Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 Midnight Meeting

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


Osman City Marketplace

The cool night air blew through the streets of the local market. A myriad of tables with simple tents covering them from the elements. At this time of night the street was empty, and no one was attending their shops. There was a lone figure standing in the center of the market. It was the unmistakable shape of an Elysian Hikael Power Armor.

Cyrus and Raphael walked together as the neared the market. Cyrus nodded to Raph and Raph took of landing on one of the tall building overlooking the market. He drew his rifle and activated the chameleon effect on his armor. It would be nearly impossible to see him. Cyrus walked down the main road towards the lone figure. He pulled his revolvers from his hip and held both of them in the air. "You the one I am supposed to meet?" He asked slowly walking forward. He scanned the figure. "Nice armor... How'd you get it?" He asked still holding his revolvers in the air.

The armored man turned towards Cyrus. "You must be Cyrus. You can call me Aaron." The figure said. "I borrowed this from a friend. He crashed here when I was a child. I spent my life trying to unite this world." He sighed. "I didn't want to kill my own people but the government forced my hand. You saw my army fighting the government when you arrived. We were fighting for democracy. The people deserve a say. The Osmans disagreed."

Cyrus nodded. "So we have another Elysian on the planet..." He said absent mindedly. He listened to Aaron placing his weapons back in their holsters. "An worthy cause to be sure." He shrugged. "We just so happened to show up at the wrong time and place." He said stopping.

Aaron nodded slowly. "At first I was angry, and I wanted to fight back. Your entrance did kill some of my men, But I decided to wait and see what happened before taking action, especially considering your overwhelming firepower. I wanted to see if it was worth fighting." He paused a moment. "I saw your people start to rebuild. The fire was my fault by the way. It was a hard choice, but I thought burning the government powder stores would distract them."

Cyrus shook his head. "Nice idea but poorly executed" He said with disdain. "You could have at least tried to warn the people closer to the powder stores." He said crossing his arms. "And if you would remember, our men tried to stop the fight before it started." Cyrus sighed and held out a hand. "Enough, now I am just getting mad. Why am I here Aaron?"

The man in the Hikael power armor nodded slowly. "I made some mistakes, I admit. Hopefully you are here to keep Uso from killing me if I surrender. I want to help. I've seen what you're doing and I think it's in the best interests of this world that you succeed. I fear your leader may not be the most trustworthy person. This is why I contacted you."

"She doesn't know about this." He said moving his hands to his helmet. "In the spirit of good faith Aaron. Take off that helmet. Let us talk face to face." He said removing his helmet. His eye glowing a bright blue, contrasting his dark red natural one.

Aaron reached up to his helmet slowly. "Since we're alone, I will. Before I do, I will say this. If I die, some information.."

"About Uso will leak... Yeah yeah. I wouldn't jeopardize my paycheck. I am a merc after all." He said rolling his eye. "Mine is off if you had a sniper I would be dead. Come on."

He pulled off his helmet , revealing a young man with blonde hair darkened by a black dye with purple tint. Some sort of silver compound. He had blue eyes and a goatee, which was also dyed with the strange substance. "A sniper? We don't have weapons that are accurate enough to kill from very far away."

"Doesn't matter... You could have had someone close enough to shoot me. But we are off track. You want an alliance between Ragnarok and your resistance correct?" Cyrus said looking to Aaron.

Aaron nodded. "That is mostly correct. I don't want you to fight Uso or anything. We can't offer you enough for that, we have nothing valuable. I am offering to devote my time, knowledge, and what little resources I have to helping you govern this planet. There are many citizens who support me in some of the smaller villages. If I join you they will follow." He replied to the question.

"An interesting idea..."Cyrus said stroking his chin. "Make getting infrastructure up faster if we had the people's help. Plus we can stop fighting against each other and get ready for the others to find us." Cyrus said. "But how do I know your people won't jump at the first opportunity to kill me, Raphael, or Uso?"

Aaron thought for a moment, trying to figure out a way to prove his intention was pure. "Their's someone I care about very much Her name is Celest." He stopped. "I don't know if this is a good idea or not. I can't guarantee the actions of other people. But if you know where Celest is, you have a threat to use in case I think about having anyone killed."

Cyrus held a hand up, signaling him to stop. "That is not needed." He said looking down at the man. "I have my own girl I care for very much. I would never put her in danger. If you feel the same way about your girl, that I do about mine then I would ask you to not put her in harms way. I don't know her or where she is so don't tell me." He said walking up and holding out an armored glove. "We have a deal, with some very strict restrictions." He said with a very stern look.

The rebel leader smiled. "Thank you." He said with a sigh of relief. The other man's stern look made him take an involuntary step back. He moved forward and shook Cyrus's hand. "What restrictions would that be? And who's Raphael? The Elysian in your group?"

Cyrus nodded. "Correct. He is Uso's right hand man, but the kid has a good heart. Took care of the young princess until her relatives could be located. And yes restrictions." He said taking a step back. "One, you will not do anything to jeopardize my men, my girl, or me. Two, You are only allowed in areas that I allow you in. Get caught outside of those areas I will have you shot on sight. Three, you don't question Uso. Do that and you die. Not by me, she would do it herself, then she would kill me." He looked to the man. "Am I understood?"

Listening carefully, Aaron nodded silently a few times after each condition. "That sounds fair. I think I would require the same if I were in your place. As for Uso, I understand. I have heard she is someone to fear. I will follow your rules. If I do, you can convince Uso to let me live?" He asked cautiously.

"Considering that I am the one with the army here she has no choice but to listen. Plus two of my personal guard will accompany you at all times while in the palace." He smiled. "Plus her right hand man used to be my subordinate so he is on our side as well." He added.

"You mentioned the princess. Is she okay? I heard a rumor someone had taken her. I didn't know any of her relatives survived." Aaron asked curiously. "I also heard your guy Raphael was kidnapped by some raiders. I assure you we had nothing to do with that. I hope you killed those bastards."

Cyrus smiled. "Yes, he was kidnapped And I made sure that they paid the consequences. The sex slaver Twek is dead by my mens hands." He said. His face turned very serious for a moment. "Yes, the girl has family still alive. By the way I have thought of a fourth rule. The prince and princess are off limits. Only I know where the girl is and I am keeping that a secret. Understood?" He asked pointing a metal finger at the man.

The other man nodded. "I wasn't a fan of their parents, but I wouldn't harm children intentionally. I am relieved to hear they survived, and I will speak no more of them. There are things out there worse than Uso, so if I have to help her to protect this world I will. As long as they are safe I don't care where they are." He said earnestly. "Thank you for giving me a chance to help. I think the first thing to do is restore order. How will we get in touch with you after I tell my contacts of our alliance?"

Cyrus nodded and smiled. He pulled a small square device. A large red button sat in the center. "This device is a locator beacon. When you press that button it will signal me that you are ready to move on our alliance." He said tossing the device to him. "It was a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Aaron." He said turning and waving

Aaron looked at the device in his hand suspiciously for a moment. He shrugged and looked back at Cyrus. "I was hoping for a communication device, but this will do. I'm glad to be a part of this effort in any case. It shouldn't take more than a few days to get things rolling." He put his helmet back on. "Hope I'm not making a huge mistake.." The man said before waving and flying off in the other direction, seeming to have a bit of trouble controlling the armor in the air. A couple times he nearly crashed before he was finally too far away to see.
ON > Osman City Library, The Next Day.

"Well... how did it go?" The merchant asked. The room was conspicuously absent one general and one scientist...

Aaron looked around the room a couple times before saying anything. "Before I talk about that.. Has anyone heard anything about the General? And where is our scientist?" It was worrying that the General was missing, but the scientist wouldn't miss a meeting, which worried him even more.

"The reason we have this meeting setup this way is so we don't know who the others are, or what they are up to. That way if one of us is captured they can't divulge much information about the others," The procurer said, pausing for a moment before adding, "But... He isn't at his home, and we haven't seen him in the usual places."

"You've been keeping tabs on us?" The merchant asked,

"There are space-monsters falling from the sky and THAT is what you want to focus on right now?" The procurer snapped, "I know how this cloak and dagger shit works. I know plenty about you guys and you know nothing about me. You can't cross me even if you wanted to and I would like to keep it that way... Nothing personal."

Grant thought the fact that Lewis was missing meant either Cyrus had taken him out or he had decided that he would act on his own, possibly taking the scientist with him either by force or willingly. Most likely not willingly considering he would learn little working for someone like the General. "I am more concerned about what he's up to than one of you knowing who we all are. The meeting went well, however. I made a deal with Cyrus. We'll help them govern the planet. The terms they asked for are fair. We do nothing to jeopardize Cyrus or his girlfriend, we can only go where allowed by him, and don't question Uso. Also the Prince and Princess are off limits." He said, starting out slowly and then listing the terms rapidly. "We can limit the number of casualties. We need their technology to protect us from the truly alien threats. Once we're established we may have the technology to fight for our freedom. We fight now though, we die and they do what they want anyway."

"We go only where allowed?!" The merchant snapped, clearly shuffling about a bit before adding, "You're.... not wrong. The thing that fell from the sky... and I hear our new rulers have invited their own set of monsters."

"Better than skulking around in the dark perhaps..." The procurer said, "As much as I dislike these new rulers... it isn't like they are going to treat us any better than the Osmans."

"Speak for yourself, being limited in where I can go is going to ruin my trade." The Merchant added.

"And do wonders for mine." The procurer's voice full of amusement.

The two would pause for a moment before one spoke up,

"You really think this is our best move? You're the last soldier here. You would know better than us."

"I don't think he meant restricted on where you can trade, but certain areas in the palace or their ships are off-limits. Once we prove that we don't plan on trying to harm them, they will probably relax the restrictions." Aaron replied, addressing their complaints. He took a deep breath before continuing. "Show them how valuable your assistance can be. These guys are mercenaries which means they want to make a profit. We can either help them to speed things up or try to hurt them enough that they will just give up and go away. The problem with the violent approach is, they are so far ahead of us we can't really hurt them. I mean, we could try hit-and-run tactics, but we would probably lose a hundred soldiers for every one of them we kill. So yes, I believe less people will die if we help them."

"I'll make the appropriate preparations," The merchant said.

The Procurer just remained silent for the time being, quietly nodding.
ON > Osman City Library.

"Well... how did it go?" The merchant asked. The room was conspicuously absent one general and onen scientist...

Aaron looked around the room a couple times before saying anything. "Before I talk about that.. Has anyone heard anything about the General? And where is our scientist?" It was worrying that the General was missing, but the scientist wouldn't miss a meeting, which worried him even more.

"The reason we have this meeting setup this way is so we don't know who the others are, or what they are up to. That way if one of us is captured they can't divulge much information about the others," The procurer said, pausing for a moment before adding, "But... He isn't at his home, and we haven't seen him in the usual places."

"You've been keeping tabs on us?" The merchant asked,

"There are space-monsters falling from the sky and THAT is what you want to focus on right now?" The procurer snapped, "I know how this cloak and dagger shit works. I know plenty about you guys and you know nothing about me. You can't cross me even if you wanted to and I would like to keep it that way... Nothing personal."

Grant thought the fact that Lewis was missing meant either Cyrus had taken him out or he had decided that he would act on his own, possibly taking the scientist with him either by force or willingly. Most likely not willingly considering he would learn little working for someone like the General. "I am more concerned about what he's up to than one of you knowing who we all are. The meeting went well, however. I made a deal with Cyrus. We'll help them govern the planet. The terms they asked for are fair. We do nothing to jeopardize Cyrus or his girlfriend, we can only go where allowed by him, and don't question Uso. Also the Prince and Princess are off limits." He said, starting out slowly and then listing the terms rapidly. "We can limit the number of casualties. We need their technology to protect us from the truly alien threats. Once we're established we may have the technology to fight for our freedom. We fight now though, we die and they do what they want anyway."

"We go only where allowed?!" The merchant snapped, clearly shuffling about a bit before adding, "You're.... not wrong. The thing that fell from the sky... and I hear our new rulers have invited their own set of monsters."

"Better than skulking around in the dark perhaps..." The procurer said, "As much as I dislike these new rulers... it isn't like they are going to treat us any better than the Osmans."

"Speak for yourself, being limited in where I can go is going to ruin my trade." The Merchant added.

"And do wonders for mine." The procurer's voice full of amusement.

The two would pause for a moment before one spoke up,

"You really think this is our best move? You're the last soldier here. You would know better than us."

"I don't think he meant restricted on where you can trade, but certain areas in the palace or their ships are off-limits. Once we prove that we don't plan on trying to harm them, they will probably relax the restrictions." Aaron replied, addressing their complaints. He took a deep breath before continuing. "Show them how valuable your assistance can be. These guys are mercenaries which means they want to make a profit. We can either help them to speed things up or try to hurt them enough that they will just give up and go away. The problem with the violent approach is, they are so far ahead of us we can't really hurt them. I mean, we could try hit-and-run tactics, but we would probably lose a hundred soldiers for every one of them we kill. So yes, I believe less people will die if we help them."

"I'll make the appropriate preparations," The merchant said.

The Procurer just remained silent for the time being, quietly nodding.

The scientist disappearing didn't just worry him, it meant Aaron couldn't ask him to examine the box Cyrus gave him with a button on it. Also he hadn't had time to talk to Ned/Azariel yet. "Well, looks like our scientist is missing for some reason. I was going to ask him to examine this." He said, holding up the small box. "Cyrus said when we're ready to move on the alliance, I should press this button and he will show up. Do you need time to get the word to your people, or can I press the button? I admit to having no idea what will happen when I press it."

"Just get it over with," The merchant said.

Grant nodded and pressed the button, bracing himself for whatever happened next.

The remote sized objected blinked a few times then a speaker on the back crackled to life. "Hello Aaron. Is it time?" Cyrus asked, as is talking to an old friend.

Aaron was startled when a familiar voice came out of the little box. He relaxed, glad to see that his fears were unfounded. The device was merely some sort of communicator like he originally expected. "Hello? Can you hear me?" He asked while holding the device near his mouth.

Cyrus's end of the line crackled for a moment. "Aaron you don't have to hold it so close to your face." Cyrus said annoyed, most likely trying to get the ringing in his ears to go away.

The former General of the rebels turned red with embarrassment, probably the first time the other two had seen him that way. He held the device an arm's length away. "Sorry, this is all new to me. Yes, it is time. I'm with the other leaders right now. I'm afraid we may have a problem though.." He paused to consider how to explain. "General Lewis and our scientist are missing. If Lewis is still alive, he will keep fighting no matter what. The man is too stubborn to listen to reason."

Cyrus's line crackled for a minute, mumbling could be heard on the other line. Then a new voice came over the comm. "Hello Aaron, my name is Raphael Castiel, the Elysian seen with Uso. I am Uso's spy master. Cyrus and I will handle this Lewis, but we will require your help." Raphael said and it sounded like the device was passed back.

"Aaron, I will deploy all my forces for this, as will Raphael. Do you have a plan general?" Cyrus asked. It sounded like he was readying himself and his men. People could be heard gathering their men, and arming up.

Looking at the Procurer, Grant thought about what he said earlier. "Nice to meet another Elysian, Raphael. My friend would enjoy seeing one of his people after being stuck here so long. Let me see what my associate knows about Lewis's location." He moved the box farther away for a moment. "Procurer, what are the usual places Lewis is seen at? Do you know where he may be?" He asked hurriedly. The truth is, Aaron had never expected it to come to this. It would take him a little while to get to his armor. No way he would go after Lewis without an advantage. Lewis was a better fighter, he would surely lose in a fair fight. A sudden paranoid thought hit him. What if this was some sort of setup by Lewis? He pushed the thought away. Stop second-guessing yourself. Whatever happens, this is the right thing to do even if I die doing it. "I need time to get my armor, then I will join you, Cyrus."

The procurer looked a bit apprehensive, "You remember the purpose of this arrangement was so that we wouldn't be able to keep tabs on one another?" He asked... though, he didn't quite expect a response to that from Grant. "But... they are bringing in some more black powder into the city. Tonight. Disguising it as a fishing boat. They've been bringing in shipments daily for a while now."

The box crackled again. It could be heard that both Cyrus and Raphael were calling out orders. After a few minutes of this Cyrus came back on the box. "Roger that. We have deployed several of our men to search the area. We are going to meet in the town square. Just like last night. Alright with you general?" Cyrus asked.

Grant nodded his head. After a few seconds he realized Cyrus couldn't see him. "Yes. I will meet you there." He said quickly. "Do you want my associates to come with me this time?"