Star Army

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RP Meeting of the Taishos


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RP Date
YE 46.2
RP Location
Ketsurui Star Fortress
Ketsurui Star Fortress (Iori-class)
Yamatai System
YE 46.2

Taisho Ketsurui (Kitsurugi) Yui called a special meeting of her fleet admirals and staff at her headquarters aboard Ketsurui Star Fortress, an old starbase with a storied history. Built in YE 25, the huge shipyard and mobile city was known for its distinctive white and red corridors, furniture, and rooms--the colors of the Ketsurui clan. In a large conference room, the heads of the Star Army gathered around a huge circular conference table shaped like a hinomaru to discuss the latest events.

Taisho Yui stood while the chief of operations, Taisho Eikan Minato sat at her side. "Good morning. Today the First Fleet accomplished a major advance on a Mishhuvurthyar target terrirtory. Taisho Irim?"

Taisho Kessaku Irim stood. "The First Fleet sent the YSS Kaiyo to coordinate with the Uesureyan Star Empire to conduct a strike on the Venushhurl star system in the Uesu sector, which guarded a wormhole known as Grakkaflarl Kla Venushhurl, which was part of a network of wormholes discovered by the YSS Resurgence, leading to Concordia Sector from the Kikyo Sector, and from the Kikyo Sector to the Uesu Sector. Once the Kaiyo brought down the defenses of the station, the First Fleet conducted a major operation to take it over and seize control of the wormhole, which will open up faster access to the Uesu Sector, allowing us to assist the Uesureyan Star Empire in fighting our enemy, the NMX, who have extensive forces in that region. The First Fleet also recently secured another wormhole-guarding station in the Concordia Sector."

"Thank you," Yui nodded. "Let's continue to seek out the Mishhuvurthyar forces and eliminate them," she said. "Let's talk about activity of the other fleets," Yui said, offering the other admirals a chance to talk about what they were accomplishing.

"The First's ships and soldiers continue to serve as an ideal and inspiration for us all to strive toward, Irim-taisho," Taisho Hokusai Akiyo said from her place at the round Hinomaru table beside the venerable Kessaku Clan admiral. "My Second Fleet has been making swift progress in its mission to staff and train crews for our Izanagi dreadnoughts. Still, we stand ready to deploy to whatever battlefield requires a cut from the 'Sword of the Empire.' My people are drafting expedition plans based on promising recon reports from far-off sectors for the Second to explore as we speak."

Diretor Shida himself said, “It shoud be known that there is no small amount of infighting about the direction the Mishhuvurthyar and their newly appointed council wants to go during this third war with Yamatai.”

“During that venture to capture the station around the wormhole—Grakkaflarl Kla Venushhurl as it was formerly by the enemy—the captain of the YSS Kaiyō II and her crewmen listened in on a parcel of infighting, namely about whether even to fight or abscond as they had done before when their Queen Mefpralphra was killed.” Shida pulled his hands from behind his Nekovalkyrja body to sit them on the conference table, flat and open. “This suggests a level of discoordination amongst the SMN and NMX.”

"Interesting," Yui nodded. "I have noticed the NMX has been greatly expanding and frequently attacking us while confrontations with the SMX have been minimal."

"The SMX lack the zeal of their newer generation compatriots," Hokusai agreed. "Though reports do show they still share a common evolutionary interest. Maybe the older squids are planning something larger or more nefarious than the infestations brought on by the NMX's broader strategy of rooting themselves far-and-wide."

"As the NMX has expanded it has been finding new ways to exploit its victims and bring them under its control," Yui said. "Irim?"

"Correct, a single Mishhuvurthyar was able to successfully take control of an entire First Fleet cruiser and turn it into a weapons factory. A team from the YSS Resurgence took the ship back and recovered the ST files, thankfully," Irim explained.

Akina’s eyebrows lifted slightly. That was interesting. “The combined colonization fleet of the Fifth and First Expeditionary Fleets have a foothold and are making contact with locals. Intelligence packets are waiting in the server.” She distributed them, and went on, “The main arm of the 1XF is deployed around the Kikyo sector, continuing operations to purge or pacify left behind combatants from previous conflicts. I assigned the YSS Tokyo to the flag of that task force.” The redheaded admiral crossed her legs and leaned forward.

“There will be more information available as it is forthcoming. The full fleet status report is also available for download.”

Yui nodded to Akina. "There is still so much to learn about the Kosuke Sector," she nodded. "What sort of enemies have you run into there so far? Any NMX?"

“Hai. We encountered more Kuvexian remnants, most notably one attempting to carve themselves out as some system-level overlord. That was in Kimirthro System. The others encountered so far have not proven that coordinated tactically or strategically. They are more or less fighting over scraps." Akina replied.

"I feel a bit out of place," Taishō Sorano Mikasa idly thumbed a volumetric projection of intelligence notes as she took her turn. "There is still minimal Mishhuvurthyar activity coreward. We only ever encounter them in the extreme sector southeast, along the border with Uesureya, and then they are more remnants from the Second War than organized participants in the current conflict."

She looked down at the notes again, "The sheer number of inhabited systems and the entrenchment of their inhabitants is simply the anvil on which Uesu-Tennō's hammer fell. We're almost still fighting the Kuvexian war here, given the proximity to their arm and its position along the path of entry to the Kikyō Sector."

Yui nodded to Mikasa, "It sounds like a good place to make allies who can join our fight against the NMX like the Concordians have. Even some of the NMX Nekovalkyrja we have captured, including millions this month, have shown some willingness to join our cause now that they are free from the evil influence of their Mishhuvurthyar rulers."

"On the planet Nebel, yes," Shida said with a tap of his grey-skinned finger on the table as he considered the addition of the million NMX that had been brought alongside the planet itself into the Kikyo Sector. "Upilifted there by Ketsurui Yui's own daughter."

"The greatest danger the Mishhuvurthyar pose to our forces in the Nashoba Sector are in the form of their technology in possession of the various mercenary, pirate, and warlord factions in the sector, likely acquired as spoils or looted in the aftermath of Uesu's Departure. It's a rare occurence, but it is a substantial challenge for us to face both Mishhuvurthyar and Kuvexian military technology in the same battle, even if they are in the hands of less capable forces." Mikasa elucidated, in reply. "However, not all of those factions are our enemies. As you say, Mistress Taishō, there are allies to be had."

Hokusai grinned when she heard Mikasa and Akina mention the Kuvexian War, having helped fight the trailing specter of that old conflict just last year.

"There is the matter of moving Hanako's Star somewhere more defensible as we discussed before its reconquest last year, Yui-taisho," the little Second Fleet admiral chimed. "I've been sending patrols out there as part of the training for new crews and it's sufficiently protected, but you did mention wanting to place the system somewhere closer to home. I'd hate to have to abandon it after Aiko-chusa went through all the effort to get it back."

"I'm interested but I didn't think our Rather Large Hyperspace Fold Array was available yet," Yui said.

"Then the Second will continue to incorporate it into Yamatai's strategic defense until it's ready," Hokusai confirmed. "There's no drain on our capabilities yet."

"Seventh Fleet has been expanding our foothold in the Kactist sector. The enemy presence there is small, but tenacious and growing. We have fought them over several primitive worlds. The Kactist sector seems to be a sort of middle ground between some powers that are external to the sector. There are a lot of young species who are just starting spaceflight programs and expanding into nearby systems. I suspect that the Mishhuvurthyar have made alliances that we will need to break before completely removing their influence from the sector." Taisho Fletcher explained.

"Very good," Yui nodded. "Now, I'd like to introduce you all to Taisa Kessaku Sakai Yuuko, the new head of the Star Army's teleportation program," Yui told the admirals.

Yuuko stepped forward. She was a short, busty Nekovalkyrja with purple hair and the swagger of a pilot. "In light of recent events with the Mishhuvurthyar being able to corrupt some of our soldiers, the Star Army Research Administration has been working on new types of teleporter technology that does not require a Mindy-based teleporter unit. In particular we have been able to make multiple prototypes of teleporter pads for starship use. The technology was initially developed roughly a decade ago and tested on the YSS Asamoya. Currently, we have just finished installation of large teleporter pads big enough to transport an entire Fuji-class starship in secret underground locations on Yamatai, Nataria, and Luca Bianca. These will be important to our logistics system and moving reinforcements in case on invasions. The Star Army Research Adminstration has partnered with Kessaku Electronics, Ketsurui Fleet Yards, and Apollo Corporation to make teleporter chambers and teleporter rooms a reality and new ship designs like the Nozomi II class scout are built to to accomodate them."

"Thank you," Yui told Yuuko, "And welcome back."

“The creativity and use of them only increases their potential.” Akina ventured while she gave Yuuko her undivided attention. It helped that she was presenting something so interesting to the former pilot. Could she even count how many times she had used a teleport pod?

She was not a stranger to underground facilities; large-scale teleportation would make using them far more simple.

Hokusai grinned through Yuuko's presentation but said nothing of it. She was glad to see another old infantry Neko of the Taisa's caliber back in active service. "Well you've got all of our confidence in pursuit of these new developments, I'm sure," Hokusai told Yuuko, addressing her directly.

"What questions do you have or topics would you like to discuss?" Yui said, offering her admirals a chance to discuss their concerns.

Fletcher nodded, "I understand that there has been a degree of restriction on the use of teleportation technology after a incident on the YSS Resurgance. What is happening with that and in light of the new technologies, do we want to expand that restriction?" Fletcher asked.

Akina glanced Fletcher’s way, “This sort of thing is why we have restricted technology laws, yes.” She agreed, though to her the place on the list of a lot of the new advances seemed as if they made as much to advance science and the Empire as to make that list even longer.

Taisho Fletcher considered Akina's statement for a moment. "It's not a question of law, it's a question of what policy we want to use in deploying them. We have restricted technology so that the enemy has a hard time getting it. On the other hand, the reason we don't let everyone use it is because we want to use those technologies against our enemies."

"Taisho Irim had her fleet forgo the use of teleporters on Mindy armors until we could use them more safely. One thing we're working on is a system where teleporters return to the ship after use instead of remaining on the power armor. This is called the boomerang system," Yui explained, "Yuuko came up with the idea. I would ask all fleets to minimize or avoid use of teleporters in situations where they could be captured by the enemy, as the Mishhuvuthyar have shown great interest in adopting the technology for themselves in this war."

"I would be remiss if I did not make a plea on behalf of fleet-wide assets under Irim-taisho's command," Shida said. "Though under many of the same rulings and orders as their crewmen, they are not under the same threat as them. When it comes to being psychically swayed into turning on their ships and compatriots in the unfortunate ways the Resurgence Ittô Hei was, SAINT operatives and analysts are exempt. May they retain usage of their teleporters for this reason?"

"Use your best judgement," Yui simply said.

Fletcher inclined his head in Shida's direction. "I would also agree that our soldiers are not going to appreciate the absence of their suit based teleportation technology. On the other hand, we have to this point managed to keep that technology as effectively ours alone. Raids conducted on Mishhuvuthyar research bases indiate they are nowhere close to obtaining it just from observation."

"Speaking of these shipboard teleportation chambers and Mistress-Taishō's children, I believe Mistress-Taishō's granddaughter is doing a space trial to test it? I think it is in Katsuko-Heika's report? Akina?" Mikasa was reading the briefs and reports. "Yes, right here." She zoomed a piece of it, showing the First Expeditionary's admiral.

"Correct." Akina replied, highlighting a few sections after Mikasa found it in the mass of documents each member of the meeting had been sent in prepartion.

"Hasn't the First Fleet deployed a new tactical teleportation unit for Thought Armors, too?" Hokusai interjected. "I've read a few reports about the Kaiyō II's usage of it. These modules minimize the risk of capture by allowing one larger power armor to take their whole squad along. Maybe your fleets ought to assign more soldiers to Keiko duty and incorporate their use more heavily. Combined with the implementation of this 'boomerang system,' there'll be even less chance of our tech getting snatched by the enemy if fewer teleporters are in the field while still allowing soldiers some freedom to maneuver."

"I think the Teleportation Chamber that is being built by Apollo Heavy Industries is also going to help us. It also opens up tactical possibilities of returning troops when they have to teleport into a location without knowing the precise defensive measures being taken." Fletcher noted thoughtfully.

"Hmm, not Ketsurui Fleet Yards or even Yugumo?" Shida asked in an aloof tone as if spying a discrepancy.

"Ketsurui Fleet Yards has a similar model," Yuuko said. "We intend to use both on Star Army ships based on availability. The Ketsurui one is relatively quiet but has some tradeoffs. It can be used by naked people safely, though!"

"Nice," Taisho Yui whispered.

"Nice," Taisho Shimizu whispered at the same time.

"Can't wait to test that function out, Mistress-Taisho," Hokusai said sounding pretty genuine. "Does it tingle? I'll bet Shida's killers will appreciate the advancement either way."

"I'm happy to get the best warfighting technology, regardless of where it comes from." Fletcher responded.

"That's between my unclothed killers and myself. Between any of you, though," Shida raised a brow as he looked from Fletcher to Akina, then back to Sorano Mikasa. "Should any needs arise for infromation to further your own fleet's capabilities amongst this warfighting we find ourselves in with our treachorous old enemy, don't hesitate to reach out."

After some more discussion, Yui had her attendents bring in lunch for everyone, consisting of steaks and veggies from Takeda House, pizza from Kikyo Pie Company, and hot wings from Flavor of Victory. Sometimes you just had to break out the comfort food.

"To victory in the stars!" Yui said.

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Ame, Raz, Mikayo, Soban, and Yuuki