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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.1] The Torchbearers

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Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Michael had held his position at the entrance to the bunker, his wings being more harm than help in the close quarters the team would encounter. The Elysian had volunteered, in fact, to stay behind for guard duty, using the long range sensors of his Hikael as an early warning system. He had also patched into the Task Force's communication net, and was feeding in any updates down to the Taisa.

Of course, things had changed. "Taisa Hanako, this is Santo-Hei Papadopoulos. It seems that the Eucharis encountered additional survivors a short distance away from here, Slavers and some slaves. Shoi Sune and Chusa Kage have transferred fleet command to Shosa Muir, and are leading an away team in a rescue mission. I understand that this might be out of line, ma'am, but I request permission to move from my current position and provide long range fire support to the second away team."
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Starship Crashsite

The two were locked; eyes staring at one another. The girl wasn't about to move, even when she heard a grunting sound behind her and didn't notice the Yamataian boy had now woken up.

"You won't hurt him, he's not ... dead.." said the girl as she held her position and didn't move a muscle. The other slavers had formed up around them as best they could considering the debris that was in the way.

Above her, in the shuttle bay, the slaver armed with the AM27 watched closely through his scope, his finer hovering close to the trigger – just waiting for the slaves to try something.

"You know what happens to slaves who defy us," said the boss. The girl, even though she had sweat running down her face, still didn't move. Suddenly, a shot rang through the area as the girl felt something rip into her shoulder, she staggered backwards and tripped. The boy quickly sat up and caught her before she could hit the ground. The slaves backed away, some frightened, others unsure what to do.

The slaver tried to fire again, but his gun jammed, probably due to the cold. He scowled and then spoke up, "consider this your lucky day slave," before turning around and walking away. "Keep an eye on them, shot any that get out of line," he shouted to his companions.

The girl laid there, not wanting to look at the blood since she knew what would happen if she did and instead just planted her hand over the wound. Though she could feel the pain, it wasn't anywhere near as intense as it normally would - she had gotten far too used to pain since being turned into a slave.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

UOCPF Bunker (Alpha Team)

"It is just the three of us," a second male said, emerging from one of the side rooms. "We were away from the colony when the attack came. When we came back everyone was gone. They took...everyone. We were down here looking when the bombs went off. We were trapped inside. Luckily there were supplies meant for a lot of people..."

Taisa Hanako nodded. "We are here to rescue you. My crew will escort you to the surface. Kiko, please help them pack."

The Taisa also relayed a response to the ship. "Pick up the survivors from the crash site," she ordered.

- - -

Task Force Torch

"Enemy contact!"

A mixed SMX and NMX fleet of approximately 140 warships appeared in the Mitsuya system and began moving towards the Task Force in orbit. A number of stealthy landing ships also went to drop off NMX troops on the planet.

"They will be in range in one minute! Inform the Eucharis!"
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Well, Fuck. This was unexpected, to say the least.

Michael re-initiated radio contact with the Taisa, feeling somewhat embarrassed at having to continue to pester her. "Taisa Hanako, this is Papadopolous, again. I'm sorry to bother you ma'am, but 140 NMX warships have entered the Mitsuya system, and will be in range of Task Force Torch within a minute. The Eucharis is moving to pick up the survivors from the Crash Site as ordered, and I believe that we'll have some visitors of our own in a few minutes."

He couldn't complain, though. Michael had joined the Eucharis specifically because it saw a lot of action. This mission was not going to be any different, it seemed.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Blissfully unaware of the commotion in orbit, Kiko saluted and said "Yes ma'am." She turned back to the survivors and entered the bunker with a bow. "What would you like to pack, sirs, ma'am?"
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

UOCPF Bunker (Alpha Team)

"Well, I don't have much, just..." one the survivors started, but Hanako interrupted him.

"We need to get out now," the Taisa informed everyone.

"Can we get dressed first?" the female survivor asked.

"No," Hanako said. "Get moving! Kiko-Hei, grab that pile of UOC uniforms on the way out."

Hanako pulled out her pistol and began her way back up to the surface.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

While most of the team went inside of the bunker to assist the survivors in their preparations to depart, Helen chose to remain up-top, mounted upon her motorcycle as she surveyed the terrain and released a sigh. It was a rather dismal sight, what bothered her more was the matter of the UOC seemingly being in such a state of shambles, it did not bode well for their potential future commitment to the war-effort. It really just left the Lorath Matriarchy as a wild-card, which displeased her more so. At that point, she was simply woolgathering. Though, as she brooded, she kept herself ready to respond to any unexpected events, or commands.

That 'unexpected event' which Helen waited for came along, and crackled over her communication line, painting quite the vivid picture of a worst-case scenario. She let Papadopolus handle the relay of the information as she reviewed the data forwarded from the task force, it was a mess to say the least. Though, with the moments of preparation provided by the advanced warning, Helen went about conducting a weapons check, finding that her armaments were in order, and ready for use. "Takeyu, get your drones up here, send them skyward and give us a bird's eye view of the area. I want us to have some knowledge of enemy troop movements if there is ground activity in the area."
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

UOCPF Bunker (Alpha Team)

Takeyu nodded as he received the message from Helen. "On it ma'am," he said and relayed the new orders to his drones. The drone outside the bunker, which was almost a full mile away, suddenly spun around and proceeded toward the bunker and then shot up into the air.

His other drone which was bobbing to his side suddenly flew off down the corridor and out of the bunker before flying up into the air and joining its companion. Both drones began to scan the area. "Drones on station and providing a birds eye of the area," said Takeyu as he shouldered his rifle and retracted his Bazooka and kept an even pace with the Taisa.

Half a kilometer from the starship crashsite

An STV's engine came to life as it rolled out of a discarded section of the starship. "Get in," said the driver to the two slaves and lone slaver. Then the vehicle started for the slavers main camp.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

UOCPF Bunker, inside(Alpha team)

Kiko's Daisy pivoted on its heel and walked over to the pile of clothes. She used her plasma rifle and left hand together to gather the clothes into a tight enough pile to stuff under her left armpit. If someone tried to help her, she waved them off with an assurance that she would catch up. And she did, unless something happened while she was trying to do so.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Alpha Team

An NMX landing ship shot down Takeyu's first drone as it passed overhead before coming to a low hover behind a hill, where it lowered its nose ramp. Three pairs of battle buggies and a pair of tanks raced out onto the snowy plain, followed by platoons of NMX soldiers and sensor drones. They moved towards the bunker entrance.

Task Force Torch

The fleets of ships began trading shots. Huge volumes of bright streaking energy beams lashed out from both sides. Groups of ships would pick a target and focus fire on it. A targeted ship wouldn't last long. The first ship to get picked off was the science vessel caught halfway descended into the atmosphere. Overwhelmed with incoming fire, it took hit after hit until its top portion was a gutting, flaming mess. It crash-landed somewhat near the slaver crash site and the bunker, causing a rumbling shockwave to pass through the ground and a massive bang to go through the air as it impacted, leaving a large dust cloud and a billowing tower of black smoke.

Gunships were also being targeted...Eucharis was losing some of her sister ships already.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Alpha Team

Takeyu came to a screeching halt when he heard the bang, and subsequently lost contact with one of his drones. "What the heck was that?!" he shouted and continued for the exit. "Drone one is down!" he shouted and came running out of the bunker, ready for combat.

Starship Crashsite

The sound of the ship crashing and the resonating bang caused many of the slaves to dive for cover. The crashed starship groaned, and the slaver in the shuttle bay nearly fell out, but managed to stop himself.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

There were a few colorful Nepleslian phrases that flew from Helen's lips as she monitored the drone feed. "We need to pick up the pace." She said simply as she un-slung her Ke-M-W3000 Aether Gatling from her shoulder. "Taisa, orders?" She asked, wanting to know if they'd be running-and-gunning, or simply turning tail and not even looking back.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Alpha Team

Hanako ran by Helen and climbed up into the tank. As she did, the enemy vehicles started coming around the hill and firing wildly at her tank. The TASHA opened fire as soon as they were visible, scoring a direct main cannon hit on the "nose" of one of the combat trikes. A second shot followed, completely wrecking the front so the vehicle nose-dived into the snow. TASHA spewed a hail of aether gatling fire onto the next buggy, and opened fire with its 35mm guns on the advancing troops.

"Get the rear hatch open and load up the survivors as quickly as possible," Hanako ordered via secure telepathy. Using her SPINE connection, she began to aim the tank's gun at one of the the enemy tanks that were starting to round the corner. "Where is the ship? Once we are loaded we will head that way!"

- - -

Task Force Torch

Heavily outnumbered, the Task Force was being savagely mangled by the Mishhuvurthyar. The enemy had focused on the smaller ships first; the initial wave of Plumeria gunships was all but gone.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

"Providing covering fire!" Michael said, his voice raised and his blood pumping. Raising the Transphased rifle, he activated the targeting systems of his Hikael. Using the Quintessent Wave Differentialometer in conjunction with the Optical sensors, he began to sight the incoming NMX forces. The Transphased Plasmatic Pulse Rifle had a range of 10,000 kilometers in atmosphere and fired a phased bolt of high-energy plasma that could, due to the phasing technology incorporated into the rifle, pass through cover and other obstructions.

Suffice to say, Michael wasn't going to let this chance pass him by. With a thought he opened fire on the incoming buggies, the bolts of bright blue-white plasma phasing out of existence before leaving the barrel of the rifle, and phasing into reality a few meters away from their targets.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

At that moment, Helen was eternally thankful she had access to the Kylie which she wore. As far as she knew, it was the only PA that was available that could offer any sign of resistance to the onslaught of opponents headed for their position. Since their group was not in motion yet, Helen took the direct approach in dealing with the incoming foes as she raised one arm holding the aether Gatling, and the other which soon burst into a glow of aether fire.

Helen's volume of fire was split between two tasks, her Kylie's rail-gun roared to life with shots of 50mm antimatter slugs which screamed at the enemy tank, her aether Gatling spewed beam after beam of fire at the buggies which buzzed about the landscape, while her forearm cannon pulsed with shot after shot, spewing additional aether fire, in this case aimed for the oncoming platoons of personnel. It was a display of the excess of the Empire in times gone by, yet it greatly fit the situation.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Alpha Team

Takeyu fell into a crouch beside the tank and aimed his Bazooka at two of the trikes. Utilizing his suits onboard sensors in conjunction with his flying drone, he aimed at one trikes and fired two shots then quickly changed to another trikes and fired two more.

However, he didn't wait for them to hit, and started tracking the other bikes.

Starship Crashsite, Shuttle Bay

The slaver with the AM27 moved quick, but not because he had been ordered to, but because he was not only hearing the distant weapons fire but he was also getting a gut sinking feeling.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Listening tentively to the comm chatter of the chaos up miles above them and on the ground, Mikael was prepping his rifle to be used immediately if the time to bail came. He flipped the switch to lower the rear ramp of the tank as soon as he got the order from Hanako to do so.

"Rear ramp is lowered." he responded back to her. He slightly opened his hatched and peeked his head a bit, screaming at the survivors to get into the rear area. Colorful Nesplesian phrases were liberally used towards them.

"Knock on the front hatch when you all are loaded!!" He said quickly before he lowered himself back into the cockpit, securely closing his hatch. He prepped the tank to move as soon as they were set.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Alpha Team

TASHA was all over the place, doing leaps and slides and aerial rolls in order to help avoid damage from the NMX tanks. Thanks to the team's fire, an additional two battle buggies were disabled. The remaining ones veered off in different directions to try to flank the team. The tanks opted for a more direct assault. While one was gunning for TASHA, the other slammed a burst into the turret of the Troll tank, leaving it blackened and beat up. Luckily, the hits were mostly deflected by the armor slope and did not penetrate into Hanako's seat. Several of Hanako sensors were damaged, though, which made shooting back more difficult.

The undressed UOCPF survivors ducked into the relative safety of the tank's passenger area and closed the rear door behind them.

Adding to the problems, the landing ship now was in the air again and firing at the Alpha Team armors.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

Just shaking his head when his screen registered the rear ramp was closed, he was about to mutter something under his breath when the hit to the tank shook him a little. He scanned what terrain for egress routes and tried his best to relay the images to Hanako securely telepathicly, but he was not entirely sure if he was even able to do that.
Re: [Mission 11] The Torchbearers

When the landing ship was added to the mix, that was when Helen knew the situation was going to become messy. "Papadopoulos, focus fire on the landing ship, I will attempt to take the shields down." Helen said as she revved her motorcycle, and went into motion to attempt to evade the incoming weapons fire. As she sped about the area in an evasive pattern, the missile-pod covers on her Kylie opened and a four shot burst of subspace-detonator mini-missiles streaked from her armor. She fired intending to detonate the missiles near the landing ship with the intent of creating a number of shield breaches for PA fire to pass through... or... tank fire, if it was available. Adding to the mix, Helen fired streams of aether Gatling fire at the landing ship, in hopes of taking out some of its anti-armor guns.
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