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Interest Check Mercenaries of hire - looking for interest


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I was thinking of doing a Mercenaries plot, wanted to see of anyone was interested or if there is anything wrong with my idea.

The crew allows all species without judgement or mistrust, when you join the crew you join the family, everyone his a brother or sister in arms. They need people of every occupation and don't care about your past as long as you can be of use they welcome you.

The ship will be want ever they could buy for cheaply, the ship will probably be need repaired quite a bit because of how cheaply they got it, but the whole ships interior will be decorated by the crew not just the actual décor that is still inside it.

Because of how the ship treats all species the Med Bay has Equipment for all species and the medics need to know how to either what to do for the different species or learn it while travelling with the crew.

The basic story is that the crew travels around and helps out other ships or civilians for the right price, the bigger the mission the more money they charge.

this is just the basics, any questions and I will try to answer them, just remember this is still an idea and there is a lot that needs to be done and I understand that, any ideas, comments, and criticisms will be taken into consideration.
Sounds interesting, and it might be a way for me to make use of one of my old characters that is in a defunct plot in a defunct faction that I spent way too much money on getting artwork done for.
yea considering that they take anyone as long as they take care of their brothers and sisters in arms , that is unless you are not right for the plot
Another independent merchant/mercenary plot would be great, I think! Unless you get in Sienna's way, that is. *evil grin*

Hehe, I wouldn't dream of it, I am just thinking what else to do for this, I was planning to make it a punkish rouge ship. (well main armies call them psychopaths and respond by saying the are rouges not psychopaths)
Have you considered what kind of ship you would start them with, and how you would finance it? I know starships are the preference, so here are some places to start your search:
  1. Geshrinari New Ships
  2. Geshrinari Used Ships
  3. Origin Ships
  4. I think @Kai is the faction manager for Origin, so he may be willing to work with you on making an older, more beat-up used Origin ship available at a discounted price as Nashoba did for me with the Concordia Veil
Also worth considering is not basing them on a ship at all, but rather putting them in a populated system, preferably one that is on the outer edges of known space and not under the umbrella of a big militarized nation like Yamatai or Nepleslia, where mercenaries would be more in demand. Space transportation could then be purchased via NPC pilots/ships when you need to go somewhere else. That would free up a lot of funds for other things until you get on your feet. Heck, you might even be able to hire the Veil to haul you around once in a while.
that is a really good idea, it also means that there could be a whole base for the team, so there can be a lot of people on the team, and the more known they get and more more money they have they can upgrade the base and have more members and gear. For example buying better weapons and power armour, or getting more bedrooms and that.

then they could get there own ship or ships later and use them for more than one mission at a time.

One idea for their symbol/ flag, it would be over their base.

It is so people know where they are for when they need them, it will also mean that their enemies will know the same.
Reactions: Wes
Cool, I'm pleased to see the flag generator I found is getting some use! I'd like to see every SARP group have a flag.
Do you have any ideas for a storyline? If not I'd be happy to help with ideas. I've got too many to use myself!
the plan is that they start as a small band that slowly grows as as they do more jobs, there could always be the face of the mercs
So what kind of mercs are we doin, Boss? Moral mercs like A-team, immoral like Talon, or a happy medium like Expendables?
Mercs that help good causes, but sometimes may be given something they think is good but later turns out they were working for the wrong side then it is a case of should they fix it or leave it.
yep, seems so, guessing the same sort of story line, get hired by the bad guys who are pretending to be good, then realising it and helping the real good guys.
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