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Mercenary Group Listings

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Group Name: KETSUEKI
Group Type: Mercenary (Mechanized Assault)
Members: 1

Specialites: Infiltration, Escort, Anti-Starship. Fast and powerful strikes.
Minimum Mission Payment: 25,000 KS
Conditions: Will not attack Ketsurui Clan.

Ke-M2-1e Mindy
Ke-D2-6c NSS

Various other mecha.
Group Name: Gray Wolf
Group Type: Mercenary (Infantry)
Group Leader/Contact: Saromi Hiro
Members: 8
Specialities: Infiltration, Escort, Security.
Minimum Mission Payment: 16'000 KS
Conditions: Will not undertake criminal objectives.

Equipment: GP-2b (10), GP-11 (2), GP-12a Heavy (10), Ki-F5 "Hayashi",
Various body armours
Group Name: Independent
Group Type: Mercenary/Bounty Hunter
Contact: Flynt Ferrix
Specialties: Long Range Elimination, recon, light assault
Minuimum Mission Payment: 10,000 KS
Conditions: Any and all dirty work, for the price of being hunted later on.

Equipment (stated in profile)
I would just like to add to that Psychopomp LLC creates mercenaries and sells to different mercenary groups.

Reactions: Wes
I made a wiki page for mercenaries in SARP. All merc listings should go there from now on!
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