Star Army

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RP: NSS Altomir [Mission 1.3] Serpentine (Summary Post)


Inactive Member
((The following is a summary to the end of Mission 1. Mission 2 to follow.))

The following morning, Flint Vanderhuge led the small group of hastily gathered Nepleslian marines on his intended mission; disabling the specialized NMX flightcraft which was making further advancement into the city of Bal'Sharok impossible for the Nepleslian Naval forces in high orbit. The marines loaded up into the two K7 transport helicopters, each vessel with its own mission. Flint Vanderhuge led the forward assault Alpha Team with a select few of the marines that were better equipped for the more aggressive approach; their mission was to simply make their way from a point of entry towards the bridge, in an attempt to disable the NMX ship. Meanwhile, during the distraction lead by Alpha, Delta team would stealthily attempt to attach a makeshift explosive device onto the rear thrusters of the vessel, with intent to disable a special set of emission dampeners which were required by all ships on Rok'Veru to protect from a rather bothersome natural phenomena.

The marines were able to approach the long, serpentine NMX flightcraft through the heavy mists of Rok'Veru's morning, both teams reaching their intended breach points almost simultaneously. Although Flint Vanderhuge's team fought valiantly, Alpha Team's objective of reaching the bridge of the NMX ship was, from the beginning, only meant to be a distraction. Doing their best to preserve themselves and postpone the seemingly endless stream of NMX armored troops, Alpha Team was able to secure enough time for Delta to hastily attach their explosive to the rear of the vessel. The two K7 helicopters, unfortunately, had both been shot down during the chaos aboard the ship, the pilots able to escape death but otherwise leaving the two Nepleslian marine teams stranded. With some quick thinking, patience and following a stoic defense, the teams were able to leap from the speeding ship into a tall skyscraper, landing within the tower with only minimal harm to themselves.

The NMX forces aboard the serpent-like ship did not notice the explosive device until it was too late. The ensuing explosion severely damaged the vessels rear thrusters, but not enough to cause the ship to crash or so much as veer off course. What it did do, however, was create a large plume of thick black smoke behind the ship, as well as emit a vast amount of heat from both the working thruster and the numerous fires around the area of the explosion. Almost instantly, a soaring score of native Rok'Veru avian creatures, known as Kipwings, rose from the treenlines and approached the fleeing NMX vessel. Attracted to the intense heat, the flying bird-like creatures, feathers thin yet surprisingly hard and coarse like granite, dove recklessly into the remaining thruster of the NMX ship. Although the first several were instantly incinerated, the sheer amount of kipwings swarming themselves into the thruster caused yet another, more critical failure of the propulsion system, spreading more fire which attracted even more kipwings. It was not long before the ship itself could no longer sustain flight and simply dove headlong into a tall standing building, creation a brilliant and notably satisfying explosion.

With the scrambling arrays and anti-ship weapons aboard the now-deceased NMX ship out of the way, the remaining Nepleslian fleets above Bal'Sharok were able to easily drop in an overwhelming ground force to mop up the remaining NMX resistance on the surface. Flint Vanderhuge, satisfied with his victory, and the soldiers under his command, were picked up and brought back to the Grand Admiral's flagship, the NSS Vanderhuge, slated for return to the planet Nepleslia to await the next fight.