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Mishhu weaknesses?


Inactive Member
Considering recent events and the 5th's procurement of SMX ships and ghost mishhu, what would they discover from pullling the ship apart and examining the captive? Other than similiar genetic markers, would they find anything useful?
That they have a taste for Nekos-sandwiches? :shock:

Other then that, maybe something about their culture (if they have one). Is the captive an officer or a grunt?
Tyler said:
Considering recent events and the 5th's procurement of SMX ships and ghost mishhu, what would they discover from pullling the ship apart and examining the captive? Other than similiar genetic markers, would they find anything useful?

Here's some inspiration:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrRCR0iOMr0 :mrgreen:
.... ^_^;;
.... Sorry I couldn't help myself (lol) ...

Anyways, I would probably double check with whoever is the GM/creater of the Mishhu's, but I would suppose that torcher and interrogation should still work...

You know like:
Sleep Deprivation--give-um something that keeps them up and talk to them a lot
Exhaustion torchure-- work them to death or make them have to sit in a very strenuous position that over time softens them up
Electric Torcher--The o'l electric rack
Beating---Perhaps the least effective form of torcher because many people are too inexperienced and go overboard and break something in to person (or Mishhu's body). Even if they survive, after the first fews times you smash their organs, the body loses the ability to sense the blow; therefor they don't feel it any more.

Supplementary Torchers (enhances the effect of other torchure methods)
Excellent medical care--it fucks with their heads and the faster they heal the easier it is to beat them again (I know it strange, but it works).
Pain torcher--"Not to the death but to the pain...": inject pain enhancing drugs and devices during torcher

-and what ever you do!! DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT allow themselves to get organized!! Isolate them (especially telepathic inhibitiors). Group them by occupation. If they are organized, socialize with them and give them things so they have less time of thing of ideas of how to resist and being to organize the implement them. Make sure they don't form factions!!! (PLO and other terrorist groups came from Iraqi miss management of detainees by ignoring them and thus allowing them to organize themselves into factions)
-Also be very careful on how you allow the media to see the torchure and Mishhu prisoners. It disrespects you enemy and can insight him/her/it to attack blindly, a full home word assault, or send in splinter-cells/sleeper agents to help start factions in the prisons and free the prisoners.
dusk said:
-and what ever you do!! DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT allow themselves to get organized!! Isolate them (especially telepathic inhibitiors). Group them by occupation. If they are organized, socialize with them and give them things so they have less time of thing of ideas of how to resist and being to organize the implement them. Make sure they don't form factions!!! (PLO and other terrorist groups came from Iraqi miss management of detainees by ignoring them and thus allowing them to organize themselves into factions)
-Also be very careful on how you allow the media to see the torchure and Mishhu prisoners. It disrespects you enemy and can insight him/her/it to attack blindly, a full home word assault, or send in splinter-cells/sleeper agents to help start factions in the prisons and free the prisoners.

You're keeping even two of them in the same cell? I'd have them spread across the fleet, preferably only one or two per ship. Head the whole thing off at the pass, so to speak.

As to the media portrayal, it should be fairly simple to demonize them. The old 'baby eating space monster' line is almost appropriate in this case. If you make everyone think that they're barely even sentient in a meaningful way, then they shouldn't care if you cut one up for science.

The final thing to remember is that once you're gleaned everything of value from them, shove them out the airlock. They would show their prisoners significantly less kindness, if the wiki is anything to go on. And after all, it's hard to start a sleeper cell from deep space.
Do the NMX have weaknesses though? This thread got derailed by Torture. What are the commonly known weaknesses of the NMX/Mishhu? What could a Unaugmented person utilize to deal with a squid? Is there anything of such a nature known about the NMX? @Fred