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[Meltra III] Waltz of Golden Sails


Inactive Member
On the Northern edge of Abwehr's Colonial Fringe lies the Meltra System. A small system with an old orange star, the Meltra system is home to only a single habitable world. Located on the outer edge of the system (only 1.8 AU from the Old Man Star), Meltra 3 was a temperate world with small oceans and a ring of developing industry in orbit. The most noticable would be four orbital stations around the lush world. Two of these looked to be complete and abuzz with traffic, while the other two looked to be partially constructed or deconstructed. The majority of traffic in the system seemed to be civilian in nature with lightspeed transmissions focused around Meltra 3. Military signals could also be detected, but they were spread out through the system and very rare in occurrence.

A large number of distortion signatures broke out at the edge of the system, entirely unlike those of standard Kaiserlich F&E Fold drives erupted onto sensors. Coming off the incorrect vectors to approach the civilian trade centers and without any previous signal, the incoming vessels were unknowns on a fast approach. Visual scans showed a trio of tall, golden sail-shaped vessels with swept organic features traced in deep lines of glowing blue, a single cannon resting at the meeting point of the 'wings' and sail-like body acting as the indicator of a sort of 'prow.' They did not appear to be on fast approach towards any of the facilities in orbit around Meltra 3, nor the world itself, but instead appeared to be sending a number of humanoid corewards to the system.

Deep inside Meltra Military Outpost, a rather lax Subspace Mass Sensor Operator would get a rude awakening. The distortion signals created by the multiple unknowns were enough to activate alarms that would normally signal the arrival of invasion. But the unknown variable of the strange FTL drives had gained the attention of their civilian counterparts over on Meltra Trade. A flurry of sublight communications would follow the arrival of the Unknowns before a single FTL signal from the Bulwark-class Military Outpost was broadcast in the general direction of the distortion signals.

"Unidentified vessels, this is Meltra System Control. Please activate IFF or broadcast identification on general channels. Repeat, activate IFF or broadcast ID. Over." the control operator sent in Trade (Nepleslian).

Upon transmission of the warning, the operator would notice the scouting craft had stopped moving and their supporting vessels came to a full stop at the edge of Meltra 3's gravity well. "Ehh... copy System Control of Meltra. This is... Margraiv Ekhazar Sautees of VSV Telasur." The voice that replied apppeared to be significantly distorted, as if it had been passed through a vocoder or low-end translator program.

There was a long pause at the other end as the Abwehran Control Operator tried to look up many of the terms he didn't understand. Unfortunately, trying to find information on Margraiv or VSV was like trying to find a pin-point of light in the Void. "VSV Telasur, I find no record of your designation or rank," the Controller replied in a thick-accented Trade. "Please identify your origin and purpose in the Meltra System."

"I am acting commander... of Telasur Scout Battlegroup, under mandate... to explore systems along the rim of the nebular cluster. We are members of Astral Erla Mirav, what may be accurate referred to as an 'Expeditionary Corps'." Ekhazar's voice seemed to be clearer, although it was still obvious that the voice the operator was receiving was sampled and made to speak Trade through usage of a language pack. "For reasons of safety... I am forbidden from disclose information related to homesystem... until an Envoy or Officer of the Flag has been dispatched."

"Uh...oh...Please hold," the Operator replied before quickly muting the transmission. "By the Void! First Contact! Got to break out protocols." he rambled as he checked his console. "Protocols, Protocols, damn it...where are the protocols!" It would be minutes before the transmission would resume, but a new person would be on the line.

"Herr Ekhazar," a feminine voice was transmitted, though still heavily accented. "I am Kommodore Edith Drechsler of Meltra Military Outpost. By the authority of the Empress of the Abwehran Star Empire, I am authorized by the Expansion Doctrine's Second Article to act as Envoy to you along with a civilian representative from the colony of Meltra III. If you could pull your scouting forces back to their motherships, our representatives will come to you on an unarmed transport. Is this satisfactory?"

"There is... misunderstanding here." Although much of the intonation and textural depth was lost to the vocoder, the alien commander sounded shaky and a little worried, as if something he had said had been missed. "I am forbidden from revealing information until Envoy or Flag Officer... of Astral Vanguard is dispatched. Reasons of Command Structure." The officer explained, his electronically modified voice carrying flatter now. "I lack authority, and will be sending you one... who does."

"But I will... consent to terms outlined, Kommodore Edith Drechsler. Ekhazar out."

Shortly after his reply, the scouting units pulled back to their supporting vessels. The center one of the sail-shaped ships appeared to disable its shield and weapon systems and broke off from the two, slowly moving forward until it had placed a little more than ten kilometers between itself and the others, seemingly to distinguish it as the vessel the diplomatic team were meant to dock.

"Control, contact Meltra Colony and request they send a representative as soon as possible," Edith told the enlisted man in charge of traffic control. "I'll ready a transport and honor guard. And contact the First Destroyer Division. Tell them to 'drift' their patrol pattern half an AU closers to are visitors. I'd rather be ready for any surprises."

"Aye, ma'am," the Controller replied as he went about his business. An couple of hours later, a Fresha-class Transport left Meltra Military Outpost on course to the Telasur Scout Battlegroup. This unarmed, civilian transport only reached a length of 70 meters and was quite slow in acceleration (only 300 Gs due to the older model of engine design). It would be hours before the Transport, designated the Derflinger, would even enter effective sublight communication range.

"Telasur Battlegroup, this is the HMMS Derflinger carrying diplomatic envoy, requesting clearance to dock and deliver, over."
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

"Copy Derflinger. This is the Telasur, I am transferring you to an operator and forwarding docking vectors. Standard Colonial measurement, base ten." A heavily vocoded male voice answered, as the Derflinger made its approach to the golden, sail-shaped vessel.

As it made it's approach, the smaller transport vessel would notice that the trio of vessels dispatched were not particularly large vessels, being a hundred and thirty meters tall, fifty long and ninety wide, but only by virtue of the long fin-like wings that seemed to sprout from the upper-middle section of the ship. It appeared to be largely unarmed at a glance, with only a single large canon rising out of a cavity in the top of the ship, that could have more easily passed for a flower bud than an actual weapon. There were likely more, with a number of anomalous heat signatures apparently buried in the shallows of the upper armor.

The more obvious fact, however, was that the vessel appeared to have been grown or assembled from organic components. The armor had a dull sheen comparable to ivory or polished eggshell, curves that defied conventional engineering. Where the armor was thinner, or sectioned for function, the plating bristled with spires of composites and metamaterials, inlaid with exposed energy conduits, all of which emitted a dull glow.

As they made their final approach to the docking bay at the bottom tip of the vessel, their designated operator came online. "HMMS Derflinger, this is the docking bay adjutant operator. Do you copy?"
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

"Understood Telasur," a thick accented feminine voice responded as the Fresha was maneuvered into a holding position. The passengers upon the transport could only stare at the strange craft from view screens in the main cabin as they prepared to meet this new species. Commodore Drechsler seemed to be updating herself on First Contact protocols on her palm computer while the Meltra Representative, a Hilda Fokker, seemed to be tapping the toe of her boot at a constant pace at the excitement of it all.

"Oh my," the civilian mumbled, trying to hide the giddiness. "Their vessels seem"

Meanwhile, the pilots in charge would receive another communication transmission. "This is Derflinger, we copy control. How do you want to go about this?" the Warrant Officer in charge of the ship requested.
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

"Proceed along docking vectors, less... than eight meters per second." The voice that came over communications this time was that of a woman, although the vocoding system made it sound a bit deeper and more ragged than it might have normally. "The Telasur will extend... umbilical to your airlock. Follow the docking vectors sent by the prevous operator, and I will initiate docking."

"Artificial gravity is largely absent, but living spaces and meeting areas maintain gravitational constant of roughly... eight meters per squared base of time." The voice explained. Although the translation software muffled the sound a bit, from the tone it was clear enough that the operator was barely containing her excitement. "Atmosphere is composed of binary nitrogen and oxygen, and trace amounts of carbon dioxide and noble gasses."

"Organic debris may be present, but inert and hypoallergenic to baseline... human species."
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

"Understood, vector corrected and velocity is currently nine meters per second and decelerating. We will be at the appropriate docking velocity in five seconds," the pilot responded as she relayed the information to the envoy.

Meanwhile, Kommodore Drechsler and Fraulein Fokker moved to the primary airlock. Each carried what they considered the appropriate equipment for First Contact Protocols. But while the military woman seemed calm and confident, the civilian was on the brink of having a nervous breakdown. "Fraulein, please quit pacing like that." the Kommodore requested with a hint of annoyance to her.

"I'm only supposed to be a Colonial Administrator," Hilda replied as she paused her excited pacing in exchange for hand gestures of the same anxiety. "First Contact isn't something that's usually in the job description."

"Then why did everyone chose you for the job?"

"Because the Planetary Governor was in a meeting." the poor bureaucrat replied, much to the Flag Officer's annoyance.
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

As the Derflinger made approach at the recommended speed, the process of docking was rather smooth. In position in front of the docking port that lay near the bottom of the winged sail, the small transport received another message from the docking operator. "Extending docking umbilical, Derflinger."

What appeared to be a tube of tar covered in thick scales of golden eggshell seemed to extend out from the lower area of the vessel, gently stretching out to meet the Fresha-class' airlock. Lorentz force emitters anchored end of the umbilical to the surface of the vessel, as electrostatic shields engaged to keep the atmosphere that flooded into the canal locked tightly inside.

After a few moments of waiting while she confirmed that everything was in order, the operator chimed in on the transport ship again. "Derflinger, diplomatic party is cleared for entry."
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

"Okay, we're locked and pressurized," the pilot reported to her charges. In her tailored Skinsuit, the Kommodore looked upon her civilian counterpart, who was in an old-fashioned space suit, and nodded before placing their helmets on. While it probably wasn't necessary, there was a protocol for these things.

The duo went through the processes of passing through the airlock and entered the umbilical. During this time, the pilot has switched her communications over to the Telasur. "Envoy is heading through the umbilical now, Telasur."
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

The smooth umbilical hatch that led to the interior seemed to melt and form into more distinct slices, hardening and suddenly receding into the surrounding wall structure. The airlock itself was not particularly large, but would likely accommodate anyone just shy of two and a half meters tall.

On the other side, there were a small number of soldiers in masked combat suits with what appeared to be plastic-composite rifles, a mix of men and women around the same height. They appeared to be discussing a casual matter in a strangely fast and lilting language that had a slightly pleasant and clear ring.


"Huh. One of them seems to be in a pretty bulky suit... but I can tell the other is a woman." One of the soldiers remarked to himself in an amused tone, the horn to horn grin barely concealed by his opaque facemask. "Oh man, she's all woman. Skintight suits... the covering is probably a synthetic fiber with good tensile strength."

"Oh Saints, you're disgusting. Is that honestly your first idea when you see an alien species?" One of the female soldiers scolded him, giving him a small shove in the shoulder with her left hand.

"Naw. My first thought was that they're pretty loud when they step. D'ya hear that? But skintights and all-rights can ruin a guy's thought process."

"Whatever." His partner ignored him, and gripped her rifle more tightly. "Freaking backwater colonists always thinking about simple things."


The two envoy were greeted by a youngish man in the same outfit as the others at the airlock, but donned a transparent visor instead of an opaque one. His appearance was rather close to the norm for a Nepleslian or Yamataian male, tanned, clean shaven with a sharp-featured, bony face. Close to the norm, save that his temples seemed to have a bony growth over them and his light blue eyes emitted a dull glow at certain angles.

"Forgive the hostile arrangements. The security chief insisted that you have an escort of his choosing while we began introductions." The man's spoken Trade seemed to be unusually crisp, refined and lacking all but the slightest accent. But the manner he pronounced a few syllables gave away that it wasn't his first language. "I am Vayranr Nadir Akkad, political envoy and a direct representative for my home government."

"You may consider me to be an ambassador with military status."
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

The first through the umbilical was the Kommodore, whom stood an impressive 5'11" in height and seemed to have the physique many humanoids would expect from a female soldier. While she wore her skin suit, Edith also wore her side arm upon her right hip and her family sword upon her left. Surveying the welcoming party behind the tinted visor of her helmet, the Kommodore took this time to check the wrist computer of her suit for the atmospheric content. Well, it was just as they said it was, but they would probably keep their helmets on until their hosts removed theirs.

"All right. Come on through, Fraulein," Edith called back in Abwehran. Compared to the language she heard from these people, Abwehran sounded rough and powerful. She thought it gave her more of a command presence, but it could be taken differently.

Tentatively, Hilda came out of the umbilical behind the military woman just as the other envoy introduced himself. "Ah, greetings," the civilian replied first in a heavily accented and awkward Trade speak. "I am the Civilian Representative for the Abwehran Star Empire, Hilda Fokker," she spoke using her suit's PA.

"And I am Kommodore Edith Drechsler, Commander of Meltra System Defense and representative of Her Majesty's Armed Forces." Edith introduced herself in a heavily-accented Trade with a perfectly confident tone. "Our detectors say your atmosphere, while a bit on the light side, is breathable for us. If you prefer to speak face to face, we would be happy to remove our helmets," she stated. "Or do you have a decontamination process we need to go through?"
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

Having spent enough time among the upper echelons of the Astral Vanguard, he was competent enough to recognize which of them was the military official before either had spoken. The fact that the military woman looked the part, and acted it quite strongly confirmed his suspicions quite nicely. Their language seemed rough and guttural, reminding him a little of the Sund'Saalsari dialect, perhaps meaning they'd have more in common with one of the warrior nomads than a city-dwelling sophisticate like himself.

Unfortunately... he couldn't understand an ounce of it.

"Go on ahead. They'll be more at ease this way." The office said giving a small gesture to have them leave. One of the more talkative males seemed to groan a little and went off silently, but the others followed his command quite painlessly and continued their chatter as they went off towards the life in the distance.

"Our sensors have not detected any abnormalities or foreign pollutants on your persons, but I would advise you to remain helmeted until we arrive at the meeting area as a safety precaution." The man had a slight unease to his voice, perhaps thinking he might have offended them. "Please follow me to the lift ahead, and do as I do down these hallways. The layout is confusing even to myself at times."

"The lack of gravity may make things difficult."

Nadir pressed his palm to a strip of glowing blue on the wall and was tugged along by some unseen force in the direction of a large cradle-like apparatus at the end of the hallway that was clearly the lift he had given mention to.
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

Nodding, the Kommodore followed Nadir to the lift with the bewildered Hilda in tow. The suited Fokker seemed to be turning her body to and fro in an effort to get a good look at everything. The ship really was organic, or at least it seemed so. "Fascinating," she mumbled.

"Do not worry, Vayranr," Edith replied calmly, though she hoped that was his rank she was using. After meeting the Yamataians and their backwards scheme of naming, one could never be too careful anymore. "I've been a part of Her Majesty's Weltraumflotte for a good 20 years. Ah, that's right, standard time would probably be preferable." she began to correct herself. Pausing to calculated Abwehran years into Standard, the Kommodore was silent only for a brief moment. "The 20 years is in the revolutions of my homeworld. In standard, I would have been in space for about 70 years." Edith explained nonchalantly.
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

"What a splendid military career. I imagine your race has quite a history of space travel, then?" Nadir said with a polite nod. He imagined the Kommodore probably had a very dull or interesting military career, but certainly quite long either way. The number, although large, was not that great of a shock. Many 'lifers' in the Vanguard had careers of similar lengths, and the major surprise was at the consideration of the similarities they had so far. Sensors from inside the ship had informed him of some minor biological differences between the party and himself, but they did not appear all that different.

"Compartment 4." The military diplomat spoke, pressing on a keypad at the back of the moderately spacious elevator. He glanced over to the Kommodore and tapped the rank pin that adorned his armor. "I myself have only been in space for the past ten Commonwealth years... which would translate to roughly twelve standard years?"
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

"In-system travel, yes. We've just begun to expand outside of our home system recently," Edith admitted calmly. "I'd say we've been doing pretty well so far. Five colony worlds in two different systems plus a mining system and a waypoint system outside the home system in less than four standard years," she explained before pausing. "Hmmm...I seem to be bragging a bit, my apologies," she stated with a lopsided smile behind her helmet faceplate.

"Anyway, twelve standard years isn't bad. I am curious though, what level is your rank compared to others?" the Kommodore asked out of curiosity. "Is it a Flag Rank or a standard Officer Rank?"

Meanwhile, Hilda seemed to remain silent as the two individuals of the military persuasion spoke. She bounced lightly on her feet in anxiety, still getting used to the lower gravity.
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

"Aha. Vayranr actually the most junior field officer rank." Nadir said with tense chuckle, realizing he'd probably seem kind of weak for telling the truth. "Most of my authority is based on my occupation, as I'm essentially a negotiator and diplomat with basic military training. The Margraiv Ekkazar is this scout battlegroup's flag officer, but he wanted to pass on First Contact to someone with a better grasp of the common language."

"My own race has more or less colonized every major planetary body in our homeworld system. The situation with colonies beyond that is more... complicated." The young officer expressed with some difficulty, reserving himself a little. "This battlegroup is one of a few in an initial exploration operation."

"Part of establishing ourselves in the galactic community and preventing the disaster the befell Freespacers is establishing strong ties with nearby nations and securing zones of colonization."
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

"So is the rank of Kommodore," Edith replied as she shrugged her shoulders. "In fact, we're of similar rank. Only our assigned task is different. While you deal with diplomacy, which is a noble cause, I'm tasked with the defense and law enforcement of the Meltra System." the Kommodore explained thoughtfully. "In essence, I'm merely a bureaucrat unless an emergency happens. Makes me long for my days as a Hauptmann, captaining my own frigate in the hunt for pirates."

Hilda looked up at this point. "Wait, were you a Ship Commander during the Pirate Wars, Kommodore?" the civilian asked with surprise.

"How do you think I made Kommodore, Fraulein Fokker?"
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

"Compartment 4." The elevator PA system rang, as it came to a stop. Plas and composite doors slid open, exposing a hallway largely similar to the one near the docking port. Unlike the previous unit, this hallway was larger and taller, and seemed to have a more comfortable level of gravity.

"This is one of the living space areas on the ship. You might notice the gravity has increased a little bit." The military diplomat led the two Abwehrans to a what appeared to be an officer's ward room, with the same smooth plas and composite walls as the remainder of the vessel, this time adorned with banners related to the ship and what appeared to be the battlegroup. A rather bright flag featured prominently in the back of the room, flanked on both sides by large viewscreens.

There were a pair of large, ornate tables made of a dark, reddish wood, surrounded by more simple-looking plas and metal chairs with what appeared to be a slightly chitinous, smooth padding. The diplomat gestured to one side of the nearest table and nodded. "Please, have a seat."
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

Well, it was comfortable gravity for an Iroma anyway, but Abwehrans had gotten used to the fact that many other cultures lived in lighter gravity. Hilda could only sigh in relief that she was in gravity, light or not. Led to a room with what seemed to be the national flag of these people. "Ah, thank you," the civilian said as she twisted her helmet. Pulling it off, Hilda revealed her wavy, chocolate brown hair tied up into a bun on the back of her skull. With heavily tanned skin, the woman opened her green eyes and took a deep breath. "Much better," she replied softly as she then frowned at her suit. It was a heavy suit in normal Abwehr Gravity, but in seemed light. Moving to one of the seats, Ms. Fokker slowly sat upon one of the chairs.

Edith's reveal was easier as she unclasped her skinsuits helmet and pulled it away. Her skin was of the color of cream compared to her civilian counterpart with raven-black hair chopped to chin-length and pulled back into a top-knot. Her eyes could not be seen with the thick, black goggles she wore over them. Sitting down next to Hilda, the Kommodore crossed her arms under her breasts and waited for the meeting to begin.
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

Responding in kind, Nadir pressed on a pair of panels on both sides of his helmet and tugged on the extended 'chin' of the helmet, causing it to retract in segments and pull into a small pod on the back of his suit. He ran his gloved hand over a head of dark brown dreadlocks tied into a ponytail and pulled out a seat opposite the two Abwehran women to sit. But more than his slightly unusual hairstyle, it was probably more noticeable that he had a pair of bony projections that resembled horns rising backwards from his temples, with a vestigial ear structure rimmed with a bony loop at the base.

Light red eyes gave both women another appraising glance, for no more than a split second on either. "Well, let's begin with basic introductions and an exchange of information. I imagine you might have some questions about my people."
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

Hilda was quite impressed meeting her first alien, though she tried not to stare since it was impolite. Edith wasn't so much impressed as she was just glancing over his features. "Very well then," the Kommodore replied with a nod. "Considering I'm merely here as a representative for our military forces, I believe Fraulein Fokker should take over. The military is under the jurisdiction of the civilian government after all," she explained as the dark-skinned Abwehran looked up with a hint of shock.

"Ah yes. I guess that means I should get to what I volunteered for," the Surfacer replied as she cleared her throat. "Um, I guess by introductions, you mean our governments. While I am just a Colonial Administrator, I am authorized to represent Her Majesty's interests in the Meltra System. Ah, what I mean to say is that the Meltra System is a colony of a constitutional monarchy known as the Abwehran Star Empire, one of four multi-system powers in the general area of our known galaxy." Hilda explained before clamming up. Why did it have to be her doing this? The Kommodore was obviously more calm in this situation.
Re: [Meltra 3] Waltz of Golden Sails

Nadir had taken in what they said carefully, listening for the important details. He'd suddenly had a worrisome thought about dealing with a monarchy, but allowed the thought to die down. Whatever their ways were, they were not his own or those of his people, and accommodating their differing viewpoints would be important if he wanted to have any sort of continuing dialogue.

He smiled and gave a polite nod to the two of them, not sure whether he should extend his hand or avoid contact with the aliens. As he was still slightly in the dark as to their customs, it might be risky either way. "Well. On behalf of the Astral Commonwealth, I would like to welcome you to the VSV Ankara."

"I am a representative of the Astral Commonwealth, a democratic coalition of colonial powers in the Iruotl System and the surrounding frontier that lies between this system and the celestial anomaly referred to as the 'Blue Rift Expanse'." The diplomat explained briefly, gently rubbing the edge of his temple, where his skin made contact with the beginning of his horns. "We are essentially the de facto power in that area of space, as contact with other races has been limited to non-sentients and space nomads."