights in with the rifle, compensates for round drift by aiming slightly ahead of his target, squeezes the trigger, and fires.

"In my line of work, I've done a lot of things I've come to regret."

"The scene shifts to chaos on the street below- people scatter like leaves in the wind, fearing another sniper's bullet might come to them. The group that was formerly surrounding the fallen man has now charged up the stairs.

"I've done many more things that I wish had never happened to begin with, and am about to do a load more."

The guards kick down the door and level a variety of automatic weapons on Chandler.

"But I can tell that, as long as there is still evil in this world-"

Chandler dives backwards off the roof, and the guards come to the edge and start firing on him.

"I'll keep doing those bad things for as long as I have to."

Chandler extends the wings of a collapsible glider and soars away from the roof. Several explosions occur along the edge of the building, shearing off a large portion of the roof. The explosion mars the skyline, a pillar of fire spiralling high into the air.

"Because I have no choice but to continue existing until my mandate has been completed, or I die working on it."
Very nice, as usual, Luca. Let me try.

Meet Nevaraon Darkmidnight

Nevaraon walks out onto a flat platform with only his sword held in his upper right hand. Straight across from him two other Nightwalkers, who had the misfortune of insulting him, stood with their swords held nervously.

(in a monolouge overtone) My name is Nevaraon. There really isn't much for me to say about myself.

A ref comes out and starts the duel. As one sided as it seemed, he askes Nevaraon if he would reconsider. Nevaraon simply dismisses him with a wave of his hand and a grin.

Except that I like to fight, expecially against overwhelming odds.

The duel begins as the two allies run right at Nevaraon, coming in on different sides. Nevaraon simply shifts his feet and holds his ground.

As soon as we Abwehrans start making progress with gaining standing with the rest of the universe, You'll start hearing more about me.

The two slash their swords simultaneously, one going for Nevaraon's head, the other going for his knees.

A lot.

Nevaraon explodes into action, a split second before either hit him. Twisting sideways as he purposefully falls, He curls his legs and arms in and kicks and punches at both opponents at the same time. Effectively knocking them out and winning the duel.

My Name is Nevaraon Darkmidnight and I intend to make my name heard as one of the greatest fighters in the universe.
This is an intro for an NPC character. But she was the only one I could think of this sort of intro for. After writing hers, though, I think I can come up with some intros for the others : )

A dark-furred finger knocks over a book. The book hits another book, which begins a domino sequence of books falling that, as the camera pulls up, the viewer can see forms an elaborate design that squirms and curves around a large stone room.



The camera follows the domino effect, with the last book being a large, hefty tomb that hits a wooden door, closing it. The door closing rolls an inflated ball out, and it drops down a short stairway, bumping a two-by-four plank and knocking it over.

"I like making things. A lot of people say that my inventions are useless."

The plank falls into a stone wheel which has an axle through it that suspends it on a set of rails. The wheel rolls down the rails, gathering speed, then hits a large stone, which was standing upright in a four-wheeled horse cart that is without its hitching tongue.

"I think they're just jealous."

The cart, with weights on the front half for momentum, rolls down the main market street that is full of shoppers and merchants. The cart just moves straight ahead, people moving around it without stopping it. There is a large sign on the front of the cart, which is probably why it isn't stopped...and why a fruit merchant sets a trio of lemons and a couple of white sugar sticks in the basket under the sign as the cart passes his stand.

"I get such a thrill from calculating everything so that it works just right! I love it!"

The cart stops at the end of the street, hitting a wall. A hook tied to a thread catches on the basket handle and the cart's impact releases a counter-weight on the other side of the wall. The weight falls, pulling a pin, which releases a loosely-inserted stopper at the bottom end of a barrel of water. The water begins draining from the barrel into a small water wheel, which winds a wench that pulls a rope that hoists the basket back up the street toward a window.

"Someday I want to invent a machine that takes an entire day to perform one cycle! But my teacher says I should make something more practical...then no one will laugh at me."

The basket reaches the top and a ledge causes it to tip, dumping its contents into a grinding mechanism made from two stone cylinders that are arranged so that they crush anything placed between them. The mechanism chews up the lemons and the sugar sticks, with the juice and peels dropping out the other end into a strainer. The peels are caught, but the juice drips into a cup waiting beneath the strainer.

"But none of my inventions are useless. They just take a while to work...and I ALWAYS get results!"

A smiling Siamese cat girl, about fourteen years old, is sitting next to the table that has the cup, reading a book. Taking the cup, she drinks some of the juice...and promptly spits it out.

"Even if they're not the results I was looking for."

"My name is Rising Echo New Winds, and I'm a Kohanian Dy'Unnar inventor!"
The title screen appeared quickly with the Star Army Jingle.


A wide open workshop with tools lying everywhere, on the walls, floors, ceiling too. Wrenches, sheets of scrap metal, hammers, ammunition, partly disassembled engines, you name it, it was probably there, somewhere.
On one side was a shuttle which was undergoing some major repairs. Clanks, clashes and jolts of thunder could be heard from inside of there along with curses and the occasional thump.
The other end of the shop yielded a gaunt figure wearing some striking formal wear, and working on a Nepleslian Power Armour. The WATER2. Reloading the guns, polishing the armour, and then spraypainting a white star to the front chestplate with a stencil.

"We're brothers."

A masculine voice from inside the shuttle said. A figure climbed out. A nepleslian of average stature in his 20's wearing casual clothing, had a pair of sunglasses on over a welder's mask and a goatee.

"I'm John. Grew up together, split up and went separate later on, but we're meeting again for this little interview."

The other figure turned around. He looked similar to his brother, save for the formal clothing, a pair of faux reading glasses, cybernetic eyes. He simply gave the audience a nod.

"I, am ... Henry ... a plea-sure to meet, you."

Henry's voice seemed broken. As if he'd forgotten to speak.

"He doesn't speak much. A true introvert - but much smarter than me. After all, he's fixing up Power Armours for the Nepleslian Star Navy! Ain't that right?"

He nodded again. John reached out of camera frame and grabbed a high powered laser Sniper Rifle. The sort they'd only give the army.

"Show 'em what you're good at."

He passed it over to Henry. Who immediately put it to his shoulder, aligned with his eye perfectly, took aim at a wrench hanging on the wall about 70 yards away and with a squeeze of the trigger - it ceased to be. He just nodded and gave the rifle back.

"All I'm good for is fixing and flying shuttles and some lighter ships. I'm a good friend friend of Luca Pavone, and he has that whole Phoenix thing. Oh well - whatever keeps income going..."

The two then pointed at the camera.

"My name John Nathan Morris."
"And I - am Henry, Oldrey Morris."
"And we're mechanics and pilots."
"Armour... Or, Shuttle."
@ Nevaraon: Nice. Short, but cool.

@ Missing: That sounds like something I would do.

@ Luca: Excellent.

[Reserved for Eliot Steele]
((To hail Valve's sense of humour, I present...))

The interior of a fridge. There are a few beers, a half-eaten sandwich and a bottle of red fluid labelled "Red Plat - It's Flippin' Good!!" A popular energy drink. Then the Star Army fanfare played...


The camera remained fixed inside the fridge while the sounds of stumbling footsteps could be heard outside, along with the voice of Luca, groaning in pain, continually.

"Hey there he is!" Another voice, probably a guard asked.
"Oi! Stop right there - or I'll fill you with holes -" A gruffer voice answered. More hurried footsteps followed, "HE'S GETTING AWAY!! DON'T LET HIM GET TO THE FR--!!"

The the fridge opened, rattling some of the bottles of beer and a hand with a white cuff and a black/brown-coated arm shot in and stole the drink.
"D-don't do it man!"
"DO. NOT. DO IT!!"
Then the sound of unscrewing the lid and gulping down the whole bottle could be heard - along with a sigh of relief and a minor chuckle.
"Ohhhhhhhh bugger..." The gruffer voice mumbled.
"L-l-look man - calm down, m'kay? We can sort something out here-- OHGOD!"

Loud footsteps could be heard as Luca was probably charging towards the poor bastard with his fists raised.
Several loud thuds could be heard and the whole fridge rattled with one almighty CRASH!! - leaving the door ajar and a bottle of beer to fall out and smash on the floor. Luca could be heard yelling something along the lines of: "STOP. SHOOTING. AT ME. DAMMIT!!"

"MY FACE!! He re-arranged my entire FACE!!"
The other voice could be heard trying to get his recently emptied handgun reloaded, but promptly getting mashed to pieces as well, with various grunts of pain.

Another sickening crash and a snap could be heard.
"You call that chiropractic rearrangement?! You heroic pricks couldn't break my spine if you-"
The other guy was mashed against the refrigerator, knocking over another bottle of beer and slamming the door, then coming open slowly to reveal a small pool of blood on the ground.
Then a high pitched, girlish scream - probably from the face-rearranged guard could be heard - then the fanfare played again.


Then Luca could be seen, in his spiffy new black/brown jacket with a bottle of Red Plat, and skulling it casually and happily in the middle of a warzone with bullets, rockets and lasers flying everywhere. Then wiping his mouth with his sleeve, burping and smiling like a goof.
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