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RP: YSS Resurgence Mission 12: Movers and Shakers

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NMX Secret Hideout - Planet Koenic

"Listen up everyone," one of the NMX officers said. "We got some unusual comms traffic from the Star Army. It could be a warning sign. Everyone grab your shit and get ready to move. Check on the prisoner. Remember, we want to sell this so if there's a fight, fight hard enough that they'll believe we want to keep her. When they bring her home, we'll have the parasite take over and she can sabotage their ship. In the meantime, everyone except Gurshharl Squad disperse into the tunnels, lay low, and await my all clear. Arm all the traps for their away team. We're going to score some kills today."

Sanda was approached by a pair of hulking armored Delsaurians who came to check on her condition.

Fornox City Spaceport

Euikoshi was just finishing zipping up her uniform when the call came in from their ship in orbit. "Away team, this is YSS Resurgence MEGAMI, I have analyzed my visual spectrum observation data logs and I was able to locate the hoverbikes you sent me photos of. Here are the coordinates of a camouflaged desert outpost located in the desert outside of Fornox City, where the bikes are currently parked in an on-site bunker. The site is a former Qel'noran military base that is supposedly abandoned after the Star Army destroyed it in the Qel'noran War, but it shows signs of recent occupancy. Let me know if you have any other requests. Orbital fire support is available."
Yayoi's eyes scanned the holographic display projected from her HUD, as the message from MEGAMI flashed across. She turned slightly, her gaze meeting the translucent form of the ship's AI . MEGAMI's voice echoed softly in her mind, Yayoi's mind raced as she absorbed the information. She knew she had to act fast. as she walked with Poppy and the others of the second away team. She knew that she was no good just talking, she wanted to be out in the action. "Chief," she said, turning to Poppy who as chief medical officer outranked her, in rank. "May i be dismissed to join the search? I fear I may not be useful to you, here, I'd like to go and investigate. May I?"

Yayoi also knew, with Sanda compromised her usual battle partner was not available.


Yuri felt a mixture of emotions swirling within her as she settled into her seat on the shuttle. The memory of the brutal attack by the bikers still lingered fresh in her mind, and the thought of returning to the Resurgence brought a sense of both relief and apprehension. Despite the assurance from Yoshiro, she couldn't shake off the unease gnawing at her.

As the shuttle hummed to life and began its journey back to the starship, Yuri took a moment to collect her thoughts. She replayed Yoshiro's words in her mind, finding solace in his promise of justice for Sanda. But beneath that determination lay a layer of doubt. Would they truly find Sanda? And even if they did, could they really bring about the justice Yuri so desperately sought?

Lost in her thoughts, Yuri stared out into space of the shuttle, waiting for the shuttle to lift off and be taken back to the ship. Her arms moved around herself as she hugged her body in a matter of speaking. She decided to talk to the ships counselor would be a good idea after the away mission.
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"This is getting ridiculous," Mineko grumbled, apparently on the same wavelength as the captain despite their distance. She had been in the cab with their guide and, so, had only watched as everyone hosed off while their comrade was captured and gone. She wished they had worked through their mess, having been through worse conditions in her Kikyo Scout days, let alone INDOC. With her arms crossed and a scowl easily seen on the analyst's face, she approached the team commander.

"Yoshiro-heisho, permission for Erika and I to go ahead and scout this bunker?" Mineko asked. "I've been in contact with the MEGAMI in regards to the data she's extrapolated and can do some preliminary hands-on reconnaissance on what we're dealing with. I believe it would benefit the mission to break away rather than wait for everyone to dry off and for the shuttle while Sanda could easily be dead—or worse— at present."
Planet Koenic
Fornox City Spaceport

Kokoro Hayashi's face went pale as Yayoi's voice crackled into communications, confirming the presence of Mishhuvurthyar on the planet, and even worse- that one of the crew was already compromised. So much for what was supposed to be a rather calm trip to a planet... The neko's head had begun to swirl a little with doubts and worries, her ears drooping considerably: this was to be her first encounter with the Mishhuvurthyar after her defection.. was she truly ready to fight against them? Her head seemed to swivel to Yoshiro as she shook her thoughts away, listening to the Heisho's orders. "We... May need better weaponry than just NSPs-" she unholstered her service pistol, trying to spin it around her finger (and failing to do so miserably). "Just.. to be ready for anythin that might be there..." The Neko glanced to Erika as she spoke, her lips pursing as she finished. Kokoro seemed on edge, and her expression was one of concern- for obvious reasons.

Planet Koenic
Somewhere in Fornox City

An Explorer suit clad Elysian walked up next to Yayoi as the nekovalkrja requested to join the search. Chiheisen was slowly becoming anxious as she listened to the ever evolving situation over comms. She had been deployed to accompany Poppy on the second away team, the Elysian (like Yayoi) had reasoned she would likely be a lot more useful if she joined the search. The birb had a Type-33 Star Army Rifle, specifically the B variant which was much more suitable for sharpshooting, on her back. She also had an NSP holstered on her hip for the time being, likely as a backup. "Poppy-Chui, permission to accompany Yayoi-Heisho and join the search aswell?"
"Best weapon is the one your skull holsters," Mineko looked to Kokoro, imagining the Neko as a much larger creature with a much more different physiology. Its brain would be mixed in with its other organs underneath that chitin, held up by intestines, maybe, or some carapace structure. Not a skull, though.

She tried to stop thinking about that as she waited for Yoshiro's reply, idly staring at the service pistol Kokoro had haphazardly flung on her hand. Mineko hadn't taken her own weapons out of their hidden compartments in her explorer uniform's cargo pants and wasn't about to do so. In the eyes of whatever Qel'noran public was around, she was unarmed.

"Maybe the backup team brought more firepower." Mineko commented as her hand above her elbow gripped the material of her new uniform, pulling at it in a nervous, unsettling sort of way.
Yoshiro was brought out of his thoughts with the request. "Yes that sounds like a good idea. Be careful out there." Yoshiro said to Mineko. "Bring the intel back but more importantly bring yourselves back, understood?" After he gave Mineko and Erika their marching orders he went back to his thoughts. He knew that he should have stopped her from going alone and he knew that the predicament that Sanda was in was his fault or at least in his mind it was. He swore to himself that if he could find the leader of this...this insurgency, he would warn them of the consequences that this brought and then..."The rest of you, lock and load. We march for war and the rescue of our comrade!" he said to the rest of the rescue team. He his GP-12 and his NSP and waited for Mineko and Erika to come back.
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Erika nodded at the change of plans, though repressed the reflex to salute as they were now in a hostile area of operation. She then kept eye contact on Yoshiro for a moment, sending him a telepathic message. "Heisho Hoshi had assigned me to Close Personal Protection of the Ambassador." Her message conveyed silently "I would highly recommend you assign someone to replace me in that role, sir."
She then broke eye contact and walked past him, taking her Taiho Service rifle out of the cross over pack it was concealed in. As she had done in the vehicle, Erika then slid it over to her front so the contents were readily available, those being some magazines carrying 10x50mm Steel jacketed Tungsten slugs strapped to the back of the bag. The Nomad drone hovering over her shoulder then shot off in the direction of the bunker while gaining altitude. She then bounded off after it, using her inertial control system to bound forward at great speed. After her first two steps, she looked back at Mineko, waiting for the analyst to join her.
NMX Secret Hideout - Planet Koenic

The tarp lifted on the back of the truck. The Delsaurian looked in but saw nothing but an empty truck bed. He turned his head to looked over at his companion in confusion. There was a flash of light and the Delsaurian fell over. His companion watched him fall, momentarily confused until he saw the knife handle sticking out of the side of his friend's head. The reptilen man brought his weapon up and swung around as it detected movement behind him. He wasn't fast enough. As soon as he turned around, Sanda brushed the weapon's barrel aside with her left hand as her right hand jabbed out at her attackers windpipe. The tattooed Nepleslian born woman's right and shoulder were cybernetic concealed under synth flesh and tattoos. It had significant power behind it. Enough power to rupture and snap the Delsaurian's spinal cord.

Sanda grabbed her knife and with a twist of her wrist pulled it out of the Delsaurian's skull. She needed to move fast to get out of here. Time was not on her side. She ran around the truck towards what looked like a garage of some kind. There were several vehicles and hover bikes. There were also about a dozen Delsaurians walking around. Looks like they were getting ready to clear out.

Sanda's mind raced as she took in the environment and her options. Then she acted. She went back and climbed into the truck that she had just been in. Luck seemed to be with her as her sword, Arc, and her NSP were just lying on the passenger seat. She quickly sheaved her sword on her back and slid her NSP into her ankle holster. Sanda started the truck and reeved the engine once before putting the petal on the ground. There wasn't enough room for the truck to get up to full speed before it crashed into a line of hoverbikes, but it still made quite a mess. She climbed out of the cab of the wrecked truck and jumped onto an undamaged hover bike. As she gunned the motor, she drew her NSP and fired at the truck's engine and at anything that looked like a fuel container. There was only time for a couple of shots before she was out the door and into the bright sun again. Now to find the away team. Hopefully Poppy would be with them. If anyone could help save her now, it was the Resurgence Pink haired miracle worker.
It wasn't long before Mineko was on Erika's tail, in the air and flying off behind the drone and the operative.

"Been going over maps of the city to plan a route that keeps us as unseen as possible," Mineko said, relaying the passage into the desert from Fornox City Spaceport. "What's more, I kept a visual record of the underground system Xerxo took us through so we have that for reentry if airspace is compromised and we're regrouping."

"It always seems to be Sanda, doesn't it?" Mineko then asked, less matter of fact or to the point than she had been. "We talked to her about berserking at Mwigflukbajik, but that didn't really stick did it? Maybe I'm just salty I'm not taking a scalpel to a reanimated corpse with Euikoshi in the lab right now. Maybe I'm being selfish and everyone's right about SAINT being heartless spooks if I'm thinking that way. But I can't shake being a little disappointed."

Her tone had taken on the foolhardy one reserved for when she was being honest with Erika. Experience had told Mineko that letting her mouth run around Erika yielded more pragmatic conversation than with most. She wasn't looking to rag on Sanda but to hear whether Erika believed the analyst should be as critical of her own feelings as she was being. Whatever Erika did have to say, Mineko was alert and focused primarily on the objective Yoshiro had given them as she flew out into the desert.
"We agreed to call Mi-wig-fluk-ba-ji-k 'the planet' didn't we?" Erika said with a slight chuckle and a smirk.

"I get where you're coming from. From your perspective if Sanda is infected all she has to do is ST. However Sanda doesn't see it that way." Erika let off a thoughtful exhale. "Head in the game Minkeo. We can scold her after we've rescued her."

The Operative's mind focused on the task at hand, following the vector Minkeo had laid out whilst simultaneously scanning the area ahead with her Nomad Drone now so high in the sky that it had become an imperceptible dot above them.
YE 46.2

Deserts Near Fornox City - Planet Koenic

As Sanda raced away from the old bunker-fort, the NMX Delsaurians hopped on their bikes and began pursuit across the sandy dunes of planet Koenic. The scorching air rushed past Sanda, tossing her hair in the wind and throwing tiny talcum-powder-like grains in her face and eyes from the explosions around her caused by energy rifles hitting the sand around her. Picking up Sanda's position from orbit, MEGAMI sent her coordinates and vector directly to Mineko as it was valuable intelligence. The base was only some 10 kilometers from Fornox City.

Fornox City Space Port

Suddenly the shape of the Resurgence appeared in the sky and flew over the away team, and out of it came two STVs and two LSTVs on pallets, which floated down in huge parachutes. Aboard the ship, Pidole and her tech squad had pushed the ready-to-go vehicles out of the ship. They came to a landing in the nearby dunes, fully armed. Euikoshi rushed over to one of the huge, monster-truck like STVs and packed the parachute in a wad inside a plastic footlocker on the back and then fired it up. "Ready to move!" she told the others. "Lock and load the gun," she ordered.

Kokoro had a bit of a harsh landing nearby, scrambling to join Euikoshi on the now active STV. The Nekovalkrja hopped onto the back of the vehicle as it whirred to life, a grin flashing through her face as she manned the turret on top. She gave the science officer a thumbs up as she prepared the gun for action. "Locked n' loaded!"

Cheilith landed next to one of the STVs and clambered aboard. She sat in the driver's seat and grinned. "We shoot them from the vehicles." She said, checking that she could fire her weapon one handed. With her STV loanded up, she gunned the engine and sand flew from under her tires and she peeled off towards Sanda.

Yayoi charged her willpower ready for battle in her Mindy Power armor, pleased that Yoshiro followed his ordrs, atleast she hoped he had. She used her Mindy to fly her to the point beside Cheilith. Then used Sanda's coordinates to lock in on her position.

Toidorno wished his allies of the "Clan of Female Warriors" well, and prepared to join the group heading to conduct diplomacy with the Delsaurian leader, as they had discussed. He remembered who Poppy was from their mealtime meeting back on the Resurgence, and understood that she was in command of that mission.

Just then, the backup team also arrived and piled into the LSTVs. Poppy and Cassie were among them. Everyone was pulling together to make sure Sanda was okay.

Euikoshi offered the passenger seat to Toidorno. "Let's ride!" she smiled.

The cat climbed in, wrapping his tail around his midsection. With a clawed hand, he grasped one of the nearby 'Oh Shoot' handles, as his people sometimes called them. He was anxious to see how well this Science Officer drove on an unknown desert planet...

The STV took off, blazing a trail across the desert at high speeds. With its giant, all-terrain wheels and suspension, the large scout truck was surprisingly nimble and mobile.

Deserts Near Fornox City - Planet Koenic

With the distance between the base and space port, it would take an average Neko five and a half minutes to get to where the Delsaurians had holed up Sanda. Mineko and Erika had already been en route and with the edge of time on their side, were able to make it to the installation. The smoldering heap of bikes out front was an instant giveaway to the SAINT agents of what had trasnspired.

"Don't let on we got that transmission." Erika said to Mineko as they altered their vector. "If she's infected, the intent is likely to infiltrate. We make her think we have no idea we could more easily subdue her. Aside from that, any ideas? I was thinking we just shoot them from above."

There was a crack in the distance as the Resurgence's guns fired on one of the vehicles after Sanda, sending bright streaks of energy across the sky and resulting in a large explosion.

"Looks like Resurgence has that covered," Mineko said as she scanned the drivers, honing in on Sanda as she pulled out her NSP. "I can focus on exfiltrating Sanda while you provide cover from the flank."

The sand stung Sanda's eyes but she gunned the engins faster to try and loose her persuiers. The explosion from the Resurgence guns almost made Sanda loose control of the bike they were so unexplected. She glanced behind her and saw the exploded bikes and then looked up in the sky and smiled. "Ya-hoo!" She wooped as she saw the Resurgence but her enturseasum quickly dampered when she remembered the situation she was in.

"Thunder, head south south west. We're in position to cover." Erika said over the comm, hoping that if the ranger was able to send the distress signal, she could also recieve. The operative's drone managed to get sight and saw no alteration in Sandas behaviour. "I think her comm unit's inoperable." Erika said to Mineko.

"Sounds like it," Mineko agreed.

Ahead of her, Sanda could see the cavalry arriving in the distance, consisting of some STVs and LSTVs that would reach her in a couple minutes.

Two Delsaurian NMX soldiers managed to get close to Sanda, knowing the ship couldn't take more potshots at them if Sanda was in the kill radius. One of them slapped her across the face with a bullwhip. "Stop or we'll shoot!"

Sanda saw the two riders closing in on her and heard them yell something out of a movie. Before she could react one of them had smacked her in the face with a whip. Sanda lost control of the bike and for a moment and had to cut her speed significanltly. Her bike went sideways and for the second time today, much to her shame, she wrecked her bike. Not as bad as the first time though.

Erika was now catching up to the group and had visual herself. Her inbuilt AIES took the data from the 2 delsaurians along with the balistics of her mass driver rifle and told her where to point to hit. She fired a burst at one of the Delsaurians closest to her, the hypersonic rounds making a reverberating crack as they forced their way through the air.

One of the drivers ragdolled across the dunes as Erika's shots knocked him off of his fast-moving hoverbike.

Cheilith crested a dune and got a decent amount of air before landing. Spoitting Sanda she put her pedal to the metal now that she could see the Sanda and the two soldiers who were threating her. Her gunner fired a warning string of shorts across the enemy's bow.

Yayoi flew as fast as her Mindy could allow to make it to Sanda's position and carefully prepared her Aetheric Pulse Cannons for activation. Then targeted the other Delsaurian that Erika hadnt shot at.

Euikoshi's STV with Toidorno and Kokoro arrived in the fray to find about a dozen enemy soldiers on hoverbikes in a firefight with the teams. She handed her NSP to Toidorno. "You can shoot or give it to Sanda. I'm getting in close. Koko, use the big 35mm chaingun to disable their bikes!"

Toidorno, nodded to the driver, standing half up in his seat, keeping balance with his tail and his own senses. He called out, perhaps surprisingly loudly, to Sanda. "Ittô Heisho Sanda!" He lifted the pistol so that she could see it, and with as much accuracy as he could muster, hurled the weapon into her path so that she would arrive under it to catch it. It wasn't an easy toss... Would she catch it!?

Kokoro didnt even wait for Euikoshi to finish speaking to begin firing the chaingun at the incoming bikers. She did at the very least, aim for the engines of the bikes, laughing rather loudly over the rather loud gunfire. The green Nekovalkrja was hitting somewhat reliably at the very least. "HUEHUE!! EAT BULLETS YOU ASSHOLES!!!" She shouted, a grin still plastered over her face.

"Going down now," Mineko said tersely to Erika. With Sanda in the middle of a billowing spire of sand and one of the drivers eating sand alongside her, Mineko saw her chance to push into the chaos, diving through the dusty mess to where she had watched Sanda flop into the dunes. She heard Toidorno and looked just the pistol being flung into the balloons of sand being kicked up and lunged for it, veering away from Sanda momentarily as her instincts to not give her a weapon with the possibility of infection on everyone's minds.

Erika covered from above, firing the occasional burst down into the dust, using her drone's sensors to help cut through the chaff.

Cheilith drove in close, if not quite crashing range, then where swapping paint with the enemy hoverbikes was a danger. She put her own pistol out the window as they slewed around and started adding her own fire to the chaos.

Off in the distance, something began to emerge from the sand, long and metallic. It looked like a submarine but for sand. As the crew fought the NMX team, this mysterious craft began launching missiles before rapidly diving. The Resurgence began firing on it but it was already buried. "Warning, incoming missiles," MEGAMI sent to the team, then targetted the missiles.

Yayoi detected the emergence of the new ship or Mishhu monstrosity, then she picked up on the warning from the Megami. She turned and flew right for Sanda to try and grab her and get her secured as well as any one else need saving.

Yoshiro took up his GP12 and opened fire on select targets on the ground. "Ok you dirt eating noob scumbags, time for me to make breakfast with my TOASTER!" Yoshiro saidn and used single shots to his enemies, laughing as he did so. "You guys are so stupid, you make A ripper look smarter.

Sanda came up from her wrecked bike looking indignant that she had wrecked again. But that was quickly wiped from her face as several things happened at once. The away team came riding up and began attacking the bikers around her. Toidorno made eye contact with her and went to throw her a weapon but Sanda lost track of it when something popped out of the sand and began firing missles at the Resurgence.

Cheilith swung around alongside Sanda. "Need a ride?" She asked.

As the missiles rained down on them, Euikoshi's STV flipped over with flames coming off the side. Several of the NMX bikes were hit by missiles, blowing them up as well. As the smoke cleared, Euikoshi checked on Toidorno. "You alright, tough guy?" she said, thankful for seat belts.

The vehicle tumbled wildly, and Toidorno felt himself being flung around as though he were in an atmosphered fighter doing maneuvers. He had been flung around, and though his environment suit protected him from the burns, he definitely felt like he'd feel some serious bruises. The Lieutenant had checked in on him, and he nodded to her. "Alright enough! Are you well? And Hei Kokoro in back..." He turned, trying to see what had happened to their gunner!

Unfortunately for Kokoro, the turret mount on the back didnt exactly come with restraints or seatbelts... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH". The Neko was sent flying, flailing around in the sky for a moment like a cat trying to orient herself and land on her feet. She ended up using her antigravity to break the fall, floating over the sandy ground momentarily, before dropping the remaining distance of about one feet with a small 'oof'.

"Hei Kokoro!" Toidorno called out, though the Nekovalkyrja ability to float had apparently saved her from an unpleasant landing in the sand.

"immph pHIINE!" Toidorno got a thumbs up from Kokoro, the neko attempting to get up and stop kissing the ground shortly after. She spat out a mouthful of sand, making a disgusted face. "Ew- ew.. ew... I hate sand..."

Toidorno was impressed. To Euikoshi, he reported "She is well. Eating sand... but well." He grimaced, wondering whether they'd be able to find and recover Euikoshi's NSP. "The ship's sensors may be needed to recover the pistol you suggested I give to Hei Sanda." he commented.

"SANDA!!" Mineko nearly screamed Sanda's name into the rabble, stalking down on the ranger as behind her explosions ripped through the dunes. She got close enough to put her hand out to the crewmen, grabbing for both her attention and hand. "Thunder!!! I'm here for you!"

Poppy rushed over to Sanda as the last of the NMX forces fell to the Resurgence crew members.

Erika had an urge to dip down and asist some one, be it Mineko retrieving Sanda or helping the SVT team out, but relised the best place for her was above the chaos, looking down so she could call out contacts.

"Where did those missiles even come from?" Cassie asked, bewildered. She started going around to see if any of the traitorous Delsaurian agents were still alive, and started shooting them.

"It was some kind of ship that poppped up from the ground, then dipped back in to it." Erika answered Cassie "It was quick, didn't get a great look at it, but it could return."

Sanda got to her feet coughing. "¡Infierno fuego y truenos! ¿Qué fue eso?" She saw Mineko and Poppy approching her. "You got my message then? I... I think I've been infected."

Yayoi landed beside Sanda "yes, we got your message" Yayoi said sternly. She'll apologize later she decided.

"Ven acá!" Mineko yelled for Sanda to come to her, on top of Mineko now and holding her by the shoulders with both hands as she pointedly showed the ship medic, Poppy, the back of Sanda's body.

"Let's get you to the medical lab," Poppy told Sanda, giving Mineko a knowing nod. "I want to check you for injuries," she said, pulling a Yamataian flag out of her bag and putting it in Sanda's hands. "You're safe now, okay, Sanda? I want you to relax and stay calm."

"'s scolding afterwardShould we really let her in the ship?" Mineko asked, thinking back to what had happened to Cheilith and Aoba's scolding afterwards. She knew she would have to listen to her superior officer, but her face looked haunted as Poppy acted so nonchalant about the procedure they were undertaking. She didn't drop Sanda from the hold she had her in.

Sanda agreed with Mineko. "No Mineko's right. Please disarm me. Litterally." Sanda grunted a moment and pulled at her right arm. There was a poping sound and her right arm fell on the ground.

"We need to make sure Sanda's secure first." Yayoi said as she reached for Sanda's weapons, as she knew the protocols. To take it, to make Sanda less of a threat, while compromised. The arm was taken when it fell to the ground.

With the site clear for the moment, the Resurgence came to a halt and Gabriela carefully lowered the ship down to surface level, extending the ship's feet and landing on the sands so the team could drive up the loading ramps back onto the ship through the armor bay or shuttle bay.

Yoshiro contiued covering everybody as they boarded the Resurgence. "Freakin' cheesy ass noob wannabe revolutionaries who couldn't fight their way out of a bowl of soup, you want to go to war with the Star Army of Yamatai? Sooner or later you are going to fuck around and find out and I'll be there to make sure you do!" Yoshiro shouted to his enemies. He boardec the Resurgence and sighed.

Cheilith grinned as she hopped out of the STV. "But it was fun though."

"Fuckers made me eat sAND" Kokoro complained as she approached Yoshiro. Her tongue was stuck out as she desperately tried to get rid of remaining grains of sand still on it.

"You'll be all right Kokoro. Sand is the least of our worries in the Star Army. You are doing great though and I am honored to have you on the Resurgence." Yoshiro said to Kokoro.

Erika gently touched down beside and looked at Kokoro with a shrug. "You know your explorer suit has a force sheild helmet. If you're manning the turret on dunes might be an idea to put it on next time."

As the vehicles made their way toward the ship, as well as they could, Toidorno was hearing his comrades share vulgarities with each other. He got the impression that this was typical after-action behavior; the Niko Yarme swore quite frequently, even after being members of the Clan for several years. "Sand is a fucker." Toidorno pointed out to Kokoro, joining in on the cursing. But damned if it wasn't starting to hurt to speak a little...

Euikoshi helped Toidirno get back to the ship, brushing him off and making sure he wasn't seriously injured. "If only all allies were as good of an ally as you," she complimented him.

Feeling the pain in his chest, Toidorno wasn't too proud to accept the green-haired woman's help. He took her help gratefully. "That... means much. You were... a very capable driver, Shoi Euikoshi."

Poppy pulled out a folding backboard and she and Cassie strapped Sanda to it while Poppy said, "Look at me Sanda, You're going to be okay, just breathe. You're safe and I'm going to get you fixed up," she said in a calm but firm tone.

"Can't we keep her on the hull and extract anything she's got there?" Mineko said, overwhelmed by the measures being taken and the image of Aoba in her mind. She didn't want to disappoint him, but she also didn't want any harm to come to the ship. Her eyes flitted to Sanda as she was strapped in, having loosened her grip on Sanda enough to let them take her.

"The medical lab is a secure setting, she will be fine there," Poppy said. "We can put her in one of the containment rooms."

Sanda did as she was instructed. She was scared. Very scared. But she had faith that Poppy would take care of her and tried to breath normally although adrenaline was still pounding through her.

"Wouldn't a parasite carry MHV? Wouldn't the MHV show up in a blood test?" Erika asked "Shouldn't take too long and we can keep Sanda outside."

"I'm not operating on her in the fucking sand," Poppy said. "Get her to my lab."

"She'll be fine in the medical lab, but will we?" Mineko asked, her voice catching in her throat. It felt hard to just agree with the proceedings.

"MHV is fluid transmitted last I checked. Also she's not in a Mindy with a teleporter. Different threat model." Erika said with a shrug. Still, her kept a hand close to her NSP's holster.

"But still a threat," Mineko said, head swimming. She squinted to look into the desert dunes. "I wish I had set a tracker on one of those bikes."

"It's a lot easier to just shoot someone when they don't have armor themselves or a teleporter." Cheilith said.

"You would know," Mineko said, the frustration of the moment letting her filter slip.

Erika sighed after that with heavy exasperation. Bit of a low blow from Mineko but Cheilith set her self up for it.

Cheilith bared her teeth and Mineko, "Actually, I don't remember a thing. but I've watched the tapes and given it all a very long thought." She said with a little growl in her voice.

"Knock it off." Erika said, stepping between the two. "Not the time. Go at each other in the Dojo later."

"Killing them and respawining is the safest way...if the person can be respawned," Poppy quietly told Mineko, "But it's Sanda we're talking about. She doesn't believe in soul transfer."

"I guess that's why there's so much on the line," Mineko replied. "We have to do what we can. Even if she did believe in respawns, would she believe in herself if she did anything to hurt the crew? The ship?" She shook her head, putting a hand up to her sand-strewn purple hair as she followed the medic and Erika in through the loading ramp.

"If she has the new MHV variant, we probably want her alive to send back to head office." Erika said silently to Mineko via telepathic link, her inflection uncharacteristically cold. "Captain is more likely to authorize it if the request comes from you."

"Yeah," Mineko gave a brusque reply, thinking if it would be more of a request or a death warrant for Sanda. Mineko looked at Sanda before she was carried into the hallways beyond, wondering if it would be the last time she ever saw the ranger. She tried to commit the woman's face, her tattoo, her auburn hair and bright eyes to memory. But the pain on Sanda's face was there as well, etched in the imagery forevermore.

Yayoi put Sanda's weapons in her butt pack, but held her arm as she walked to the ship. Yayoi turned to Yoshiro. "thank you for following my previous...request" She told him, in referring to him sending Yuri to the shuttle and back to the ship.

"Hey! Did anyone find my knife! The one where I first wrecked and was captured?" Sanda said, remembering her missing engagement gift.

"I did" Yayoi said "I got it secured." she told Sanda "I'll give it back after your cleared.i promise"

Sanda signed with relief and closed her eyes.

Yoshiro was angry at himself for letting this happen to a fellow shipmate and soldier. He didn't know what to do with himself but he was faking a smile. He was worried about Sanda and he decided to make sure she was okay .

Mineko wrinkled her nose and sniffed loudly before staring straight ahead at the hallway walls on her way to the showers.

After a few minutes, once everyone was back on the ship, the Resurgence lifted off from the desert and zoomed up into space again.

YSS Resurgence - Shuttle Bay

Beryl and Sakuko's shuttles returned quickly and the team got a chance to recover.

Cassie took off her armor and let out a huge sigh. "I can't believe those NMX assholes were trying to sneak around on a planet right under our noses. I didn't even know there were Delsaurians in the NMX at all."

Toidorno had to give Cassie a double-take in the shuttlebay, given her ears, but other signs told him that she wasn't one of the feline species of the Clan. Surely he'd have known if one of the clan was serving aboard this fine ship.

Cassie gave Toidorno a funny look and then dragged her armor to its stand in the armor bay across the central corridor. "I wonder if that guy was checking me out," she said, suddenly wishing for a mirror to look at herself.

Yuri watched as the shuttles came in, her eyes red, but not because she had red eyes normally. She waited for signs, that Sanda was brought back alive. She hoped she didn't loose one of her favorite aunties.

Yoshiro was securing his weapons and saw Yuri standing off in the distance watching the shuttles through the windows. Hearing Cassie swear surprised him as well but he was concerned about Yuri mostly, as he had promised Yuri that he would bring Sanda back and that made him feel all the more guilty.

"At least they got their asses handed to em'!" Kokoro grinned as she floated over next to Cassie, holding her fist in front of her own face. Her smile fell away after a moment as she scratched at her hair, before violently shaking her had, making some specs of sand visibly fly out of her hair. "Man..." She grumbled in annoyance...

The Ambassador flicked his ears, a little distracted by the sight of one who was like his kind, yet not. He tried to refocus, concerned for their crewmate who had been captured, but recovered. They weren't entirely out of danger yet, were they? But they had had a presence of mind enough to ask after their lost knife... Again, some of the warriors were swearing. They certainly did flavor their language with the spice of vulgarity, didn't they? He wondered whether he should curse about something... Maybe the pain in his bruised ribs?

Yoshiro stepped off the shuttle and walked to the weapons rack and put his weapons on their respective places. He went over to Yuri and he spoke to her. "Yuri, are you ok?" Yoshiro asked trying to hold back sobs of guilt.

Yuri looked on watching as people left, and watched as Sanda was transported off as well, and turns before she noticed Yoshiro approaching her. Yoshiro would see that her eyes were affected by her own tears. "is Sanda...is she dead?" Yuri asked in a quiet voice.

"No she isn't but..." Yoshiro said and stopped for a moment, his guilt getting to him for a moment "She has a parasite inside of her. She is in the med bay getting prepping to get rid of it."

Yuri moved forward and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face into him. "I saw Poppy-Sempai taking her.." Yuri said, glad that she's atleast alive, and they can deal with the parasite.

As Yuri hugged him, Yoshiro sobbed. All of his feelings laid bare as he cried.

Euikoshi looked to Toidorno. "Ambassador, have you heard about the ship's onsen?" she asked him. "I feel like some relaxing could be in order tonight."

He blinked, thinking for a moment. He nodded. "The... hot water place... Yes, the YSS
Kyōryoku did not have one, sadly, but I am... familiar with them, just the same." He tried to twist his midsection, feeling the extent of the soreness. "I think some relaxation will help everyone, Shoi Euikoshi."

YSS Resurgence - Medical Bay

After a quick shower and scrubbing in, Poppy returned to the containment cell in the medical lab where Sanda was waiting. "Alright, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is you have a Mishhuvurthyar parasite in you trying to take you over right now. The good news is it's not done yet and it's an older type on the smaller side. Do you want me to knock you out for the extraction or do you want to see it?"

"Aye Santo." Sanda gasped. Hearing it second hand from some NMX was one thing but to hear Poppy confirm it was something else. But it was reassuring hearing that the pink haired doctor didn't seemed fazed. "Get the thing out of me as quick as possible!" Sanda said. "I'll discect it with my straight silver as soon as you get it out of me." She went on a short rant in her mother tongue about how she would slice it make a rope out of it to strangle the first Mishhu she saw.

Poppy gave Sanda a hypospray shot of something that made her numb and sleepy. "It'll be in a jar for you in no time," she said. "Try to count backwards from 100..."

"Cien.. noventa y nueve... noventa y ocho" Sanda made it all the way back to 80 before she went under."

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Ame, Cowboy, Charaa, Sunny D, Yoshiro, Liza, Soban, Zanven
Hollander as guest character Toidorno Sejgui

After leaving the shuttle bay, Yoshiro headed to the Dojo to let off a little steam and stress. He went over to a punching bag and started to hit it. "Goddamn it!" He yelled to himself while he was thinking about the last mission they were on. He should have had Sanda stick with the rest of the team but he wasn't paying attention and they put a parasite due to his incompetence. He would have to apologize to Yuri about Sanda and hopefully he could make up for his percieved mistake. "I will not let it happen again. I will not leave someone to the "tender" mercies of the Mishhu! They will pay for the sacriledge of damaging the body of a powerful warrior such as Sanda!" He shouted to himself and kicked the bag hard enough to knock it off of whatever was holding it.
YSS Resurgence
Deck 4, Outside The Medical Center

Toidorno Sejgui, acting Ambassador of the Hidden Sun Clan, stood silently outside of the entrance of the Resurgence's Medical Center. He was still dressed in the exploratory uniform of the Clan, which he had worn during their recent foray onto the planet Koenic. It was a tight-fitting environmental suit, one which enclosed even his tail, though it had taken some his during the tumultuous adventure planetside. Sand and rocks had been flung at him at high-speed during the mad vehicle-bourne chase outside Fornox City, and then their STV had flipped in the midst of the explosions of missiles launched by a sand submarine. Truly, the green-haired Shoi Euikoshi had reacted with an admirable swiftness in averting a direct missile strike on their vehicle. Toidorno placed a hand over his chest, feeling a definite bruising of the muscles and bones. He'd be treated for it in due time... There was a far more important medical procedure at hand...

According to the vessel's Standard Operating Procedures, which he'd studied while still on the YSS Kyōryoku space station, only those invited should enter the Medical Lab. Even without that restriction, Toidorno still would've remained outside out of a desire to allow the medical professionals within their full space and concentration. Chui Poppy was within, and Toidorno had full faith and confidence in her. The Resurgence, with its years of accomplishments and dignified service to Yamatai, maintained an excellent crew, and the pink-haired medical expert would do her utmost to save the life and identity of Ittô Heisho Sanda.

He smiled to himself, even as he slowly leaned against the hallway wall, feeling its cool embrace against his sore back. "Vana'a Avuoten." he said to himself. 'Farmer of Thunder', a reference to the challenge Sanda had issued to her foes while aboard one of their stolen vehicles. Her sacrifice had surely saved their lives, had disrupted the attack and allowed their vehicle to escape. Toidorno wondered whether others on the crew saw her actions in the same way. Did they see it as reckless? Foolhardy? Or did they see it as heroic, to give up one's life to save others? Deep in thought, he didn't realize his tail was slowly wrapping itself around his waist, an expression of concern and guardedness. Sanda might have survived the initial battle, but something had been done to her afterward. Some vile infection by the Defilers, the reports were saying. Was this a corruption that Poppy could cure? Could it be removed, so that the real Sanda could live? Questions, questions...

Yoshiro was boxing a virtual opponent viciously as he screamed at the top of his lungs and swore loudly that he would grind every Mishhu he met from that day forward into dust and he would smile as well when he did.

He left to his quarters, dripping with the sweat of his fight against the virtual enemy and his rave against the Mishhu. He then took a shower and relaxes, hoping no one heard his tirade in the dojo.
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Resurgence Hallways

Trowa Yamamoto was on his way to the Med Center. His sister-in-law had been brought in with a Mishhu Parasite and he was concerned for her. As he passed the Dojo, he could hear Yoshiro inside, screaming and cursing the Mishhu. The one eyed Nepleslian paused a moment outside the dojo and listened. He checked his pocket watch, a rather old fashion thing considering that he could just as easily 'see' the time on his cybernetic eye underneath his eye patch. But it was a habit and a way to slow down and collect his thoughts at times. On the pocket watch was an engraving of a Plumerian-class gunship, the YSS Aeon. Trowa and Yoshiro had both served on the Aeon under Taisa Ise Katae.

Trowa was becoming concerned about his old shipmate. Yoshiro had always been passionate and cared greatly about his teammates. He was also known to recite lots of poetry, especially before or even during a fight. It had earned him the call sign 'Poet'. But lately Trowa had been concerned about his friend. From reports, Yoshiro had become less poetic and more.... psychopathic? Screaming obscenities' to and laughing manically when killing the enemy, no matter who it was. Trowa wanted to talk to Yoshiro and see if anything was bothering him, but Trowa really wanted to check on Sanda and make sure she was ok.

Outside Med Center

Trowa came around the corner and saw Toidorno Sejgui, the Ambassador of the Hidden Sun Clan that the Resurgence had picked up on their way to the IRC. The Qaktoro had also been on the ground when Sanda had been captured and subsequently infected and rescued. Trowa had been monitoring the events from the Bridge and knew that the Ambassador had acted well during the whole ordeal. Trowa approached the Hidden Sun Clan representative and bowed. "Ambassador Sejgui. I don't think we've officially met yet. Shosa Trowa Yamamoto. Ship's second officer. Have you heard anything yet on Itto Heshio Hoshi's condition?"
Medical Lab

Poppy fired her NSP into Sanda's body, directly hitting the parasite with a stun blast, and then went to work severing its connections and jammed her hand into Sanda's body, stretching the incision as she pulled it out with a hand covered in blood, rapidly stuffing it into a large transparent Durandium sample jar full of preservatives, which splashed over the edge as she stuffed the thing inside and hurriedly sealed it to drown. With the parasite out, Poppy double checked to make sure she got it all and then patched Sanda up and gave her a IV of human-healing hemosynth fluid designed to help her regenerate and repair her wounds, as well as some non-sedative pain killer, and took away the anestehsia. When she was done, she placed her Yamataian flag hanging over the doorway to the medical lab for Sanda to see when she woke up, and covered her patient with a blanket before grabbing the parasite jar and moving it to one of the other containment cells for later. She was sure Euikoshi would want to run some scans or tests.

Removing her mask, gloves, and blood-splattered scrubs, Poppy went to her office in her underwear and pulled on a dark blue bodysuit uniform. She walked to the medical lab's door and poked her head out and gave a thumbs up. "She'll make it," she simply said, giving a reassuring thumbs up.

Yayoi's heart weighed heavy with worry as she traversed the corridors of the YSS Resurgence towards the medical bay. Each step echoed the tumultuous thoughts swirling in her mind. Sanda, her beloved sister and cherished crewmate, had endured capture at the hands of their adversaries. The mere memory of Sanda's ordeal clenched Yayoi's gut with a mixture of anger and fear.

In the solitude of her quarters, Yayoi had meticulously tended to the knife—Sanda's knife. It was more than just a tool; it was a symbol of their bond, a tangible reminder of the strength they drew from each other. As she cleaned and inspected it, she couldn't shake the sense of responsibility that weighed upon her shoulders. It wasn't just about the knife; it was about preserving what it represented to Sanda.

With gentle care, Yayoi ensured the blade was spotless, its edge keen and unmarred. Satisfied, she placed it reverently on Sanda's side of the quarters, a silent offering of solidarity and support. Then, with purposeful strides, she made her way to the medical bay, her thoughts consumed by concern for her sister.

Arriving at the medical bay, Yayoi's mind immediately thought of Poppy, the chief medical officer, and her own daughter, Yuri. They were beacons of competence and compassion amidst the clinical environment. Trusting in their expertise, Yayoi allowed a modicum of relief to ease the tension in her shoulders. If anyone could tend to Sanda's needs, it was them.

Despite her trust in the medical team, Yayoi couldn't suppress the gnawing worry gnawing at her. Sanda was more than a fellow Ranger; she was family. And family meant everything to Yayoi. As she waited anxiously for news of Sanda's condition, her mind replayed memories of their shared adventures, each one reinforcing the unbreakable bond between them.

Trowa was noticed immediately, as had their diplomatic guest. She nodded to them immediately. “Any word?’ she asked the two of them. She also thought of Yoshiro, and remembered how he’d followed orders to get Yuri away from harm. Poppy's words made her actually smile with pleasure at the news. "excellent!"


Yuri stood by, observing with a mix of admiration and concern as Poppy, her esteemed sempai and the Chief Medical Officer of their starship, diligently tended to Yuri's aunt Sanda, who was grappling with the effects of a Mishu Parasite infestation on the planet they were visiting. The sight triggered a flood of memories for Yuri, transporting her back to her very first away mission, a significant milestone for any crew member, made possible by Poppy's trust and approval.

Recollections of that mission, now tinged with anxiety and unease, flooded Yuri's mind. It was the same mission during which Sanda, her beloved aunt, had become separated from their group, falling victim to capture. Yuri vividly remembered the fear that had gripped her during those agonizing hours of uncertainty, feeling utterly helpless in the face of danger. In that moment, she couldn't help but wonder how her mother, Yayoi, a seasoned Joto Heisho-ranked Ranger, would have coped with such a distressing situation.

A somber frown creased Yuri's lips as she reflected on those harrowing moments of her past. Yet, despite the haunting memories, she remained resolute, determined to stand by Poppy's side, offering her assistance in any way possible. With a silent vow to learn from the strength and resilience of her mother and the guidance of her sempai, Yuri remained steadfast and prepared to support Poppy in her crucial medical efforts, drawing strength from the bonds of camaraderie and the legacy of courage that surrounded her.

As Yuri watched intently, her heart pounding with a mixture of anxiety and hope, she observed Poppy's deft movements as she wielded the NSP gun with precision. With a swift and practiced motion, Poppy activated the stun setting, effectively incapacitating the Mishu Parasite and allowing her to safely extract it from Sanda. Relief washed over Yuri in a wave as she realized that her aunt was finally out of danger, her safety ensured by Poppy's skilled intervention.

A surge of joy bubbled up within Yuri, breaking through the tension that had gripped her since their return to the ship. For the first time in what felt like ages, a genuine smile spread across her face, illuminating her features with pure happiness. She couldn't contain her delight, and without a second thought, she clapped her hands together in a spontaneous display of sheer joy, the sound echoing softly in the medical bay.

However, as the initial rush of euphoria began to settle, Yuri felt the weight of exhaustion pressing down upon her. Despite her elation, the events of the day had taken their toll, leaving her in need of respite. Glancing around the medical bay, she hoped for a moment of reprieve, silently wishing that Poppy wouldn't immediately assign her another task.

Her gaze wandered towards the entrance, where she spotted the tall, dignified figure of Toidorno, the feline humanoid diplomatic guest who had accompanied them on their mission. Memories of his kindness and warmth flooded Yuri's mind, bringing a sense of comfort amidst the chaos. Despite the diplomatic tensions they had faced on the planet, Toidorno had always shown unwavering support and understanding.

Feeling a sense of gratitude towards Toidorno, Yuri contemplated reaching out to him, perhaps seeking solace in his calming presence. The thought of sharing a moment of quiet camaraderie with the diplomatic guest brought a sense of relief, reminding her that she wasn't alone in navigating the challenges of their interstellar journey. With a tentative smile, Yuri made her way towards Toidorno, her heart lighter knowing that she had allies and friends to lean on in times of need.
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The Qaktoro observed the man’s rank on his uniform, feeling it appropriate to return the bow with equal depth. A Ship’s Second of the Senior Journeyman rank was, he believed, roughly equivalent to the rank of Shosa. He couldn’t help but notice the covering over the man’s left eye, a practice Toidorno hadn’t seen among Yamataians before. He sniffed, not smelling any scents of blood that weren’t on his own body, and so he suspected that the eyepatch wasn’t covering a recent wound. He found it a curious thing.

“Second Officer Trowa.” he replied in greeting. “If I may say, your crew performed well, given the circumstances. As for Ittô Heisho Sanda, we-”

It was then that a bubblegum-haired beauty familiar to the both of them popped her head out of the Medical Center with a very welcome announcement. Yuri also appeared, and to Toidorno's eyes she looked justifiably exhausted. Toidorno greeted them both gratefully. "Chui Poppy, Nitô Hei Yuri, thank you... both, for the work, and for telling us. I am sure your crew will be glad for the news." He tugged at the collar of his 'Niomu Iun' environment suit, quite ready to free of its tight embrace. He had a feeling he'd be combing sand and blood out of his fur for quite a bit of time.

"I think, if it is appropriate, we ought to wine down." he ventured to say to Trowa, Poppy and Yuri. He seemed to think he had said something entirely normal. Had he meant to say 'Wind Down', instead of 'wine down' Perhaps he'd misheard the phrase? In Toidorno's mind, Shoi Euikoshi had suggested a dip in the ship's baths... But Toidorno still wasn't sure whether that had been a platonic offer, or an invitation to a tryst. Yamataians were sometimes rather subtle in their advances, and in how they approached relationships of all stripes. Should he suggest the onsen to this group here, without knowing what that might mean to each of them?
Outside Med Bay

Trowa let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. Sanda was going to be ok. "That is wonderful news Doctor. Thank you." Trowa turned away momentarily to wipe his eye. He was so relived that Sanda wasn't going to die or be turned into a Mishhu Zombie. Trowa briefly lifted his eye patch and rubbed his cybernetic eye. Even though there were no tear ducts there it still felt like he needed to rub it. His hidden cybernetic eye glowed red before it was covered again by his eye patch.

Clearing his throat, Trowa turned back to the others. He smiled at Toidorno's phrase. "I believe a celebratory drink is in order. Although perhaps, in honor of our Ranger, we could have a rum instead. Sanda is a Rum girl after all." He chuckled to himself, then asked Poppy, "Do you think we could see her?"

Med Bay

Sanda opened her eyes and looked around the room. She was in the Med Bay. She lifted her left arm and saw her lightning tattoos running down it and sighed with relief. She was ok. Poppy had taken care of her, just like she said she would. Sanda noticed the Yamatai flag hanging over the door way and tried to salute it. She frowned and looked at her right arm. It was gone. She chuckled to herself. She had told her teammates to 'disarm' her before bringing her aboard. Well if she was good to go she'd like to be 're-armed'. She called out "Any chance someone can give me a hand? Or my whole arm?" She laughed out loud. She felt so relieved and joyful after the terrifying experience she had just had in captivity.
Med Bay
Yuri hurried over to Sanda, her face lighting up with genuine joy. "Aunt Sanda, I'm so glad you're alright. I was so worried about you," she said with a heartfelt smile, relief washing over her features. The tension and anxiety that had gripped her had dissipated, replaced by the warmth of knowing that her aunt was safe and on the path to recovery.

Yayoi entered the medical bay. "i can help if you'd like,Hermana," She said as she proceeds to help Sanda sit up. "your knife is back in our quarters, i made sure to check it for any damages." Yayoi added.
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