Star Army

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RP Meeting of the Admiralty to Discuss Emerging Mishhuvurthyar Threat


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.6
RP Location
Empress' Palace Conference Room
Yamatai, Kyoto
Empress' Palace

The grandeur of the Empress' Palace's conference room was evident at first glance. The walls were expertly decorated with intricate gold and wood paneling that spoke of the Empire's storied history. Twin fireplaces, one behind the regal throne and another at the opposite end, offered a warm contrast to the coldness of space outside. The throne itself, a symbol of imperial might, sat in a position of honor with a small YSE flag standing proudly by its side. The room's centerpiece, a long and well-polished table, hinted at the weighty discussions it had borne witness to over the years.

Mistress-Taisho Ketsurui Yui offered a nod of acknowledgment to the assembled fleet commanders and directors, her face reflecting the gravity of the situation. "We stand at a pivotal moment in the Empire's history, and our discussions today will chart the course for our future," Taisho Yui said. She took her place at the head of the table, opposite the throne.

The entire room seemed to hush even more as Empress Himiko entered, the soft rustling of her resplendent kimono the only sound breaking the silence. Every eye was drawn to her, an embodiment of grace and authority, as the delicate patterns on her kimono shimmered subtly under the ambient light. The garment was intricately designed, depicting scenes of the empire's past, present, and potential future, making it clear that she didn't just wear the empire's heritage – she carried it with her.

Empress Himiko gracefully ascended the few steps to her throne. As she settled, the twin fires from the fireplaces cast a gentle glow on her, making her appear almost ethereal. She acknowledged Mistress-Taisho Ketsurui Yui with a nod and a soft smile, appreciative of the weight that Yui bore in these trying times.

"My esteemed commanders and directors," the Empress began, her voice clear yet gentle, resonating through the hall, "We are both humbled and heartened to see each of you here. While we face challenges unlike any before, it is gatherings like these that solidify my faith in our empire's continued prosperity." Empress Himiko took a moment to let her words sink in, her gaze meeting each individual's eyes before continuing, "Let us be forthright and resolute in our deliberations today, for the future of our beloved Yamatai depends on it."

Empress Himiko I, her countenance a mask of grace and determination, continued to address the assembly. "Over the centuries, we have faced numerous threats, but our resolve as an Empire has remained unyielding. From the treacherous actions of the PNUgen Corporation and the horrors of the Mishhuvurthyar Wars to the relentless challenges of the Kuvexian War, we have persevered."

Pausing briefly, she gestured towards a grand holographic projection of the Kagami Galaxy, highlighting regions where Mishhuvurthyar activity was suspected. "Now, as the vast expanse of the Kagami Galaxy unfurls before us, riddled with threats once thought vanquished, we must prepare for the challenges ahead. Taisho Yui..."

Taisho Ketsurui Yui stood, her presence a perfect complement to the Empress's gravitas. "Our intelligence suggests that the Mishhuvurthyar have spread far and wide, and their ambitions have only grown. While we've pushed back against their advances, recent unforeseen battles have proven that our adversaries remain formidable. Their reach extends far beyond what we previously believed."

She activated a detailed holographic projection, revealing the regions recently reclaimed from the Mishhuvurthyar invaders and potential flashpoints for the upcoming conflict. "Our first priority is to protect ourselves by fortifying our home and by spreading out and establishing our presence in key strategic points across the galaxy. From there, we launch coordinated strikes to dismantle their infrastructure and push them back. We are used to working with plentiful resources but the scope of this will mean a lot of ships operating on their own for the foreseeable future."

She pulled up a volumetric display with some notes on it. "Our strategic goals are as follows:

1. Ensure the survivability of the Star Army of Yamatai and the Yamatai Star Empire
2. Ensure the ability to effectively respond to sudden and major threats and attacks
3. Catalog and build places, resources, and allies we could use in the fight.
4. Gather intelligence on the forces of the enemy and what they have available.

If anyone has suggestions for this list, they are welcome. Essentially we have been working on a small scale, geographically speaking, and we will need to take the successes we have had in the Kikyo Sector and bring them to the rest of the galaxy. I am also open to questions."

Taisho Fletcher nodded thoughtfully, he was a tall man with dark skin, the crown of grey hair he wore hinted at the over sixty years he had served Yamatai through thick and thin. Now he answered to exactly two people, both of whom were present in this room. "I've been conducting an anaylasis on the recent attacks. It suggests that the Mishhuvurthyar invaders have changed their tactics from the last war. Prefering hit and run attacks to direct combat."

"Seventh Fleet has deployed assets to destroy discovered shipyards," Fletcher said. "But they have been more lightly defended than our analysts expect. When we have taken the shipyards, we have found that they are relatively poorly constructed. One of the planets we are currently working to take out of their hands has a slave species that was deployed in combat against us. The Mishhuvurthyar have changed strategy and tactics, we will need to be flexible to counter them. Development of counters to their new tactics and strategies must be a priority."

"I think what we've seen so far is that there are a variety of subfactions amongst the Mishhu, some of which are more like the Star Army - organized, and well equipped, and some of which are more of ragtag guerilla forces or pirate bands. What is true in one encounter may not necessarily be true elsewhere," Yui said. "For example, the Mishhuvurthyar in Uesureyan Empire space have been different than those encountered by the Second Fleet. We are still investigating but we believe the Mishhuvurthyar may have gained access to a vast network of wormholes and gate systems constructed by ancient civilizations and are able to use this to spread extensively around the galaxy. As could we."

Though the room’s atmosphere was brightened by the warmth of the firelight and the Imperial might within it, the Director of Star Army Intelligence’s own corner beside the holographically projected Kagami Galaxy contrasted it coldly. As they listened to the speaker, Director Nakaide Shida’s flinty blue eyes strayed not from the Mistress Taisho, taking in her reactions and responses.

“The most recent successful attacks against the Mishhuvurthyar have come at great cost,” Shida opened. “Predominantly due to their enhanced body types. Alterations to the genetics of the Mishhuvurthyar have been seen not only in the Advanced, but in Nightmares alike. Though not all of these alterations were seen in disparate battles, such as the Second Fleet’s heroism in the North and the first altercation with this new Mishhuvurthyar threat in the Uesureyan South when retaking Kessica.

"Research suggests that separate groups of the NMX and SMX have made distinct models of themselves. These bodies are different from one another, but if they are functioning independtly or if the Mishhuvurthyar are working jointly between these territories —especially by way of a wormhole or gate network— is of some importance and well within your latter goal, Mistress Taisho."

"I think what we're seeing is an increase in Mishhuvurhtyar diversity from a small group of known models in the style of the Nekovalkyrja to a large family to related but non-standardized individuals each sharing many characteristics but unique in their own way," Yui told Shida. "In other words we may think we know our enemy but they're growing weirder over time, and the circle we can draw around 'what is a Mishhuvurthyar' is expanding to include new traits and configurations. Do you agree?"

"Just when you think you have them figured out, you find out they have a surprise in store," Taisho Eikan Minato, Chief of Operations, paraphrased Yui. "It does seem to be a recurring theme," she agreed. Minato was an original generation Nekovalkyrja with green hair, blue eyes, and bare catlike ears who had served the Star Army as long as Yui had.

"The adaptability of the enemy has grown more elastic than ever," Shida acknowledged. "But we have persevered, as has been said."

"I worry that we may have grown complacent from the victory dividend. Stuck in our ways, in a way that they might exploit." Fletcher added.

Having had her command reinstated some time prior, this time at the head of the Second Fleet, Taisho Hokusai Akiyo stood alongside her colleagues in the face of the Star Empire's rulers. Her visage was marked by a dirty look in her eyes — she'd fought against the Mishhuvurthyar in both past wars, and knew well enough the magnitude of today's conference — and a sneering grin across her lips. An old school Nekovalkyrja warrior through-and-through, and one of the Star Army's most successful fleet leaders, Hokusai stood ready to dismantle the enemy and relish every moment of it.

"The Sword of the Empire never dulls," Hokusai said, rejecting any notion that the Second Fleet would shy away from whatever duty would be handed to it despite the losses inflicted on it that prompted this meeting in part. "What of the Mishhu fiends still in-sector? They have remained dormant all through the Kuvexian War. Is there any intel to suggest they may be roused and stab at us from close by? Or do they look to remain the feral scraps they've always been?"

Hokusai glanced from Yui to the Star Army Intelligence contingent for a second when she spoke. Her original fleet command, the Ninth, had closely integrated with SAINT to specialize in counterinsurgency (and in fighting one against the Mishhu on Tami). So she, of course, still paid mind to such concerns.

"The sooner we can resolve those concerns, the better," Yui replied. "It would certainly seem the Mishhuvurthyar have essentially backed out of the Kikyo Sector...for now, we shouldn't give them easy footholds to use in the future."

The Second's new leader nodded with a peppy jolt, her sneer happily showing teeth for a moment. "Then they'll be a good warm up to sharpen our fangs," she said, licking at one of her canines before she spoke. "The remnants in-sector shouldn't be too tough to handle. Give our most inexperienced troops some trigger time before they see endless waves of those squids."

Fletcher considered Hokusai, he approved of her, and what was what he had grown to expect from his Nekovalkyrja comrades. "I don't think that this will be simple as defeating them in straight combat. We will have to examine the roots and logistics of our enemies to defeat them. Our ships and fleets may have to operate well outside of our direct view. Which we have had some practice at this during our recent conflict with the Kuvexians. But we may need a deeper adoption of it."

"It sounds like this will require an enormous amount of manpower," Taisho Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako, Director of Star Army Personnel, spoke up, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "We currently do not have enough soldiers to crew all of the Izanagi-class star fortresses, as recruiting has been down since the end of Kuvexian War. We will need continuous support, not just in logistics and intelligence, but also in reminding our soldiers of what we're fighting for. Stories of heroism, reminders of our history – these are the things that will steel their resolve. Morale and the spirit of our soldiers will be as critical as the weapons they wield. We need them to remember the strength of the Yamatai Star Empire, and to draw from the lessons of our past as we navigate the challenges of our future. As we expand into new regions, not only will we clone more Nekovalkyrja but I intend to build a diverse force with new species we discover."

"The Empire has long incorporated and protected new species we have discovered. Over time we have incorporated them into our forces. I think we should plan to be able to do this more rapidly and find ways that our forces can complement each other. Strength through the diversity that we bring to the table." Fletcher said, agreeing with Hanako.

"We are the Empire's frontline and last line of defense," Hokusai said, obviously referring to Nekovalkyrja. The orange eyed admiral had nothing against other species serving, and some of her best troops had long been Geshrin and Yamataians, but she recognized the purpose of Nekovalkyrja and reason for producing them in the billions. "As long as any newcomers can keep up with us, then our heroics — great and small — will inspire them to be the soldiers this Empire needs."

Taisho Kessaku Irim spoke then, one of the older Nekovalkyrja who led the Star Army's largest fleet, the First Fleet. "This mission is more than we can handle with the expeditionary fleets alone. My fleet is ready to join the efforts to not only protect the Kikyo Sector but to start sending scouts through these wormhole gates and conquering these new frontiers. In fact, I think all fleets should be contributing something. We shouldn't have ships sitting around idle."

"Agreed," Hokusai concurred. "Last war, my Third set up a task force to take the fight to the Kuvexians even though our area of operations remained in the Kikyo Sector. It has become Task Force 282 and continued to distinguish itself as a separate formation since then, but every fleet should build such adaptability into its organizational tables. Doing so is a proven boon. As long as that's fine with Minato and Taisho Yui, of course."

Fletcher turned that idea over in his head, "I think we may want to reorganize the fleets. Two home fleets, rather than several. One to defend the sector, one to be our strategic reserve. They will of course send ships to work with the other fleets, as other fleets will send ships to work with them. The rest of our fleets should be what we currently term 'expeditionary', primaraly operating outside of Yamatai to deal with the various subfactions of the Mishhuvurthyar."

Yui told them, "I think fleets will primarily be regional and I think we'll essnetially set up a cycle of expansion where we expand to a new sector perhaps once every few months to a year and set up a fleet there while the expeditionary fleets and scouts sent by standard fleets act as vanguards. For example if we travel through a wormhole and find a good place to set up facilities, the ships built and operating there will eventually become a fleet of their own. In this way I hope to eventually have fleets around the galaxy."

"That plan seems flexible, Mistress-Taisho," Hokusai said. "Hanako only just mentioned a lack of crews for our surplus Izanagi-class ships. Maybe all of the repatriated Nekovalkrja who once served the NMX we've gathered over the years could be drawn into joining up. They know their old masters better than most others. With a good officer corps at their head, the promise of glory aboard a few lone dreadnoughts sent out to pave the way for Yamatai could appeal to them. And it might even give them some direction beyond scurrying around the sector as privateers and wayward adventurers."

"I am looking forward to how ship captains meet the challenge of operating in dangerous space with limited support," Irim grinned. "More than ever this is our time to build strong leaders and give them a chance to shine and show the Empire's flag. I like that this will not be easy. The Star Army needs to embrace the deadliness and mystery of space. We are warriors and explorers and this will help keep us strong. When I'm fighting nightmarish enemies and terrible odds I'm in my element."

For their part, the Nekovalkyrja SAINT Director had been silent and listening attentively. Within Shida’s storm cloud-colored face, their bright eyes had gone to Hokusai a small number of times, but had settled on the fireplace to the right of the Himiko, giving the appearance that they were looking at the Empress contemplatively.

“Despite being fewer in numbers for the time, the Mishhuvurthyar do not hold a torch to our uncompromising valor and intrepid ways.” The Star Army Intelligence Director spoke as if noting the characteristics of a the Kagami Galaxy in front of their vision, but had laid a muted grey hand flat against the table while doing so, quietly expressing the underlying honesty of their words.

Then with a lifting of one lip, Shida's smile was directed at Irim, though he kept Hokusai's need to sharpen her teeth in mind, "It's apt they resurfaced at such a trying time or our Nekovalkyrja warriors would have too easy a fight."

"The only easy day was yesterday." Fletcher said, cracking a smile at the challenge before them. "With the Mistress Taisho's permission, I'll convert the seventh into an expeditionary fleet to begin operations primarily outside of the Kikyo sector."

"Very well," Yui nodded to Fletcher.

The Rikugun Chief of Staff, Taisho Mizumitsu Benji, was characteristically silent among the other admirals of the SAoY. He did his absolute best not to look in the direction of the SAINT director's direction. He always thought it was bad luck for himself to do so.

He listened to the discussions and hypothesis of how the Mishhu had evolved. While interesting, his Rikugun were concerned on how they were going to get to the fight in efficient deployments than how they were going to fight. At least all of the Armies would have had their new bases built and redeployed to garrison their select worlds. Though there is so much that stil needs to be done.

"There was an easy day?" Benji asked, feigning disbelief.

"Only to those born yesterday," Shida responded. Whether he noticed Benji's inability to look his way or not, the Director made no apparent note of it.

"No challenge is so great that it can't be overcome with a quick Soul Transfer backup," Hokusai said cheerfully, following the spymaster's quip with one of her own. She was glad they were keeping things light, but was nonetheless eager to shift gears back to the Mishhuvurthyar threat at hand.

A gruff series of chuckles was Shida's response to the Second Fleet Taisho's retort. They came from the diaphragm and contrasted roughly with Hokusai's cheery voice.

"Ensuring the ships we send out are prepared with the latest personnel backup technologies should be a priority, too," Hokusai-taisho continued. "I'm not sure I've heard much about where SARA's advances in the field stand now, but the Kuvexians' craven attack at Nataria should have taught us to address vulnerabilities associated with Soul Transfer. Are we able to today send captains and their crews out on lone ship expeditions to fight the Mishhuvurthyar with the confidence their records are secure should they encounter attempts to erase their backups?"

"I think that we need to update our methods for keeping backups. We may want to consider having a central repository, yes, but more recent local backups as well. When they report in, the central repository is updated with the local backups. We might even have secondary backup locations on key stations, so a single attack can't take out all of our backups." Fletcher suggested.

"We should not get too bogged down into a matter that SARA exclusively has knowledge over. Our service members should have been ready for the ultimate sacrifice should it occur, whether it was cyberinfiltraton our information technology specialists should have defended against or the ST pod is destroyed on a ship." Benji said before pausing for a moment. He had his own opinion regarding the ST incident, but it really wasn't his area of responsibility to say anything regarding it.

"Though something we can talk about regarding SARA is the preparation and resources of our areas of responsibility require. The Rikugun is currently experimenting with a new form of deployment group that will allow us to be more deploy-able, though it requires a higher production of Sigrún-class “Rikugun” Regimental Assault Carriers to fulfill the role of the Kagai Class, only with a regiment."

Hokusai looked over to Yui after Benji spoke. She found it somewhat odd that he didn't want to discuss certain potential issues but didn't let it show on her face. The Second Fleet's new leader had plenty of experience with ground forces, with her original Ninth Fleet having once been the Star Army's main planetary conquest fleet, but decided not to tell the Mizumitsu admiral what she thought about beachheads and barracks ships.

"Our purpose here today is to holistically discuss the menace we will face in the coming months and years," Hokusai said, addressing the room but still speaking toward Yui and the Empress in a show of deference. "In the absence of a SARA representative's input on these matters at this gathering, is there anything relevant that fleet based researchers can do to fill gaps in the Star Army's current capability?"

Benji simply folded his arms and watched whatever the Taisho of the 2nd Fleet was doing. He could feel something from it, likely something regarding the history with the new Rikugun and the 9th fleet's original purpose. But since the Taisho make it open enough and boosted what Benji was trying to get the other admirals to discuss about in addition to the Mishhu, he merely unfolded his arms and bowed his head towards the Empress and Yui.

"I think you might find that SARA's knowledge is not exclusive," Shida said from their corner of the holographic table. "And for that matter, the minutiae of starship classes is more likely what will close the conversation's boundaries than talking about the very real and permanent loss of life the Star Army faced at Nataria and how to avoid it in the future. SARA's representative being absent does dampen the possibility of a conversation's outcome on the matter. It is something I myself will see to is being worked on as a potential threat that should be minimized."

The Director wasn't looking to mince words when there were only so many opportunities for the commanders of the Star Army to get to plan a war. When it had happened upon them with the Kuvexians, a lot of what transpired didn't have moments like this in which proactive planning took place.

Shida spoke again, "But to answer the question of fleet based research, Taisho Kessaku's scouting of wormholes alongside expeditionary fleets will give us an early estimate and their intelligence assets engaging the enemy and its resources will help give us an early estimate of what we can expect in this war against the new Mishhuvurthyar threat."

"We direct SARA, moreover this isn't a question of technology, but of how we are going to use it. How we are going to posture our fleets and deploy them. There are four things we have to consider with our strategy. First, Survivability of the Empire. Second, ability to respond to a sudden attack. Third, build strongpoints and allies. Fourth, understanding our enemy." Fletcher said.

"Overall, our strategy should be one of flexibility. To address the first consideration, we should give a single fleet responsibility for heading the defense of the Kikyo sector. Other fleets will send ships to assist, cross-train, and even deploy here, but the strategy and planning will be the responsibility of that fleet's Taisho. To address the second consideration, we should have a fleet whose responsibility is to act as our strategic reserve. Both of these fleets would be stationed at this time here in the Kikyo sector. Then we would task the remaining fleets with specific sectors within which they would be responsible for dealing with the Mishhuvurthyar in that area. Due to the time and distances involved, the Taisho for their area would be the final say. We may not need to divide the fleet into as many pieces as we currently have it divided into. Each Taisho should be encouraged to tailor their fleet and their tactics as the situation demands." Fletcher proposed, tossing the idea out for the other Taisho to consider.

"That sounds like a major restructuring of the Star Army," Hokusai said, still maintaining a respectful gaze at Himiko and Yui. Fletcher had proposed an awful lot that would demand change before the Star Army even knew what awaited it in the unknown regions. "I was under the impression from the Mistress-Taisho's introductory statements that scout ships from the fleets, and presumably SAINT, would make initial thrusts outward to ascertain the Mishhuvurthyar's disposition."

"Counting heads in the room against sectors with possible incursions shows we have more threats than we have Admirals. The Star Army may be left relying on individual captains amid the wide swaths of territory the Mishhuvurthyar ihave potentially infestated." As he spoke, Shida's eyes glinted towards the starmap, but really he was relying on more than the pricks of light where each system glowed to tell him that if they would be traversing.

Though the words of Admirals and Directors alike all counted for something, the final say from Mistress-Taisho Yui and Empress Himiko before them were what mattered most to the future of the Star Army and how they handled one more war with the Mishhuvurthyar. The palpable concern in the room was only sharpened by the confidence each of the adjoined members had in those two above them and all the many millions of Star Army personnel below them in rank. Having the entire fate of the Yamataia Star Empire resting on these moments was only made feasible by their well-placed trust in the strategy Yui had put forth and enabled by the guiding wisdom of the Empress.

((OOC: JP by Wes, Ametheliana, raz, Soban, demibear))

YSS Battle of Ayenee Capital City​


System YC-06C 2, Kosuke Sector​

The distorted volumetric image of Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko appeared in the meeting room after the meeting. Due to interference of a nearby spacial phenomenon, she had not been able to join the meeting when it was in progress. The veteran and seasoned Fleet Admiral had reviewed the information that had been discussed. She addressed Mistress Taisho with a bow of respect. "We have experienced communication difficulties, my apologies Mistress Taisho." I suspect that Kosuke Sector will be no exception to the Mishhuvurthyar threat, while we have not encountered them directly we have seen signs of their presence in some systems. I imagine this will create challenges as we go forward with our mission. The Fifth Expeditionary Fleet and the single group from the First Expeditionary Fleet are at your disposal as always," she said with a pause.

Being one of the older generations of Nekovalkyrja the Mishhuvurthyar were a menace she knew well, her early career had been centered around fighting for the Empire and their destruction. "I trust some of the safeguards developed while I was in command of the First Expeditionary Fleet will serve you well," she stated in hopes that Yui would understand she was referring to the Bastions, specifically Nemesis Bastion. "If you need us to turn around, we can also accommodate, I will increase the awareness of our forces guarding the civilians with us when we finish this call," she stated and then held for her superior to speak. She didn't like what she had heard in the meeting, it didn't sit well with her - this threat was real to her, so much more than the Kuvexians or other threats that had emerged after the Second Mishhuvurthyar War.


YSS Yamato​


System XR-8 Outer Orbit, Nashoba Sector​

Commander's Addendum

Admirals of the Star Army of Yamatai,

It is, with significant relief, my duty to report an apparent lack of Mishhuvurthyar activity in the sectors Coreward/Southwest of the Kikyō Sector. In part, this is likely due to our position not far from the path of the Uesureyan Purge that followed the Emperor's departure from the sector. However, the most salient factor in the lack of Mishhuvurthyar penetration in the coreward sectors of the galaxy seems to be simply the much more dense arrangement of star systems, and their high levels of occupation due to the much longer history of the older coreward civilizations in the sector compared to those in the mid arm like the Kikyō and further rimward. We will still continue to monitor the situation, and ensure that no attacks on the Empire or other nations in the Kikyō sector can be staged from the direction of our area of operations. Monitoring and intelligence collection is ongoing.

Thank you,
Taishō Mikasa Sorano
Commander, Second Expeditionary Fleet
Star Army of Yamatai