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RP: Operation Chevalier [Mission 0.1] Objects in Space

Cy83r K0rp53

Inactive Member
The Red Hill-class Transport, Honor's Sign, shook as gravity tethered her and ruined the peristaltic gravimetric fields that propelled her bulk through the firmament. The unmarked, unnamed ship drifted silently while her captor, an old Yui-class Scout, closed in and began the process of boarding the lifeless ship. Lifeless that is, if one didn't account for the AI at the controls, frantic as it tried to find a way out of the pirate's grip. All of its processor modules concluded the same course of action and activated its siblings laying dormant in the cargo hold. Retrofitted power armor bays sprung into action, maintenance robots opening up three humanoid shells and inserting a bulky Savtech unit into paired slots on each of the droids.

"This is Curry," a small fish swam at the edges of three Cliffhangers' vision while their systems interfaced and booted up, "we've been boarded," the fish twitched in its etheric environment, clearly agitated, "pirates by the look of it, they don't seem to like that this ship isn't registering on their bio-scanners, use that to your advantage, get them off of this ship and keep the Gendarmes intact, my orders are to deliver this batch to Francia unharmed, so don't jump in front of their guns."

As sensory diagnostics flooded the CALOs' perception and mobility came to them, the fish dove away with a simulated splash, "They're advancing towards your position now, I'll keep you appraised of any new arrivals."

Right on cue, footsteps sounded like thunder in the Gendarme's acoustic suite and beams of incoherent light swept across the twin rows of humanoid combat machines, sending their optics scrambling for a dimmer visual and infrared filter. The light was quickly followed by the voices of the pirates themselves, clearly Nepleslian, though a distinct dialect, "I really don't like this, Makenzie, whole ship empty? No life-signs or signs of struggle? I don't like ghost-shiiiips... woah.... or robots."

Mackenzie, the taller and thinner of the two, pointed his torch and thus his submachinegun at one, a puzzled look visible on his face even with the sudden glare of lighting pointed at the trio of active droids, "Shiii-it, nobody on this whole boat but a baker's dozen of sleeping bots... these don't look like Zen Arms models, too expensive..."
Tank stood silent as the pirates walked in, he didn't move a gear as he silently watched them move around. He connected to the team's comm system and sent in, "Play dead guys, we'll spring a trap, catch 'em by surprise, then I'll wring the bloody bastards' necks until they... Well I don't know how to finished that... I'll just wring their necks!"
"Oh we're playing now? What fun! So we play dead then we make them dead." Trace replied via the shared comm. The collective voices in Trace began shuffling about, each one vying for a turn and only succeeding in cluttering the comm channel.

"This body is too stuffy!"

"Can't I get a body too?"

"No, today is my turn because today is Original day."

"You are SO not Original. I am!"

"Shush guys. You're gonna make us look bad in front of the others."

"I think it may be too late for that."
"I don't like it, Mackenzie," the shorter pirate babbled, keeping his distance from the bays, stress-heat flushing along major arteries in his neck, armpits, and legs as well as across his entire face, "let's just call in the sweepers and be done with it, there's nothing else here, right?

"Let's go back to the ship," he pleaded with his comrade who had slowly moved further into the hallway, inspecting everything with a crude fascination.

"Second Patrol," the comms on each pirate's chest buzzed with a badly distorted communication, the antennae glowing to the Gendarmes' wide-spectrum filters as it reflected and absorbed the signal, a second signal was intermingled with the pirates' channel, audible only the the androids' superior senses, "we found something -they found me- on the bridge, report in -hurry- immediately."

Mackenzie turned about and regarded a timepiece strapped to his wrist. "Shit, let's go, Alman," the Nepleslian ordered, starting back down the way they came and reaching for his comm, "Looks like you get your wish."
The moment Mackenzie was done speaking, Tank yelled into the shared comm, "Not so fast!" As he lunged forward at the shorter pirate, the paranoid one. Tank dove at the pirate's chest, clamping the man's arms to his side so that he couldn't aim his gun, and then turning to the side so that he was using the pirate as a meat-shield from the others. "Sorry, but the Genie's on vacation!" Tank called for everyone to hear. He then switched back to the shared comm, "Get it, 'cus he said he got his wish, but the Genie's out of town, hehehe."
Trace was tracking Tank's movements and waited for it to grab the paranoid Alman. That meant Mackenzie's attention would be on Tank. Which gave Trace the opening it needed to strike the pirate.

With a quick hop Trace grabbed a low overhang and used it's legs to wrap around Mackenzie's neck in an attempt to snatch, snap and whip him down to the floor.

"Oh clever, very clever, chap."

"Ah ha ha ha ha hahahaha! Tank you are so funny!"

"I don't get it."

"We need to come up with something cool to say too!"
Alman struggled in vain against Tank's grip, caught by surprise as he was, and actually dropping his SMG, "oh gods, oh gods, they're ALIIIVE!"

Mackenzie was quicker to react, spinning around and bringing his weapon to bear on the active Gendarme before Trace's maneuver snapped his neck and sprawled the Nepleslian pirate out on the deck like an unwanted and forgotten doll. His weapon still went off, however, sending a stitch of small-caliber rounds in a line starting three inches left of Tank's left shoulder and walking upwards into the ceiling, the soft lead embedding in the decking and wall panels.

The comms on both pirate's lapels buzzed with another communique, "Second Patrol, Mother Two just picked up gunfire from your position, what is your situation?"
"Can anyone of you schizophrenics hack into their comm system and mimic their voice?" Tank said into the shared comm. As he said this he threw the pirate as hard as he could towards the other one before picking up the SMG. He fired in a spraying motion, trying to hit both pirates without hitting Trace. "Tell them Alman got spooked and fired at a rat or something!"
Trace crouched down over Mackenzie while Tank dealt with Alman. In a whimsical way his crouch seemed to time an avoidance of gunfire. Securing the dead man's SMG, Trace then rummaged for the radio.

"Hmmm, let's seeeeee....."

"Anyone sound like the dead guy?"

"I don't know!"

"Speak up if you can."

"I sound like him!"

"No you don't. And Tank you may want to finish killing that guy quietly or they won't believe me when I tell them they got spooked by a rat." Trace said, narrowly avoiding more gunfire.

"Just saying.
"Damn it! Give me that!" Tank trudged over and snatched the comm away from Trace. "Not quite what I wanted, but it will have to do." He fumbled around before he flipped on the comm and raised it to his voice box. "The situation is that one of you bastards has his head on backwards and the other had some lead for dinner. Now get the hell of my ship unless you want my fist going where the sun don't shine! You understand!?"
"We should probably start moving to where Curry is. I'm sure we could ambush a few more of them when they rush over to check on these chaps." Trace said as it stood up, firearm in hand.
"Deal!" Tank pulled some wires out of a slot on the side of him and started fiddling with them before attaching them to the comm. "I plugged the audio from their comm into our shared comm, so we should be able to hear them, but they can't hear us, as long as I did that right..." He gripped the SMG in his hands before barging his way out the door to the room and making his way down the hallway, finger ready to squeeze at the first sign of movement.
"Good idea. I've got my side covered.

Trace brought up the weapon it had scored and followed Tank out. Carefully Trace continually adjusted and calibrated it's body for better performance. It tried to stay alert for the pirates so as to better ambush them ahead.

"Oh oh I can shoot better! Lemme shoot!"

"No I'm the better shooter!"

"Maybe one of you chaps could make yourself useful and jump into the system so we can get better feed on where the future dead guys are." Trace suggested as it started looking for an access port of any kind to use.
Tank would see nothing of note down either side of the corridor aside from the tell-tale accumulation of unstirred dust behind exposed components in the old ship. The walkway ran straight down the spine with only a few kinks along the way, as Trace scanned its memory of the Red Hill-class' layout they were on the lower storage deck and would need to find a way up, several of which highlighted as the machine processed its query, being the closest or most secure. The AI's secondary search brought up every duty station with a C.A.L.O. interface installed, though it would have to unplug itself from the Gendarme in order to use those; keypads were still an option, at least.
Trace looked went over the interface terminals and began to look for one while calling for a volunteer. "Tank, if we get to a C.A.L.O. uplink I can split off and use the system to keep us updated."

While Trace looked for a terminal it then began calling out for volunteers. "So who wants to split off and jump into the system?"

"Oooh oooh me me!"

"No me! I'm tired of being crammed into one body. Gosh, this sucks!"

"No, you suck."
Tank glanced at Trace before looking back down the hallway. "Well, you're the brains since you seem to have more than one, so figure out where one is." He tightened his grip on the weapon as he glanced down the two segments of hallway that they had just come upon. "And will you guys shut up!?"
"You hear that, guys? Shut up already!"

Trace tracked down the nearest uplink node and sent the map data to Tank. "Okay we'll use this terminal. It should be safe. I'll just need a second to unplug from this body so I'll be vulnerable while I split off. It shouldn't take me more than ten seconds to jump in, split off, and jump out."

"I think."

"Shut uuuuuup."
Tank nodded at Trace before saying, "Nice! Let's get moving." He headed down the hallway, making sure to move as silently as possible, even though it was difficult with metal hitting metal. When he came to forks he would do the same as the first and inform Trace that he would go one way and Trace would go the other.
The uplink terminal unfolded from the walk as Trace's shell approached, two orange-rimmed slots for Savtech cards spaced wide enough beside each other to fit the twin-pronged design of a Cliffhanger module waiting, as if in repose, for an occupant. The basic AI of the Gendarme sat in the back of Trace's mind, aware of the small role it would play in offloading the Cliffhanger and protecting it until its work was done. The combat machine's software affirmed the idea of infiltrating the Avalon's network where security footage and direct communication with the pilot, Curry, would at least be available if not more functions of the ship. The physical interface seemed to be an engineering station, which implied control of emergency systems and activation of any airtight doors, though probably only on this deck or even as limited as the immediate bulkhead section.

Tank's exploration down the rear of the corridor yielded little more than dark rooms, easily illuminated by the Gendarme's various sensors, active infrared revealing little more than various supplies for his squad sitting in cold since their launch, though their full utilization, especially the radar, would likely give the pirates a signature to lock on to. A dimming trail of hot spots at each door suggested the path of the now-dead patrolmen led back to somewhere near the engine room.
Tank scanned around before grunting back to Trace. "It looks like they left a heat trail that leads back towards the engines, and I'm guessing that they'll split at one point and the other will lead to the cockpit." He thought for a second about the easiest way to kill the enemies. "Hey, I just thought of something... What if we tried to lay some sort of ambush and lure them out. We could send out a distress call that we would purposely let them intercept, and list a location on the ship as our hiding spot. I could rig up some explosives in the location and BAM, like the Fourth of July."
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