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RP: YSS Resurgence Mission 14: Walk In, Kick Ass, and Refuse to Elaborate


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RP Date
YE 46.4
RP Location
Scorpio Star Fortress
YE 46.4

A few days after returning the Kikyo Sector, the YSS Resurgence was headed to the traditional "North" of the Kikyo Sector to an obscure Star Army base mostly run by the Star Army Research Administration. Known as Scorpio Star Fortress, it was the first of the Zodiac-class Star Fortresses and built in YE 27, meaning it would be 20 years old next year. Instead of docking at one of the usual docking stations on the docking arms, the Resurgence came to rest in one of the starship production areas where it would be upgraded with new features.

The crew gathered in the cargo bay for a brief address by Captain Aoba.

"Good morning, everyone. We are making a stop here at Scorpio to get a new teleportation unit installed that will allow us to travel from place to place without always needing to use a shuttle craft or a teleportation module, reducing the possibility to the Mishhuvurthyar capturing our means of movement. The module will be installed in the aft area of the ship that was reserved for future expansion. It's one of two prototypes to be installed. One will be from Ketsurui Fleet Yards, and the other from Apollo Corporation. We're going to be able to test it out soon. In the meantime, you can briefly explore Scorpio or stay and wait for Taisa Kessaku-Sakai Yuuko to arrive and brief us on the functionality of the teleporter device. Any questions?

"Do we have any idea if the Mishhu can detect teleportation patterns? They do have advanced tech and if I assume correctly, they may have something that may be able to disrupt teleportation." Yoshiro said.

"Unknown," Aoba said. "I will leave that question for the expert."

Kokoro bobbed up and down on a random crate she had managed to sit down on, before the Nekovalkrja's hand shot up, spurting out her question. She seemed rather excited to have some new experimental tech being installed. "Will we be recieving info or training on how to maintain and repair these new teleportation systems once they're installed?" Kokoro grinned, tapping her dangling legs against the crate.

Cheilith stood with the other soldiers. She enjoyed teleportation, as it allowed her to get to the battlefield quickly, so new innovations could be good.

Yayoi crossed her arms in quiet contemplative thought as she listened to her captain's words. A large part of her wanted to explore, but another part didnt want to be late getting back on the ship. But she found herself too late in making a decision as people approached.

After a while, the experts from SARA and Apollo arrived in the cargo bay to talk about the new technology.

The SARA expert was a busty, purple-haired Nekovalkyrja captain named Kessaku-Sakai Yuuko, who was an adopted member of the Kessaku family, mainly known for Anri, the Star Army's head of Technology, and Irim, the Star Army's head of killing, I mean the head of the First Fleet and former Mistress Taisho.

The Apollo expert was a Venis Separa'Shan named Vaitsa Balanophis, unlike some more familiar Separa'Shan she had scales all the way up her body and had a very snake like head. She mostly brown with a pattern of dark diamonds on her back. While she was here as a civilian, she had served in the army before going into the private sector for Apollo.

Yoshiro bowed resepctfully to the experts and to the head of the First Fleet.. He was surprised that people of their stature were here.

Yayoi much like Yoshiro had also bowed with respect to the experts.

Kokoro hopped off of her crate as she bowed in unison with the other resurgence crewmembers. She glanced towards Irim, swallowing a little visibly. Scary...

"Hello, crew of the Resurgence," Yuuko greeted them. "I have heard a lot about you and we're pleased to start introducing these new systems to your ship. Since we are still testing them, we're going to try two different models at the same time and collect feedback on both. We'll start with the KFY Ke-S3-P4600. The 4600 is a teleporter pad originally designed for intraship or inter-ship travel. It works by transforming objects and people into phased energy and casting it to the desired location where they re-materialize, which can be done by wire or wirelessly. The first big use case was quickly moving people around the YSS Battle of Yamatai, since it's enormous, but we then added the capability to do site to site teleportation. Essentially the range is limited to wherever you would normally be able to teleport to within about 5 AU or 750 million kilometers, it you can aim it. Teleportation is fast, relatively quiet, and more or less safe." Yuuko flashed a fanged smile. "There is just a little issue with finding targets..."

"Are we aware of any tech that the Mishhu have that could possibly that jam or disrupt our teleportation signals and do we have any countermeasures for that?" Yoshiro asked

"Yes, the Ke-S3-P4600 cannot teleport through intense gravity fields like those used in ship shields or in the vicinity of black holes or extreme disruptions to subspace or hyperspace. It can cause the teleporter to fail at calculating trajectories so we have placed automatic safeguards to keep you from killing yourself if you try."

"As long it works when I need it to, it will be fine for me. As long I get to do the job of killing Mishhu and protecting everyone I can from them I am glad to have and test this tech." Yoshiro said with a smile.

Yayoi listened as the expert spoke of the capabilities of the teleportation device they were going to test. When a shrill familiar voice spoke beside her announcing the presence of a certain Medic trainee. "wowee! that so cool! so while on our ship, we could visit another ship or even a planet, or gravity would be too much?" Yuri asked with wide interested eyes.

"Yeah!" Kokoro grinned at Yuri from her spot in attention. "I'm still wondering.. will we be getting training on how to maintain and fix the new systems up in case of damage? Id love to see how it all works!" The neko repeated her previous question, buzzing still.

"Yes," Yuuko told Kokoro. "Additionally, to solve the teleporter aiming issue, KFY has designed man-portable teleporter receivers that away teams can carry and set up for continuous operation, meaning an engineer will place a teleporter pad and it will act as a doorway to another pad. A big difference is," Yuuko said, "The KFY unit consists of multiple individual teleporters designed for personnel, whereas the Apollo unit is a large chamber that allows the transport of larger objects. I will let the associate from Apollo explain," Yuuko said.

"Thank you, Yuuko. The Teleportation Chamber is very similar to Ke-S3-P4600 in many of its capabilities. It has a similar range, but a different philosophy. The idea is to move units or large pieces of equipment in one jump rather than multiple individual jumps. However, due to the large energy requirements, it has a similar displacement profile to currently existing teleportation technology. That can so solved by using a pod within the chamber if un-shielded personnel need to be transported. It also allows for a team to have a pre-charged teleportation unit with them, to instantly pull out of a dangerous situation if needed." Vaitsa explained.

"The small scale of the KFY model allows it to be used more discretely, and in regular clothing," Yuuko said. "So it might be good for stealth missions. The Apollo unit may be much for useful for heavy hitting missions where you need to bring a lot of firepower and gear, or a vehicle."

Up above the crew, the two teleporters were being lowered into the ship as premade assemblies, after the "roof" of that part of the ship's armor and framing was temporarily removed. Once they were hooked up, they were ready to test out!

Yuuko set up one of the remote pads near Yayoi and Kokoro. "So...we have here one of the prototype remote teleporter pads. It's not a complete system on its own, but it has a unique locator feature the ship's system can use. If you step on this you'll vanish in a flash and reappear on the ship in the teleporter area next to the KFY and Apollo teleporter alcoves." A teal glow began to emerge from the pad and there were volumetric rings moving inward to the base to show it was an "in" and not an "out."

Yoshiro watched as they tested the teleporters. He was amazed at how everything seemed so simple yet complicated

Yayoi glanced to the remote teleporter pads placed near her, and moved herself forward, though she held a hand indicating Yuri shouldn't follow her as she stepped onto the pad, then saw the bright flash and a sudden change in location as she was teleported on the ship.

Yuri watched as her brave mother disappeared as she stood there.

In the KFY teleporter room there were two active pads, an "in" pad where Yayoi appeared, and an "out" one to another remove pad in the cargo bay.

"By the way don't stand on the pad when someone is coming in," Yuuko warned the crew. "It would be bad."

Yayoi silently examined her body as she stepped out of the "in" pad.

"Allright, everyone else we are going to take the Teleportation Chamber". The teleportation chamber opened to a large room with more than enough room for a team or two depending on how close people were willing to stand.

"Do you need to be in power armor to use the Apollo chamber?" Aoba asked Vaitsa, following her through the KFY teleporter up to the telepoter deck and into the nearby Apollo chamber.

"Yes, but notice the interior pod. It allows people to be teleported safely in much the same way that your armor allows you to be teleported safely." Vaitsa said pointing out a thin gap and two doors, one for the teleportation chamber and one for the pod.

Pidole looked at Kokoro. "I am thinking we can install the small teleporter pads in shuttles, one in, one out," she suggested. "Maybe we can also put them as rolling carts that can be sent through the Apollo to become field bases."

Kokoro's eyes were darting between the two teleporter pads as Pidole spoke, her head nodding along. "A teleporter inside a teleporter! Thats a little funny to think about" She chuckled. "The big apollo one is gonna be very useful for setting stuff up quickly, we wont need to rely on the shuttles that much!" The neko blinked, glancing back to the parked Beryl's of Fun nearby. "Not that shuttles are bad- you know what I mean-"

Yoshiro was amazed at the tech but truth be told it was beyond his comprehension. He was a soldier after all and not a engineer like Kokoro and the experts there. He was trained to blow stuff up and kill things. That is what he understood but to be able to do his job efficiently and without being detected sounded great to him

Aoba said out loud and via wireless so everyone heard him: "I am planning to immediately take us on a mission to put these to use, so get ready for a fight after we're done here," he told them with a hint of a grin. The element of surprise was a wonderful thing for a warrior.

Yoshiro smiled. "Oh yeah. It's about time we put these teleporters to the test. The Mishhu won't even know what hit them." he said with a grin. "Time for the noobs to get wrecked, Star Army style."

"Imagine how we can teleport ammo drops to away teams now," Cassie grinned. "It will be like power ups in a video game!"

"or medical aid?" Yuri asked Cassie with a smile on her face.

Cassie laughed. "You could set it up to teleport straight into the medical lab?" she shrugged. "The Poppyporter?"

Yuri giggled at Cassie's words, specifically The Poppyporter amused her. "yeah that works!" Yuri said as her mother joins her again.

"Sounds good to me. The Poppyporter, for quick medievac and teleporting aid to soldiers in the field." Yoshiro said with a smile.

"Good luck out there, and I hope you'll find these new options useful in the field," Yuuko said. "SARA, KFY, and the best of the Star Army Military Industrial Complex will be working hard to keep the improvements coming. I've sent the complete manuals to all the ship's technicians. Keep in mind they're classified."

"Arigatou!" Kokoro gave the representatives a salute, trying her best to hold back a grin. She couldn't wait to get back to engineering and absolutely gush over the documentation they were being provided for the new equipment...

Once the ship's framing and armor was back on her after section, and Pidole gave it the all clear, the ship was ready to head out. Everyone loaded up on the Resurgence and they were back out in space in less than an hour.

As they traveled the armor team began to suit up for the next adventure...

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Liza, Yoshiro, Ametheliana, Yuuki, Soban
YSS Resurgence - Wardroom

Aoba gathered his crew at lunch time in the wardroom for the briefing for the next mission. "I apologize for the high optempo of sending you to dangerous missions over and over, but we must not relent on the Mishhuvurthyar. Every moment is a chance for them to build more ships, raise more troops, and claim more spoils in their quest for galactic domination," the Resurgence's captain told them.

"In the Concordia Sector," he continued, "the intelligence we gained from previous missions has led SAINT to the location of an active NMX forward base in range of Concordia Station. Star Army command wants to capture it to expand our foothold in the new sector. The base is heavily defended and the fleet doesn't want to approach until its defenses are softened up. You know where this is going. An experienced, elite team--that is us--has to infiltrate and shut down their planetary defense systems so the fleet can send in the Rikugun. Our new teleporters will be perfect from making a surprise entrance. We expect an enormous amount of planetary forces so time and the element of surprise is a major factor...
"How long is this mission expected to be? Do we have any Intel on enemy resistance against us?" Yoshiro asked. "I do not want to go in without knowing at least I have an answer to one of those questions."
"Acknowledged, Yoshiro," Aoba replied, "The mission is expected to be swift and precise, aimed at disabling the planetary defense systems quickly to pave the way for the fleet's advance. As for enemy resistance, we have gathered Intel on significant planetary defenses and troop numbers of approximately ten thousand, ear equipped with armor roughly equivalent to a DAISY M6, plus Rippers, tanks, spider tanks, and other assets, indicating a formidable challenge. However, the element of surprise and the strategic use of our new teleportation technology will be key in our approach. We'll adapt as needed based on real-time information during the mission. Remember the suitability onion: If you can't be seen, you can't be targeted. If you can't be targeted, you can't be shot at. If you can't be shot at, you can't be harmed, and if you can't be harmed, you can't be killed. If you are spotted what we can do is teleport you to a new location where you can start over."

YE 46.4
YSS Resurgence Wardroom

"In order to do this, SAINT has identified a few key targets to hit, each of which could significantly weaken their defenses," Aoba continued. "If you can eliminate the power plant or its substation, the actual shield projector, or the computer that controls the anti-ship gun array, that would make a big difference. I've prepared packs of explosives for the former and a special AI that can take over the computer for the latter."

"I'll take a pack of explosives. Even if we can't get the AI in the computer, destroying it could work just as well." Cheilith volunteered.

"Yes, but we suspect if the AI is destroyed, the guns can be used independently," Aoba pointed out.

Yayoi listened as she stood there, the briefing seemed to be straight forward to her, a typical mission she supposed. She raised her hand, "how special is this AI? is it rather are they sentient?' she asked for clarification on the aI's specialness.

"Yes, and she's pretty feisty," Aoba chuckled. "I'm sure it's not anything you can't handle."

Yayoi's only response was to raise her eyebrows, in concern. "i see" she said softly.

"This is going to be fun." Yoshiro said with a grin "Time to teach the Mishhu a lesson and blow some shit up! Hell yeah!"

Chiheisen silently listened from a chair as she finished up her lunch. The Elysian seemed to not have any questions for the time being, her brow furrowing as she glanced at Yoshiro's grin.

"I'll be honest, given the amount of Mishhu forces present, there's a strong chance you may not come back," Aoba told Yoshiro, sounding deadly serious.

"It's a risk that I knew would happen, sir." Yoshiro said. "I am not going to take any unneccsary risks though. Victory is victory as far as I am concerned and as far as risks go I knew what I signed up for."

"Long as I wake up to victory, I don't care how much I remember it." Cheilith said.

Yayoi nodded her head in agreement. She was the same way, but she wondered how Yuri might react to seeing her in the tank. She shook her head to refocus herself.

Chiheisen blinked a little, before sighing. "No qualms here either, as long as we succeed."

"It's our ship doing this because we're the best," Aoba assured them. "We'll be sending in two teams, a main team, and our B team, which can act as a distractor to pull heat off the main team."

"Who is leading the teams sir?" Yoshiro asked.

"You get to lead team A and Sanda Hoshi will be on team B as the leader," Aoba said.

"Roger that sir! I will do my best." Yoshiro said. Truth be told he was a bit nervous as he never lead a team like this. "I hope that I can do some good. I am a bit nervous about this op."

Yayoi nodded her head in understanding. Sanda was a good soldier, and she was proud that Sanda, her Hermana would get another chance to lead. Yayoi glanced to Yoshiro, who she had to admit was unsure of but knows he did have experience.

Cheilith munched down on her cheese burger, "You'll do fine, I'll be behind you all the way. Well, mostly behind you, being a melee specialist usually means I'm out front."

"Thanks Chelith. I appreciate that." Yoshiro said to Chelith. Now he wanted to do his best because now he had people counting on him. He grabbed a catfish meal and ate concentrating on the mission before him.

Aoba gave everyone the chance to get a good meal before they all headed to the armor bay to get suited up for the mission.

While they were eating, Pidole said, "Hello, I am going to try to use the new teleporter units to safely place you behind enemy lines. I want to know what teleporter you want to use and what you want to send down."

"Thanks Pidole. I'll let you know what I need to teleport to our mission area." Yoshiro said.

In the background Bidole flew by with a burger clutched in their six legs.

Yayoi glanced to Pidole, and nods in acknowledgement of her statements. "right, the new teleporter." She said remembering having used one before back on the station. Bidole caught her attention next and watched as the tiny creature carried the burger. She wondered if all animals could be trained like Bidole and knew Yuri would be happy to have her Raccoon on the ship too.

"I think using the mass one is probably better, one teleport no chances of the team getting caught separated if they activate their shields." Cheilith suggested.

"Okay, but isn't that one the loudest?" Cassie asked, her mouth stuffed with catfish.

"Louder, it's about the same as if we all had teleporters and jumped in together. It is a lot louder than the one by one teleporter they have, but I think that one requires an exit." Chelith weighted the diffrent options they had.

"All I want is to get in, do the job we were sent to do and get out asap." Yoshiro said. "I want to make sure that we get in and get out."

"I'm just saying if it sounds like an explosion there's a chance the whole base will go on alert," Cassie shrugged.

"Well it is new tech for us and it is up to us to make sure it works and if it doesn't we tell whoever made these things how to fix any problems we find." Yoshiro said

"We could sense Bidole down first and have her scout the area and set up a teleporter pad," Euikoshi offered.

Pidole almost choked on her food! After coughing for a moment, and turning red, Pidole replied, "It's possible. It's just...risky."

Yayoi glanced over to Euikoshi and their offer, she was unsure how to respond to that, but she decided since Bidole belongs to Pidole, she'd let Pidole decide on whether to use her. 'Yugumo Corporation did create a stealth Quadcopter called Nightshade, if we need extra stealth options." Yayoi said sure that that would work just as well.

"I know Bidole's awesome and everything, but is she that sophisticated?" Cheilith asked.

"Yeah, on the machine moon of Samurr, we used her to scout paths under the floor and I was able to see everything through her eyes," Pidole explained. "But you could also send a FARS drone or something? Eh...."

"We could, it's a long way down there and pretty risky. I like the stealth quadcopter idea regardless if Pidole lets us send her beetle buddy down there." Cheilith said.

"Well whatever we do, let's make sure the Mishhu pay for what the have done. Justice is long overdue and well deserved." Yoshiro said as he goes to a computer to look at some tactical maps of the mission area they would be in.

"I'll call Sakuko and have her make an emergency order for some from Star Army Logistics," Euikoshi said. She immediately sent an update to the supply specialist and the wheels began turning on getting a ship from the Central Fleet Depot to bring them out to the YSS Resurgence.

"In the meantime, everyone prepare yourselves," Aoba told them. "If anyone needs anything I'll be on the bridge," he said, leaving the team to hammer out the details.

Cassie looked to Yoshiro, "I'll be on your team. Who else? Cheilith? Yayoi? Chiheisen? Koko? Any medics or techs, maybe to deploy the AI?"

Yayoi raised her hand silently then gasped when Cassie mentioned medics. she knew Yuri was a medic and she knew those higher ranked than her can order Yuri to go if Poppy doesn't.

"Yayoi is on our team and Chelith is too. Do you have any people that you would recommend Cassie?" Yoshiro asked her.

"Poppy," Cassie said.

= = =
= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Liza, Yoshiro, Ametheliana, Yuuki, Soban
YE 46.4

The away teams, once they had their power armors on, assembled in the new teleporter deck where the two teleportation systems were located.

"Okay, time to go to work."Yoshiro said to himself as he placed his sharpened sword in its sheathe. This was his first time commanding a team that actual objectives to complete. He was nervous and made sure that he didn't sound overconfident.

Yayoi silently stretched and blinked at how tame Yoshiro's words were though assumed he was speaking to himself.

Next to Yayoi, Chiheisen stood at attention, waiting for the time to move out via the new teleportation system. It had been quite a minute since they had undergone teleportation shenanigans, thats for sure. The Elysian grabbed her LATR and held it, pointing down for the time being.

Pidole went to the controls of the teleportation chamber. "The ship is going to go in stealthy and we're going to stay at the edge of teleporter range, which makes aiming a little difficult until we have Little Froggy recievers in place. Would you like a teleport into the enemy base or somewhere outside of the base?" Pidole asked Yoshiro.

"Okay team final equipment checks. Oh and make sure that we are teleported outside the enemy base, Pidole, I want to get the lay of the land before we start." Yoshiro said

"Roger," Pidole said. "We may be able to use the Apollo if you want to transport the whole team at once. Inside the base we should probably use the quieter teleporter one at a time."

Cassie nodded to Yoshiro.

"Okay sounds good. We'll use the Apollo for our infil...I just hopee this goes well." Yoshiro said. "Rules of engagment are as follows, only fire when we are under attack. Do not fire unless otherwise engaged."

"Aye aye," Cassie replied.

"Let's get it done." Cheilith said.

Euikoshi gave the team some environmental intelligence. "The surface is cool and primarily composed of rocks with a teal-colored moss growing in the more sandy places. It will be rainy and slick. The poor weather may help reduce enemy visibility. It's possible the teleporter sound may be dismissed as thunder."

Yayoi was nano-secondally distracted by how Yoshiro was acting before she focused on the mission ahead of her. She listened as Euikoshi gave them the Environmental Intel, and Yoshiro gave them their orders. "Copy that!" Yayoi said in response. She glanced to Chiheisen, and Sanda beside her.

"We are going to drop in, drop our enemies and drop out." Yoshiro said. "Who wants to live forever! Let's go you apes!" He was ready for battle now. and he grabbed a weapon off the rack.

"Copy." Chiheisen cooly responded, sighing under her helmet as she looked towards the squad leader, who was acting.. oddly profesional. Not that she was complaining.

Yayoi silently wondered if Yoshiro got a virus or something that changed his personality, but her thoughts were interupted as she went into Asakura Clan focus mode.

Cassie stared quizzically for a moment. She didn't like being called an ape. She was a cat! She went to the Apollo teleporter chamber and stood in the middle. "This is the right one, right?" she asked to be sure. "Hopefully our molecules don't come out weird."

"Don't worrry. It's Yamataian tech so we can trust it to do it's job....I hope." Yoshiro said with some confidence.

"We'll be fine, I just need to get whatever qualification it takes so that I have my own teleporter back." Cheilith said.

"We doing this?" Cassie said, checking her plasma rifle again.

"Oh yeah! Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!" Yoshiro said.

There as a flash of light and a loud crack as the team ended up on a sandbank on the edge of a stream on planet Acuna. There was exposed rock walls and boulders all around and it was night time with little light to be seen other than the occassional flash of lightning. There was heavy rain falling all around, and they could see the splatters and drops smacking on the visors of their power armor helmets.

"Anyone got any recon drones? If you do I need the lay of the land asap." Yoshiro said

"Sakuko said they're on order," Cassie said. "Logistics can't get stuff to us as fast out here in the new sector space."

"Deploying." Cheilith said, dispatching her NSBs into scouting mode.

"I can deploy NSBs as well," Chiheisen nodded towards Yoshiro as she crouched down a little.

"Do it. I am not going to risk your lives needlessly without intel." Yoshiro said. He was serious about what he had said and he would make sure that he kept his promise.

With a short nod, the Mindy clad Elysian deployed her NSB drones alongside Cheilith's, joining the neko in the effort of scouting out the area without giving away their element of suprise.

Yayoi silently deployed her own NSB launchers glad she'd added it as part of her loadout, as she readied her Aetheric Pulse Cannon just waiting to fire it. She deactivated her audio recepters leaving only sound coming from her Mindy's comms, as to not distract herself.

A deep rumble of thunder rattled the area. A steady breeze pelted them with rain coming down at an angle, making the mossy rocks into slippery deathtraps. Cassie tried her best to climb them anyway, as using anti-gravity could give away their position depending on how vigilant the NMX security was. It was slow and she slipped a few times going but eventually she got to the top of the small ravine where the stream was and got to see what the NSBs were looking at: In the far distance there were the lights of the base barely visible through the rain, mist, and darkness.

"Do not engage unless engaged first. we want to get in and out as quick as possible." Yoshiro said. "We want this mission to be as stealthy as possible." He scanned a route with his own NSBs and got intel back from where the enemy was.

Yayoi nodded "copy that" she said through the comms as she followed along.

He followed Cassie up the rocks where she was climbing as well. "You okay Cassie?" Yoshiro asked

"Just nervous about the odds," Cassie said. "We're badass but not us versus ten thousand badass."

"I'm that badass." Cheilith said.

"We're the Star Army, we have beaten the odds so many times. No need to worry about it at all." Yoshiro said confidentally. "We will always beat the odds, no matter who we fight against. We beat the Mishuu once and we'll do it again."

"Sometimes it's just not your day," Cassie said. "It's war. Expect the unexpected," she shrugged and began crawling towards the NMX base.

"Besides we are more likely to do it as a team." Yoshiro said "But you are right about expecting the unexpected, I mean I did have my hand cut off."

Yayoi chose not to comment on who was a badass, though she recalled Yuri saing that about her, that she was a badass for surviving Hanako's world.

Once they got about 500 meters out they were able to see the NMX had a large number of...what appeared to be either robots or small Ripper-sized mecha. They were bulky looking soldiers with non-humanoid heads, olive green armored bodies, and mustard yellow ponchos with the letters NMX on them in red. Each was armed with a large rifle. They traveled in groups of four or more. There were also scattered NMX "Flayer" Tankettes and flying drones of various models. Security seemed heavy. The outsided of the base was surrounded by a double layered chain link fence with piles of razor wire between them. Guard towers with anti-mecha turrets watched over the surroundings and shined search lights out into the rainy darkness, scanning for signs of hostiles.

"NMX Nekos?" Yoshiro asked as he was aware priority targets had appeared on his NSB viewer. He sent marks to these targets and sent a message with their marks on their volumetric displays.

"I haven't seen any out here yet," Cassie simply said.

"shame we cant hack the tankettes and flying drones" Yayoi murmered throough the comms. She knew attempting such a feat on a Mishhu would be foolish and not a good idea.

An NMX starship flew overhead, landing at a starport somewhere in the base. They could see the little battle pods escorting it.

"Be careful NMX Starship landing at the Starport." Yoshiro said.

"Copy that i see it," Yayoi said and knew Sanda likely spotted it before it even got close too. She watched the ship land, and made a mental note of the

Poppy crawled up behind the combat personnel, taking up the rear. She look a look at the big base and asked, "What's the best way to get in?"

"What if we toss the froggy over the fence?" Cassie suggested. "Or maybe there is a vehicle we can ride in...hey, I bet a rocky planet like this has mining opportunities. In the past we've seen the NMX always exploits its planets for resources. What if we find a dump truck coming in from a mine or something? Do we ask Euikoshi to scan for nearby mines and roads?"

"Find a vehicle and see if we can get in? Sounds like a good idea." Yoshiro said. "We need to secure entry but Yayoi what do you think?"

As the lightning flashed they could get a view of the anti-starship gun batteries for the first time, in the form of huge guns looming over parts of the base, pointing at the sky waiting for the Resurgence or another ship to get close.

They were also able to see a road where vehicles might travel into the base. "Hey," Cassie whispered to Yoshiro, "What if I just toss the teleporter into the back of the truck as it goes by?"

"Sounds good. we need to take down those guns and it's going to be hell once we do so we need to do this quickly." Yoshiro said to Cassie. "Do it and quick!"

"Cheilith can you find a place we can put our exit teleporter pad? Like behind a boulder or something?

Yayoi nodded her head "tossing one in might work, as long as we can do it quietly." Yayoi commented. Sanda said something in her heart language, but nodded her head too.

"Yeah, that and we should use it right away so it doesn't get dumped and end up upside down where we teleport into the ground," Cassie pointed out. "Pidole says that would be bad."

"As long as they do not notice. We need to make sure that the mishhu does not claim this technology.." Chiheisen mumbled over the comms, glancing towards the anti starship gun batteries.

It took 23 minutes before a truck came down the road, but Cassie's intuition had been right. There were mining trucks moving around down here. Cassie crouched on top of a huge rock near the road and, as the convoy of dump trucks used the road to the base, she frisbee'd one of her two teleporter pads into the gravel-filled bucket on the back of the massive vehicle. Then with the other, she set it up behind a rock and the Resurgence connected to them both.

They were able to walk through the one onto the Resurgence, and then out to the other one, ending up in the back of the truck. "Now you're thinking with tele-portals," Cassie chuckled, taking cover against the side of the truck's bucket. It followed the other trucks through the gate and began heading for an industrial area inside the base where there were large factories for the NMX war machine.They could see large power lines going into the factories.

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Liza, Yoshiro, Soban

The NMX cargo truck came to a halt inside of a large warehouse building, where it backed up against a large pit area. The back of the truck began to lift up, and the cargo, which was large piles of phosphates mined from riverbeds, began to tumble back into a pit. If they let themselves fall, they'd end up on a conveyor belt. The factory, from what little they saw of it so far, was minimally staffed, mostly by thralls and robots. The thralls were dressed in simple, weathered clothing that resembled heavily used prison-wear. Below, the phosphates slowly rolled into a processor to be turned into fertilizer for the Mishhuvurthyar's many farm worlds.

Poppy and Cassie both held themselves in midair inside the truck's back looking for guidance on where to go next. Poppy hung on to the teleporter pad to keep it from falling into the processor. It was still glowing, serving as a doorway to the Resurgence.

"Ok, our job is to either destroy the power plant or the substation, shield projector or the targeting computer for the anti-ship weapons." Yoshiro said to his team. "We need to be stealthy about this and try not to raise the alarm so we don't get caught by the garrison."

"Yeah, I was at the briefing," Cassie chuckled. "We'd better keep the teleporter handy to get out because once they find us, it's gonna get real bad real fast."

"Just making sure we have our objectives straight. Let's get going and teach these guys a lesson" Yoshiro said with a grin.

"Using the teleporters, you can switch out team members at any time," Euikoshi's disembodied voice pointed out. She was anxiously watching the team from the ship.

"Roger that, Euikoshi. We are on the move." Yoshiro responded to Euikoshi. "Cassie, you ready to do this?"

Chiheisen floated silently in the air next to Cassie as the team got ready to move, her rifle still brandished in her hand. She hoped she didn't have to use it for the time being, but just in case. The Elysian nodded towards Yoshiro as he gave another quick briefing, quietly nodding.

"Roger, stealth activated," Cassie said, using her photonic optical camouflage. She hopped over the side of the truck and gently floated down onto the factory floor, moving to a position behind a crate of some kind.

Sanda came out of the teleporter, just a blur of movement as she flew by and landed almost unrealistically silent for Daisy suit. Her Daisy already had it's active camouflage activated. She had been leading the other team but because of the new teleporter module she could hop in and out easily. She it wasn't as useful as the Mindy's personal teleporter that was currently being banned but the Ranger had to admit that this new system had its advantages.

There was a metallic "SHING" sound as the teleporter activated, noticeable but not anything like the bang of the MINDY teleporter module. It sounded like something out of a horror film. Thankfully it was mostly masked by the constant crushing of rocks below.

Yayoi glanced over as Sanda appeared close by, and also took note of the difference in sound the teleporter had made. Yayoi saw how different it was compared to a Mindy's teleporter. She wasn't sure if she preferred this to the Mindy's though.

Cassie froze in place and stayed completely still as a patrol of heavy guards moved into the factory. They moved slowly and deliberately, in no particular hurry. It looked like the base wasn't on alert.

Yoshiro stood just as still as Cassie did, watching where the guards were going

Yayoi remained silently and still ready to pounce like a lion should the patrol become alerted to their presence. But she began to notice something.

The truck began to leave and Poppy was still in the back with the glowing teleporter pad. "Oh no," she whispered. "This thing isn't invisible," she noted.

Sanda looked around quickly for anything they could use to cover the teleporter. She noticed a hover cart used for pushing ore around the factory. "Toss it over here." Sanda said "We'll cover it up for the time being."

Yayoi moved fast to work with Sanda while thinking Sanda had the right idea. "Sounds like a good idea, the metal will just be assumed to be ore for refining." She said quietly through comms.

Poppy switched off the teleporter and rolled out of the truck near the entrance of the factory and rushed it over to Sanda's cart, covering it up with some bags.

The NMX patrol stopped and turned around. These green, mostly-machine infantry units were pretty perceptive. They began prowling through the area looking for anything unusual, pushing workers out of the way as needed. They were completely silent despite their bulk. Cassie hid behind the crate still, concerned about them using thermal vision or something. That's when she noticed the MINDY AIES screen reporting intense hostile telepathic activity. She wanted to say something about it, but she was on radio silence for now.

There was a close call where one of the NMX soldiers moved the cart, but they didn't see the teleporter because Poppy had put a fertilizer sack on top of it.

Sanda remained motionless, Her hand resting on her bayonet ready to draw it and silently strike the closest NMX soldier should it notice the teleporter.

Yayoi held her breath as if it helped as she remained silent when she picked up on the MINDY AIES report. Yayoi readied her hidden blades, ready to strike like Sanda was.

Chiheisen had remained hidden behind a pretty sizeable crate, considering how difficult it was to hide two 7 foot long wings (granted, they could fold, but still). The Elysian didn't even notice she too was holding her breath in, gripping her LATR tightly. She took solace in the fact that at the very least if she was found, the lucky NMX who found her would be rewarded with a blown off head.

After a few moments, the enemy patrol returned to its previous route and left the factory, heading back out into the thunderstorm.

Yoshiro took a silent breath as the patrol moved on in to the thunderstorm. "Shit, oh holy shit!" Yoshiro muttered under his breath.

"Eso estuvo cerca." Sanda breathed.

"tú me estás diciendo" Yayoi said to Sanda as she breathed glad that the patrol didnt find them.

"Those dudes look mean. Are they the new Rippers or something?" Cassie said. "I mean, this seems obvious but this factory is gonna need a lot of power. You think there's like...maybe an access tunnel for power lines we can take to the power station? Heck it might go to the anti-ship guns too. Oh hey, I'll ask Euikoshi if she can do some scanner magic..." she said, trailing off as she composed her request in text.

"Bravo team is heading to take out some of the powerlines to the AA guns. I also told them to place mini explosives on a detentator at verious places to blow in case we need some kind of distraction." Sanda shared. She looked at the factory again, taking particualar notice of the sack of fertilaizer that Poppy had used to cover the teleporter.

"Nice," Cassie said.

"Okay that's good." Yoshiro said

"I see what you're thinking," Poppy said, nodding her head. She was making a not bad face under her helmet. "A little organic chemistry knowledge goes a long way."

"Gran auge." Sanda smirked. "Especially if we can make it look like an accident."

Yayoi actually grinned "i like this idea especially the accident part, would be perfect to make them think that we werent here" Yayoi commented.

Chiheisen blinked as she listened in, the Elysian getting anxious the longer they sat still. "perhaps we should.. start moving." The birb suggested, with a bit of hesitation creeping into her tone.

Sanda looked over at the Elysian and nodded. Her Daisy now sported a teal lighting bolt over the helmet, just like the tattoo on her face. She agreed with the birb.

"Good idea. Let's move" Yoshiro said

"On you," Cassie said, following Yoshiro. Just then a large truck came by the far end of the factor and from a distance they could see workers began to fill it with processed fertilizer bags.

Yoshiro started moving to the objective but he stopped when he saw the truck. "Everyone hold." He said silently

"Away team, Euikoshi. Information: scans confirm presence of a system of underground tunnels for power distribution, over."

"There's pros and cons to being in confined space," Cassie said to Yoshiro and Sanda and Yayoi. "On one hand you can be the 300 Spartans, on the other hand it's a convenient coffin to be buried in. Thankfully we brought a portable exit door."

"Yeah... Euikoshi, are you able to peice together any routes the tunnels might lead. over." Sanda asked.

"Everything needs power on the base so it goes pretty much everywhere," Euikoshi replied. "I can add routes and maps for you."

"Yes, any intel you can provide us will be useful." Sanda acknowledged.

"Suggestions?" Yoshiro asked the team

"we could use the tunnels to disable power, causing a distraction and making the non combatants leave to make repairs for the Beta team to blow it up." Yayoi said in verbal though. "its what we did on hanako's world." She said.

Poppy thought of the base as a big organism, "The power plant is the heart, if we take that out, everything else will struggle to function, hopefully making it harder for them to detect us and respond. I mean, all the sensors and cameras and radios for controlling their drones are powered by electricity, right?"

"Right, but once we set off the explosives we are going to be attacked so be prepared for that. We are going to have to be ready to fight." Yoshiro said. "Get those explosives set and be prepared to take this place out."

"We take out the power to this base the Fleet can move in in force and take it out." Sanda replied. She looked over the scans that Euikoshi had send her. It took her just a moment to get her bearings. "This way." She said. "There should be an access point we can get to the tunnel and move to the main power plant."

Yoshiro followed Sanda and went with her to the main power plant. Yoshiro was getting a bit nervous as he was feeling this was starting to get beyond his control. "Sanda, where do you think that we should set the explosives? I want maximum effect on the destruction of this base."

Sanda silently groaned at the off duty way Yoshiro addressed her but didn't say anything. "I'm not Elster." Referring to Erica who was a demolitions master. "But I can do the job. We'll have to wait and see what the layout of things are when we get there."

Yayoi followed Yoshiro and Sanda silently and searched for the access point as Yoshiro asked his question, and momentarily she thought about what she and the resistance had done on Hanako's World.

Cassie followed along, lugging her bag of explosives she'd brought from the ship, similar to the one she'd carried to the desert planet of Koenic where they'd blown up the Necromisshu's lab. "Anyone else have a terrible headache right now?" she asked. She pulled out a small aether blade and cut through the lock on a metal grating, one of many meant to block intruders from moving through the tunnels.

As Cassie opened the gate she looked up a what was clearly a security camera pointed at it. "Hmm..." she nervously said. "It's as if they're paranoid about teams of catgirls sneaking in..."

"We should probably pick up the pace," Poppy said, glancing over her shoulder. "I got the teleporter again," she told the others.
Underground Tunnel in NMX Base on Planet Acuna

Eventually the team reached the basement levels of the main power plant, a huge aether generator with anti-matter generators. The tunnel opened to a large substation room where the raw power from the various turbines and plasma systems was converted into usable electricity. There was an overpowering steady buzzing hum to the room, and a lot of cabinets and cabling. There were warning signs all over the place warning of the dangers of arc flashes and electromagnetic fields. So far there was no sign of the enemy, and the room seemed to be unmanned other than some non-combat monitoring robots. Cassie rushed in and pulled out some duffel bags and started stuffing all the little robots in them where they couldn't see anything or mess up their plans, "Sorry dudes," she laughed. As soon as she was done she started setting up charges and passing out plastic explosives so the others could as well.

Sanda scanned the area for contacts. As she did so the scale of the room became apparent. It was huge. The idea of planting a few explosives and just walking out seemed less of a great idea. Would the exposion destroy the entire base making it unusable for the Fleet afterwards? Or would their explosion supply barely make a dent in this masive place and be fixed before the Fleet could land their forces. She was about to suggest that they teleport Pidole in to point out the best place to sabitoge things when the Ranger picked up a contact reading.

There was a lot of interference from the equipment but it seemed like there was, if Sanda's AIES was reading things correctly, multiple NMX guards outside of the main door into the room, but they had come from the inside through the tunnel.

Sanda waved to Yayoi and Cassie then pointed at the main door, indicating that she had detected hostiles from that direction.

Yayoi nodded her head in agreement. Her AIES had also detected the NMX guards silently like always she contemplated what she should do. Considdering her hidden blades she could walk out and use them, but like them, NMX had telepathy which would cause a alert she was sure.

Poppy looked at the team setting the explosives, then back down to her teleporter pad. She caught Sanda and Yayoi's attention by flashing the teal lights on her MINDY armor to pink and then made a proposal using hand gestures:

She pointed at her wrist where a watch would be worn. She pointed at the teleporter, then made a walking gesture with her fingers, then pointed at the sky and her YSS Resurgence patch on her shoulder.

Sanda looked back at the door way a moment considering then gave Poppy a thumbs up. She motioned for Yayoi and Cassie to fall back to Poppy while she covered the door with her plasma rifle.

Yayoi glanced over and nodded her head when she recognized what Poppy was trying to say. Yayoi pointed her Aetheric Pulse Cannons at the door as well as she moved back towards Poppy's side.

Cassie set a timer on the explosives for one minute and started it once Poppy got the teleporter connected back to the Resurgence. A teal glow emanated from the reciever showing it was active, with volumetric rings around it showing it was ready to enter.

Just when Cassie was about to hop on the teleporter pad, she turned around. "Huh...that's weird, my Mindy is picking up my old communicator here in the base...remember I left it on that Mishhu ship in the bar when we did that raid. Does that mean...?"

Chiheisen hesitated as she turned to Cassie quizically, hear head even tilting. The Elysian furrowed her brow under her helmet as she processed that, before asking. "From where?, can you locate it?"

Poppy tapped her watch area again, and stepped through the teleport reciever and was back in the teleporter room on the Resurgence, she didn't want to stick around to see the team's handiwork do its thing in person.

Go. Go! Sanda waved her hands towards the teleporter. She was still covering the main door but had moved back to the teleporter, waiting for the team to all enter before she did.

"Oh yeah," Cassie said, hopping onto the platform and disappearing. She made it back to the ship safely.

"so its here?" Yayoi murmered to herself at Cassie's words Yayoi moved to the teleporter then moved onto it, and soon disappeared.

Chiheisen stepped through the pad aswell, glancing back to the explosives on the door one last time.

YSS Resurgence - Teleporter Operations

Pidole was in the teleporter chamber monitoring the status on the wall. "Welcome back," she greeted, with Bidole waving a tiny leg back and forth.

Sanda was the last one through. First thing she asked as she came aboard the Resurgence was. "What is the status of Bravo team?"

"B team has a teleporter in place inside of the anti-ship gun. They're, uh, in a staff bathroom."

"Everyone needs a little privacy sometimes," Poppy smiled.

The tattooed Ranger was taken back for a moment then managed to bring herself back. "Let them know that things are about to get very loud and very acive at the base soon."

"Roger that," Poppy said, texting an update to the B team. "If you want to join them, pad 4 is active and will take you there."

"Do we have a way to retrieve the pad left behind? If it is not destroyed by the charge" Chiheisen glanced back to the pad the team had emerged from.

"can we teleport the pad before that happens?" Yayoi asked

"You know, that's a great question. I'll try it," Pidole said, running the calculations. In seconds a pile of explosives appeared on the teleporter pad. "Whoops," Pidole said, tossing them back through the teleporter. She tried again. This time the pad itself appeared and the connection to the NMX base's power room closed. "Got it!"

It was about this time, the explosives went off, creating a massive blast down on the surface, completely oblierating all the important power conversion equipment and plunging the base into darkness and chaos.

"So what's the call, are we going back down or bringing B team up?" Cassie asked.

"I think we should." Sanda replied. "I at least should be with them since I was origanlly placed in command of them."

Yayoi nodded her head in agreement with Sanda's words. "i'll come with to back you up.' Yayoi said, though she knew full well Sanda was a badass, she didnt need back up, much like Yayoi. But it didnt stop her from saying so.

One by one they ended up in a toilet stall, inside the bathroom where the B team had taken shelter. The lights were out and only a single battery-operated emergency light barely lit up the room. The B team, with Wando, technician Caihong, Simril, and Owens, was there with lots of explosives. "Hey," Wando said, standing by the sinks, giving a wave. "Base is in panic mode, we'd better move before the surprise wears off," he suggested.

"I hope you didn't forget to flush," Hayden Simril joked as Cassie came out of the stall.

"I only use litterboxes," Cassie replied.

Chiheisen stepped off of the teleporter pad right after cassie, LATR in hand. She made a (hidden) face at the jokes, priming her gun. "Ready. We should move." The Elysian replied coldly.

Yayoi blinked at the jokes. "dont have time, we've set off explosions at our mission." She said.

"What is your status?" Sanda asked, ignoring the bathroom jokes.

"We managed to sneak in successfully and we're ready to move and take out this big gun. Here's a map and we're right near the gearbox that moves the gun. Without it, it can't aim at the ships in the fleet."

Outside, there was a commotion as guards began to move throughout the facilities.

"LEEROYYYY" Cassie shouted, "JEEEEEEENKINS," she said, busting out of the bathroom and opening fire on the NMX soldiers, smoking two immediately with her plasma rifle.

"I wonder if we can take control of the big gun and hit one of their ships before we...¡Qué diablos Cassie!" Sanda yelled as her friend went bursting through the door, guns blazing. The tattooed Nepleslian woman didn't hesitate long before she followed firing her own plasma rifle.

Yayoi nodded if they secured the weapon, she knew that the Mishu wouldn't be able to use it. She was about to say something more when Cassie started moving. "they are younglings" Yayoi said to herself before she began firing her Aether Pulse Cannon, and her NSPs at her enemies.

B team pushed out, moving forward in a wave, efficiently providing plenty of covering fire and advancing in bounds. "It's on!" Colby shouted.

"Get some!" Owens taunted, trading fire with one of the new NMX soldiers. Gunfire was everywhere now.

Chiheisen resisted the urge to facepalm successfully as the group ran out. She used her Mindy to hover a little and give her rifle a couple of clean shots from behind the rest of the team. "What does 'Leeroy Jenkins' even mean..." She mumbled over the comms, a deadpan under her helmet as she shot another soldier.

"Killin' Mishhu makes my dick hard!" Hayden yelled.

"I think he was a famous Nepleslian?" Colby answered.

"It's going to be Cassie's new callsign after this." Sanda muttered as she pulled her shield off her back then used it as a club at a thrall that got too close to her.

"Seconded" Yayoi muttered to Sanda, and glanced to Hayden "don't tell me he's related to Yoshiro" Yayoi said to herself as she fired her weapons.

As the team advanced, and resistance became heavier, they slowly pushed into the gun's systems, where they were able to get to the main gears and the actuator assembly that controlled the guns. While it wasn't the control center for the weapon, there were computers here that might be able to control the gun in an emergency, and they appeared to be running on backup power: despite the lights being out, the orange controls glowed from the console.
Large caliber rounds, aether blasts, and bazooka fire hit around the team as more and more enemy infantry began to accumulate in the main gun building. Colby Wando let out a brief shout of pain as he took a hit in the knee, with his Mindy armor penetrated and blood gushing from the wound. He reflexively went to find a torniquet but it wouldn't work because of the armor around his thigh. Thankfully the Mindy's built-in systems went to work and controlled the bleeding for him. Poppy went to check on him, lugging the teleport reciever pad with one arm.

Meanwhile a bullet slammed through the massive duffelbag of explosives Cassie was carrying and her eyes went so big you could almost see them thorugh her Mindy helmet. "You know I'd like to leave these somewhere urgently," she shouted over the now-constant gunfire, now hyper-aware that these could blow up with the next hit.

Yoshiro was firing at the the Mishuu shooting Colby. He was angry that someone who was on his team got hurt. "Someone get Colby out of there and help Cassie!" Yosihro shouted angrily "Make those snail shelled bastards pay for that!" He said and returned fire as he moved from cover to cover. He was mad at the Mishhu that had hurt Colby and almost took out Cassie.

Sanda fired over the lip of her large boarding shield with her plasma rifle. There were no shortage of targets to shoot at and more were appearing every minute. She took two heavy hits to her shield that physically moved her sevearl feet backwards.

Cheilith for her part was darting from enemy to enemy with wide slashes of her aether katana, slicing thought their armor as she danced between the enemy.

Yayoi aimed her Aetheric pulse Cannons and began firing with it along with her NSP, and and Missiles.

There were now about 30 armored robot-Mishhu hybrid troop things, whatever they were, dumping gunfire on the team and their cover, what little they could find, was getting chewed up.

Poppy set up the reciever pad for the Big Froggy to find and it flipped on right away. She grabbed Colby Wando with both hands and tossed him onto it, and he vanished, "Medical to teleporter ops!" she radioed to the ship. "Yuri, help Colby!"

Sanda pulled out a detnation remote and pressed the button. At first, nothing seemed to happen. Then there were some distant explosives. The distractions that B-team had set up earlier were now going off, causing attitional damage and hopefully sending some of the attacking forces to investigate other parts of the base besides just here.

Yayoi continued firing her NSP, Aetheric Pulse Cannons and Missiles, at the Mishu meanwhile, back on the ship, Yuri recieved the message from hr superior, and immediately got to work. "Hai, Sempai!" was the only think Yuri said back as she got her tools and got Colby removed from the Mindy so she could treat him.

Caihong low-crawled to the control panel labeled auxiliary fire control and slapped a device onto its interface, which was carrying the special hacking AI construct that the team had gotten earlier.

"Cassie you okay? You almost got hurt." Yoshiro asked her. He was continuing to fire at the Mishhu robots and hoping that he was doing some damage at least.

"Yeah, I just want to part ways with this duffel bag," Cassie said, "It's...not working out with us as a couple," she joked, even though her voice sounded anxious. "Sooner or later this thing is gonna blow us all away."

"Long as it takes an objective with us, that's fine." Chelilith commented as she spun quickly between two Misshu.

"Perhaps the enemy would like to have a chance with them? Not all of it, but enough to atleast clear-" Chiheisen was cut off as a bullet flew a little too close to her helmet, making her flinch back and return fire towards the Mishhuvurthyar attempting to hit her. They were losing cover and were getting overwhelmed, perhaps a little 'oomph' could level the playing field?

With Cheilith out of cover from going melee, she was an easy target for the enemies and she got shot to hell. It would be lucky if she managed to get back to cover. Althoguhs she'd got the most kills so far with her aether weapon, there was an essentially unlimited supply of enemies in the area now. Cassie rushed out and pulled Cheilith to safety, but was badly hit in the process as well. A thick black smoke was pouring off the backside of her armor and sparks were coming out of the aether generator's area on it. She dared not go near her duffelbag at this point.

Cheilith felt, a lovetap that sent her sprawling across the battlefield. She looked down at a smoking hole in her compromised armor with with a swear, as Cassie grabbed her armor and pulled her back into cover.

Yoshiro fired some missiles at a Mishhu robot and gave cover fire to Chelith to get her back to cover. "No, Cassie! Sanda, get Cassie out of there!" Yoshiro shouted to her. "Damn it all, you Mishuu bastards, you'll pay for that..."

"Aarrrrrgggh!!!" Davonte screamed, gunned down as he was trying to provide cover fire. The enemies weren't even responding to covre fire anymore, they just stayed up and shooting and got shot if they got shot. They knew they had the advantage.

Sanda tried to move to assist, but the fire coming towards her was intense. She'd be cut down like Cheilith and Cassie. Taking some explosives from her own supply Sanda threw them at the enemy with all her might. She tracked the explosives with her targeting systems then shot at the explosives in mid-air, Causing maxium damage. Only then did she rush forward with her boarding shield held up to provide cover as she gabbed her two injured teammates and uncerimoniously dragged them back to cover.

Chiheisen winced as the explosion went off pretty nearby to her position, taking some still incoming enemy fire. She began to pull back as Sanda went in, providing the Nepleslian with cover fire from her rifle.

Caihong laid on the ground looking at her data pad behind a burning crate, "I have control of their anti-ship gun," she announced.

"Cassie can you hear me? Are you all right?" Yoshiro asked as he went to move to Chelith.

"Yeah, worry about Chielith, not me. Armor's in red zone though."

"I recommend exfiltration, team leader," Poppy said, spraying Cassie down with a fire extinguisher she'd grabbed off the enemy base's wall.

Cheilith sat up, with heaving breaths. "Thanks for the save." She told Cassie. She grabbed the aether SMG from it's sling. She wanted to get back into the fight, "It might be red, but I'm good to go. We need to accomplish the mission." She protested.

"Roger that. All teams prepare for evac, right now!" Yoshiro said and prepared to get out of there, making sure that Chelith was okay enough to move. "Chelith, can you move okay? We need to evac."

Poppy checked the receiver pad. It looked good. "Pad's online!" she reported. Against the dim red emergency lighting it emitted a soothing teal glow.

Yayoi turned her focus for the mission up. They completed one part of the mission, namely blowing up the power plant she thought. She was about to give the order to send the wounded up first, but Sanda beat her to it. they were always of the same mind. Yayoi moved to add her shield to Sanda's.

"Send the wounded first!" Sanda ordered as she stood in front of the teleporation pad with her sheild held high to provide protection for the wounded.

Cassie pushed Cheilith by her butt towards Poppy's teleporter pad, passing her off to Yoshiro. Then she grabbed a timer out of her bag of explosives. "You want me to leave a present?" Ironically the enemy fire was getting more random as the smoke from Cassie's armor and the haze of fire extinguisher dust was becoming like an impromptu smoke grenade.

Yoshiro grabbed Chelith and took her to the transporter. "Yes do that, Cassie. Make sure that they can't defuse the explosives and make sure to let them know who it was that left it and then get yourself to the teleporter ASAP!"

"I hate being a potato, let me at them!" Cehilith tried to protest but blood was begining to seep out from the cracks of Cheilith's armor. Despite her bravado, she wasn't in any condition to keep fighting for long.

Chiheisen kept up the cover fire with Sanda, pulling back slowly aswell. The Elysian grunted as one of her wings were clipped by a round, leaving behind a nasty hole in the armor, and probably burning her on the inside. She didnt really notice, feeling pain was not her current priority. "Stick back! youre only going to get yourself further injured!" She growled at Chelilth over comms.

Caihong grabbed her AI kit and got up to fire on the enemy as the wounded evacuated.

Cassie set the timer, chucked the entire explosives bag down over the rail to the base of the main anti-starship gun's systems, and rushed through the teleporter.

"Chelith, you need medical attention! Get to the teleporter now, that's an order!" Yoshiro shouted and grabbed Chelith as he took her through the teleporter, to the medbay.

Chelith walked backwards towards the teleporter, her SMG waving as she tried to keep it vaguely pointed at the enemy. She coughed, coating the inside of her helmet with blood, then they were through the teleporter and into the medbay.

Yayoi watched the explosives bag go flying, and almost smiled with glee, almost and like Sanda, she remained where she was, as she was a Ranger.She fired back at the Mishhu with her Aetheric Pulse Cannons.

Sanda was a Ranger through and through. First one in, last one out. She held her ground, her shield taking a pounding now that there were fewer people to shoot at. But she held on, returning deadly accurate fire at the enemy while the rest of her team teleported. She would be the last to go through.

"Everyone get out now!" Yoshiro said as he watched the explosives with an almost sadistic glee. He stepped through the teleporter and disappeared to the ship.

The near penultimate one to leave, Chiheisen glanced towards Sanda, gritting her teeth. She made sure to pull the Nepleslian back towards the pad before she hopped on the pad herself, making sure she wouldn't be left behind much longer either.

Chiheisen's tap on Sanda's shoulder told the Ranger it was time to leave. She appreciated that. Sanda would have stood there fighting till she ran out of ammo or was cut down. She didn't have time to turn around and do a head count to see who was left but the tap on the shoulder signaled that she was the last. So fired a few more times then stepped back onto the Teleporter pad.

Yayoi took note of Chiheisen's action, then she turned to the Mishu "Yā, kuso yarō" She said before she began moving back. "come, Hermana" She said and jumped at the pad.

YSS Resurgence - Teleporter Ops

One by one the team returned to the ship, each rushing off the pad before the next person came through. Caihong immediately moved to a compuer console and, using the AI she'd installed, gave it orders to hit whatever Mishhu ships it could. Above the planet, there was a fleet of NMX vessels, and into that fleet a massive aether beam slammed, chaosing confusion and chaos.

Cheilith took a couple of steps before falling to her knees. She ripped off her helmet sending the blood that had accumulate there pouring onto the floor. She fell onto her side, and then rolled onto her back. While the armor had saved her from an immediate death, the force of the Misshu weapon's impact had caused massive blunt force damage to the Neko.

"Medic! We need a medic!" Yoshiro shouted for Chelith. He was concerned for his teammate and wanted someone to make sure that she wouldn't have to respawn. He did some basic emergency medicine to make sure that the medics could save her. "Where are the medics damn it!"

The teleporter pad suddenly went dark. The connection with the receiver was lost just as Poppy got through. She turned around to see Devonte but the infantry soldier had been left behind due the receiver being damaged by enemy fire. Pidole tried to get him but without the pad to snap the teleporter focus onto, she couldn't get him.

"Did we end up leaving anyone behind?" Yoshiro asked concerned

"Davonte Lyons didn't make it," Poppy grimaced. "He was right behind me."

Cheilith coughed, but her lungs were pierced by her ribs and rapidly filling with blood as she lay on the floor of the Resurgence.

Yuri widens her eyes. "did...did Mom and aunt Sanda...?" Yuri asked worriedly.

"Shit! This is what I was afraid of!" Yoshiro said sadly as he hit the wall with his fist. "Damn the Mishhu, they will pay for this, I swear." He turned to Yuri. "They made it through, Yuri." he said gently

Yuri glanced to Yoshiro for a moment, he was kind in trying to reassure her.

Poppy grabbed Cheilith and took her straight to the medical lab in her armor, only removing it once she was next to the treatment bed. She injected Cheilith with one of the new advancer drugs that super-oxygenated her blood and then got her stripped and on the table and began administering a hemosynth IV, then went to work patching up the numerous wounds.

Cheilith looked at Poppy, mouthed something but as her lungs were filled with blood didn't speak. Then she used her telepathy, <You... you are all good teammates...> She said, fading away, leaving her now unseeing eyes open and fixed at nothing in particular.

"Euikoshi to away team, sensors show a large explosion in the enemy base, and their main gun has collapsed," the green-haired science gal advised.

"Taste the rainbow mother fuckers! Get rekt ya nubs!!!" Yoshiro said as he laugh sadistically but he realized the explosion could have killed his teammates.

Cassie looked around, "Yoshiro, I think the explosion might have taken out some of our people too. Better take a head count," she suggested. "I am going down the armor bay to see Morita about repairs if that's alright."

"Roger that, Cassie." Yoshiro said with a sigh. "Everyone sound off right now." He was concerned now.

"I'll...stay back and work on giving medical aid.." Yuri said softly and thought, Aunt Sanda, Mom please be ok, please be ok! She thought silently to herself and frowned as she began getting to work.

Caihong replied, "Wong-Hei present. Lyons-Hei is not present."

"Poppy present, "Poppy said from the medical lab." Wando and Cheilith are here."

There seemed to be a dreadful silence as three away team members didn't sound off upon Yoshiro's order.

Captain Aoba's voice came over the intercom. "I've sent the signal to the First Fleet that now is their best opportunity to attack the NMX fleet and the base. All available hands report to space combat battle stations." An alarm tone sounded. "Set condition 1 throughout the ship."

Yoshiro heard the captain's voice over the intercom. He was upset at himself for losing people but he couldn't think about that right now. It would have to wait. "All available hands to battle stations. Set condition 1 throughout the ship." He ordered and he promised himself that the Mishhu would pay for the loss of his teammates.

There was a hiss as blast shutters and doors sealed throughout the ship. Inside the ship seemed calm and quiet but outside there was a mad fray as the First Fleet arrived and began to fire on the NMX forces!

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Cowboy, Liza, Yoshiro, Soban
YSS Resurgence Medical Bay

Yuri, a Nito Hei ranked medic, tried to focus on her work on the Starship YSS Resurgence, but there was a big thing distracting her. Her mother, Yayoi, a Joto Heisho ranked ranger; her aunt, Sanda, a Nito Heisho ranked ranger; and her crewmate, Chiheisen, a Nito Hei ranked infantry, had not made it to the teleport pads before the Mishhuvurthyar base was destroyed. This meant they were missing in action, a reality that weighed heavily on Yuri's mind.

As she moved through her duties, checking medical supplies and tending to the crew's needs, the anxiety gnawed at her, making it hard to concentrate. Every beep of a monitor and every whisper of the ship's intercom seemed to remind her of their absence.

After a while, the strain became too much. Yuri stopped what she was doing, her hands trembling slightly. She moved to a quiet corner of the medical bay, sat on the floor, and hugged her knees to her body. Rocking slightly, she tried to process the overwhelming fear and sadness. The sterile, metallic walls of the bay seemed to close in around her, offering no comfort, only amplifying the void left by her missing family members.

Yuri's mind raced with memories of her mother’s reassuring smile, her aunt's laughter, and the determined look in her crewmate’s eyes. She clung to these images, hoping against hope that they were still out there, alive. But the uncertainty was a heavy burden, and for a few moments, she let herself feel the full weight of it, tears slipping down her cheeks as she sat in silence.
YSS Resurgence - Medical Lab

Poppy glanced at Yuri, with mixed feelings. She wanted to comfort the young medic, but at the same time, she was angry at her for shutting down in a time of need. Here she was doing her duty and helping shot-up Cheilith get healed up and her assistant was sulking in the corner because she was sad or something. Finally she decided to say something. Was an an officer now, and the mantle of leadership had, by way of experience and hard work, been bestowed upon her. After stabilizing Cheilith and giving her some painkillers, Poppy pulled off her bloodstained gloves and went over to Yuri.

"I'm not going to tell you you're wrong for feeling your feelings, because it's okay to feel," she began, "But I need you to keep it together. I need you to do the medical job you were trained for. Yuri, I just got shot at and I barely made it out...and then I went straight into surgery. It's not because I'm a super hero--because I am feeling pretty upset right now--but I just did it because it's what I had to do. We're soldiers, Yuri, we need to be able to stay functional when the world around us is burning and falling apart because sometimes it just does. So I need you to start learning out how to manage those feelings. Push through them, make them wait, do what you need to do. If Captain Aoba walked in right now I don't want to have to explain why you're on your ass. I'm sure they're already working on what do do next, even if it's blow up the base and recover everyone from mental backups."

She offered her hand to Yuri to help pull her back on her feet, "Come on, don't shut down. I know you have the power in you."
YSS Resurgence - Medical Lab

Yuri tried to push herself to get back on focus, but the emotions were overwhelming. That was when the Chief Medical Officer, her Sempai and boss, walked over to her. Yuri had a feeling she wasn't pleased. Poppy's voice seemed calm but firm as she addressed Yuri, who blushed and looked down, feeling embarrassed. Yuri listened intently as Poppy continued speaking to her.

Poppy's words struck a chord. She wasn't dismissing Yuri's feelings but emphasizing the importance of managing them. Yuri took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of shame and resolve. She knew Poppy was right. They were in a critical situation, and everyone needed to be at their best. She wiped her tears, stood up, and nodded to Poppy. "I understand, Sempai. I'll do my best," she said, her voice steadying. With renewed determination, she accepted the hand and then, Yuri returned to her duties, focusing on the immediate tasks at hand. She knew the worry for her family wouldn't go away, but she also knew that staying functional was the best way to contribute to the mission and honor their sacrifices.
"Trying to triangulate a lock on the missing away team members positions," Mineko said from her position on the bridge. "But the interference is strong and the signal faint. If any of the first fleet's teams are able to get in there, we can have a better chance of knowing where they are."

The analyst wishfully thought about how much easier this would have been had they hacked the computer with Aoba's special AI. But the team had chosen the hard way and lost some of its members, as had happened before.

"Why is it always the rangers?" Mineko murmured quietly as her hand pushed up against her forehead. Her purple bangs splayed out over her fingers as her eyes closed momentarily.
After the huge explosion of Cassie's bag of TPE, everything had been a blur. Those unfortunate enough to have been left behind might have remembered a bazooka colliding with the receiver pad, blowing half of it off and sending it flying into the central shaft to land near the explosives and the giant power cables to the gigantic planetary defense gun, and the NMX soldiers closing in on them. Then it was nothingness. Somehow, instead of dying in the explosion, the Zesuaium and advanced systems of their trusty MINDY and DAISY armor had saved them...for better or worse, and it was looking worse now. As they came too, they woke up without their armor, some place dark and wet...

There was distant thump of explosions but they sounded far away above them. In fact this seemed to be some sort of cave. And they were chained up to the ceiling.

Spark, wake up. The voice sounded in her head. "Caff?" Sanda mumbled. Spark! Wake up now! Sanda opened her eyes and excruseating pain flooded her body. She just managed to keep from screeming out loud. She shut her eyes tight and had to cleanch her teeth as the damage her body had sustained came flooding in threating to overwelm her. But she rode out the storm and managed to shut the pain away. Breathing a little easier now Sanda opened her eyes and looked around.

Looking around Sanda could see something like the interior of a Mishhuvurthyar ship: A reddish, organic film all over the walls with a wet floor crawling with slugs, tentacle covered objects, and insectoid creatures. A lone green light cast in the center of the chamber cast the only illumination. They could feel a slight, humid breeze on the skin of their legs - the Mishhu had left them in what were essentially oversized orange T-shirts with text "NMX PRISONER" on them.

Yayoi winced as she came to. But she noticed one of many things, 1 she wasnt in her armor, two she wasnt in her bed, and three, she was wearing something overly large. Unlike her daughter back on the Resurgence, Yayoi was pissed, but she forced herself to relax and calm down and opened her eyes. This confirmed everything for her, in addition to what was confirmed was she was hanging from the cieling. "Rixikor larder?' she muttered to herself.

The silouette of an injured Elysian hung in place next to the two rangers. Chiheisen's normally cobalt colored wings unceremoneously hung down limply, the birb feathers adopting more of a smoky color thanks to the explosion from before. She twitched a little as her eyes slowly opened, before closing again after taking in the sight of her Misshuvurthyar surroundings. Her brow furrowed as some of the pain began to catch up to her, the Elysian had sustained quite a lot of burns around her body.

"Oh demonios. No otra vez." Sanda muttered. She was hanging upside down, her hair dangling towards the ground. She could feel blood runing up her face into her hair. She looked at the chains that bound her and tried testing how strong they were when fresh wave of pain shot through her. She sucked in a breath through her teeth to keep from screeming again. The worst of the pain was coming from her left side, her shoulder and leg.

"Hello?" Davonte Lyons called out, hearing some movement from his teammates. His face was covered in blood and he couldn't see. Plasma burns from the firefight had destroyed his eyeballs. "Yo...Is...someone there?" he asked, his voice tinged with fear.

". . .Yeah" the Elysian said rather coarsely, her voice seemed pretty dry. Chiheisen opened her eyes once more, slowly cocking her head to the side to look at where the voice had come from. "Where. . are we?" She asked, expecting the worst.

Davonte coughed and spat some of the blood onto the floor. "I can't see shit, don't ask me. All I know is I ain't my pants on...and it's not 'cause of good reasons, if you know what I mean. I don't think I want to know what comes next..."

Yayoi moved her hands closer to her body and closed her eyes, to calm herself further, after testing her body's injuries. "remain calm, it appears in between our attempt to return home, things happened, and we got captured. Based on how we are hanging here, i'd have assumed we are in a Rixikor larger, but we hadnt faced them, rather than the Mishu, so perhapes the Mishhu is using it, in that fashion.

"Huh? What do the Rixxikor have to do with the Mishhu?" Davonte asked Yayoi, confused.

"Can anyone move?" Sanda asked, again trying to test the strenght of her bonds. She figured there was a good chance her cyberntic arm could break the chains, but then she'd fall on her head which would be funny to watch but not practical. "Yayoi, think you can use some Neko magic and levitate?"

"I'm stuck," Davonte simply said. "And I'm hurt."

"Not usefully.." Came chiheisens simple response to Sanda's query, a small clink from her chain indicating that the Elysian was attempting to move her hands. Her wings twitched a little as she moved them, they were injured, but at the very least free.

Yayoi allowed a breath to escape, her mouth, as she began focusing, and soon began levitating like she was a youngling. "levitating is possible." She said before she began hearing something.

A doorway a the end of the room hissed open and a large Mishhuvurthyar slowly spilled into the room, waves of crimson tentacles pouring over each other as it glided in, with four green eyes glowing in the dim light from atop its armored crab-like carapace. A giant mouth with exposed fang-like teeth took up the lower center of its body, glistening with slime as it gave a creepy grin. "I TOLD YOU I WOULD BE BACK," its voice boomed, pounding at their minds.

Sanda watched as the large Mishhuvurthyar came into the room. The ranger gritted her teeth and remained silent, thankful that Yoshiro wasn't here because she knew he would have immediately started mouthing off to it and Sanda was hoping to not make it angry or haisty. Despite the pain to the left side of her body, Sanda began to slowly flex her cybernetic arm, testing the chain's strenght. If she was going to die, she would die on her feet fighting.


Yayoi watched the Mishhu, and though like Sanda, she was glad Yoshiro wasnt here, because she knew that indeed he'd be mouthing off, but Yayoi couldnt help but think ugh stupid bastard is back. She also found herself annoyed by his voice.

As the obnoxiously loud words of the Mishhuvurthyar invaded her mind, Chiheisen gritted her teeth and winced. She remained quiet, her wings arching up shakily purely out of instinct. Recognizing the Mishhuvurthyar from beforehand, her eyes widened a little bit.


"Damn it, Karl," Davonte joked.

Unimpressed, the Mishhuvurthyar pushed one of its tentacles through Davonte's skin, and he started screaming as the Mishhu twisted his organs. Terrifying screams, screams they would never be able to unhear. They had to listen to him for several minutes before it stopped, and Vurlprhakkarl, who laughed in glee the entire time, left Davonte's bleeding body full of eggs that were rapdily hatching and eating their way out through his flesh.

Sanda looked away from Davonte. Her eyes searched the room for something she could use as a weapon. Her chains felt like they were on the point of breaking and once they did Sanda would have to move fast.

Yayoi doesnt react on a physical emotional level. but the Mishhu, was now her primary target. Silently, she tried with her hands, to slip out of her bounds, with as less noise as possible, wanting to get herself free.

Chiheisen winced as Davontes piercing screams slowly died away along with its host. The Elysian resisted the urge to attempt to do anything, clearly angering the Mishhuvuthyar wasnt a great idea. She stared at Davonte's now corpse, not able to pry her eyes away, to her own dismay.

Sanda's and Yayoi's efforts to get free didn't seem to be resulting in a lot of progess.


Yayoi was displeased by the lack of progress she was making but she didnt let herself panic in fear.

Sanda could feel fear creaping over her. The chains she thought she could break were not breaking. She hated the idea of her body being food for Mishhu offerspring was appalling but the idea of submiting and becoming a slave went against every fiber of her being. Especially as chosing to be a slave meant that Yayoi and Chiheisen would become dinner for the scums offspring. Sanda couldn't allow that to happen.

"YOU ARE TAKING TO LONG TO DECIDE," Vurlprhakkarl warned, and it flipped a bladed tentacle out and chopped off Yayoi's legs and started eating them like chicken wings. "GET EATEN, FOOLS," it said as it munched. "ALSO WHY ARE YOU SO DELICIOUS? ANYWAY, ANSWER OR DIE!"

Intense unadulterated pain, soared like Elysian wings up her body as the creepy psychotic monster cut Yayoi's legs off. But if Vurlprhakkarl expected her to scream, he'd be disappointed. "Thats because of the anti Mishu-whatever the fuck you spell your name-nanites i stole, makes me tasty but sadly for you, things will soon be happening." Yayoi said staring at him in her typical stern Yayoi stare.

Chiheisen watched the scene unfold with widened eyes. Considering how much newer she was in comparison to the two rangers, the Elysian did not know how to respond. Her wings shakily folded behind her, perhaps afraid that they'd be next, considering how easily targettable they were.

Suddenly the door behind Vurlprhakkarl slid open. He turned around but no one was there but the guards outside. They stared at each other for a moment. Vurlprhakkarl curled an eyelid. Then the intercom system paged his name unexpectedly. "Vurlprhakkarl, please report to the space dock for immediate departure," it said.

"COME ON, CHOOSE WHO WILL ESCAPE THIS BASE WITH ME. NOW," Vurlprhakkarl urged, suddenly having places to be. Maybe time was running low to escape the wrath of the First Fleet. "GIVE YOURSELF TO ME AND I WILL SAVE YOU."

Sanda looked over at Davonte's mutilated body then at Chiheisen. The Elysin hadn't been with them long, but Sanda felt she was a kindred spirit. Yayoi, her fellow Ranger and Hermana they had fought together for so long. Sanda couldn't see either of them discrased. She spoke up. "I'll be your slave." Sanda spoke with quitely but with defince in her voice. "You let the other two go, and I'll be your slave willingly. I won't try to escape you have my word as a Ranger of Yamatai. But let them go."

"GOOD, GOOD," Vurlprhakkarl laughed, insantly unchaining her and dragging her toward the door. "NO ONE ELSE GETS TO LIVE, THOUGH," it laughed.

As Yayoi looked down she could see one of the bugs on the floor get smashed by the outline of the shape of a MINDY's boot that was in the liquid.

Yayoi turned her head to Sanda. "Hermana!" She said in anger, just as her eyes caught the glimpse of the crushed bug and the Mindy boot imprint. She focused her thoughts in that direction,. "save her" was her only thought she sent to the Mindy.

Vurlprhakkarl pointed at Yayoi and Chiheisen and they were both struck by flying parasites. The large crimson Mishhu left, dragging Sanda by the cyborg arm. As soon as it was outside, a partially-powered on aether blade glowed in the darkness, filling the room with bright white light, and their chains were cut and cuffs pried open.

"Hey, they missed me," Hayden Simril told them. "I followed you guys down here. Figured it was the only way to help the ship find you," he said, trying to pull the parasite out of Chiheisen before it could get attached. It was a struggle but eventually it took a forearm pulse and died. He started on Yayoi next. "We got to catch up to Sanda."

Yayoi felt herself struck by the flying Parasite, but her mind wasn't on that however. "did you see where they took our mindy?"' she asked Hayden as she brushed herself off and took note of her outfit. She remembered another of her batch sisters would laugh at how unfashionable it was.

Chiheisen let out a tiny shriek as the parasite impacted her, before falling unceremoniously on the ground. The Elysian gritted her teeth as Simril pulled the parasite out of her. She nodded wearily to the Mindy, before glancing to Yayoi. "do we.. stand a chance against that. Even with our equipment.."

"We do as a team," Hayden said, clawing his way into Yayoi to get the parasite. "Sorry," he apologized, shooting it while it was still inside her, which burned a lot but was effective.

"For fuck sakes, you slowpoke, again, i ask, did you see where they took our Mindy and Equipment?' Yayoi asked in a irritated tone.

"Yeah, it's in the room next door. And there's a teleporter pad in there. We might be able to reach the ship if they can lower their shields for a second."

"good" Yayoi said swatting his hand away and floated out to the door, but stopped when she took note of the guards "mission is to retrieve our equipment and save Sanda." Yayoi sent to her team in the room, trying to ignore the pain.

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Cowboy, Liza
XSS WhereTheFuckAreWe?

With a heavy exhale, Chiheisen picked herself up from the ground. The Elysian seemed to wince as her decently banged up nerves cried out from inside, momentarily envious of her fellow Nekovalkrja's pain tolerance. Her wings were particularily quite damaged still, and she was feeling it quite a lot now that she was moving around a lot more freely. Her breathing picked up quite a bit as she glanced back towards where Davonte's corpse hung, where new baby Mishhuvurthyar were hard at work making him no longer recognizable. Her widened eyes then trailed back to where Sanda was taken from. Chiheisen didnt particularly show it, but the Nepleslian Ranger had left quite an impact on her, and the thought of the Heisho becoming a slave for the Mishhuvurthyar after everything was.. haunting.

Rubbing her head out of frustration, the Elysian focused back on the task at hand. There would be plenty of time to reel once the team made it back onto the resurgence.. she hoped. Carefully moving around the rather putrid and disgusting room, she thought momentarily, before her eyes fixated on what seemed to be a ventilation grill. Chiheisen motioned towards Hayden and Yayoi, pointing up to the vent duct. "Could we fit through.. There. ...Maybe not my wings but.. both of you maybe..." She almost mumbled, her racing mind struggling to put words together properly.
Out in the hallway

Sanda was dragged out of the room by Vurlprhakkarl, kicking a screaming. She had been trying to stall for time by volunteering to be the Mishhu's slave. She had hoped that at the very least there would have been some debate about it. Sanda was very afraid of what might happen to her, but she was also very mad. "¡Bastardo! ¡Tu Bastardo!" She screamed as she struggled against its powerful grip. Her mind was racing, how could she away? Forget getting away. There was no chance of that. She would be better off trying to find a way to kill herself and take the bastard with her.

As she went down the hall she saw her chance. The Mishhu had too strong a grip on her cybernetic arm but her left arm was free. She gabbed her cybernetic hand with her free on and twisted it hard to the left. It came detached with a pop. "You should have taken my offer while you had the chance you Bastardo." Holding it like a dagger she swung with all her might at a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall.
Planet Acuna
Cave Tunnels

When Sanda’s arm rent into the fire extinguisher it made the guards in the hall jump to. It also made the red cylinder crack in its midsection and a small quantity of spittle-like white foam shoot out. It soon slowed to a dribble, leaving a white trail on Sanda’s orange prisoner uniform and along her nose.

“HUHUHUHUUUU,” Vurlprhakkarl laughter bellowed around the hall as his tentacle mass whipped about, pushing away guards in the same second that he wrapped Sanda up in his girth. She could feel the slimy texture of his tentacles interspersed with sharp blades and hard edges. Pulling her cybernetic arm off of her with one tentacle, another slid around her neck. His mass he pulled away, but that barbed tentacle remained as he continued his march down the hallway with Sanda in tow.


Sanda tried to pull the tentacle from her neck with the only arm she had left. She wanted to argue that her deal to not escape was only conditioned on if her friends were left alone but she couldn't speak with the tentacle around her throat. She still struggled against the Mishhu, praying to whatever deity she beilived in the galaxy for something to happen to allow her to escape and kill this Mishhu bastard.

Sanda's hand suddenly felt warm and wet and she realized that the tentacle she had tried to pry from her neck was bladed and sharp. They passed several more rounds of guards and Vurlprhakkarl. Lights were strung up on the wet ceiling of the cave hallway and the same strange, small tentacled creatures intermittently dotted the halls and some even turned their attention towards the Mishhuvurthyar and his prize, Sanda.

Cave Chamber

At Chiheisen's idea to go into the vent ducts, Hayden gave a thoughtful nod then looked to Yayoi for her backing.

Yayoi glanced towards Chiheisen, from the doors of the Mishhu dungeon they were previously trapped in. She was surprised that Chiheisen might be able to fit, but the ranger wasnt sure that she liked the idea of sneaking. Though with her legs severed there was less of Yayoi to push in the vents.

Chiheisen gently removed the cover off of the ventilation shaft and moved it out of the way, placing it against the floor gently as to not tip off the Mishhuvurthyar outside about what they were up to. She allowed Yayoi and Hayden to go first, just in case she got stuck up there with her wings.

"You got this," Hayden said, hoisting Yayoi up and after looking expectantly at Chiheisen, nodded and thrusted himself up towards the vent. It was a tight squeeze for him in his Mindy, but he could make it—meaning the Elysian likely could too.

The Elysian folded up her wings as best she could and crawled into the vent. She momentarily thought about reaching back and closing the vent, but realized she was already pushing what she could do in such a tight space.

Above Ground

Yoshiro was searching for his teammates that went missing and this time he had no idea where they were. "Yoshiro to base, do we have any idea where our teammates went missing?" Yoshiro asked. "Also I could use some backup to help them out of whereever they are." He was very angry at the Mishhu for for taking his friends and making them prisoners. "I swear to the gods of Yamatai that I am going to kill each and every one those snail looking assholes and use their spleens for jewelry." He said as he waited for a response for his question and request for back up.

The response came in a crackling burst of static, leaving Yoshiro wondering what the Resurgence had just responded with. A broiling roll of thunder erupted nearby, too, as if this planet's forces were responding to his promises to his own gods. The rain patted down, but he could see breaking through the ashy clouds a trio of Mindy armors: the answer to his plea.

"Thank you, Resurgence. All right you three, we have a rescue mission to complete and some Mishhu to toast. Time to kill some snail shelled monkeys!" Yoshiro said. "They fucked around now they are going to find out!" Yoshiro was moving out "Oh follow oh crusaders of yore and slay thine dragons with fire and brimstone! Move out:" He shouted.

Kokoro came to stop with a very heavy landing next to Yoshiro, the Mindy-clad Nekovalkrja leaving a dent in the ground. She grinned under her helmet, stretching as she looked to Tanaka next to her. "YEAH!!! LETS KILL SOME FUCKERS!!" She yelled excitedly as Cassie and Mineko came in for a landing behind her, the Santo-hei unholstering her shotgun.

Yoshiro readied his PEP and grinned. "Oh yeah...TIME TO GET SOME!!!" Yoshiro said "Make them pay for hurting our friends!" He made sure that everything was working and got ready for war.


Once inside the vent, Yayoi would find the vents even more digusting than the chamber they had been held captive in. Putrid liquid had pooled where she had to put her hands and feet. There was a straightaway and then a fork in the metal piping up ahead with a strange, gurgling sound coming from the right.

Hayden made an ashamed chuckle and said, "Wow, this is way better with a Mindy on. Sorry for you two. Which way should we move?"

Yayoi did a combination of hand stand walk, and floating as she made her way to the vents. She recalled what Hayden reported where their armor was stowed by the Mishhu. Her thoughts of getting into her Power Armor, and their come back on her mind. Hayden's comment only got a snort response from Yayoi as she made her way, then with one hand, she gave the indication for silence as she arrived, and tried to see if she could see her Mindy through the vents..

"Do you remember.. which direction you saw our power armor stored in..." The Elysian answered with some hesitation as she slowly caught up with the other two, trying to ignore the putried scent and look of the vents as much as she could. Her wings were only bothering her more and more, considering just how burnt up they were from the explosion previously.

"Yeah, in the room here." Hayden whispered and his eyes darted towards Yayoi, worried he was being too loud.

Yayoi tried to use her Ranger tracking senses to find out where they needed to go, before she was able to get the vents quietly opened before she snuck in. There was her Mindy, it was only when she was in her mindy did she drop the vent grate. Yayoi turned her Mindy sensors on to search for Sanda, but there was no way to track the Nepleslian.

After suiting up, they followed Yayoi's lead and in the silence the sound of a generator starting and blasting off over the gurgling sounds of water. There was another fork which Yayoi had to choose between once more, towards the sound they had just heard over the liquid or away from it.

Yayoi glanced to the forked tunnels, as she felt her frustration grow immensely. In the end she decided to follow the sound hoping it led her to Sanda, and the Mishhu with the hard to pronounce name.

Above Ground

Joined now by his crewmen and with a renewed vigor in killing the Mishhuvurthyar that were currently killing their comrades, the team commander and his group were again graced with their wish. In the distance amongst the rocky terrain and bluish groupings of plant life, a piece of rock jutted open to face the sky. A starship lifted out of it, then another. They hovered momentarily before their aether engines pushed them into the planet's atmopshere.

"Resurgence, this is the away team. Be aware that there are ships launching from the surface." Yoshiro said.

The harsh static crackled into Yoshiro's ear, followed by Mineko's voice through her comms next to him.

"If ships are launching from that location, we should diverge on it," the analyst said.

"Roger that." Yoshiro said to Mineko.

"The first fleet's probably gonna get to the ones that leave planet, hopefully?" Kokoro half shrugged as she looked to Mineko."

"They might, but we're the only ones getting Yayoi, Sanda, Davonte, Hayden, and Chiheisen," Mineko said, wondering to herself if she would trade those ships not getting out of orbit for the Resurgence's missing people making it out alive.

Yoshiro headed toward where the ships were coming from and hoping there were some ripper Mishhu to fight against at least. "By blood and blade the young knight brought his vengance." He said to himself.

Space Dock

Towed by the Mishhuvurthyar, the orange-clad Sanda began to see some differences in the cave tunnels that he had been escorting her through. A light at the end of the tunnel lit the black walls. It was fluorescent and all encompassing, like the bright lights in a examination room. But instead of walking her into a medical bay, Vurlprhakkarl turned Sanda into the space dock where he had been summoned for immediate departure. It looked like he was one of the last ones out, likely slowed down by his spoils of war. There were only two ships, a mighty flesh-colored escort and a small, pink shuttle that had sharp protrusions on its front like a bull’s horns.

“THIS,” he said, waving a tentacle away from her and towards the escort. “YOUR NEW HOME!”

"Aún no he llegado, bastardo." Sanda managed to choke out.


The guards that had been in the cave’s tunnels seemed to start pouring in to the bay behind them and in two ant-like lines on either side of the pair.

Above in the vents, Yayoi was able to look down on the scene. Even further above ground, Yoshiro and his team were between a rock and a hard place as the hangar door built into the rock was closed with no way in.

"Crap, this had to happen to me." Yoshiro said. He tried to find a way inside.

Yayoi looked down at the scene, pleased that she could see Sanda. Her Mindy began to disappear from her teams view before she moved from the spot she watched from, and flew as fast as her Mindy allowed towards Sanda, and the Mishhu. Suddenly, a Aether enhanced blade shot out, and posititioned to sever the tentacle from Sanda's neck. If Sanda was freed, Yayoi's Aetheric Pulse Cannons shot its beam point blank at the Mishhu Vurlprhakkarl.

Chiheisen grunted as she stuck her rifle through one of the airducts, after kicking the duct out of place. She started firing down on the rows of soldiers, irritated that Yayoi had jumped in without really telling them. Regardless, she had to back up her teammates... The Elysian's aim had deteriorated, likely a victim of her injuries and the weight of the.. experience they had just endured.

With a sudden Mindy armor flying into the bay, the guards around the Mishhuvurthyar and streaming into the escort seemed to come to attention and began firing their rifles and SMGs at her. One of them took notice of Chiheisen in the vents and fired a potshot at her, but it didn't land and they quickly gave up.

Fresh hope suddenly surged into Sanda as she saw a Mindy, Yayoi's Mindy, come flying into the hanger bay. She pulled against the Mishhu with the last of her strenght, hoping to at least get out of the things grip.

The Mishhuvurthyar itself wasn't so willing to give up on either its prize or its promise to kill Sanda's allies. Though Vurlprhakkarl didn't know Yayoi was one of the escaped prisoners, it knew she was Yamataian and worthy of its death. Sanda pulled away just enough to its bladed tentacle to come dangerously close to slicing her neck. But the Mishhuvurthyar seemed to want her alive as it fully disentangled itself from her when it felt the pressure on its knife-like limb. At the same time, it moved away and towards her to avoid the heavy aether cannon fire coming at it.

Felling the release of presure from her throat, Sanda dove as far as she could away from her captive. She gasped for air, coughing while tying to get her bearings. She needed to find a weapon and some cover.

Yayoi moved her Mindy between Sanda and Karl, so that her shields could shield Sanda, and manuver herself so that the Mishhu would have to fire on their allie, before they could get at Yayoi's Mindy, but she still fired her Aetheric Pulse Cannon at karl first, afterall Yayoi owed him one for cutting off her legs. "Hermana, I got a weapon you can use in my back" Yayoi called to her, though the chances of being heard over roaring Aether beams were unknown.

Yoshiro tried to blast his way inside with his PEP and tried to get an open door for his team. "Kokoro, do you know a way inside? We need to get inside quickly." He said.

Kokoro looked around the hangar bay door, looking for a maintenance panel she could perhaps access. "Maybe if there's something i can get into here i can open it! Otherwise were gonna have to force it somehow!"

Yoshiro stuck his hands in the door and started to pry the door open."Come on you Mishhu operated piece of crap, let me open your dingleberry ass!" Yoshiro said as he grunted. Where Kokoro had been looking for a maintenance panel, there was one and his hand fumbled against the controls, but nothing happened.

"Here, let me," Mineko said, having been trained for just such a task. "Get into ready positions wherever you think it will open, though!" And within ten seconds a grating noise came and the rocks shifted, around them. A huge slab of rock lifted and they immediately saw the fight below that had just begun.

Yoshiro nodded in thanks to Mineko and aimed his PEP into the dock and opened fire with the weapon and firing missiles when he had to reload his PEP. "COME AND GET IT YOU PLUG UGLY SNAIL SHELLED BASTARDS! TIME FOR YOUR DINNER!" Yoshiro shouted gleefully

Kokoro rocketed off to the side in search of cover and to shorten the distance between herself and the enemy, grinning as her Turbo Aether shotgun got warmed up. She was ready to pounce on the closest soldier to her, but wanted to ensure she had some cover to duck behind when they inevitably fired back.

With Yayoi sidling next to the Mishhuvurthyar and Sanda, it realized it was losing its grip on both its slave and the situation.

"SHOOT HER ALONE!!!" Vurlprhakkarl bellowed with a vitriolic intensity as several of its limb unfurled to point to Yayoi. Anyone shooting up at Yoshiro and Kokoro or Chiheisen again stopped. While a small percentage of its tentacles moved to point out Yayoi, the rest moved towards the other Ranger in the battle, moving like a tidal wave towards Sanda as if to swallow her up.

Yoshiro took aim at the Mishhu and locked on with missiles firing the missiles and aimed the PEP at Vurlprhakkarl. He kept firing missiles at the Mishhu shooting at them. He fired two shots from the PEP at Vurlprhakkarl hoping it was powerful enough to blow his head off.

Yoshiro's first shot was unexpected and burrowed into the chitin topside of the Mishhuvurthyar. He screamed out in protest and his tentacles even flung upwards momentarily, but he moved his body, blocked by the escort from Yoshiro's vantage.

Yoshiro laughed at Kkarl."Take that you noob! Eat that shit, mother fucker! YAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Continuing to fire his PEP Yoshiro made fun"I guess you were hungry, because I gave you a hurts donut! LOL!"

Sanda reached up and grabbed an NSP from Yayoi's back and began firing left handed. The Mishhuvurthyar at first seemed to act as if nothing Sanda was doing mattered, it just wanted her closer to it. It pulled her into its tentacle mass and the Ranger rubbed against something hard and familiar. It had still been gripping her cybernetic arm, but as she shot its tentacles lost power and the arm and Sanda began slipping from its grip. Sanda kept firing at the big Mishhu. If she hardly had the strenght left to stand but she could still hold her weapon steady and pull the trigger.

Kokoro's face distorted into a grin under her helmet as she laid eyes on the Mishhuvurthyar. The nekovalkrja moved in towards the massive mass of tentacles, using her armors hovering capabilities to close the distance rather quickly, and aiming her shotgun at it, likely about to release a lot of aether at it. Vurlprhakkarl would sense the Nekovalkrja behind reach out telepathically, screeching at him in a language that definetly WASN'T yamataian. "H̴͖̫̣͆E̵͚͕̝͝Ý̷̡̡̰̿͌̌ ̶̹̰̪̈́͛̋͆͜Y̴̯͈̔͘O̵͚̙̤͍̻͂̄͂͒̒U̵̟̔!̸̝̂̓̈́͠ ̶̭̞̠̳̏͝P̴̪͍̩̔̊͑͊Ḯ̴̜̎C̵͎͚̗̞̣̎̀K̶̜͈̿ ̸̠͙̅͗̿̓̚O̷̬͐̈͋͗͜N̷̻͓̄̓̃̍̿ ̸̟͇̜̼̎̈́̈́S̷̪̉͌̇͗͛O̸̩̘̭̩̪̾͘M̴̙̳̼͔̎̚E̴̝͙̣̻̅͆͑̑͜͝O̸̖͎͋̿Ṋ̸̜͋̈̽͐Ë̸͈͔̜̯̽̈́ ̶̱̟̂͆͐Y̷̪̰͒͋̆̏Ǫ̴̣̫̏̌U̷̫̽̅̄̀͝Ŕ̷̞̫̝̮̅̉ ̴̞̱͈̳̈̃̈́̓̀O̷͖̒͘W̴̧͒͂͐̋N̵̩̘̤̦̊͋̈́͜͝ ̸̯̼̃S̸̡̖̞̭̐̎́͠I̷͎̥̰̊̐Z̷̼͖͎̼͌̇͝Ë̸̩͓́̍͒̏"

Arrested by the voice behind him and a clink of aether that chipped a horn off of his chitin, Sanda fell to the ground, wettened and worse for wear by the experience but no more hurt than the scratches on her hand and her missing cybernetic arm. The Mishhuvurthyar seemed to have a bigger issue now as its steely eyes curled and peered at Kokoro. Its long look was cut short by the shots still directed at it from Chihesen, Yayoi, and Yoshiro, who had taken up a new position.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU—" Vurlprhakkarl managed to spit out before he looked at his troops. "IN THE ESCORT, NOW! I'D RATHER TAKE YOUR SHIP THAN YOU LOUSY FUCKS!" And floating backwards momentarily, it quickly vanished amongst its soldiers. The aether engines glowed a bright purple that faded to a bright orange, like a sunset. Despite falling back, some of them were not able to board as the ramps closed and the ship lifted above the rocky hangar's opened top.

= = =

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes/Ame, Charaa, Cowboy, Liza, and Yoshiro
Sanda kept firing at Vurlprhakkarl as the Mishhu boarded his ship and fled, with her cybernetic arm. The Bastard had escaped again. Sanda dropped to her knees and reached out with her left arm to catch herself but it collapsed underneath her. Adrenalin had kept her on her feet and fighting but now the pain was flooding in. Her left leg was broken, she had several cracked and broken ribs, mostly on her left side. Her left arm, which had given out when she put weight on it was dislocated and broken in several places. The tattooed Ranger was also overwhelmed with emotions. She was exhausted, angry, frightened and relieved all at the same time. She was also filthy, covered from head to toe in dirt and blood and Mishhu slime.

But the Ranger couldn't rest yet. Not all of the NMX forces had left. Many had been left behind and with nowhere else to go they began firing again on the Resurgence crew. With tears carving steaks in the grime on her face, Sanda managed to roll over into some slight cover. She got her back to the wall and slowly sat up. Her left arm hurt. Hell! Her whole body hurt! She was fighting to not go into shock.

"Hermana!" Sanda yelled out weakly to Yayoi. "Ayúdame." Tears continued to poor down her face. "Push my shoulder back into its socket and hit me with some pain killers. We're not out of the woods yet."
Yayoi fired her Aetheric Pulse Cannon's at the NMX soldiers that still remained, when she heard her comrade, her battle sister Sanda call to her. Since Sanda had moved to better cover, she didn't need Yayoi or her Mindy Power Armor's shields, so she moved to join her. Yayoi heard Sanda's words.

Yayoi quickly made her way to Sanda's position, her Mindy Power Armor moving with swift precision. The battlefield was still chaotic, with the sounds of explosions and gunfire echoing around them. As she reached Sanda, she immediately assessed the situation.

"Sanda, hold still," Yayoi instructed, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. She placed her hands on Sanda's dislocated shoulder, bracing herself to push it back into place. "On three. One, two—"

With a quick, firm motion, she pushed Sanda's shoulder back into its socket, hearing a faint pop.

"Done. Now, for the pain killers," Yayoi said, retrieving a small auto-injector from her armor's medkit. She administered the dose quickly and efficiently, ensuring Sanda would have the relief she needed to continue fighting. "Let's finish this," Yayoi said, determination in her eyes as she scanned the area for their next target. "We've got this."
"AAAaaaa...." Sanda screamed as Yayoi re-popped her shoulder back into place and briefly lost consciousness. She groggily came back to a few moments later. "Gracious." She grunted through gritted teeth. She rolled her shoulder gently a few times and felt a bit of relief. One less thing in a huge list of injuries.

Taking back up her NSP, Sanda steeled herself for the firefight that continued to rage around her. The Ranger raised her weapon and fired. "We need get out of here." She said through gritted teeth to Yayoi. "We'll need a shuttle. Without PA in my condition I don't think it would be a good idea to use a teleporter." Sanda ducked behind cover as a barrage of shots filled the air. She suddenly got a confused look on her face and looked over at Yayoi. "How did you escape and find PA? Is Chiheisen ok?"
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