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  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

RP Mission 14: Walk In, Kick Ass, and Refuse to Elaborate


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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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RP Date
YE 46.4
RP Location
Scorpio Star Fortress
YE 46.4

A few days after returning the Kikyo Sector, the YSS Resurgence was headed to the traditional "North" of the Kikyo Sector to an obscure Star Army base mostly run by the Star Army Research Administration. Known as Scorpio Star Fortress, it was the first of the Zodiac-class Star Fortresses and built in YE 27, meaning it would be 20 years old next year. Instead of docking at one of the usual docking stations on the docking arms, the Resurgence came to rest in one of the starship production areas where it would be upgraded with new features.

The crew gathered in the cargo bay for a brief address by Captain Aoba.

"Good morning, everyone. We are making a stop here at Scorpio to get a new teleportation unit installed that will allow us to travel from place to place without always needing to use a shuttle craft or a teleportation module, reducing the possibility to the Mishhuvurthyar capturing our means of movement. The module will be installed in the aft area of the ship that was reserved for future expansion. It's one of two prototypes to be installed. One will be from Ketsurui Fleet Yards, and the other from Apollo Corporation. We're going to be able to test it out soon. In the meantime, you can briefly explore Scorpio or stay and wait for Taisa Kessaku-Sakai Yuuko to arrive and brief us on the functionality of the teleporter device. Any questions?

"Do we have any idea if the Mishhu can detect teleportation patterns? They do have advanced tech and if I assume correctly, they may have something that may be able to disrupt teleportation." Yoshiro said.

"Unknown," Aoba said. "I will leave that question for the expert."

Kokoro bobbed up and down on a random crate she had managed to sit down on, before the Nekovalkrja's hand shot up, spurting out her question. She seemed rather excited to have some new experimental tech being installed. "Will we be recieving info or training on how to maintain and repair these new teleportation systems once they're installed?" Kokoro grinned, tapping her dangling legs against the crate.

Cheilith stood with the other soldiers. She enjoyed teleportation, as it allowed her to get to the battlefield quickly, so new innovations could be good.

Yayoi crossed her arms in quiet contemplative thought as she listened to her captain's words. A large part of her wanted to explore, but another part didnt want to be late getting back on the ship. But she found herself too late in making a decision as people approached.

After a while, the experts from SARA and Apollo arrived in the cargo bay to talk about the new technology.

The SARA expert was a busty, purple-haired Nekovalkyrja captain named Kessaku-Sakai Yuuko, who was an adopted member of the Kessaku family, mainly known for Anri, the Star Army's head of Technology, and Irim, the Star Army's head of killing, I mean the head of the First Fleet and former Mistress Taisho.

The Apollo expert was a Venis Separa'Shan named Vaitsa Balanophis, unlike some more familiar Separa'Shan she had scales all the way up her body and had a very snake like head. She mostly brown with a pattern of dark diamonds on her back. While she was here as a civilian, she had served in the army before going into the private sector for Apollo.

Yoshiro bowed resepctfully to the experts and to the head of the First Fleet.. He was surprised that people of their stature were here.

Yayoi much like Yoshiro had also bowed with respect to the experts.

Kokoro hopped off of her crate as she bowed in unison with the other resurgence crewmembers. She glanced towards Irim, swallowing a little visibly. Scary...

"Hello, crew of the Resurgence," Yuuko greeted them. "I have heard a lot about you and we're pleased to start introducing these new systems to your ship. Since we are still testing them, we're going to try two different models at the same time and collect feedback on both. We'll start with the KFY Ke-S3-P4600. The 4600 is a teleporter pad originally designed for intraship or inter-ship travel. It works by transforming objects and people into phased energy and casting it to the desired location where they re-materialize, which can be done by wire or wirelessly. The first big use case was quickly moving people around the YSS Battle of Yamatai, since it's enormous, but we then added the capability to do site to site teleportation. Essentially the range is limited to wherever you would normally be able to teleport to within about 5 AU or 750 million kilometers, it you can aim it. Teleportation is fast, relatively quiet, and more or less safe." Yuuko flashed a fanged smile. "There is just a little issue with finding targets..."

"Are we aware of any tech that the Mishhu have that could possibly that jam or disrupt our teleportation signals and do we have any countermeasures for that?" Yoshiro asked

"Yes, the Ke-S3-P4600 cannot teleport through intense gravity fields like those used in ship shields or in the vicinity of black holes or extreme disruptions to subspace or hyperspace. It can cause the teleporter to fail at calculating trajectories so we have placed automatic safeguards to keep you from killing yourself if you try."

"As long it works when I need it to, it will be fine for me. As long I get to do the job of killing Mishhu and protecting everyone I can from them I am glad to have and test this tech." Yoshiro said with a smile.

Yayoi listened as the expert spoke of the capabilities of the teleportation device they were going to test. When a shrill familiar voice spoke beside her announcing the presence of a certain Medic trainee. "wowee! that so cool! so while on our ship, we could visit another ship or even a planet, or gravity would be too much?" Yuri asked with wide interested eyes.

"Yeah!" Kokoro grinned at Yuri from her spot in attention. "I'm still wondering.. will we be getting training on how to maintain and fix the new systems up in case of damage? Id love to see how it all works!" The neko repeated her previous question, buzzing still.

"Yes," Yuuko told Kokoro. "Additionally, to solve the teleporter aiming issue, KFY has designed man-portable teleporter receivers that away teams can carry and set up for continuous operation, meaning an engineer will place a teleporter pad and it will act as a doorway to another pad. A big difference is," Yuuko said, "The KFY unit consists of multiple individual teleporters designed for personnel, whereas the Apollo unit is a large chamber that allows the transport of larger objects. I will let the associate from Apollo explain," Yuuko said.

"Thank you, Yuuko. The Teleportation Chamber is very similar to Ke-S3-P4600 in many of its capabilities. It has a similar range, but a different philosophy. The idea is to move units or large pieces of equipment in one jump rather than multiple individual jumps. However, due to the large energy requirements, it has a similar displacement profile to currently existing teleportation technology. That can so solved by using a pod within the chamber if un-shielded personnel need to be transported. It also allows for a team to have a pre-charged teleportation unit with them, to instantly pull out of a dangerous situation if needed." Vaitsa explained.

"The small scale of the KFY model allows it to be used more discretely, and in regular clothing," Yuuko said. "So it might be good for stealth missions. The Apollo unit may be much for useful for heavy hitting missions where you need to bring a lot of firepower and gear, or a vehicle."

Up above the crew, the two teleporters were being lowered into the ship as premade assemblies, after the "roof" of that part of the ship's armor and framing was temporarily removed. Once they were hooked up, they were ready to test out!

Yuuko set up one of the remote pads near Yayoi and Kokoro. "So...we have here one of the prototype remote teleporter pads. It's not a complete system on its own, but it has a unique locator feature the ship's system can use. If you step on this you'll vanish in a flash and reappear on the ship in the teleporter area next to the KFY and Apollo teleporter alcoves." A teal glow began to emerge from the pad and there were volumetric rings moving inward to the base to show it was an "in" and not an "out."

Yoshiro watched as they tested the teleporters. He was amazed at how everything seemed so simple yet complicated

Yayoi glanced to the remote teleporter pads placed near her, and moved herself forward, though she held a hand indicating Yuri shouldn't follow her as she stepped onto the pad, then saw the bright flash and a sudden change in location as she was teleported on the ship.

Yuri watched as her brave mother disappeared as she stood there.

In the KFY teleporter room there were two active pads, an "in" pad where Yayoi appeared, and an "out" one to another remove pad in the cargo bay.

"By the way don't stand on the pad when someone is coming in," Yuuko warned the crew. "It would be bad."

Yayoi silently examined her body as she stepped out of the "in" pad.

"Allright, everyone else we are going to take the Teleportation Chamber". The teleportation chamber opened to a large room with more than enough room for a team or two depending on how close people were willing to stand.

"Do you need to be in power armor to use the Apollo chamber?" Aoba asked Vaitsa, following her through the KFY teleporter up to the telepoter deck and into the nearby Apollo chamber.

"Yes, but notice the interior pod. It allows people to be teleported safely in much the same way that your armor allows you to be teleported safely." Vaitsa said pointing out a thin gap and two doors, one for the teleportation chamber and one for the pod.

Pidole looked at Kokoro. "I am thinking we can install the small teleporter pads in shuttles, one in, one out," she suggested. "Maybe we can also put them as rolling carts that can be sent through the Apollo to become field bases."

Kokoro's eyes were darting between the two teleporter pads as Pidole spoke, her head nodding along. "A teleporter inside a teleporter! Thats a little funny to think about" She chuckled. "The big apollo one is gonna be very useful for setting stuff up quickly, we wont need to rely on the shuttles that much!" The neko blinked, glancing back to the parked Beryl's of Fun nearby. "Not that shuttles are bad- you know what I mean-"

Yoshiro was amazed at the tech but truth be told it was beyond his comprehension. He was a soldier after all and not a engineer like Kokoro and the experts there. He was trained to blow stuff up and kill things. That is what he understood but to be able to do his job efficiently and without being detected sounded great to him

Aoba said out loud and via wireless so everyone heard him: "I am planning to immediately take us on a mission to put these to use, so get ready for a fight after we're done here," he told them with a hint of a grin. The element of surprise was a wonderful thing for a warrior.

Yoshiro smiled. "Oh yeah. It's about time we put these teleporters to the test. The Mishhu won't even know what hit them." he said with a grin. "Time for the noobs to get wrecked, Star Army style."

"Imagine how we can teleport ammo drops to away teams now," Cassie grinned. "It will be like power ups in a video game!"

"or medical aid?" Yuri asked Cassie with a smile on her face.

Cassie laughed. "You could set it up to teleport straight into the medical lab?" she shrugged. "The Poppyporter?"

Yuri giggled at Cassie's words, specifically The Poppyporter amused her. "yeah that works!" Yuri said as her mother joins her again.

"Sounds good to me. The Poppyporter, for quick medievac and teleporting aid to soldiers in the field." Yoshiro said with a smile.

"Good luck out there, and I hope you'll find these new options useful in the field," Yuuko said. "SARA, KFY, and the best of the Star Army Military Industrial Complex will be working hard to keep the improvements coming. I've sent the complete manuals to all the ship's technicians. Keep in mind they're classified."

"Arigatou!" Kokoro gave the representatives a salute, trying her best to hold back a grin. She couldn't wait to get back to engineering and absolutely gush over the documentation they were being provided for the new equipment...

Once the ship's framing and armor was back on her after section, and Pidole gave it the all clear, the ship was ready to head out. Everyone loaded up on the Resurgence and they were back out in space in less than an hour.

As they traveled the armor team began to suit up for the next adventure...

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Liza, Yoshiro, Ametheliana, Yuuki, Soban
YSS Resurgence - Wardroom

Aoba gathered his crew at lunch time in the wardroom for the briefing for the next mission. "I apologize for the high optempo of sending you to dangerous missions over and over, but we must not relent on the Mishhuvurthyar. Every moment is a chance for them to build more ships, raise more troops, and claim more spoils in their quest for galactic domination," the Resurgence's captain told them.

"In the Concordia Sector," he continued, "the intelligence we gained from previous missions has led SAINT to the location of an active NMX forward base in range of Concordia Station. Star Army command wants to capture it to expand our foothold in the new sector. The base is heavily defended and the fleet doesn't want to approach until its defenses are softened up. You know where this is going. An experienced, elite team--that is us--has to infiltrate and shut down their planetary defense systems so the fleet can send in the Rikugun. Our new teleporters will be perfect from making a surprise entrance. We expect an enormous amount of planetary forces so time and the element of surprise is a major factor...
"How long is this mission expected to be? Do we have any Intel on enemy resistance against us?" Yoshiro asked. "I do not want to go in without knowing at least I have an answer to one of those questions."
"Acknowledged, Yoshiro," Aoba replied, "The mission is expected to be swift and precise, aimed at disabling the planetary defense systems quickly to pave the way for the fleet's advance. As for enemy resistance, we have gathered Intel on significant planetary defenses and troop numbers of approximately ten thousand, ear equipped with armor roughly equivalent to a DAISY M6, plus Rippers, tanks, spider tanks, and other assets, indicating a formidable challenge. However, the element of surprise and the strategic use of our new teleportation technology will be key in our approach. We'll adapt as needed based on real-time information during the mission. Remember the suitability onion: If you can't be seen, you can't be targeted. If you can't be targeted, you can't be shot at. If you can't be shot at, you can't be harmed, and if you can't be harmed, you can't be killed. If you are spotted what we can do is teleport you to a new location where you can start over."

YE 46.4
YSS Resurgence Wardroom

"In order to do this, SAINT has identified a few key targets to hit, each of which could significantly weaken their defenses," Aoba continued. "If you can eliminate the power plant or its substation, the actual shield projector, or the computer that controls the anti-ship gun array, that would make a big difference. I've prepared packs of explosives for the former and a special AI that can take over the computer for the latter."

"I'll take a pack of explosives. Even if we can't get the AI in the computer, destroying it could work just as well." Cheilith volunteered.

"Yes, but we suspect if the AI is destroyed, the guns can be used independently," Aoba pointed out.

Yayoi listened as she stood there, the briefing seemed to be straight forward to her, a typical mission she supposed. She raised her hand, "how special is this AI? is it rather are they sentient?' she asked for clarification on the aI's specialness.

"Yes, and she's pretty feisty," Aoba chuckled. "I'm sure it's not anything you can't handle."

Yayoi's only response was to raise her eyebrows, in concern. "i see" she said softly.

"This is going to be fun." Yoshiro said with a grin "Time to teach the Mishhu a lesson and blow some shit up! Hell yeah!"

Chiheisen silently listened from a chair as she finished up her lunch. The Elysian seemed to not have any questions for the time being, her brow furrowing as she glanced at Yoshiro's grin.

"I'll be honest, given the amount of Mishhu forces present, there's a strong chance you may not come back," Aoba told Yoshiro, sounding deadly serious.

"It's a risk that I knew would happen, sir." Yoshiro said. "I am not going to take any unneccsary risks though. Victory is victory as far as I am concerned and as far as risks go I knew what I signed up for."

"Long as I wake up to victory, I don't care how much I remember it." Cheilith said.

Yayoi nodded her head in agreement. She was the same way, but she wondered how Yuri might react to seeing her in the tank. She shook her head to refocus herself.

Chiheisen blinked a little, before sighing. "No qualms here either, as long as we succeed."

"It's our ship doing this because we're the best," Aoba assured them. "We'll be sending in two teams, a main team, and our B team, which can act as a distractor to pull heat off the main team."

"Who is leading the teams sir?" Yoshiro asked.

"You get to lead team A and Sanda Hoshi will be on team B as the leader," Aoba said.

"Roger that sir! I will do my best." Yoshiro said. Truth be told he was a bit nervous as he never lead a team like this. "I hope that I can do some good. I am a bit nervous about this op."

Yayoi nodded her head in understanding. Sanda was a good soldier, and she was proud that Sanda, her Hermana would get another chance to lead. Yayoi glanced to Yoshiro, who she had to admit was unsure of but knows he did have experience.

Cheilith munched down on her cheese burger, "You'll do fine, I'll be behind you all the way. Well, mostly behind you, being a melee specialist usually means I'm out front."

"Thanks Chelith. I appreciate that." Yoshiro said to Chelith. Now he wanted to do his best because now he had people counting on him. He grabbed a catfish meal and ate concentrating on the mission before him.

Aoba gave everyone the chance to get a good meal before they all headed to the armor bay to get suited up for the mission.

While they were eating, Pidole said, "Hello, I am going to try to use the new teleporter units to safely place you behind enemy lines. I want to know what teleporter you want to use and what you want to send down."

"Thanks Pidole. I'll let you know what I need to teleport to our mission area." Yoshiro said.

In the background Bidole flew by with a burger clutched in their six legs.

Yayoi glanced to Pidole, and nods in acknowledgement of her statements. "right, the new teleporter." She said remembering having used one before back on the station. Bidole caught her attention next and watched as the tiny creature carried the burger. She wondered if all animals could be trained like Bidole and knew Yuri would be happy to have her Raccoon on the ship too.

"I think using the mass one is probably better, one teleport no chances of the team getting caught separated if they activate their shields." Cheilith suggested.

"Okay, but isn't that one the loudest?" Cassie asked, her mouth stuffed with catfish.

"Louder, it's about the same as if we all had teleporters and jumped in together. It is a lot louder than the one by one teleporter they have, but I think that one requires an exit." Chelith weighted the diffrent options they had.

"All I want is to get in, do the job we were sent to do and get out asap." Yoshiro said. "I want to make sure that we get in and get out."

"I'm just saying if it sounds like an explosion there's a chance the whole base will go on alert," Cassie shrugged.

"Well it is new tech for us and it is up to us to make sure it works and if it doesn't we tell whoever made these things how to fix any problems we find." Yoshiro said

"We could sense Bidole down first and have her scout the area and set up a teleporter pad," Euikoshi offered.

Pidole almost choked on her food! After coughing for a moment, and turning red, Pidole replied, "It's possible. It's just...risky."

Yayoi glanced over to Euikoshi and their offer, she was unsure how to respond to that, but she decided since Bidole belongs to Pidole, she'd let Pidole decide on whether to use her. 'Yugumo Corporation did create a stealth Quadcopter called Nightshade, if we need extra stealth options." Yayoi said sure that that would work just as well.

"I know Bidole's awesome and everything, but is she that sophisticated?" Cheilith asked.

"Yeah, on the machine moon of Samurr, we used her to scout paths under the floor and I was able to see everything through her eyes," Pidole explained. "But you could also send a FARS drone or something? Eh...."

"We could, it's a long way down there and pretty risky. I like the stealth quadcopter idea regardless if Pidole lets us send her beetle buddy down there." Cheilith said.

"Well whatever we do, let's make sure the Mishhu pay for what the have done. Justice is long overdue and well deserved." Yoshiro said as he goes to a computer to look at some tactical maps of the mission area they would be in.

"I'll call Sakuko and have her make an emergency order for some from Star Army Logistics," Euikoshi said. She immediately sent an update to the supply specialist and the wheels began turning on getting a ship from the Central Fleet Depot to bring them out to the YSS Resurgence.

"In the meantime, everyone prepare yourselves," Aoba told them. "If anyone needs anything I'll be on the bridge," he said, leaving the team to hammer out the details.

Cassie looked to Yoshiro, "I'll be on your team. Who else? Cheilith? Yayoi? Chiheisen? Koko? Any medics or techs, maybe to deploy the AI?"

Yayoi raised her hand silently then gasped when Cassie mentioned medics. she knew Yuri was a medic and she knew those higher ranked than her can order Yuri to go if Poppy doesn't.

"Yayoi is on our team and Chelith is too. Do you have any people that you would recommend Cassie?" Yoshiro asked her.

"Poppy," Cassie said.

= = =
= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Liza, Yoshiro, Ametheliana, Yuuki, Soban
YE 46.4

The away teams, once they had their power armors on, assembled in the new teleporter deck where the two teleportation systems were located.

"Okay, time to go to work."Yoshiro said to himself as he placed his sharpened sword in its sheathe. This was his first time commanding a team that actual objectives to complete. He was nervous and made sure that he didn't sound overconfident.

Yayoi silently stretched and blinked at how tame Yoshiro's words were though assumed he was speaking to himself.

Next to Yayoi, Chiheisen stood at attention, waiting for the time to move out via the new teleportation system. It had been quite a minute since they had undergone teleportation shenanigans, thats for sure. The Elysian grabbed her LATR and held it, pointing down for the time being.

Pidole went to the controls of the teleportation chamber. "The ship is going to go in stealthy and we're going to stay at the edge of teleporter range, which makes aiming a little difficult until we have Little Froggy recievers in place. Would you like a teleport into the enemy base or somewhere outside of the base?" Pidole asked Yoshiro.

"Okay team final equipment checks. Oh and make sure that we are teleported outside the enemy base, Pidole, I want to get the lay of the land before we start." Yoshiro said

"Roger," Pidole said. "We may be able to use the Apollo if you want to transport the whole team at once. Inside the base we should probably use the quieter teleporter one at a time."

Cassie nodded to Yoshiro.

"Okay sounds good. We'll use the Apollo for our infil...I just hopee this goes well." Yoshiro said. "Rules of engagment are as follows, only fire when we are under attack. Do not fire unless otherwise engaged."

"Aye aye," Cassie replied.

"Let's get it done." Cheilith said.

Euikoshi gave the team some environmental intelligence. "The surface is cool and primarily composed of rocks with a teal-colored moss growing in the more sandy places. It will be rainy and slick. The poor weather may help reduce enemy visibility. It's possible the teleporter sound may be dismissed as thunder."

Yayoi was nano-secondally distracted by how Yoshiro was acting before she focused on the mission ahead of her. She listened as Euikoshi gave them the Environmental Intel, and Yoshiro gave them their orders. "Copy that!" Yayoi said in response. She glanced to Chiheisen, and Sanda beside her.

"We are going to drop in, drop our enemies and drop out." Yoshiro said. "Who wants to live forever! Let's go you apes!" He was ready for battle now. and he grabbed a weapon off the rack.

"Copy." Chiheisen cooly responded, sighing under her helmet as she looked towards the squad leader, who was acting.. oddly profesional. Not that she was complaining.

Yayoi silently wondered if Yoshiro got a virus or something that changed his personality, but her thoughts were interupted as she went into Asakura Clan focus mode.

Cassie stared quizzically for a moment. She didn't like being called an ape. She was a cat! She went to the Apollo teleporter chamber and stood in the middle. "This is the right one, right?" she asked to be sure. "Hopefully our molecules don't come out weird."

"Don't worrry. It's Yamataian tech so we can trust it to do it's job....I hope." Yoshiro said with some confidence.

"We'll be fine, I just need to get whatever qualification it takes so that I have my own teleporter back." Cheilith said.

"We doing this?" Cassie said, checking her plasma rifle again.

"Oh yeah! Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!" Yoshiro said.

There as a flash of light and a loud crack as the team ended up on a sandbank on the edge of a stream on planet Acuna. There was exposed rock walls and boulders all around and it was night time with little light to be seen other than the occassional flash of lightning. There was heavy rain falling all around, and they could see the splatters and drops smacking on the visors of their power armor helmets.

"Anyone got any recon drones? If you do I need the lay of the land asap." Yoshiro said

"Sakuko said they're on order," Cassie said. "Logistics can't get stuff to us as fast out here in the new sector space."

"Deploying." Cheilith said, dispatching her NSBs into scouting mode.

"I can deploy NSBs as well," Chiheisen nodded towards Yoshiro as she crouched down a little.

"Do it. I am not going to risk your lives needlessly without intel." Yoshiro said. He was serious about what he had said and he would make sure that he kept his promise.

With a short nod, the Mindy clad Elysian deployed her NSB drones alongside Cheilith's, joining the neko in the effort of scouting out the area without giving away their element of suprise.

Yayoi silently deployed her own NSB launchers glad she'd added it as part of her loadout, as she readied her Aetheric Pulse Cannon just waiting to fire it. She deactivated her audio recepters leaving only sound coming from her Mindy's comms, as to not distract herself.

A deep rumble of thunder rattled the area. A steady breeze pelted them with rain coming down at an angle, making the mossy rocks into slippery deathtraps. Cassie tried her best to climb them anyway, as using anti-gravity could give away their position depending on how vigilant the NMX security was. It was slow and she slipped a few times going but eventually she got to the top of the small ravine where the stream was and got to see what the NSBs were looking at: In the far distance there were the lights of the base barely visible through the rain, mist, and darkness.

"Do not engage unless engaged first. we want to get in and out as quick as possible." Yoshiro said. "We want this mission to be as stealthy as possible." He scanned a route with his own NSBs and got intel back from where the enemy was.

Yayoi nodded "copy that" she said through the comms as she followed along.

He followed Cassie up the rocks where she was climbing as well. "You okay Cassie?" Yoshiro asked

"Just nervous about the odds," Cassie said. "We're badass but not us versus ten thousand badass."

"I'm that badass." Cheilith said.

"We're the Star Army, we have beaten the odds so many times. No need to worry about it at all." Yoshiro said confidentally. "We will always beat the odds, no matter who we fight against. We beat the Mishuu once and we'll do it again."

"Sometimes it's just not your day," Cassie said. "It's war. Expect the unexpected," she shrugged and began crawling towards the NMX base.

"Besides we are more likely to do it as a team." Yoshiro said "But you are right about expecting the unexpected, I mean I did have my hand cut off."

Yayoi chose not to comment on who was a badass, though she recalled Yuri saing that about her, that she was a badass for surviving Hanako's world.

Once they got about 500 meters out they were able to see the NMX had a large number of...what appeared to be either robots or small Ripper-sized mecha. They were bulky looking soldiers with non-humanoid heads, olive green armored bodies, and mustard yellow ponchos with the letters NMX on them in red. Each was armed with a large rifle. They traveled in groups of four or more. There were also scattered NMX "Flayer" Tankettes and flying drones of various models. Security seemed heavy. The outsided of the base was surrounded by a double layered chain link fence with piles of razor wire between them. Guard towers with anti-mecha turrets watched over the surroundings and shined search lights out into the rainy darkness, scanning for signs of hostiles.

"NMX Nekos?" Yoshiro asked as he was aware priority targets had appeared on his NSB viewer. He sent marks to these targets and sent a message with their marks on their volumetric displays.

"I haven't seen any out here yet," Cassie simply said.

"shame we cant hack the tankettes and flying drones" Yayoi murmered throough the comms. She knew attempting such a feat on a Mishhu would be foolish and not a good idea.

An NMX starship flew overhead, landing at a starport somewhere in the base. They could see the little battle pods escorting it.

"Be careful NMX Starship landing at the Starport." Yoshiro said.

"Copy that i see it," Yayoi said and knew Sanda likely spotted it before it even got close too. She watched the ship land, and made a mental note of the

Poppy crawled up behind the combat personnel, taking up the rear. She look a look at the big base and asked, "What's the best way to get in?"

"What if we toss the froggy over the fence?" Cassie suggested. "Or maybe there is a vehicle we can ride in...hey, I bet a rocky planet like this has mining opportunities. In the past we've seen the NMX always exploits its planets for resources. What if we find a dump truck coming in from a mine or something? Do we ask Euikoshi to scan for nearby mines and roads?"

"Find a vehicle and see if we can get in? Sounds like a good idea." Yoshiro said. "We need to secure entry but Yayoi what do you think?"

As the lightning flashed they could get a view of the anti-starship gun batteries for the first time, in the form of huge guns looming over parts of the base, pointing at the sky waiting for the Resurgence or another ship to get close.

They were also able to see a road where vehicles might travel into the base. "Hey," Cassie whispered to Yoshiro, "What if I just toss the teleporter into the back of the truck as it goes by?"

"Sounds good. we need to take down those guns and it's going to be hell once we do so we need to do this quickly." Yoshiro said to Cassie. "Do it and quick!"

"Cheilith can you find a place we can put our exit teleporter pad? Like behind a boulder or something?

Yayoi nodded her head "tossing one in might work, as long as we can do it quietly." Yayoi commented. Sanda said something in her heart language, but nodded her head too.

"Yeah, that and we should use it right away so it doesn't get dumped and end up upside down where we teleport into the ground," Cassie pointed out. "Pidole says that would be bad."

"As long as they do not notice. We need to make sure that the mishhu does not claim this technology.." Chiheisen mumbled over the comms, glancing towards the anti starship gun batteries.

It took 23 minutes before a truck came down the road, but Cassie's intuition had been right. There were mining trucks moving around down here. Cassie crouched on top of a huge rock near the road and, as the convoy of dump trucks used the road to the base, she frisbee'd one of her two teleporter pads into the gravel-filled bucket on the back of the massive vehicle. Then with the other, she set it up behind a rock and the Resurgence connected to them both.

They were able to walk through the one onto the Resurgence, and then out to the other one, ending up in the back of the truck. "Now you're thinking with tele-portals," Cassie chuckled, taking cover against the side of the truck's bucket. It followed the other trucks through the gate and began heading for an industrial area inside the base where there were large factories for the NMX war machine.They could see large power lines going into the factories.

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Liza, Yoshiro, Soban