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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 19.2B] Clues (HX-12 II Crashed Ship)

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"Right" Natsumi replied to Takeyu. She had already planned to keep Sienna within sight as it was. With the condition of the crashed starship and the declining weather outside, being in an AMES suit did not protect her new friend that much.

Natsumi made her way into the corridor with the others, checking the data from her drones as she walked. So far nothing much surprising. Dark smashed up corridors, green mold-like stuff. She had to wonder what the interest was in this ship. There was not much left of it, unless there was something of value in the lower compartments.

It was interesting to see that the air inside the ship was breathable. She had absolutely no intention of taking her helmet off. Who knew what that mold stuff around the hatch to the environmental control room was and if it was airborne.

"Looks like there's something growing in the environmental room" Natsumi commented as she paused by the hatch to it.
Derelict Ship

As the team stood there, they got a transmission from Shosho Hanako on the Eucharis. "Away Team 2, this is Eucharis. Be aware the other team has encountered hostile NMX forces and was forced to return to the ship due to casualties. Half of the team was killed. Continue on your mission with caution. Out."
Sienna stayed close by Natsumi as they trudged through the corridor, the power armor and her own heavy footsteps echoing through the metal hallway. Every step they took made her hesitate, wondering if the decaying wreck would support their weight as they moved.

When they approached the environmental control room, she heard Natsumi's mention of organic growth within. Morbid curiosity got the better of her, and she craned her neck over and around the Neko's bulky armor to get a look at it. The planet's indigenous fungus looked even more alien and uninviting in stark contrast to the aging metal surroundings. She quietly groaned in response to the sight of it.

Then there was a quick burst of static in her ears, followed by Hanako's announcement. Her eyes widened upon hearing the news that half of the other team had been killed. She actually wasn't terribly surprised; if she wasn't before, she was certainly glad now that she hadn't been sent into the squid base.

Of course, with the way this little excursion was shaping up, she wasn't so sure coming along on this one was a good idea either.
Takeyu listened to the message and sighed; before raising his weapon and staring down the hallway. "Well now, let's get ready just in case the Shosho reassigns us," he said and moved slowly.

"Weapons at the ready, keep your eyes opened. We may be a good distance from the other teams mission, but you never know when we get some unexpected company..." he looked over at Natsumi and Sienna. "Other than what might already 'be' here that is," it did slightly concern him, was there anything 'living' in derelict ship? And would the NMX make their appearance? If so, he had to ensure that Sienna got out safely, she wasn't a soldier after all.
Natsumi froze for a moment when the Shosho announced that several members of the other away team had been killed. Her blood turned to ice as she could only wonder who. She wanted to reply and as Hanako who had been killed, the thought that her friends and shipmates were dying somewhere upset her.

Taking a deep breath, she fought back all the urges to yelp questions over the comm and summon the shuttle back. They still had a mission to do here on this moldy sand ball.

"Understood" she replied to Takeyu. Immediately she tripled checked the readings from her drones and her connection to the shuttle. The last think they needed now was to run into trouble here. "Do you think the Mishhu might be here too?" she asked.
Derelict Ship (Deck 1)

For all the team's caution, the place seemed more creepy than threatening. Natsumi's drones were making a nice map but not finding anything they thought was worth reporting from a tactical standpoint. Ahead of Takeyu, blocking the corridor, was a large hatch with the word "Engineering" stenciled upside down on it. When Sienna peeked into the environmental room she got a view of a slimy, moldy place with water dripping from a damaged glass tank along the back wall that had a huge crack going through it.
Natsumi was more than happy her drones were NOT finding anything after the new about the other team. If it meant in the end they found absolutely nothing of value on this rust bucket in trade for a quiet and uneventful time exploring she would be immensely glad.

She had made sure to stick with Sienna and stood next to her as the civilian woman peeked into the environmental control room. She got a gimps herself through the hatch.

"This ship is a wreck. I wonder what caused it to crash here in the first place...and what happened to the crew" she said, frowning a little.
"Maybe they had to abandon ship in orbit," Sienna replied, her tone just as much a question as an answer. She wasn't quite sure who she was trying to convince. Even though they hadn't explored very far into the wreck yet, it bothered her that they hadn't found a single sign of the ship's former crew. The way that the planet's native fungus seemed to slowly be taking over didn't help the dull, creeping dread she was feeling.

She turned her head towards Natsumi, alongside her, peering at some of the instruments on the Neko's power armor. "Your little pet robots find any hint?" she asked.
"No, they haven't picked up anything unusual" Natsumi replied, taking that moment to glance at the readings from her drones again and noting the nice map of the ships interior they were busy creating for her.

"Though, I donno, I think if the ship had been abandoned in orbit it would have scattered its self across a bigger area when it came down." she said and shrugged. "This place gives me the creeps"
"Besides the gunk oozing through every crack in this mess, you mean," Sienna replied with a halfhearted smirk. With a sigh she shrugged with her eyebrows, pretending to casually survey the ruined ship's interior. "I dunno, a set of nice curtains, new furniture, maybe a couple throw pillows," she said with deadpan irony. "Might not be so bad then."

She turned her attention down the corridor where the drones had hovered off, then glanced at each of the rest of the team, waiting to see what they decided.
Natsumi couldn't help but smile at Sienna's humor. With the news of the other team and the dark creepy atmosphere of the wreck she needed the levity.

"Yeah, maybe a couple potted plants and a throw rug too" she added.
Still looking down the corridor with muted, barely noticable impatience to get whatever they'd come to do done already, Sienna let out a single, quiet chuckle at Natsumi's addition. "Yeah," she replied, "but what kinda plants complement jiggly green fungus pudding?"
"More than likely most of the crew abandoned ship in orbit while a token crew remained behind to try and save the ship - potentially riding it down onto the surface. Although, whether they survived impact is another thing," remarked the Taii. Takeyu cautiously approuched the door and ran a hand across it for a moment. "Let's see what is inside," as he was saying this he was looking to see if the door still had a handle to open it with or if he'd have to brute force it.
"Don't look like they won that hand," Sienna mused quietly, glancing over her shoulder, then back at Takeyu. "Where the hell did they go? Even if they died in the crash, we shoulda seen some sign of 'em by now, right?"

She took a couple of steps back from the door, as if she was expecting something to burst out of it if she got too close.
"My money is that we're going to find them decaying somewhere," Ramiro pipped in as he followed the team, weapon shoulder and keeping a close eye on their rear. When the team too the temporary halt, he instinctively dropped to one knee and faced the doorway they had just come through.
Derelict Ship

Their answer came soon. As Takeyu opened the hatch, a figure lay sprawled out and face down on the floor right in front of them clad in an sooty older spacesuit. The engineering compartment was a mess, with machinery and piping all over the place, including loose pieces blocking the way in places. Like the rest of the ship with was pitch black and inverted, with the smashed ceiling lights below and the actual floor above them. The walls were covered in scorch marks in some places. As the sandstorm unleashed its fury overhead, the ship creaked and groaned.
Natsumi quickly squeaked one of her drones in through the hatch Takeyu had just opened, letting it sweep around and explore the new compartment before they actually entered. She scrutinized the information streaming in from it and scrunched up her nose at the decomposing body within.

"Ugh, that is gross" she muttered.

The space was a mess. Machinery and pipes and broken glass all over. It also looked like there had been a pretty bad fire or explosion in the engine room in their way down. Maybe it was the cause of their crash? Some internal malfunction crippling the ship and leaving them to tumble down out of control to the planet below. What a horrifying thought that was. Natsumi hoped she never had to experience something like it herself.
Sienna gave Ramiro a mildly surprised and amused look in response to his morbid hypothesis, eyeing the back of the soldier who hadn't said much of anything thus far. "I bet you're the life of every party, Sunshine," she observed dryly.

The loud knocking sound and groaning metal signalled that Takeyu had gotten the hatch open, and she turned back to look at what they'd discovered. Much like the rest of the ship so far, it appeared to initially be nothing more than inky blackness. Natsumi's comment piqued her curiosity however--as unsettling as the very idea of something referred to as "gross" grabbing her attention was--and she took a step forward cautiously to peek over Takeyu and Natumi's shoulders.

Her headlamp illuminated the scorch and burn marks everywhere, the room littered with broken and scattered debris. Then she looked down, seeing the prostrated figure lying motionless on the floor. Or ceiling, rather.

She recoiled back, suppressing her gag reflex as a small wave of nausea rippled through her stomach. She took a few slow, deep breaths through her nose to compose herself. "Damn it," she groaned, "why did I have to ask?"
Ramiro glanced over his shoulder and gave a curious look from behind his helmet. "Only until the alcohol comes out, that stuff just turns me into a joyless hard-ass. I'm sure there'll be one soon to break in the new girl."

He looked back forwards just in time to hear the hatch creak open. Keeping his back to the rest of the group, he fed the sensor data and video from the other Power Armors to his own, which he displayed in a small HUD screen in the corner of his visor.

"Called it."
Takeyu stared at the body, and nodded to himself. "Look's like my theory may have been correct," he said calmly and carefully entered the room, he pointed his weapon toward the 'ceiling' and then slowly began to scan the area for any hostiles that may have taken residence in the room.

A small little drone deployed from its hanger, and zipped on ahead and up to look for anything of interest. "Spread out, search the room."
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