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Inactive Member
OOC: Joint post with @Edto Xar'Sivaree for Love Day's random pairings! This is now canon, occuring between the end of YSS Heartbreaker mission 2 and mission 3.

YSS Heartbreaker, Medical Bay

Edtoto sat on a bed in the Medical Bay. She felt weird after being poked and prodded by so many machines, needles, and various other unpleasant things. She was told rather sternly however to remain where she was. The most she managed to handle was that someone was coming to speak to her. So she sat and waited.

Eventually, the door to the medical bay opened and the Heartbreaker's scientist walked in, eyeballing the alien sitting on the examining bed. She held in her hands a datapad with the handful of notes she'd taken regarding the two species they had just encountered.

"Well," Ingrid said, setting the datapad aside. "It's been a day to remember so far."

"Remember! Yes. Will remember," Edtoto stated, staring rather intently. Her voice sounded artificially female and it didn't seem like she really needed to move her muzzle to talk. "Will remember this day. Two race, one day. None for many year," she continued, looking at the datapad. She pointed at it, and made a weird squealing chittering noise.

Ingrid blinked in surprise at the sound Edtoto made, then followed her gesture towards the datapad. She looked back at Edtoto's face and tried to read the expression there as best she could. After pausing a moment, she reached over and picked up the pad. "It's a datapad," she explained while showing it to Edtoto, "I use it for taking notes and storing information."

The Lizard shook her head, reaching over with a surprisingly delicate hand and swiped the pad from the scientist's hand. She seemed to know what it was, and the basics of how it worked. The only problem she seemed to have was how she didn't know the details of how to use it. She chittered at it in annoyance. "Speak... I speak, it take sound and make word... hope," she stated, her finger seemingly scratching up and down on the surface rapidly.

Alarm flashed onto Ingrid's face as she saw the Vekimen scratching at the screen. "Woah," she said as she pulled the device back from Edtoto, "let's go easy on that." With the datapad out of immediate danger, Ingrid quickly checked the screen for scratches. What she saw surprised her. Instead of a mess of squiggles and scratched glass, Edtoto had sketched out a series of soundwaves. Ingrid cocked her head as she pondered it. "Speak," she muttered to herself, "take sound.... Ah, diction, recording!"

She saved the current worksheet that Edtoto had scribbled on and opened up a speech recognition program and a word processor. She went to give the datapad back, but thought of another thing. She opened up a sound analyzer. "Here," she said, handing it over, "this program will take what words you speak in Trade and write it down. This other program will record what you say and display it as a waveform. Go ahead and say what you wish."

The lizard nodded her head rapidly as Ingrid started to realize what she was trying to do. Her tail snapped in excitement as she took the datapad in her hand. "Watch. Not know all," she commanded, her voice still carrying that artificial tone. She made a sound similar to someone clearing their throat.

"Speak," she stated, her voice sounding like a mirror image of Ingrid's. With a calm face, she made a weird buzzing sound. Then, with a sullen sound, she made a similar sound, but deeper. She went through a range of emotional looks, making a similar sound each time. Then she pointed at speak in the word processor. "All same" she said, pointing at each of the wave samples. "Same word, you, me. My write, your write," she said, once again pointing at speak and the soundwaves. All the soundwaves looked exactly the same, only they were different octaves.

Ingrid took back the datapad and played back the various recordings, one at a time, considering the range of tones. She played the first one over a few times to memorize the sound and then made a terrible attempt at repeating it, choking on the impossible sounds. The lizard burst out with a chittering laugh while Ingrid broke down giggling. "Well, you can have that to your advantage," she laughed. As she calmed down, she was struck by a question. "Which tone do you use for humour?"

Edtoto stared for a moment at the question. "Humour... Humour..." she asked, tilting her head. She made the chittering sound again, then pointed at herself. "Humour?" she asked

"Yes, humour," she said, and did a poor, fakey repetition of her giggling. "Funny stuff, humour."

Edtoto nodded, "Tone... Humour tone," she said before shaking her head. "Humour, special. No one tone. Special," she said, before making a loud snapping sound. "Humour!"

Ingrid sighed and slumped a little. She gave Edtoto a sidelong look and considered. Her face lit up and she snapped her fingers as she got an idea. "Knock, knock," she said.

Edtoto blinked, before going, "Knock, knock," in turn.

The Minkan's mouth worked futilely as Ingrid realized that Knock, Knock jokes may have too much cultural history. She was struck, though, by Edtoto's impressive mimicry. She began swiping and poking at the datapad. "I want you to repeat this. Just give me one moment," she said as she worked. A few seconds later, she made a final stab at the screen and music began to pour out of the pad's speakers while a video played. Ingrid let the song play through an upbeat intro and the first line of a raucous lyric. She stopped the playback and gestured at Edtoto to repeat it.

The Lizard woman stared at the datapad making sounds and looked at how Ingrid was pointing at it. After a few moments, she opened her muzzle and started imitating the lyrics and the basic melody of the song, while obviously struggling a little to keep up.

Ingrid laughed in amazement as she listened to the duplicated song. "That's incredible, Edtoto," she marveled. "You don't have to repeat the music, just the lyrics is amazing." She began sliding through the datapad's screen again, biting her lip as she intently sought out a particular song. She looked up at the confused lizard face. "Oh, I'm going too fast; you still don't know those words," she said. "Music," and she made a terrible rendition of the previous song's instrumental accompaniment, "and lyrics," and she sang the opening line from the song, slightly off key.

"Here, try this song instead." A graceful melodic line began playing from the speakers--the opening line of an old, popular love song--as she watched Edtoto with a wide, expectant and excited smile.

Edtoto listened intently this time, before looking at Ingrid with a smile. She reached over and tapped the screen where Ingrid tapped it to play the song once again. She listened again, very quietly mimicking the sounds of the song as it went. When the song ended, Edtoto looked at her intensely. Slowly, she started to repeat a basic version of the song's melody and lyrics. She leaned slightly forward as she did, watching as Ingrid's face lit up in pure delight.

"That is, just, wow," Ingrid said softly. "I've always loved that song. I had such a crush on the singer when I was younger and I, uh..." Her face flushed and she stammered, "It was like, well like, I was, it's like." She paused and took a moment to find her words. "You look nothing like she does, but part of me doesn't care about that when you sound exactly like her." She nervously giggled.

Edtoto blinked, looking at the scientist. "You... You like sound?" she asked, pointing at the datapad. "You like sound like this?" she asked, her voice shifting to sound like the voice of the singer. "You want me sound like this?" she asked, her voice a perfect impression of the singer’s.

Ingrid looked sidelong at Edtoto. "You can sound however--Yes, I like it when you sound like that." She looked down at the datapad and fondled the sides of it.

Edtoto seemed to give a toothy smile. "You like, I do. Make you happy?" she asked, taking her head and leaning forward a touch, imitating the actors in the music video on the datapad.

Ingrid's eyes fluttered and her heart hammered in her chest. She slowly started to move into the lean. "Yeah, I'm happy," She whispered, her nose almost touching the lizard’s muzzle. "This really has been a day to remember."

Not entirely knowing what she was doing, Edtoto let loose a slight, chesty growl. "Good," she breathily exhaled in the singer's voice.

Ingrid's eyes went wide as plates and her pupils narrowed to pinheads as the Vekimen's foul, rotten, horrid, decayed breath hit her. Her mouth snapped shut and her face clenched up as her eyes watered, trying to do anything to prevent the noxious air from entering her system. She jerked her head back as her stomach flipped. Curtly, she pushed away Edtoto's face and said, her voice strained, "Excuse me." She stood up, her stomach flopped, and she hastily beat it from the room. The door closed behind her and faint sounds of retching could be heard from just outside.

Edtoto was admittedly a little surprised by having her face pushed away so suddenly. She watched the scientist suddenly flee, leaving her to her own devices. She blinked a few times before looking herself over. "Something wrong?" she asked no one in particular.
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