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Mining Guild - Inquiry of Purposal


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 43
To: Representative of Mining Guild
From: Igia Sakkarah, Sunavi Corporation

Good Day Respected Representatives of the Mining Guild,

We are looking for contractors that are interested in doing mining operations in the Jios System.
Your company is registered in the international company register as trustworthy and experience in the field of mining.
The Sunavi Corporation would like to know what you potentially could offer in regard to mining operations.
Below you will find a list of found minerals in the system:
  • Jios II
    • Coal, Metals, Gravel, Clay
  • Jios III
    • Ice, Metals
Thank you for your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Sales Departement
Igia Sakkarah, Sunavi Corporation

To: Igia Sakkarah, Sunavi Corporation
From Astrid Kurosaki, CEO
Mining Guild

Good Day, Ms. Sakkarah

I am honored that my Mining Guild is registered as being trustworthy and experienced. With regard to the minerals, you have listed below. The Mining Guild is of course very skilled with extracting metal ores, and we can also refine it using our Mobile Refineries, which could also be sold after we have created them in our shipyards.

Furthermore, we also have the techniques to extract ice. If you’d like to view this, you’re more than welcome to visit Freezy Land, which is within the Draco Eridanus System. The other materials are of course materials we can produce;

Attached to this message are contractors we could send to your systems. Further, we can also offer training to your chosen employees, besides the materials you desired.

Astrid Kurosaki,CEO, Mining Guild
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To: Astrid Kurosaki,CEO, Mining Guild
From: Igia Sakkarah, Sunavi Corporation

Good day, miss Kurosaki,

Thank you for your response to our request for inquiry on your services. However. we are only interested in hiring your services to perform the said mining operations in the given location. Our personnel is trained for transportation and services to our customers and while it is a generous offer, we are not interested in training our personnel to operate a mining operation.

We would like to rent this mobile refinery that can be placed at the given location, we are open for 2 mobile refineries in this star system. The transportation of the minerals that are refined will be transported by us to Pilgrim station.

Our concern is what your company can offer in regards to manpower, material, and the overall cost of the operation on a monthly basis.

Yours sincerely,

Sales Department
Sunavi Corporation
To: Igia Sakkarah, Sunavi Corporation
From Astrid Kurosaki, CEO
Mining Guild

Ah, of course, I shall put you down for 2 Mobile refineries. I have also made the note that you will be transporting the materials so there will be no need to bring in a Magpie Class Industrial shuttle.

In terms of Manpower, the Mining Guild is accepting of all species, as such, we are very diverse; also we have employees and contractors numbering in the thousands. Our Refinery workers are also skilled with the creation of metals and priceless Gemstones. As for overall costs, that will also be listed in the attached document.

Your request does seem to be cheaper in terms of costs, but my employees will no less than work hard for you as any other.

Astrid Kurosaki,CEO, Mining Guild
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To: Astrid Kurosaki,CEO, Mining Guild
From: Igia Sakkarah, Sunavi Corporation

Good day, miss Kurosaki,

Thank you for the additional information you have provided to our company, we do have some additional questions in regards to your services that were brought up by our department.

We would like to know what the ratio is between the mining operations in the field in regards to the refinery processing the minerals itself. In other words, are we talking about mining 500 metals a day and that is being processed within 48 hours, or is there a different ratio.

Additionally we would like to know how many ships you require to put an efficiency production to keep the two refinery stations active. While we do not want people to work 24/7, we do expect them to have at least a 32-hour work shift per week to get the required ratio fixed.

In further communication, we notice that you address miss Sakkarah. Our apology for the confusion but the mail traffic that we send to you is also CC to our CEO so that she keeps in the loop of our conversation. It would be pleasant if you wouldn't address miss Sakkarah in further communication, it might become awkward.

Yours sincerely,

Sales Departement
Sunavi Corporation
To: Igia Sakkarah, Sunavi Corporation
From Astrid Kurosaki, CEO Mining Guild

Thank you for getting back to me, and before I answer the questions, I would like to humbly apologize for making things potentially awkward. I shall stop referring to your Miss Sakkarah only from this point on. According to my people, the ratio depends entirely on the location where we will be working as some materials may be richer than others.

32 hours will work fine for us, though typically we split the shifts to t day shift and night shift to allow for respite from work, and due to the size of our facilities, it is possible to make 500 metals if we split it between the two Mobile Refineries.

Astrid Kurosaki,CEO, Mining Guild
To: Astrid Kurosaki,CEO, Mining Guild
From: Igia Sakkarah, Sunavi Corporation

Thank you for the additional information on what we had requested from your company. Our department has reviewed it and we have received approval from our top management. Below you will find details about our terms of agreement and contract. If you have questions, do ask so clarification will be made.
Sunavi Corporation shall deliver the following
  • Grand free license to mine in Sunavi Corporation claimed systems up to 3 licenses.
  • Reserve location on Pilgrim station for the Mining Guild.
  • Abide to pay the Mining Guild processed minerals and metals that are refined.
  • Sunavi Corporation will rent the usages of the 2 refinery stations.
  • Give work contract space for 2 refinery stations and mining ships
    • This doesn't include transportation.
    • Transportation will be provided by Sunavi Corporation.
Mining Guild shall deliver the following
  • Will provide 2 refinery stations and additional mining ships.
  • Will provide contracts to employees with a minimum of 32-hour contracts within the given budget.
  • WIll mine the minerals and metals.
    • Will not be sold to a third party.
  • Will refine the said minerals and metals.
    • Will not be sold to a third party.
  • Grands access for Sunavi Corporation to set up an office at Omacron station.

Yours sincerely,

Sales Departement
Sunavi Corporation
To: Igia Sakkarah, Sunavi Corporation
From Astrid Kurosaki, CEO Mining Guild

I have looked over the agreement, and it meets my approval. I have looked over the personnel to make sure there won’t be any issues that may cause problems, and they have passed my expectations. I wanted to mention that as of this message, two Dragon class Mobile Refineries are on the move to the specified location.

I have given you access to skyscraper number 235 which is near the Yugumo Corporation building. The location of the building has also been attached as well. We look forward to continued business with Sunavi Corporation.

Astrid Kurosaki,CEO, Mining Guild
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