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RP: YSS Valiant Mission 1

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The ship travelled at half its maximum speed, 10 LY/minute, and it was only slightly over a minute before something showed up on the sensors. That thing being distortions and data readings in keeping with Mishu ships.

Karin looked up from the sensor readouts, not actually understanding them herself due to lack of training in that area, and said to Arild, "We have possible and confirmed mishuvaithur ships reading on the sensors sir."

"That was quick." Arild muttered, "Val, please bring us closer, hiding our approach, keeping at least one light year away. Miss Mar, please run deeper scans of the area. Garret, ready the weapons if you will."

"Aye Sirâ€
Well, that was quick. I don't know if I should be relieved or disappointed. Sakue glanced at the sensors screen. "Hmmm.... Sensors says target's engines are offline, and I have no energy readouts from the weaponry. Guess that the space battle is over. What now, sir ?"

"Now? Now we have a rare situation of having a disabled Ghullfrashirv at our disposal, and I suggest we do not waste it. Let's not forget our secondary objective, to test out the NH-18, and I think this is the perfect opportunity to do both this, and explore the ship." Arild looked distinctly pleased with how the battle had gone, "Short and without and real damage taken ourselves, and again aliens who we can't empathise with, if only all battles could be this easy."

Garret whistled as the Valiant drifted round the newest addition to the intergalactic rubbish problem. Not that'd he'd expected the battle to go any other way – especially with the extensive damage to the target vessel – but simulators and statistics really couldn't match the real sense of total destruction that seeing another ship get blasted into pieces could. His head snapped round and his jaw slackened slightly as the captain smugly proclaimed his decision to board the disabled ship belonging to a highly vicious and hostile alien race...and the mention of the NH-18 didn't make it any better. "So I guess that means we're switching to space suits then...since we're the only ones on the Valiant.â€
Sakue held her fire while the NH-18 was destroying every single mishu. Not because she didn't want to hurt him. She couldn't decide if she was scared or struck by awe, but she couldn't do anything, but watch. She instinctively took a step backward. "Thank god it's on our side. We were worried about him adapting not fast enough..."

It was a black fell wind that pierced the heart and chilled the soul. The plasma projectors on Garret's Phalanx hissed, and died down as their targets all but disappeared – a wisp of smoke rising off them as the cooled in the dank atmosphere. "Bloody Hellâ€
Doshiki grumbled slightly to himself. "What hmn" he groaned sitting up in his quarters. He had gained the sleep long lost in his transport from his training facilities. He sat up "What is the time?" he asked sliding out of his bed and onto the floor with a dampened thud. Muttering absolute gibberish he started to dress himself. The affects of jetlag on Doshiki had to be noted like hitting a drunk with a brick.

Doshiki after dressing himself floated out of his door and started to make his way towards the bridge. Cleaning up his scruffy appearance as he went "Bridge first coffee later" he grumbled to himself as he silently moved along. Arriving in the bridge and bowing as gravity pulled his feet back to the floor. Though to whom he didn't specifically remember, he just felt better in case anyone outranked him.

Karin looked around at the light tapping on the floor as Doshiki arrived on the bridge. "So you finally woke up, huh?" She said, looking around. Indicating a small screen beside her, she beckoned him closer. "We decided to test out a new arrival on a Mishu ship that we dropped in on, care to take a look? ... although I hope you haven't eaten."

Doshiki nodded apologetically and approached. "Gruesome eh? Oh and I am very sorry for oversleeping, but the jetlag hit me hard."

By this point the NH-18 had destroyed, and mostly absorbed the Mishu that had ganged up on it, and resumed its stalking of the ship, while they where watching a tendril grew out of the wall and seized it around the arm, to which, in response, the NH-18 ripped it out of the wall. Then, as it saw a Mishu down the corridor it moved with its speed that caused the camera to blur to a degree it was impossible to make out any details, leapt onto the Mishu, striking with two tendrils that grew from under its arms, piercing the Mishu's carapace and absorbing it from the inside. As usual it was laughing in its hideous, fluid laugh, much like that of the Mishu, only worse.

Doshiki went very silent, and became very pale. "What is that thing?" He asked in a very meek and humble tone.

"That's our... Friend. It's very efficient, I think. Almost makes you feel sorry for the Mishu, huh?" Replied Karin looking around at him, a little pale herself. "I'm not sure I want to meet this thing, but I guess we'll have to. Maybe it might turn out to be nice to us!" She looked back around at the sensor display, shuddering slightly.

Back on the Mishu ship Arild looked at the neat hole Sakue had carved, "Alright, I'll go first then." he said, floating through the hole, making sure not to touch the walls and floor, which was becoming common procedure in this place, keeping sure that there was no enemies.

There was actually a group of the Mishu bugs, which he fired one of his plasma projectors at. The group fried, and the remainders scurried away.

"Alright, it seems to be safe, Garret, you first, Sakue watch our backs and come down last." Arild communicated over radio

At the end of the corridor the where leaving a group of three mishu appeared, brandishing energy weapons, although they had not yet noticed Garret, Sakue, or the hole in the floor.

"Yes si-" 3 blinking dots appeared on Sakue's radar, approaching quite fast. She quickly turned around and saw the 3 Mishus floating down the corridor. "Incoming ! 3 Mishus! Garret, get down, quick!".

She fired her railgun. The first shot missed by only an inch, and carved a hole in the organic wall. Damnit, Sakue ! Don't waste ammo ! Her second shot, however, was dead on, and pierced right through the Mishu's armour, and was still powerful enough to punch a small hole in the wall behind them. "And stay down !", she yelled while adjusting her gun on the second Mishu, praying that she'd have the same luck.

Garrett dropped down into a kneeling position, and fired at the Mishu using his carbine and plasma projectors, frying another Mishu.

"Oh well, while that, erm continues." Doshiki started and stopped, pausing for a second before walking over to the communications console. Sitting down he continued to say while starting to check the layout of his workspace. "I'm going to break in my seat."

The NH-18 was heading deeper into the ship, and was finding no organised resistance, meeting the Mishu only in pockets of one or two. It charged them and killed them. Since there was no more than one or two at any particular point there was no point for the psychological element, so it simply stabbed them with its arms, absorbed them, and threw their husks to one side. In this way, and the speed at which it moved, it was killing ten or twelve every minute, the rate increasing as it went deeper.

The remaining Mishu opened fire with its scalar weapon, firing mostly at random at Garrett and Sakue before being caught by a hail of projectiles from Sakue.

"Good work. Keep a look out, they'll have likely informed the others we're here." Arild responded, knowing through Garretts SLICS system what was going on. He continued down the hall, a way, looking for more Mishu, which he found none.

Around this time a tendril grew out of the floor and wrapped around Garretts Torso, pulling him to the floor.

"I'm on it." Sakue then noticed what happened to Garret. "Err, Garret's being assaulted by tentacles."

She fired her Aether blade, and proceeded to rescue him from the tendrils. "When I told you to go down, I meant down the tunnel, not down the floor, heh." She said, giggling.

Garrett shrugged as best he could, "Seemed like the thing to do at the time.â€
These guys are suicidal! At least ammo isn't a problem for me Garret glanced over at Sakue as she burnt through her railgun rounds like confetti. At least we've got them bottlenecked for the moment at any rate. "Sir!â€
Punishable by death...he's right of course. I wonder if the people who make these laws have ever actually faced a battlefield? Garret's thoughts were skipping between subjects – avoiding the matter at hand so to speak. Even so, would they change it if they did? No one is more indoctrinated than the indoctrinator after all. "Hmm?â€
In the second cage Arild came to there was one of the creatures who lacked the burn marks of the others, and, upon inspection, actually seemed to be breathing, "Alright, I've found a live one." Arild sent to the others, and ripped through the chains with his power armour.

At least we're not risking our life for nothing Garret floated gingerly around the room, apprehensive, tense for any sign of soon to be burnt to a crisp good-for-nothing alien life although the NH-18 seemed to have done most of the dirty work. "Human, sir?â€
Arild took the creature to the med-bay, and set it down on one of the med-beds. "Val, do you know what species this creature is a member of?â€
Sakue pushed the coffin against the armoury's wall and asked Val to lock it. She grabbed a full magazine of railgun rounds, and went to the power armor bay. She reloaded her kylie, and ran a diagnosis on the suit while she inspected joints, weapons and armor plates. She didn't recieve much damage, thanks to the shields, and as expected, everything showed green. Arild's PHALANX, too, wasn't damaged.

She jumped inside Garret's one, brought it into the engineering room, and ran a deep diagnosis. Nothing more than what she expected. However, when she took a closer look at the electronic cards, she noticed that her quick fixes, while they worked, irremediably damaged the communicator, and that she'll need to replace it. Same thing for the exoskeleton's actuator.

Oh, well... Welding with an aether blade is not easy, I guess.

She proceeded to replace the damaged parts, with the proper tools, this time.
Yue yawned gently. "...they are alright, yes Valiant? If not, I'll feel compelled to chase after them on a suicide mission. Never did pilot an armour very well..." She mainly wanted the reassurance of company, even if it was cold-hearted electronic company. She had not followed into the fight, and she may have been needed. It didn't weigh well on her mind, but it couldn't be changed, and she doubted she'd have made much difference anyway. "...when they return, tell them I've a hero's feast prepared. Well, the last part of it, anyway."

"They are alright, and have returned." The Valiant's voice responded from one of the croissants. "A hero's feast is prepared." The Valiant's voice rang throughout the rest of the ship.

"A hero's feast?" Sakue, her work finished, brought back the PHALANX in it's bay. "Val, where's Taisa Arild? I need to report what I did with the power armours."

Arild was actually walking back from his quarters after receiving the message from Valiant. He was certainly looking forward to a hero's feast even if he didn't think of himself as a hero.

"Taisa Bard is walking to the mess-hall." Val replied from one of the rings on the wall.

Doshiki was on his way also to the Mess-Hall having skipped breakfast he had regained his appetite.

With an air of dignity, Yue delicately balanced the various platters on one arm, mousse and pain and all, and lightly stepped to the mess hall. She didn't much care if people could see her or not, if they were present yet, she made a show of it regardless. "...mayhap someday I'll actually see a fight, then realize precisely why I fear it so much, hmm? I am quite glad I was unneeded. Thank you for your hep, Val."

"My pleasure." The mousse replied.

Sakue was halfway to the mess when she noticed that she could wash herself a little before reporting to Arild, working with power suits wasn't what you'd call clean. She went straight to the crew quarter's bathroom and quickly washed her hands and face. She combed her hair a little, then she proceeded to the mess enthusiastically. She was hungry.

Doshiki walked into the mess and glances around at the place. "Spiffy"

Arild pulled himself through the corridors, and glided into the mess-hall, "So what's for this meal of heroes?" He asked Yue.

Yue blinked, setting down as quickly as she could manage the pain, laying mousse about it in small dishes, strategically spaced. "...mmm, nothing much. Pain au chocolat, lemon mousse, chocolate mousse... fudge to garnish it all." She gave a beatific smile. "...not so much a feast as it could be, but about the extent of my ability in a kitchen. Nothing with any real nutritional value, aye?"

Following the scent, Sakue entered the mess. She bowed to Yue, and took a seat next to Arild. "Sir, I've done some repairs on the suits. Let's enjoy this meal, I'll give you the details afterwards." She eyed what Yue prepared, waiting for everyone to sat down.

Arild sat down at the table and looked expectant, "I'm sure we can make up the nutrients in some drab ration packs, meals here should be more than a simple functionary to fulfil nutritional criteria anyway, it should be a forum for discussion and a place to sample the delicacies our crew can evolved, starting with the letter U.â€
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