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Melee-range weaponry add on for the LAMIA M2?


Retired Staff
Looking over the description of the Mindy, I noticed that one of the big draw backs it had in indoor-ship-combat was it's inability to use it's best weapons (the aether beam cannon/sword, missiles alog with limited use of it's scalar-based weapon) without causing significant colateral damage. Even the add-on plasma rifle weapon is a bit too powerful to be used in the confines of a ship, especially a friendly one.

The one servicable weapon system the Mindy does have for that though is the PANTHEON nodal drones. However, when users must stoop to taping weapons on the armor.. I feel that something must be wrong.

So, I was thinking that since the right arm is relatively free of any components - except the hand-held aether beam rifle - that it could be mounted with a more conventional, mono-molecular edged wrist-dagger to serve as a more reliable melee weapon in suit to suit combat instead of relying to only 'bare hands'.
While a blade might certainly be useful, the Mindy is already packed about as full as it could possibly be with various systems. The right forearm, for example, has the Tachyon communications system.
Mindy 1E stats said:
Tachyon: Starting with Mindy 1e variants (which use the newer E2701 AIES), the Mindy includes a mid-range tachyon communications system for additional FTL capability. Range: 1,000,000 miles (1,609,345 km). Directional, built into the right forearm.
Also, keep in mind the Mindy can use it's beam-saber rifle as a melee weapon.
Oh, you have a point. I didn't consider the space the sensors would occupy.

I know they have a beam sword at their disposal... but it didn't seem designed for indoor use. I'll quote :

Note: The extreme power of this weapon makes it unsuitable for some tactical situations (the rifle can melt or set fire to nearby objects when active), and it is not uncommon for the 2701 (GM-05) to be replaced with another weapon on a per-mission basis. Since the armor has two mounting slots, sometimes the 2701 (GM-05) is paired with a KFY Type 2705 (GM-06) Accelerated Plasma Rifle.

Personally, I'm not very keen on cooking fellow crewmembers just because I have the weapon active and that they happen to be standing a couple of meters away. Think what this could do to Ghi's lovely fur! ~_~

Perhaps an external sheath to hold a power armor-grade knife (if the can tape weapons on, they can probably add a real sheath) or the option of changing a manipulator for a battle claw?

Edit : Oh, I overlooked that scalar weapons can also be set to stun. Sowwy.
The nice thing about the Mindy is it has hands. Instead of modifying the design, we can use the cost-effective alernative of giving them a new weapon as needed. So long at it fits in one of the two carry slots on the back, we wouldn't even need a sheath. :)
Please note: (most) Pronouns do not have apostrophes in their possessive form; "it's the best weapon for the Mindy" would become "it's its best weapon."
The nice thing about the Mindy is it has hands. Instead of modifying the design, we can use the cost-effective alernative of giving them a new weapon as needed. So long at it fits in one of the two carry slots on the back, we wouldn't even need a sheath. :)

Agreed. The 'sheath on a leg or behind the waist' idea was inspired from how Star Army officers have to carry a firearm and a bladed weapon around and sort of carried that to the power armor.

An attached sheath for a backup weapon still could be a nice addition, keeping the racks for more important weaponry. I'd like to be able to have my Kotori, at some point corkscrew around bad guys waving around two of the aether beam rifle/swords at the same time! ^__^

Bonichi said:
Please note: (most) Pronouns do not have apostrophes in their possessive form; "it's the best weapon for the Mindy" would become "it's its best weapon."

I stand corrected. Thanks. I'll try to remember that. I'm native french speaking, so I have some occasional difficulty with grammar and slang (like back when Wes said I was a 'crunk dawg'...).

Yes, this means that whenever Saeki says random stuff, I understand her ~_^
Eeep! It's the Laughing Man! *hides*

Heh. Maybe, though I hardly think they wouldn't be able to make armor-piercing knives of their own. They already have knives part of their uniform apparel, after all.
What about the fact that the Mindy could probably kick the head off of an opposing boarder? Would melee weapons be really all that useful? in the confines you're talking about, they could almost be considered overkill.
Last time I punched with my Mindy... all the bad guy (err, girl) had to say was 'OMPH' and she was not wearing any armor at all.

I'm not sure the Mindy's fists would be sufficient to deal a decisive amount of damage on a Mishhuvurthyar - those are tough stuff. Furthermore, I was mentioning the knife as a weapon to use to breach mecha armor too (like, a knife duel between two power armors or something...).

Hey, it exists in other anime and they make use of it. Don't see why it wouldn't be a bad idea to include a mono-molecular cutter knife of something...
a plain and simple "knife" would be uneffective against targets that can regenerate (Neko/Misshu hybrid in mind), additonal damage would have to be delt to dissrupt attempts at regeneration and repair. Also many of the armor types in the SARP are highly immune to physical attacks intended to cut or stab.
Make 'em with a chain-saw like edge, or a vibroblade... something. It can be augmented - the idea is to have a backup weapon though.

Don't the Lorath use melee weapons? In the recent days all I've heard about the Lorath we're on how cool their melee prowess and weaponry were. If SARP have so many ways to resist blades, why make a fuss of how cool the Lorath warriors are?

Okay, so I'll skew the thread back toward it's desired intent : thinking of getting the Mindy some form of melee-combat weapon as backup, usable namely for combat on the interior of friendly ships without risking collateral damage.
Kotori said:
Don't the Lorath use melee weapons? In the recent days all I've heard about the Lorath we're on how cool their melee prowess and weaponry were. If SARP have so many ways to resist blades, why make a fuss of how cool the Lorath warriors are?.

The "Searing Blade" sure worked well against the Misshu/Neko hybrid. ^_^;
Yeah, it prevented us from capturing it whole after I had it stunned <_<

can we get back to the subject now, please ^_^
Kotori, it looks to me like you're taking offense because people aren't accepting your idea outright. I may be mistaken, but we've had a lot of people think that way before, so I'm just making sure.

Perhaps an augmented blade would be useful, but I'd think most targets would be downed before they got within melee range. Still, for those that made it through, some type of melee weapon might be handy.
You could always go the Abwehran route of Melee Weaponry.

- 2x M-23 Vibro-Blades: Retractable, vibrating blades located with-in the forearm armor. The vibro-blades are both a power melee weapon and a decent cutting tool, enabling infantry to fight close-quarters against enemies. It also gives infantry the ability to cut through light to medium armor and give them another access way when a primary one has been sealed off.

Then again, Power Armor is just counted as infantry equipment.
Oh, I'm fine. It takes a lot more to rile me up. ^_^ I was really just trying to keep the conversation on track.

People so far have mentioned Lorathian weaponry along with bits and pieces of equipment pieces such as the vibro-blades, so, that sort of equipment does exist. I wouldn't have known if I had dropped the subject. I got pespective on that Power Armors we're relatively resistant to such kind of damage as well, which I wouldn't have known otherwise... so, something good did come off from this discussion.

If it's not possible or practical then it's not. I did want to beat the subject to death before giving up though (Too much Full Metal Panic anime, I guess. Mecha knife fights are cool!).
Hmm, I had a sleep induced idea...

Maybe equiping a Mindy, Kylie, or other powered armors, with a small container of nodal devices. If the pilot of the armor finds that they are without a means to defend themselves at the given time, or if they do not have the weapon for the situation, they can open the pod, instruct the nodal devices, and the weapon would be created... for the sake of fairness though, the nodal pod could maybe hold a single charge, or something of the sort.