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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 2.1] Leaving the Lair

The image continued to expand as the Ismâo'a - Class moved closer to the Yome, and the ship that Yanga and the others continue to move towards it as well. The closer they got the more obvious it was that it had taken a beating. But what was most telling is that the hits were almost surgical in nature. As if whomever attacked it was very familiar with the design.

The image then was replaced with stars as the Vithui Giana rolled to get into docking position. A closeup view of the Yome came into view. Then the Vithui began moving into docking.

"Docking Maneuver Initiated." came from the speakers in the room. "We have good alignment. Closing on thrusters. 50 meters...."

Dorgos looked at the others. "Well, it would seem that shortly we will be on the Yome, and once we meet the Tin-Ta'a we can see about what was going on." he said with a grin.

"40 dâya..."

Meopa tore his eyes from the display. "Yeah, the Oath Giving.... Have you two thought about it? What you are going to do?"

"30 dâya... docking module extending...."

"The important thing is the blood offering. You have make it sincere gesture, but you don't want to cut yourself so bad that you have to see the Healers." he continued.

"20 dâya... slowing closure rate... 15.... 10... 7... 5 dâya... lights on... 3... 2... docking module engaged. We have solid lock. Docking complete."

From where the new members of the Yome sat the actual docking was the slighted nudge.
Yanga's nose wrinkled briefly as he thought. "I'm not entirely sure. We really haven't thought about what we're going to do as far as the oath giving goes." He admitted softly, a gentle squeeze from Alpin's paw encouraging him to speak up a little more. "I mean, I think I've got a good idea, but we'll have to wing it and see how It goes." He gave the other pair of brothers a grin. "We're pretty good at winging things. Lets get our gear together and head for the airlock yeah? If we want to be of help it's probably best we get over there as soon as possible." He picked his things up and stowed them away, Alpin silently following suit. Alpin shouldered both gear bags, and waited quietly for Yanga and the others to lead the way.
Meopa walked over and grabbed his bags, and watched his sibling do the same. "Well, I have thought about it. Its why I brought this." He said holding up a small blade. "Sharp enough to draw blood, but not enough to cut too deep. After all if we are going to be working, can disable myself. "

Dorgos walked over with his bags. "Let's get to the airlock. The good thing is they are right near us." he said opening the door. He gestured with his arm pointing to the starboard side of the ship. "Right there." he said with a grin.
Yanga nodded and then he slipped out and headed right for the airlock and Alpin followed after the other two brothers had followed. When they reached the airlock Yanga glanced around, hesitating and wondering if it was alright for them to get on over to the other ship since they were docked and all.
A gray furred Qaktoro walked came walking down the corridor and stood next to the airlock. "Well, I see you four are eager to leave out company and head off for grand adventures. One moment please." He said with a some what gravelly voice.

He then looked the airlock status indicator and made a few adjustments. "Okay the pressure is equalized." He said and stabbed a button. The inner door to the airlock opened with a barely perceptible hiss.

He looked at the group and held out a clipboard to Alpin. "When you get aboard give this to the ship's keeper. My crew will be standing by to transfer cargo to the Yome when they are ready. Mind your footing, the halfway point is a no grav area."

He took a moment to look at the individuals before him. He then brought of his hands up to his chest and gave a slight bow. "Good fortune to you Daho'ai. May Siamaka guide you." he said.

Dorgos returned the bow and strode into the airlock and then into the interconnect. He moved carefully, the interaction of the two ship's gravity fields could cause gravity anomalies. This time however the only issue was the center. He passed through the zero-g area by stepping across in an extended step. Like most Qaktoro he did not enjoy low gravity or zero-g. So it was with relief when he stepped into the airlock at the end.

He spotted a white furred Qaktoro with tawny stripes, he noted the Sâvyjo'ka crest on the person's tunic. "Sâvyjo Dorgos Tigu requestes permission to come aboard, Sar." he said in a clear voice.

Miooki Gisil had watched the newcomer make the crossing. "Permission granted Sâvyjo. The Tin-Ta'a is waiting for you and the others to hear your oath."

Dorgos stepped into the hallway and moved off to the side to make room for the others.
Since Alpin's hands were full Yanga took the clipboard and returned the slight bow. "Good Fortune to you too." He nudged Meopa to follow Dorgos, and once Meopa was through Alpin went next.

Alpin easily took a long stride across the zero grav section, his fur fluffing up with his dislike of it as he passed into the airlock at the end.

Yanga followed with the clip board, stepping with a bit of a spring into the zero gravity section and giving a halfway graceful spin through it and landed with his teeth showing in a highly pleased look. He found that sort of fun and almost considered bouncing back into it but then he reminded himself of what he needed to do and caught up with his brother.

Alpin caught Miooki Gisil's eyes and gave a slight bow in greeting "Sâvyjo Daho'a Alpin Lupaie-" "And Sâvyjo Bajao'a Yanga Lupaie!" Yanga added from behind Alpin "requesting permission to board." They finished at the same time.

Once given permission they slipped into the hall and moved away from the airlock, Yanga keeping the clipboard firmly in-paw so he didn't loose it.
Meopa brought the rear of the entourage. He walked through the passage way including the area with no gravity. While he did not like the feeling it gave, he was determined to not let it bother him.

Once he reached the end he looked at Miooki. "Sâvyjo Meopa Tigu requesting permission to board, Sar." he said in a voice the wavered just slightly belying his nervousness.

Miooki looked at the four of them, "I am Sâvyjo'ka Miooki Gisil. I am the Keeper for the Yome Ismâopate. Follow me and I will show you the way to the bridge. We are currently on Level 5. The Jyaon Ruo'sa is located two decks above us." Miooki set off at a comfortable gate. He led the team to the nearest lifts. He figured it was kinder than having them use the stairs lugging their possessions.

Once the lift stopped on deck 3 he opened the door and stepped out. "Tasi, kindly inform the Tin-Ta'a that the Greenies are on board." he said clearly.

"I have informed the Tin-Ta'a. He instructs me to tell you to send them in." came the Brain's voice.
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"Pleasure to have meet you Sar Sâvyjo'ka Miooki Gisil" Yanga said once they were where they needed to be. He offered the keeper the clip board. "I was instructed to give this to you." He let the other have it and then turned his attention to where they were going to be going into. He swallowed hard and took a few steps backwards until Alpin cut him off.

"No backing out of this now." Alpin murmured softly, running a paw over Yanga's head and ears, attempting to soothe and relax his brother before they went in to speak their oath to the Tin-Ta'a and begin their formal work upon the ship.
Miooki looked at the newest members. "Any of you folks need anything related to your service aboard the Yome Ismâopate. You come to me. And best you take good care of whatever equipment you are assigned. The Yome is one of the lucky ships. We get the newest equipment. But I'm sure the Tin-Ta'a won't think highly of any member of his crew that does not take care of it." he said. He looked at the clipboard. "Ooh, Kasâvyjo Kehula going to love this added work for him. Some new equipment... state of the art.. they say. To my way of thinking it means its something new and they need to test it." He chuckled and looked at the lot. "Well, you heard Tasi. Best get yourselves in there. Leave your baggage out here up against the wall so no one trips over it."

Dorgos and Meopa had followed in the wake of the others. Both of their tails were twitching and swishing. It was clear that they were very excited to be aboard the ship.

Dorgos almost bumped into their new friends when they stopped short of the door. He nimbly went around them and opened the door and walked in. His eyes glistened as he took in the bridge. But he maintained enough control to keep moving. He walked up to the station where the Tin-Ta'a was seated. Stopping short he performed the formal salute with a bow. "Sâvyjo Dorgos Tigu reporting for duty and ready to offer my oath, Sar." He rose up and waited.

Meopa put a comforting hand on Yanga's shoulder. "It will be okay." he said and walked in.

Stepping onto the bridge was unlike standing on any of the other ship bridges. For this was a fighting ship. One of the newest types that his Clan had built. He was honored to serve aboard her in defense of the clan. He followed his apaloa and stood next to him. He like wise performed the same bow that his brother had, they had been practicing since they started training. "Sâvyjo Meopa Tigu, stands ready to offer my oath, Sar." and rose from his bow.
Yanga took courage, and strength, from Meopa and Alpin and followed Meopa onto the bridge, stepping up next to him.

Alpin joined Yanga after putting their things down in the hall and together they gave a bow to the Tin-Ta'a. "Sâvyjo Daho'a Alpin" "And Sâvyjo Bajao'a Yanga Lupaie" "Here to offer our oaths" "to you Tin-Ta'a Sar" The pair trading off words flawlessly.

They were quite clearly used to it, and they were both thinking along the same lines as to how they might go about offering up an oath of service.
Qaedal Aaeas looked at the four newest members of his ship's compliment with his bright blue eyes. 'Another batch of baq daho'a.' He looked at the ship sensors and made note of the status of the away team.

He stood from his chair and ensured his niomobekâ was proper. "In the interest of efficiency, I am going to handle your oath taking as a group. I will as for all four of your oaths. Then when I am through, I want each of you to reply in the order in which you entered the bridge."

He then looked briefly towards one of the brain's bridge pickups. "Tasi, begin recording of Oaths."

"Recording started Tin-Ta'a Aaeas." came the brain's voice from multiple speakers.

"Ovuhu-te" he said in a loud tone.

Dorgos and Meopa immediately brought themselves to attention standing straight and still.

He then in a clear and deep voice that was not easily ignored spoke. “Sâvyjoi Dorgos Tigu, Meopa Tigu, Alpin Lupaie, Yanga Lupaie. All of you have been assigned to this vessel. Do you give your oath that you will obey the orders of those above you as long as they are worthy? Do you give your oath that you will commit your skills, blood and even your very life should it be required? Do you give your oath freely and with no evasion that you will serve in the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku, with distinction that will reflect well upon the Poku, your Ruoka and your Punla?”

Dorgos took a half step forward. “I do pledge my oath to obey those above me so long as they be worthy, to commit all that I have. I give my oath freely and shall ever strive to serve with distinction, for the Poku, my Ruoka, and my Punla. I swear these things to my Tin-Ta'a.” He took out his service knife and made a small cut on his right palm with the tip. He then let several drops fall to the deck. “So I give a token of my blood as proof of my word.” He sheathed the knife and stepped back in line.

Qaedal looked towards Meopa.

Meopa moved forward and in a clear voice said. "I hereby pledge my oath to obey those above me so long as they be worthy. I commit all that I have to this ship and the one who commands it. I do so freely, and promise to strive to serve with distinction. I swear these things to my Tin-Ta'a." He took out the small knife he had shown the others. He placed the blade across his palm, and then drew it slowly across while looking Qaedal in the eye. When he heard several drops hit the deck, "So I give a token of the blood that sustains me as proof of my word." He stepped back and put the knife into its sheath.

Qaedal looked next at Alpin.
"Ovuhu-te" he said in a loud tone.

Alpin and Yanga both straightened up as well, paying attention to the other two giving their oaths and when Qaedal's attention turned to Alpin, Alpin's attention turned to Yanga for a moment and then he meet Qaedal's eyes.

"For as long as they are worthy, we follow the orders of those above us. For as long as we live, we give our skills, our blood and even our very lives should it be required in the service of the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku and for the honor of our Ruoka, Punla, and the Clan most of all." They spoke as one, and while it wasn't exactly planned, they knew each other more than well enough to not say something different between them.

Alpin spoke up then "I offer my oath of my own free will, and with no evasion, to serve the ship, her crew, and her Tin-Ta'a and Tin-To'a." Yanga followed with the same exact wording. "I offer my oath of my own free will, and with no evasion, to serve the ship, her crew, and her Tin-Ta'a and Tin-To'a." And then, instead of using their utility knives, they crossed paws, Yanga's right to Alpin's left, and used a claw to cut a shallow wound into each other's palm.

"As proof of our oath, we offer our life blood." They added together, each squeezing the other's paw so that a few drops of their blood hit the deck between them at almost the same time. To Alpin and Yanga, this was more than just an oath to the ship and the Tin-Ta'a, it was also an oath to each other.

Qaedal smiled at the foursome. "I accept your oaths. Welcome to the Yome Ismâopate. We have a team currently off ship, but they should be returning shortly. Once they do you will have a chance to get to know them. For now, head up to down to deck one and find a cabin. Any questions?"
Yanga thought for a long moment. "Would you know which deck they'll be entering the ship at? I'd like to be there to help out when they get here." Alpin nodded his agreement at his brother's words, but otherwise he seemed to have no questions. "Otherwise I have no other questions. Thank you Tin-Ta'a." He barred his fangs, clearly more than eager to get going so they could get their gear to their room and be free and capable of helping when the away team got back.
"Well some of them will be arriving in the flitter bay, on Deck 3. The rest will EVA and enter the airlocks on Deck 5. Once you stow your gear go ahead and assist." Qaedal replied.
Both Yanga and Alpin gave slight bows, thanked Qaedal and once they were effectively dismissed they both grabbed their gear and headed to Deck one. Once there it was a short, silent, discussion between them and they each picked a room that seemed to only have one occupant, hoping that their randomly selected roommates wouldn't protest too much. There was always the option of changing rooms later once they'd meet their fellow crew mates. They dropped their gear off, changed into work clothes and headed for Deck three, wanting to get there so they could be on hand to help both before and after the away team got back to the Yome Ismâopate.
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