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RP: YSS Heartbreaker [Mission 2 Aside .5] Sad Farewell

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
The two Ee'ith ambassadors were as busy as bees in the Heartbreaker's cargo hold, securing what little they had managed to save from their own ship in preparation for departure. Sally and Yui were going to be joining the crew of a Yamataian battleship, and the two were very clearly excited; even the more reserved Yui was full of energy.

"Don't forget the copper, Yui.", Sally instructed as she hefted a box filled with ration canisters. "I would like to do some carving while we are travelling."
Yui let out an affirmative huff and began checking for the crate containing the sheets of metal while Sally disappeared through an airlock.

Soon, the little ambassador returned, a smile displayed on her mask and squeaking quietly to herself, stopping in her tracks when she saw a familiar figure.
"Hello, Edtoto!", Sally chimed in a friendly voice, toddling over towards the far taller Vekimen and giving her scaled form a hug. "We've almost got everything packed!"

Edtoto returned the hug of the little... giant insect with as close to a smile as she could get through the respirator she wore. "I can see. You seem excited" She added, looking over the packing they had been doing. The Vekimen had been watching the packing quietly for a little while, intending to offer a hand. When she had got there, though, she realized that Sally and Yui were the only two creatures on the ship she could call a friend, and admittedly got a touch upset by the idea of the leaving.

"You are being transferred rather quickly. I didn't think it would be this fast before we were seperated" She explained, looking at the gear and scratching at the mask. "You will attempt to keep contact yes?" She asked, running a finger absently over the I'ee's feeler.

Sally let out a soft, sympathetic whine and tightened her hug, flicking her antennae at Edtoto's touch. "I know... but Yui and I still have a task we need to perform...", the ambassador said quietly. "If we had more time, we would gladly stay. You are my first alien friend, and I will miss you."

The I'ee pushed her face against Edtoto's chest, holding her tight for a moment before continuing. "I'll try my best to stay in contact with you, but I am not sure how easy it will be, or how busy me and Yui might be when we reach our new destination.", Sally explained solemnly. "Ingrid is nice, though. She might make a good friend for you on this ship."

Edtoto smiled at the tightening, nodding with understanding at the I'ee explination. "I know Sally,we both have jobs and they will be hard. I still need to find the station. I have been told that this task will be easier here. Once we find them, Yamatai will send ships to pick them up. At least as far as I understand it" She added, holding Sallys head int her chest.

"I will keep Ingrid in mind. only recently had a conversation with each other and I'm just realizing that I probably made her quite disturbed with how it went" She frowned. "I feel bad, and I intend to apologize soon. I just don't want to bother her in her work with something that might be either a very long talk or a very short talk" She said, stepping way from Sally and walking over to the supplies. "Do you two need any further help?" She asked, looking at Yui who was left to do the work on her own.

Sally looked to Yui, who had stopped to watch the two. "I can manage the rest of this on my own if you would like some time to spend together.", she said before going back to her work, carrying another crate off through the airlock.

"Hm...", Sally mused, turning back to Edtoto. "Was there anything you wanted to do before we go? Would you like a cuddle?" She buzzed her wings, the LED mask displaying a wide grin.

Edtoto frowned when she was told that she didn't need any help. Edtoto liked Yui too, but she figured the stoic soldier type wasn't one for goodbyes. At the cuddle idea, though, Edtoto could help but smile warmly. Even if the respirator made it difficult to see, the way the lizards tail swayed made it clear she was happy with the idea.

Sally let out a squeaky chortle of delight when she saw Edtoto's tail swishing. "Hehehe!", she laughed through her speakers as well. "Where would you like to cuddle, Edtoto? Is there a spot on the ship you like?"

Edtoto smiled, looking on the other side of the Cargo Bay. "Well, the Captain let me use some emergecy supplies to make a little pit for myself so to speak after I told him of my kinds dislike for open spaces. If you want to go there then that is fine" She smiled and starting to walk, tail swaying excitedly behind her.

"Ok!", Sally squeaked eagerly, clinging onto Edtoto's arm like an excited child and allowing her to lead the way. As they walked, the little I'ee chattered away happily, making small talk. "I hope Yamatai can help your people, Edtoto!", she chirps. "So far they have been really nice to me, and they seem eager to find new friends!"

Edtoto chuckles. "They have been tolerant of me, but I believe they feel uncomfortable being around a creature who sees little difference between people and food,was sure didn't" She said, walking to the boxes. There was a small opening, just big enough for the I'ee to barely fit through. It would certainly be tight, that is for sure. Inside, it would be a small tunnel, then she would have to crawl up onto a platform where there was random "Aquired" bits of cloth and other such soft and insulating things. "You go in first, and I will follow after yes?" She asked

"I'm sure they'll get used to you!", Sally said, ever positive. "We all look so different, yet we can still be friends!" At Edtoto's direction, the little I'ee dropped onto all six of her legs and crawled into the darkness of the Vekimen's den.

When Edtoto followed, she'd find the ambassador already settled upon some cloth, squeaking softly with excitement. "It is cozy in here!", she declared when she heard Edtoto entering.

Edtoto followed behind swiftly, seeming much more natural in the dark, enclosed space. If the den was cramped before, with two bodies filling it, it was quite cramped now. It practically forced the two together sure didn't bother the I'ee given their reason to show up. Her only concern was messing up Sally's fragile wings. "Heh, yes. I had a susicion that I might be entertaining guests in here, so I made it a touch larger than normal" She explained, before fiddling with the Respirator.

"You don't mind if I take this off do you? I wear it so others will be more comfortable in close proximity with me, but I am unsure as to how you feel with my obvious biological issues. It is hard to remember conversations in a language you don't understand fully" She explained.

Sally cuddled up to the Vekimen without a second thought, squeaking affectionately to her and giving strange, bug 'kisses' to Edtoto's visor. "You can take it off.", she said with a nod of her head, and took off her LED mask herself; hooking the longer of its two straps around her abdomen so she wouldn't lose it.

While Edtoto was busy removing her helmet, Sally got comfortable, snuggling against the Vekimen's chest and filling the cramped den with her soft squeaks. "Would you like it if I tried warming us up a little?", Sally asked, buzzing her wings for emphasis. "Me and Yui use our wings when we are cold."

Edtoto chuckled. "Please. It would be much better than killing the battery to my suit to warm this place up. I'm trying to see if I can get anything else to insulate this place so the heat sticks around longer" She said, pulling Sally closer. She giggled at the little licks she got, but was very careful to not return the favor. She had already experinced what happened to Yui, and didn't want the same process to happen to Sally, even if the whole ordeal was a mistake. Instead, she just wraped her tail lightly around her abdomen and pressed her forehead against the wasps. "I'll try to get into contact with you as soon as I am able to Sally" She explained softly. "I certainly won't forget about you and Yui" She added, letting out a deep sigh.

"That makes me happy!", Sally said, a low buzzing filling the space as her wing muscles vibrated, gradually warming her body. "I won't forget you either!" The I'ee gently pushed her head back against Edtoto's, stroking over her muzzle with her antennae.

Inevitably, the Vekimen's stanky breath was beginning to permeate the space, but if it bothered Sally, she bottled it up as tight as she could. Some of the times she buried her face, and antennae, into Edtoto's bosom was more in an effort to gain respite from the stinky miasma than it was purely from love.

Edtoto enjoyed the time away from her respirator, but she had a feeling Sally wasn't quite enjoying it with how often she was burying her antennae into her chest. she looked around quickly, and with a smile to the wasp put it back on. "Thank you from the reprive, I'll let us enjoy this fully now" She grinned, running her clawed fingers from where Sallys head connected to her Thorax, down between her wings and to her petiole, with her tail tightening around her abdomen. "You feel surprisingly nice for a creature covered in armour," She said absently

Sally squeaked softly, watching Edtoto replace the helmet upon her head. "Are you sure?", she asked, holding the Vekimen tighter with her six limbs. Despite her politeness, Sally did seem more at ease now that the air was clearing a little.
Her thorax was quite warm by now as well, so she stopped buzzing for the moment and snuggled up closer to her alien friend.

"I'm glad my body is not unpleasant.", she squeaked happily, nuzzling thoughtlessly into Edtoto's bosom again; enjoying the unusually soft flesh. "It is interesting to hold a body that feels so different."

Edtoto nodded, continuing her trailing along her back before her hand lifted up ad started running along her antennae. "You don't feel much do you? Given this hard plate around your body" She asked, not exactly knowing what the plate was called.

"I do not know how much you feel compared to me.", Sally said, letting out a soft, pleased coo when she felt the Vekimen stroke her antennae. She seemed to especially enjoy it when Edtoto rubbed the tips, which seemed to be the most sensitive.

Edtoto noticed the change in Sallys reaction, rubbing her fingers along the top as one might feel a peice of cloth. "I can see you feel quite a bit in certain places" She laughed. "Is this relaxing?" She added, curious as to how her friend reacted to things.

"It... is...", Sally replied haltingly, appearing to be quite distracted by the caress of her antennae. "It... feels... nice..." The little I'ee had gone mostly still in Edtoto's arms, save for the frantic breathing of her abdomen; still compensating for the buzzing of her wings.

Edtoto could feel Sally's abdomen pulsing rapidly, placing a free hand on her back softly. "You seem to have select spots of feeling. I also seem to be constricting your lungs" She added, loosening the grip her tail had. She focused on the one attenae, bringing the hand from her back up onto the other antennae, more curious about the reaction she would get than what she was doing.

"Mm... mnah...", was Sally's distracted response. "Feels... nice..." The little I'ee seemed like she might fall asleep in Edtoto's arms if the gentle massage continued, only managing to give the Vekimen a few affectionate nibbles of her own from time to time.

"Love you... Edtoto... like... my sister...", Sally mumbled quietly, squeezing Edtoto gently with her limbs.

Edtoto had done a lot of learning recently, and given her recent delving into the topic of Affection, she didn't understand the seperation from love of family and love of another. She stopped for a moment, blinking at Sally for a moment. "You... Love me?" She asked softly. Sally could feel how the Edtoto's chest seemed to hitch. "I didn't think you felt that way?" She said, leaning away. It wasn't in a "Get away" kind of way. More in a processing way.

Sally twitched, having been jolted out of her dreamy, happy daze of antenna massages, and let out a soft squeak. "Well, why wouldn't I? You're like my sister!", Sally said, pressing up close to Edtoto again. "I feel like you could be a part of my family, and almost nothing would be different!"
The little I'ee squeaked again, seeming to be quite happy with her explanation, and gave Edtoto's helmet a little bug kiss.

The thought processes that went through Edtoto's head would be confusing to most people. Her last name was a formality among her kind. They had been on the station for so long, the idea of family was more or less who you lived with. Who you chose to live with specifically, and given such constant and close proximity it would lead to affection. Sally's explination was being taken much differently than what the bug might expect.

Edtoto blinked. "What else feels good to you Sally? Your anttenae, anything else?" She asked, curious. "Because I like that idea... I would gladly have you in my family" She said softly. "So what else feels good to you?" She asked again.

Sally paused, feeling something very fundamentally wrong about ever being a part of someone else's family. Her silence drew on for a good few moments, to the point where it was quickly becoming quite awkward.

"I... do not want to leave my family.", she finally said in a flat, halting tone. The I'ee's embrace had become stiff and uncomfortable as well, reflecting just how disturbed she currently felt.

Edtoto blinked at how Sally's demeanor changed, and was wildly confused at her statement. Leave /her/ family? "I don't understand... What does family mean to you? I didn't think I insinuated leaving your family? You said you wanted me in your family, and I want you to join mine. I thought we were saying the same thing..." She stated coolly, but still calmly. She was used to dealing with sudden changes in mood, and knew to be clear at least.

"It... means different things to you...", Sally affirmed, suddenly sounding immensely relieved; even letting out a soft sigh. The little I'ee relaxed again as quickly as she had become tense, cuddling up close to Edtoto.

"I am sorry, Edtoto. I never meant that our families ought to join... That... just wouldn't work.", she continued. "I meant that I care and love you like I love Yui, my sister. I feel like I can trust you like I would a sister. You're very special to me, and my family as a whole."

The feeling of concern lifted as Sally went back to her usual self. Edtoto relaxed and went back to stroking Sally's anntenae. "Family to Vekimen are the adults you sleep with. Adults and Children are seperated due to the problem of our kind going feral in some situations. Our only relations are Family and Work. Our Clan sigils are based on an estranged, archaiach idea of marraige that is just a formality. My mother doesn't know who my father is among her family, despite she was married to a Laderen male. She is however fairly sure it was a Laderen given I don't show many signs of a Kiratan.

Sally listened with interest, finding such a loosely defined form of family outlandish. "Why do you become family by sleeping with each other?", she asked curiously, snuggling closer to Edtoto. "I wouldn't love someone just because we sleep together. Though, sleeping together can be very comfortable and nice."

The little I'ee nuzzled against Edtoto for emphasis, wishing that she had time to nap in the Vekimen's cosy den. "Are... Laderen and... Kiratan families?"

Edtoto listened and nodded. "Laderen are the Clan most notable for being leaders. Many high ranking officers are Laderen. They are strong in personality and have a commanding air about them. They are the tallest of the Vekimen, and are good with personal interactions. They are often the ones sent to deal and quell disputes and such before they can turn into a station wide riot. Sivaro, my named Clan are thin and wirey, but are generally the medium in height. My clan was the one that built our station so many generations ago, and created all of our equipment. We are responcible for the more technical aspects of the station" She explained.

Then she frowned. "The Kiraten are... Well they are little more than workers. They are short, but strong in build. Many of the females of the clan would outmatch males from other clans in feats of strength. They are also the most populant, but many of them find it difficult to learn. They are weak of mind, but certainly make up for it in their strength of body, and their willingness to take orders. We have done many studies to see if there is anything we can do, but despite it, we have yet to learn how to get them to learn as the other two clans do. They are quite happy in their position though" She added, not realizing the implications of what she said.

"As for family, well you have childen with Family. We have one large den for those without a family. If you are brought into a family, you go to their den and you sleep with them. They are smaller dens, more comfortable, and maintain heat much better. As perfect conditions as we can get to making the breeding grounds of our home planet as it was explained to me. Children are made, mothers spend time in the maternity den where males are not allowed until the child can eat regularly. Then they are sent to the childrens den. Most get pulled into the families of their parents, others join the families of their friends. It is the individuals choice to what family they join, but it can sometimes get political. However, most clans tend to stick together. Interbreeding is often a selection decision, or an individual will be barred from goig back to their family if too many children have gone back to the families den" She finished.

Sally was quiet for a moment as she processed the information from Edtoto. "Oh, I see.", she finally said. "That is interesting, and very different from my people. It... wouldn't work at all for us." The I'ee cuddled up closer to her Vekimen friend, squeaking at her. "I find it amusing that despite our differences, our families still have specific... specialities."

Edtoto nodded, but then frowned a little, stopping her massage. "So... I take it I was... Thinking incorrectly with my idea of what you meant" She asked. "I thought you wanted... Well... Love as I understand it from a Trade point of view often involves mating, or when children is not possible just things that feel good to the individuals..." She said, sounding a bit embarrassed if that was even possible.

The I'ee giggled at the thought of having children, nuzzling up against Edtoto. "Unfortunately, I cannot mate.", Sally chortled. "If all of my sisters could start their own families, there would be too many of us to count!"

After a moment of thought, though, Sally moved on to the topic of pleasure. "You do make me feel good, though, Edtoto.", she mused. "Cuddling with you now is relaxing and warm, and I wish I didn't have to go so soon. You really are a good friend to me, and that makes me really happy. Having a good alien friend is what my entire family aspires to achieve."

Edtoto nodded slowly, now feeling quite embarrassed. "I see we were talking about two different things then... Females in family dens often mate with each other for the sake of it. Like... Bonding so to speak. We can't have children together, and most Vekimen do so exclusivly until they are ready to have children even. Now that I think of it, it's silly as I have no idea how I would even go about it if you were interested. I'm sorry for the missunderstanding, I seem to be making a lot lately." She said, sounding a little down.

"Don't be sad.", Sally squeaked, giving Edtoto another bug kiss on her visor. "We can still cuddle!" The I'ee squeezed her Vekimen friend lovingly, squeaking to her for a few moments longer. "Yui is probably waiting for me... Shall we head back outside, Edtoto?"

Edtoto frowned a little more at Sally saying she needed to leave. Despite the kind way Sally put it, Edtoto couldn't help but be reminded. She did feel better for the cuddle, but she couldn't help but feel it was just Sally's natural upbeat attitude to be that way. "Yes, we have been in here for quite some time," She said, shifting skillfully around to the very back of the little den so Sally could crawl her way out. She would follow after, her tail tip dragging along the ground. "I am going to miss you Sally. Much more than you may think" She said simply. "It has been some time since I have had someone I was this close too" she added, looking at Yui once she was in sight. "You too Yui"

When Edtoto was out in the open, Sally was already giving Yui a big hug; having been waiting patiently outside. As Edtoto got to her feet, Sally tottered over to give her a big hug too, squeaking to her.

"I will miss you too!", she whined sadly. "I hope we will speak again soon."

Yui seemed a little surprised to receive any attention from Edtoto, taking a step forward and giving a polite, little bow. "You have made my sister very happy, Edtoto.", the more taciturn I'ee replied. "Your friendship with her is an important event for our whole family. I am glad we have met you."

The guardian I'ee even stepped forward to give Edtoto a little hug of her own, while Sally worked on placing her LED mask back upon her face; once again displaying the happy smiley face on its black screen.

Edtoto smiled. "The relationship is mutual, if not littered with the occassional misunderstanding," She said with a soft smile, hugging both the the I'ee in turn as they came to her. "And I hope I never upset your sister, or you for that matter. I still feel horrible for biting you when you tried to get me to safety. I will have to see if I can go and create the Anti-toxin in the Heartbreaker medical lab. I would rather not relive the experince" She said softly.

"As for contact, I will do what I can to keep it with you. I will be on the heartbreaker for the next month or so by Yamatai time, so if you can get a message here quick enough you may be able to tell me where you will be heading so I can contact you. I have an identity on the Yamatai Virtual system or whatever they call it. Needed it for my meeting with the Empress" She stated, sighing a little. "I will make it a priority to meet you again Sally and Yui. This will not be our last good-bye if I can do anything about it"

"I hold no grudge.", Yui stated, stepping to one side. "Were I in your position, I would have bit as well." Sally was still cuddled up close to Edtoto, making soft, mournful whines into her chest.

"I'll do that, Edtoto.", Sally squeaked, displaying a brave smile on her mask despite how sad she felt inside. "I believe, after our scuffle with the Thoot, that my whole family would be on the lookout for other Vekimen too. Sooner or later, we will meet again."

After a moment more of quiet cuddles, Yui spoke up again. "We need to leave now, Sally."

The I'ee ambassador whined sadly, squeezing Edtoto in her arms before releasing her and taking a step away."I hope to see you soon, Edtoto.", Sally squeaked meekly, looking up at her Vekimen friend. "I love you."

Edtoto silently nodded, holding Sally close until Yui said it was time to go. She was unwilling to leave the embrace as well, but she knew it would be easier for the smaller creature if Edtoto didn't put much weight into it. "I love you too Sally, and we will. The only question is when" She explained, putting on a smile. They way her tail hung limp among her kind would be a dead give away of how she really felt, but she hadn't been depressed around Sally and Yui before. Maybe that would let the action go unnoticed. "Keep me to date if your family does find any more Vekimen. I would like to know if the others who were sent out along with me are safe" She said, before turning and walking away. She didn't want to prolong the disengament too long, or risk souring the ambassadors mood entirely.

Sally watched Edtoto go in silence, the happy smile on her mask flickering to a sad frown as she turned and left with her sister, passing through the airlock and leaving the Heartbreaker behind.
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