If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
Okay, you’ve got me thinking about this. Add to that Merchant Adventures are something I haven’t really explored too much in my writings, and I’m willing explore the idea and contribute to a Merchant Adventure plot if anybody else is.
I’ve got some ideas forming concerning outdated tech and ship designs that could be used. Oh hell, I can design a ship from the ground up and give it a vibrant history, its not like I’m doing much in my spare time.
If anyone wants to help create the foundations or just has suggestions, send me a PM. Or I guess you could post here…
Edit: Resists craving to say “Good news Everyone!”
Anywho, this might give me a couple ideas for my merchant/smuggler/raider plot that I've been trying to work out for the past few... months. >_> Eh... it'll finally put some use into the Thunderbolt.
Definitely a good resource for more plot ideas for the Key. You're really hitting gold with these links you're posting, Wes ^_^ I guess I've been in more of a rut than I thought.