Star Army

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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 2.1] Leaving the Lair


SARPaholic & Admin
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Convention Veteran
The Vithui Giana an HS-SS2-1a Ytaqo'a (Gatherer) - Class Ship sat on the deck of its berth on the Sotâka Ruomâqi (World Station) awaiting the arrival of two passengers. She was an older ship but her Ruoka and crew kept her in fine shape.

Behind the ship the nebula that was home to the clan could be seen through the atmospheric shielding. The Vithui Giana was bathed in the spot lights of the berth giving the appearance of glowing.

The Tin-Ta'a was Tihi Geivoy, a 43 year old Tula with tawny fur with gray spots. A touch of gray was visible around her mouth. She stood sat in her quarters reviewing the status reports on her terminal.

The Vithui Giana had been contracted by the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku to haul cargo and supplies to ships and stations. Right now their destination was the WAP Yome Ismâopate. She was investigating a clan ship that had been attacked. Tihi was not comfortable with this assignment. Her ship was while armed like most clan vessels, she was not a fighting ship. If whomever attacked the other ship came around. The Vithui Giana would be in danger.

She was not afraid to fight if necessary but her vessel represented a sizable resource to her Ruoka.
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Lupaie Punla Dwelling - Âmuso-mu Vonaieano'ka

Yanga had just finished the last of their packing so they could head for the docks when Haukru toddled in and tugged on the fabric of his kilt. "Did you wander away from Alpin again?" He asked the toddler, reaching down to scoop his favorite sibling up. He began blowing air against the three year old's belly. Haukru's giggles and squirming in his arms made Yanga's nerves less jittery reminding him that, once he was done with this trip, he could return to see the bubbly excitable young qaktoro again. Yanga set Haukru on his bed and stroked a hand over the baqli's ears, soothing him into silence and stillness.

Alpin appeared in the door way, scowling at Haukru, and approaching with the intent of hauling the toddler out of the room. "Leave him." Yanga said without glancing up from the remainder of his packing for them both. Alpin froze for a second, considering, and then changed tacks, quietly padding over to pull Yanga into his arms and away from the packing. Whatever Alpin whispered in Yanga's ear got him elbowed in the ribs. "Stop that and help me finish packing. Now is not the time for a wrestling match." Alpin, though grumpily, obliged.

Packed, dressed appropriately, and ready to head for the docks Yanga scooped up Haukru and left for the entrance hall to the house. When they reached it there was a lot of goodbyes to be said and finally Yanga pressed his forehead against Haukru's forehead. "Be good." He admonished softly and Haukru nodded, giving Yanga a tender touch of their noses and then a gentle lick at the corner of his mouth. "Yes yes. Amydi ri too." Yanga handed the toddler to Trilia and took his leave with his twin close behind him.

Sotâka Ruomâqi Docks

The pair was quiet when they reached the docks finally and went to find out where their transport was located. That much done and they headed for the berth the Vithui Giana was located at. Upon arrival at the berth the pair paused to study the ship. Yanga drew in a deep breath, backing up until he was pressed against his much taller sibling. Alpin glanced down and let out a soothing rumble, his tail snaking into Yanga's free hand and his free hand soothing other Yanga's ears. "No backing out of this now apaloasa." He reminded his twin and the look Yanga gave him earned a chuckle from Alpin. "Come on, lets announce our arrival to the Tin'Ta." With Alpin's support and encouragement Yanga lifted his chin and headed for the ship, Alpin quietly shadowing his smaller twin.

((Amydi ri - Love you / I love you
Apaloasa - Brother small / Little brother that works or apasa which is little sibling.
Hope I got those right.)) You did
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At the entrance to the ship a tall Qaktoro named Bulpu watched the two young Qaktoro approach. 'Perhaps these are the two we have been waiting for.' he thought.

He was several centimeters taller than Alpin and Yanga. He had a number of scars on his face, and arms, the fur white standing out on his black fur. He was wearing a grey tunic and kilt with black boots. He stepped out of the airlock and the door hissed shut behind him.

"You got your travel handy? No one get's on board the Vithui without them." He called out.
If you didn't know they were twins their movements almost seemed choreographed. The pair retrieved their orders from the same location, at the same time, and in the same manner. The only difference between them was that Alpin was offering his for reading over Yanga's shoulder. Yanga of course had to look up at Bulpu since he was much taller. Yanga glanced sideways when he felt Alpin's tail poke encouragingly at his side and then back to the Qaktoro. "I trust you will find everything is in order Sar." Yanga spoke up finally.
The Qaktoro took their papers. He first compared them to the information on a datapad that listed their names. He then scrutinized the documents to verify their authenticity.

"Well, these papers seem fine." he handed them back to the two. "Well get your tails on board. Now that you are hear we can finally get underway. Head to the lounge and the Tin-Ta'a will meet you along with the other passengers."
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Yanga puffed up at the comment about their tails and almost seemed ready to say something when Alpin gave his much smaller twin a nudge in the right direction to get him moving. "Thank you." The bigger Qaktoro added as they passed Bulpu and into the ship. Once out of sight, and earshot, of Bulpu Alpin stroked a hand over Yanga's ears a few times until the other relaxed. "Where are we going?" Alpin inquired, prompting Yanga to focus on something else. "Oh. Uh. Yes it should be this way." Yanga had done some reading up on the way to the ship so at least he knew his way around a bit. The pair headed down the hallway to the lounge, pausing to take in the room and it's occupants when they finally entered.
Sitting in the lounge were two Qaktoro sitting at the table. They both had raven black fur with light gray striping. They were wearing the WAP uniform. A black traveler's cloak was draped over their chairs. Between the two was a Hatakur'a Jujal (Hunter Prey) board. From the positions the two have been playing for sometime. Each had a container of Damuisa next to them.
Yanga considered the pair for a long moment and then he moved off to put his bag somewhere out of the way. That much done and he approached the table where the pair were playing their game and he stopped a few feet away, studying the board with clear interest. He said nothing though, preferring to remain silent unless the other two spoke up to him.

Alpin settled his bag alongside Yanga's bag and checked out the room before he relaxed a bit and went to join his twin, standing behind him and watching the game. "I still don't understand it anymore than the last time you tried to teach me." Alpin's words got a soft laugh out of Yanga. "I know. You're better at your VR games than board games."
Dorgos looked up from the board with his ice blue eyes at took note of the newcomers , "It would seem that we have an audience Meopa." said moving one of his pieces to harass one of his sibling's pieces. He looked at the two newest passengers stood up. "Bound for the Yome Ismâopate, I take it." he said with a grin. "I am Dorgos Tigu, and my older sibling is Meopa Tigu."

Meopa stood up his features almost identical to Dorgos, "A pleasure to make your acquaintances. At least I will not have Dorgos as my only companion for the trip. Who might you two be?"
Yanga took a step backwards into his much bigger brother and studied Dorgos and Meopa for a long moment. "I'm Yanga Lupaie. This is my twin brother Alpin. Pleased to meet you both." Yanga barred his teeth at the both of them. "We are bound for the Yome Ismâopate." Yanga confirmed. It was nice that they'd have others to interact with on their trip. He tilted his head slightly to look up at Alpin, wondering what he thought.

Alpin's thoughts ran parallel to Yanga's thoughts, though these he spoke out loud. "I will agree, it will be nice to have your company on this trip." He stroked a hand over Yanga's head from his nose to over his ears, a motion that spoke of pure habit by this point. "Please, return to your game." He added, nudging Yanga to go sit down and following his brother so they settled into chairs next to the brothers and sitting opposite of one another.
Meopa shrugged and looked at the board. His brown furled as he tried to see the trap that his apaloa was setting for him. After several false starts to move his next piece something caught his attention. A moment later he realized that there was a way to avoid the trap and turn the table. He picked up one of his attack pieces and placed it near one of his apaloa's attack pieces. "Your piece is in jeopardy."

Dorgos lost the smug smile that he had before Yanga and Alpin approached. After a moment, he toppled his primary piece. "You win Meopa. Thought for sure that I had you trapped."

Meopa took a sip of Damuisa and put the container back down. "You always get too focused Dorgos, that's your problem in the simulators as well." He turned to the others. The two of us are Tinnorpa'a. Looking for a chance to fly a Gulvisa against a real enemy." he said.
"You could have." Yanga spoke up "Got your bother I mean." He clarified to Dorgos. He pointed out several possible moves that could have ended with Dorgos winning. "I'm a bajao'a, hoping to become a Bajao'ka Tinsae in the next year or two." He toyed with one of the pieces of the game and gave them both a smile. "I'm not very good at fighting."

"I however am." Alpin added, gently tapping the table with the pads of his fingers. "I considered being a Tinnorpa'a but ended up a Daho'a." He mirrored his brother's smile. He glanced to his twin and then at the game board. He really didn't have much to talk about so he remained quiet. Yanga picked up the silence. "What else do you two like to do besides play?" He asked.
Dorgos spoke, "Well obviously we enjoy flying our Gulvisa. But we also enjoy flying SaâdorNiu. We got to do that on Âmuar. It a very different experience staying aloft without Heim generators or other propulsion. I enjoy reading books and camping and foraging."

Meopa shook his head, "You can keep your camping. Although I do enjoy the outdoors, but mainly for rock climbing, or rock collecting. I also like to draw when I have the time."
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Both twins considered that information for a moment and then Yanga got up and fetched his datapad from his gear and brought it back. "I'm not one for doing things out doors. Tends to land me in trouble," He turned a little so the pair of them could see his short tail "but I do enjoy sewing and drawing." He pulled up a few saved files of several of his better sketches, including one of a young qaktoro tucked warmly into a patchwork blanket and fast asleep.

Alpin grinned at the last image as it was based off of a photo that was taken soon after Haukru had arrived at their home. He remembered Yanga working through the night to make the blanket for Haukru so he felt warm and welcome. "I'm one for hunting, and exploring myself." He said finally. "Wrestling and Kamu'ka Âdaho'te are also some of my favorites when I have time for them."
Meopa looked at Yanga's datapad and his tail. "That looks like it was painful." Then when he heard Alpin mention dueling, gave a his head a shake.

Dorgos however smiled broadly, "Well if you are looking for a sparing partner for Kamu'ka Âdaho'te. I'm always looking for someone. Meopa and I practice, but its always good to have someone else to stay sharp."

Meopa spoke, "By practice he means using me as a target. Most likely for me beating him other forms of combat."
Both twins grinned at Meopa's words.

"I can sympathize." Yanga said softly, "Alpin may do it as a hobby but I've got my money on him being able to win high level competitions if he so wanted to." He gave his brother a fond look. "You should see him with our youngest siblings, Haukru and Liamau. He lets them win every time they get something right. Quite adorable I'd say." Usually was adorable. Big, rough and tough Alpin playing with baqli barely taller than his knee and hip respectively. To prove his point Yanga pulled up a few pictures of the last time he'd caught Alpin being a big softie with the young qaktoro and tula baqli and showed it to Meopa. "See? This one here with the white and grey coat is Haukru, and this one with the orange stripes is Liamau." The picture itself was of Alpin flat on his back with his tongue stuck out comically, the pair of baqli holding their dull little practice weapons and grinning at Yanga.

On the other side of the table Alpin following a completely different line of chatter with Dorgos. "I agree. It is always good to have someone else to practice with. I'd be happy to oblige you in some practice to keep sharp." He glanced over at Yanga, watching his sibling talk about their younger siblings and had little doubt that Yanga was showing Meopa some embarrassing picture he took. "Once we're settled and know when we have some free time we can talk further." He glanced around and then reached over and tilted Yanga's datapad so he could see the time stamp in the corner. "We were told the Tin-Ta'a was going to be along soon to meet us." He left unsaid that he was wondering just how much longer that was going to take. For as much as Alpin was enjoying the socializing he also wanted to see the rest of the small ship and find out where he and Yanga were going to be settled for the foreseeable future before they got to the WAP Yome Ismâopate.
The Vithui Giana had left the berth and was moving away from the Sotâka Ruomâqi. There was a familiar dimming of the lights as the ship was making final preparation for FTL. Over the speakers, "All hands prepare forMovidoanor transit."

A moment later a wormhole appeared in front of the freighter and the ship approached it and dove into it vanishing within.

It emerged at the out regions of the clan's territory. It shifted to the plasma drives and began moving towards it final rendezvous. "Transit complete. We are three hours from rendezvous."
Alpin's head snapped around, his ears upright and his tail curling around him at the words over the loudspeakers. For a brief moment he almost looked like he was going to run off and hide. Yanga sighed and reached out across the table to tug on the fur of Alpin's arm, breaking his brother's concentration and getting Alpin to snap out of it. Yanga was painfully aware of Alpin's dislike of anything to do with space, and FTL jumps tended to get to him the most, so it was generally up to Yanga to get Alpin's focus back on him instead. "Three hours." Alpin said, taking a deep breath. "Well then, what shall we do to fill our time?" Yanga added, looking at Meopa and Dorgos for any suggestions they might have.
Dorgos pondered Yanga's question. "How about we see if we can find something to eat. I seriously doubt that when we arrive at the Yome Ismâopate that it will be dinner time. That and it will take time to find the Tin-Ta'a and give our oaths, get assigned our cabins and then go to them and unpack."

Meopa shook his head at Dorgos' suggestion for a second. "While I would say that my brother tends to think with his stomach. And I hate to have to admit this. But he probably is right. Perhaps we should make our way to the mid deck and see if they have anything food prepared."
Yanga traded looks with Alpin and they seemed to decide at the same time and without having to speak a word between them. "Great Idea." Yanga said with a small smile, getting to his feet and heading off to tuck his datapad back with his belongings. "Lets go." Alpin added, coming to his own feet and stretching a bit to get the kinks out of his muscles. Of course with Yanga still busy poking at his gear Alpin decided to have a little fun, quietly tip toeing across the floor to get right up behind his twin. He leaned close "BOO!" and Yanga jumped, his fur puffing up in alarm. Yanga turned around in a hurry and smacked the pads of his hands against Alpin's chest, "Stop that!" He grouched as Alpin laughed. "Stoooop." He added again, not able to help but give a tiny smile at his brother's continued amusement at his reaction to being startled.