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Laz Public Network Military Contract(Axis)


Ser Spit
Inactive Member

From: Union Engineers
To: Axis Mechaworks

Mecha is a deviced used by my people. Your "Frames" are the Nepleslian Equalivant to our Battle-Suits. We are designing a new Battle-suit, and which to try and use some your obvious expertise in its development. 

In sort we wish to acquire the manufacturing rights to the Model 33 optic sensor, Model 33 Frame under armor, Gartaganoid mechanical skeleton, and model 33 composite muscle.

We are willing to offer you 1 billion GU for the manufacturing rights, and an additional 300,000 GU for the consultation of some of your specialists. As per our dealings with paragon your secrets will be safe from your competitors(revealing such devices would compromise our governments defense network.)

From: Axis Mechworks
To: Gartagen Union Engineers

Make it 800 Million KS, and you'll have a Deal.
Transferring schematics now. Be aware that we cannot transfer the high-grade military skeleton and muscle.

*schematics transfer*
 This will force us to request a price reduction due to the annoyance of having to wait. This however can be averted with the addition of the Type 33 Repair Blood thrown in to the contract.
Also, we neglected to mention that once production begins Axis Mecha works will receive an additional 140 GU for every unit of the Thunder Child that is produced.
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