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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Mission 2: Heffelumps Beware!

Fort Nozomi

General Ragnar Bjornisson had taken command of Task Force Piglet, both to 7th fleets officers to return to their regularly scheduled programming, as well as a show of good faith from Star Army during the increase of joint operations on Gashmere. The Fleet from YEMA under former Star Army Taisa and now Acting Director Aizawa Shusui had arrived to provide aid. After Coordinating with Star Army and planetary assets the following priorities were put into place.

1. Stabilization, recovery, and repair of orbital shipyards.
2. Decontamination of Gashmere City with follow on tasking: remains recovery and identification
3. Prevention and containment of forest fires
4. Locate, identify, and take action on any hazardous materials that may have made landfall from orbit and take appropriate measures.

TF Piglet Tactical Operations Center (TOC)

Zanven Brax was brought before General Bjornisson after the "data" recovered by 77 had been analyzed and decoded. The coordinates resulting led to a dense asteroid field in the Rosenthal Nebula roughly half way between Gashmere and Schongebiet. The general bade Zanven to enter the room and sit at a table with a few other officers from both the Star Army and Planetary guard.

"Now that everyone is here, this is the rundown. Our intel suggests significant activity at this location. Drone insertions have been attempted, but were unable to gather enough conclusive data on what is there. We think this is due both to interference from the nebula itself, as well as the density and relative motion of the asteroids in the field. What data we were able to glean suggests that at least some of the asteroids have energy signatures on them, as well as the presence of at least one cruiser sized ship. The asteroids themselves range in size from .5 meters all the way to nearly 3 kilometers. We believe that the relative motion in the field is naturally occurring, however, with recent events in orbit, we cannot rule out the possibility of any of them having been weaponized. Size, composition, and capabilities of hostile forces at this point is completely unknown. Brax, this is where you come in. We have on loan 3 prototype OI-V5-1B Kuromaki. You are to take command of this flight, infiltrate the asteroid field and ascertain the size, disposition, and capabilities of and forces there, without being detected. You are being loaned 5 pilots from Fort Nozomi as your wingmen. You have 18 hours before launch. Do you have any questions?"

Zanven was brought into briefing and he took a seat after seeing that there only a small contingent of the Task Force was present, but he did not bring up any issues as General Bjornisson walked into the room and the room fell silent and was at attention. Soon there was a hologram projected as the data that was collected after sifting through the mountain of porn and the General informed them that the mission was to infiltrate and survey the enemy forces without being detected. Zanven was already on his datapad as schematics for a prototype ship came up, and he was informed that three of them would be on loan to the Task Force, and as he was looking over the loadout and capabilities he was given another surprise as the General informed Zanven that he would be in command for the mission and also be given 5 pilots to oversee. He looked around the room and saw the flight crew and the pilots begin to look over the schematics and talk a little amongst themselves.

When he was finally giving the mission parameters he told the crew present that there was a total of 18 hours until the commencement of operations, but when the General asked if there were any questions Zanven raised his hand. "Sir, if we run into interference, lose signal, or ascertain an IMMEDIATE threat...do we have permission to strike in an attempt to limit any further risk to Gashmere and SAoY?" This was the only question Zanven had, he wanted to make sure they were not flying into a hot zone and it was a suicide mission...
"This mission is only sneak and peek. You are not to engage unless you are engaged, make every attempt to evade danger and bugging out is to be first priority. This is not a combat mission, and these are prototype birds that CANNOT fall into enemy hands. At the first sign of detection or hostile intent, you are to GTFO. Any other questions, concerns, or comments?" The general replied to Zanvens inquiry.
"None sir, thank you for the briefing, we will get this done without incident." He said as he stood up, the rest of the crew stood up and saluted as they were ready to get this show on the road. When they would be dismissed the crew responsible for arming, fueling, and running diagnostics would go to their stations as the five pilots remained behind.

Alright so here are your assignments; Shrimp and Pepper, Kaos and Wizard, and Slapshot you are with me. Since we are not an official squadron here we are going to designate the comms channel as Hundred Acre. I will be piloting HA-1, Wizard you will pilot HA-2, and Shrimp you are piloting HA-3, as you heard the General we are there for a peek, and operate under the radar so co-pilots I need you three to study the schematics for sensors, comms, and surveillance gear. Wizard and Shrimp, study the manual and learn your controls...this is important...we are to ensure that there are no mistakes...we will not be performing another televised macabre art piece for all of Gashmere...now, let's get this done." He would say as the other pilots would nod and the three teams would splinter off so that way they could begin to learn the ship. Once Zanven and Alphonso, Slapshot, Munns were in their own area he looked at Zanven and reached out his hand, and exchanged greetings "Well its a pleasure to meet you, Zanven, Solo, Brax. I am sure the mission will be a success with the team we have, but just in case it goes tits up...I have your back in all of this. Now, let's dive into these schematics." He said before bringing up a small hologram of the cockpit and then going through his datapad, the same as what Zanven was now doing.
YE 45.2
Airfield Ready Room
Fort Nozomi, Gashmere

The Minkan flight officer finished the finer points of the briefing with the six pilots and sent them the pertinent details. The volumetric display shut off and in its place a squadron mascot began to rotate. It was a caricature of a winged pig flying out of a glacier with demons in pursuit. Around the edge of the mural were the words, "When Pigs Fly and Hell Freezes Over".

"HA-1 You are designated Bacon 61, HA-2 you are designated Bacon 62, HA-3 You are designated Bacon 63. We are wheels up in 15 mikes. Get you your aircraft and run your pre-flight, god-speed pilots."
YE 45.2
Airfield Ready Room - Hangar
Fort Nozomi, Gashmere

Walking out after the final brief he was with his co-pilot, Slapshot, and the two other pilot teams as they had done all that they could prepare. Over their comms, they were given final directions as the airfield technicians were seeing to final fuel and armament preparations. Of course, they all saw the mural and knew that this could turn to shit real quick, but they were the pigs that flew and their flight records were all impressive. Once they were all inside their respective cockpits, the ladders were removed and they began pre-fight diagnostics.

OI-V5-1B Kuromaki
Bacon 61 | HA-1

Zanven quickly interfaced along with Slapshot, the HUD came to life as he checked life support systems, fuel, FTL Drive calculations, and even weapons systems. Slapshot was double-checking as green text confirmed checks were going according to plan. "Bacon 61 checking in to Nozomi Tower, Pre-flight has been completed." He said as he began to maneuver the Kuromaki out to the airstrip.

Bacon 62 | HA-2

Wizard and Kaos were going through the same pre-flight checks as they too showed no issues and there was minimal chatter as the operation was about to start, but after a few moments Bacon 62 showed ready and over the comms, the sound of Wizard, an older Senti came in;
"Bacon 62 confirming pre-flight run is completed, we are ready to move when given the go-ahead tower.."

Bacon 63 | HA-3

Shrimp and Pepper followed suit just like the others and they checked their systems, and once it was all confirmed to be good to go the voice of the larger Minkan, Shrimp came through on the comms;
"Bacon 63 is good to go, all systems are green and coordinates are input...ready for the green light Nozomi Tower."

Once they were cleared Bacon 61, 62, and 63 launched off and quickly transitioned to sub-orbit, then out into open space as they checked in with the tower, the prototype Kuromaki craft were doing exactly what they needed to do and once they were far en-route Zanven lit up the comms for the active channel. "Alright, let's prime our FTL drives, once we arrive at the coordinates, switch on stealth and remember to take readings and observe. We are looking for a base of operations, threats, weapons, etc. Keep talking amongst each other unless we need to report in." He then saw the FTL drive was ready and asked for final confirmation of coordinates as the co-piots did their job and confirmed "Alright, engage FTL in 3...2...1" There was a simultaneous engagement of the FTL and they were gone from Gashmere space.

Rosethal nebula
Near the central asteroid field

Upon exiting Hyperspace the ships were met with a stunning view of a chaotic field of cosmic strength and beauty. However things were not as they appeared as there was of course some small debris, but once they were free and stealth systems engaged his HUD went haywire as various instruments went blank, data output was thrown for a loop and sensors blinked on and off as Wizard and Shrimp collectively took in breaths of anxiety. Zanven was quick, however, "Engage in SPINE suite Romeo Echo Bravo Oscar Oscar Tango. The system interface should kick on and overlays will take a manual approach. Do not panic, and keep to the mission, we need to do an accurate sweep. When the overlays show back up, set countdowns to intervals of one hour." Zanven was quick as the SPINE interface kicked in, some sensors were still drowned out...weapons were offline for the most part, so power was diverted to the electronics suite.

Once all three ships were ready, Zanven commenced the operation as he flew towards the asteroid field, the chaos inside of it was hard to track, but with the trajectories of the various space rocks being nearly impossible to calculate he could see why the nebula could be used to hide from prying eyes. He flew nearby a demolished hull of an old ship, in the back Slapshot was recording data and monitoring the working sensors and radar as this was starting to shape up into a rather hazardous mission.
The asteroid field began to gain density the closer the three craft came to the target coordinates. The sensors began to throw back some really odd readings, saying some asteroids were give off energy signatures. IFF signatures were returning very concerning signatures. A Shai-hulud cruiser, Mishhu destroyers, Kuvexians system defense vessels, Elysian hulls by the dozen, a Lorath frigate even. None of this was making sense, the sensors HAD to be off. Then, a warning klaxon sounded in all three cockpits as they broke through what seemed to be nearly a solid wall of asteroids and twisted ship hulls.

Concentric polygons of mines from at least a dozen different species and wars formed around three misshapen affronts to what would be called ships. Dozens of hulls were being pulled into the mined perimeters by drones and... welded? Bonded? Absorbed? into the shapes. It was nearly impossible to gauge the size of the things. The whole space seemed to be an elongated egg shape, with the shell being comprised almost entirely of asteroids and salvaged materials from who knows where. The prototypes, had done well to hide the three crews up to know.

From out of no where. A drone crashed head long into the top of Zanvens canopy. Spiderweb cracks began to spread slowly over his head as the drone seemed to back up slowly then looked Zan in the eyes. The effect was almost immediate. The nearest mines began to stream towards the three lone ships, drones began to peel away from other tasks by the dozens. Except the one. It sat and Watched. Never taking its eyes off the pilot....
The deeper the three ships moved into the field the more apparent it became that this was a desolate graveyard for wartime advances and those less fortunate to have found their way into the cosmic structure. IFF readings were coming from all over the place, Kuvy ships, Mishhu behemoths, even an odd cruiser or two, the warning klaxons did not throw them for a loop as Zanven looked out into space. "Solo, it looks like there are some active beacons ahead...steer clear," Slapshot said as Zanven adjusted the course, slowing down as he moved quietly through the ghostly area. "Thanks, Slapshot, hopefully, nothing like a bomb waiting for us..." He said with a light-hearted chuckle as they moved out of the field and into just a debris haven. He barrel-rolled away and flew dangerously close as the helm of a cruiser tumbled into their path.

Their radars picked up the polygons of...active mining drones as pieces of ships were being dragged and bonded to one another in some sort of shanty-style construct. "Mother...fucker...looks like there is some sort of operation going," Zanven started as a drone smacked into the canopy, a spiderweb crack formed and Slapshot was quick to get on the horn "Bacon 62, Bacon 63...Bacon 61 has encountered trouble..." He started in as Zanven looked up, the attached drone focused its camera sensors at Zanven, who stared back. "Well...it's not a bomb..." He said with a callback to his earlier statement. It was then that the warning klaxon sounded once again as the mines began to move towards the formation, with drones actively peeling away, their sensors picked up the targeting and Zanven looked to the other two ships in formation.

"Bacon 62, Bacon 63! Back into the asteroid field now, these drones are hostile. Do not engage with weapons, use electronic overrides if they come close...we are still supposed to complete this with stealth taking priority..." He said as Slapshot was already bringing up interfacing options as he started to target the drones. Zanven dipped the yoke and accelerated as he was going to move towards a mostly intact Kuvy defense ship, he noticed that there were quite a few drones looking like defensive constructs near the egg as Zanven neared where he wanted to go. He took his eyes off the drone as Slapshot fried it with a defensive emp charge that was circulated up through the canopy. Zanven was busy trying to maneuver the ship out of the path of the attacking drones, like flies to a carcass. Bacon 62 and 63 had already entered the asteroid field once more as the game of cat and mouse began.
The EMP pulse from the fighter knocked out the drones systems, the propulsion locked into high and it careened off on an unknown trajectory. Mean while, other drones we moving to intercept the three craft. Towards the center of the egg, a burst of lavender energy gave everything a soft purple glow as a beam reached out for the mass of tangled ship hulls. The beam hit the "shell" of the egg and a cascading energy bloom rapidly rolled across the massive structure. As the waveform passed the inner surface of the egg seemed to writhe and undulate as if it were a living, breathing creature. In a fraction of a second, the wave form had encompassed the whole of the inside egg and vanished on the polar opposite of the egg from where it began.

"61, this is 62, I am reading weapons powering up in the hulls in our quad.... *static*" The transmission cut too nothing except static and feedback. Zan's world exploded in a blinding flash of red and crimson, his helmet's automatic light dampeners the only thing that saved him from being permanently blinded. His hud warmed him that the outside hull of his craft had warmed nearly 200 degrees, and it became uncomfortably warm in the cockpit for a moment.

A crimson lance of energy twice the diameter of the Bacon 62 engulfed the entire airframe, if it's constituent atoms were left to be found, the sensors on the two remaining fighters couldn't detect them. It had seemingly been erased from existence.
As Zanven put the proverbial pedal to the metal he was getting the readings of the egg as it powered up. Suddenly an energy wave moved through the structure as a lavender beam made the surface ripple as if it was soft and malleable. It was then that the pulse caused the energy to suddenly blink and then it was on the polar opposite before the words of Wizard in Bacon 62 came through on the comms. Slapshot cursed before calling out "Solo this is bad, that looks like a particle beam type weapo..." He chimed in as static erupted on all frequencies as Zanven dove into the dilapidated hull and was able to lose some of the drones before he exited out the other side, just in time for his entire world to light up.

Everything seemed to hit slow motion as the feedback and static were definitely too much and Zanven muted all channels, the crimson and red light caused him to falter for a moment as he nearly crashed into a rogue asteroid. The dampeners worked their magic, but still, he was "seeing stars" as the space around the egg was almost as intensely hot as a star. His hull was fried like a fucking chicken and a bead of sweat rolled down his face. Bacon 62 was no longer on radar or sensors, contact and life signs pointed to a total loss. "DAMN IT!" Zanven roared out before taking a deep breath. This was certainly more than they bargained for, but the mission was not over and Zanven continued to keep hidden for a moment as he thought about what to do.

Slapshot was quiet as well, he was friends with both Wizard and Kaos, and so were Shrimp and Pepper, but Zanven was commanding the mission...he knew what their job was, and he also remembered exactly what he was said about the rules of engagement and that the mission was to sneak and peek at what was here. Zanven finally spoke up as he knew exactly what he had to do for the sake of the mission and for the Task Force. "Alright...the mission is still not over...Bacon 63, fall back and report back to base, there is definitely something more going on here and it HAS to be tied to the traps we fell into. Slapshot and I are going to stay behind and get more data...We will fall back as soon as we can confirm any sort of data that can give us the advantage. Let's do this!" Zanven said as he reached a hand back Slapshot knew instinctively that this was likely a suicide mission and he tapped Zanven's hand. "I am with you Solo, let's make sure their deaths meant something." He said as Bacon 61 throttled up once more and moved back into the mining operation, moving more power to the stealth, hopefully, this time he was able to get closer or around to the other side.

Shrimp and Pepper were not happy with the orders as they wanted to finish this as well, but they knew now the dangers that are posed, and that much was enough to report back to command. Zanven was going above and beyond expectation as he was trying to find the absolute weakness, and so after a few seconds, they turned and moved back through the asteroid field on their way out of the Nebula.
Shrimp and Peppers ship rolled out and engaged afterburners to escape the increasingly hostile bullet hell that the inside of the egg was becoming. Energy beams of at least 12 different colors, sizes and types lanced out towards Zan and his ship as he maneuvered to get more scans of the three monstrosities at the center. The mines and drones began to form grid shaped blockades as the targeting of the beams began to get closer and closer to hitting the stealth fighter. Proximity mines closed with and began to rock the frame violently as various alarms began to blare and scream for attention.

The left wing sheared away, dissolved by a turquoise cascade that would be beautiful, if not for the fact that it also took the bottom half of Zans EWO as well. Slapshots Arm wrapped around Zanvens neck tightly,

"Z ....z.....Zan. I ....can't feel my...." Those were the last words Zan would hear from Slapshot as the ship began to spin wildly and centrifugal force ripped Slapshots top half out into the void through the hole where the left wing and EWO seat used to be. The last thing Zan saw before the world went black was the dark form of an .... Ender?
Zanven saw Bacon 63 exit the area and the egg-shaped structure was lighting up the space, it was a gloriously terrifying scene as he kept his hands on the yoke and avoided all that he could. He was doing good as the drones cut him off, the mines fucking rocked the ship and knocked him out of stealth as he felt the blast take over his back was hot as the alarms blared. He heard Slapshot speak up, and Zanven looked back to see that Slapshot was cut in half and quickly died, Zanven felt the yoke shaking violently as he was breathing heavily. He felt Slapshot's top half exit into the void as he activated his emergency transponder. "Mayday Mayday, Bacon 61....losing control...." He continued giving out his coordinates as his ship was still being fired upon. "No....weakness...Rogue intelligence....something...alive..." Was all he could finish as he saw the form of a being he had no words for.

Everything for him went dark as the ship hit hard inside of the hull of whatever dilapidated cruiser was in front of him. Did he die? Will he revive in time to go back out?

No...Zanven woke up inside of the hull, the burning carcass of his recon ship and the dying alerts were sending him for a loop as he quickly looked around to get a reading of his surroundings. All vitals of his team were gone and his helmet was cracked a little as he quickly threw off the harness and moved out of the ship. He let out a cry as it felt like something inside of him was broken, but he did not stop. Once out of the ship, he slumped down as sweat dripped inside his visor, his arm was dislocated and he knew some of his ribs were broken. He had to move though, those drones were not likely to let him just rest there, so with a grunt he popped his shoulder back in place before administering simple first aid protocols of the flight suit. He still had his sidearm and as he looked at the crumpled husk he crashed into the hull he kicked off into zero gravity, going back to the cockpit he removed whatever he could in ways of sensors and survival kits. Once it was done he kicked off as he moved toward a balcony.

He needed his bearings...

Once up on the balcony, he looked around, not daring to use his light he accessed the interface and switched on some more of his light control and soon he found something shocking...he was on the balcony inside of a Star Army ship's hangar. "Shit..." was all he could muster as he breathed heavily, looking for a bastion so that he could take stock and figure out what to do next.
A faint flickering light above a hatch denoted it was an entry to CREW QUARTERS. The recon craft behind Zan was slowly consumed in a blaze after he had been able to retrieve a survival kit. A flash of movement caught Zans eye as a group of three drones slowly floated past the crash from the outside, obviously doing some kind of damage assessment.
Zanven saw the flickering light that gave him the idea that there was still some sort of energy source available so he quickly pushed off for the hatch. The flickering flames illuminated him a little but also hid him as he looked back and saw three drones coming to inspect the crash site. He wrenched the hatch open, just enough to get inside, the pain of his ribs making him want to scream out but he kept it in as the drones put out the flames at the same time Zanven was up inside the entrance to the crew quarters. He managed to bring the door closed just as the drones began to scan the wreckage. Once behind closed doors he breathed a sigh of relief before he pulled out his sidearm and began to float through the hallway, lights flickering as he saw the debris and even personal effects from long ago from soldiers long passed away.

It was a sobering feeling as he went through a few cabins, finding clothes, some petrified bodies...dust...this ship had been here for a while "Fuck me, I am not gonna make it out of here am I..." He said to himself as he swallowed hard because he knew he could always revive but he...would he be the same person? Quickly he shook his head as the pain went numb and he looked around once finding a crew cabin that looked to be intact with a small viewscreen outside that was not broken...as well as an electronic interface that would at least allow him to get some information. With the lights flickering he holstered his pistol before gliding to the interface, he reached into the survival kit for a multi-tool and quickly started to go to work on the panel, he hoped that he had enough knowledge with taking apart the Nodachi and working on it himself as well as with Power Armor training he could get what he needed...which was information.
Zan stepped cautiously into the aging derelict, scanning the dimly lit corridors with a sense of unease. The air was thick with the smell of decay and neglect, and every step echoed through the silent halls like a mournful dirge. As he ventured deeper into the ship, the pilot's unease grew. The darkness seemed to press in on him, suffocating and heavy. A chill ran down his spine as he passed empty compartments and abandoned labs, each one a tomb of rust and dust. It was not the emptiness that chilled the pilot's blood, nor was it the silence. No, it was the feeling of being watched, of unseen eyes following his every move. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he realized that he was not alone in the derelict.

At first, it was only a whisper, a faint rustling that seemed to come from the shadows themselves. But as the pilot approached one of the abandoned labs, the sound grew louder, more insistent. With a sense of growing horror, the pilot realized that the rustling was not just a sound, but a movement. Something was moving in the darkness, something that should not be there.

With a sense of dread, Zan realized that he was not the only living thing on the derelict. And whatever else was here with him was hungry, and it was hunting.
Seeing that his work on the wall panel was worthless he sighed in defeat, but put away his tools before setting out back down the corridor. He had his sidearm out and pointed forward as he ventured deeper into the rusting, decaying graveyard. There were crew cabins, abandoned gathering places, and labs and bays meant for a crew long gone. He was used to being alone, hence his callsign...but what he was not banking on was the constant feeling of being watched.

He did not panic as he realized that the noises were not just from the hangar he crashed into, nor was it from the pulsing energy of death out in the space he occupied...no he did not panic because of his training, he was a soldier, a pilot, and most importantly...he was a man eager to prove his worth. The rustling caught him off guard, there were the last words of Slapshot and of Kaos and Wizard echoing in his head as the meds that would allow him to continue also gave him a small side effect. "Fuck...Now I might just need counseling after this bullshit..." He said as he came upon a largely abandoned lab, the flickering lights only reached so far into the derelict and crowded area so he kept his guard up as he heard the sound of rustling being picked up by his sensors.

"Damn...looks like I am not alone after all..." He said as a creature that stood roughly one meter tall and was long...how long he could not be precise but it was at least as long as it was tall as it looked at the pilot with its large compound eyes. "Fuck..." He said as he took aim and turned the lights on his helmet to the brightest setting, his sensors dampened a little in his view, but he could see at least three as they were moving around the light, trying to get back to the darkness...all except for the one in front of him. He shot two shots immediately as he aimed to put the creature down, but he knew as well that the sound would echo and the drones would soon catch him, so he was quick to look for an escape route.
The hive, disturbed by the pilot's presence, immediately sprang into action. A deafening screech seemed to echo from deep within the derelict vessel and the other creatures, with their razor-sharp mandibles and chitinous exoskeletons, launched themselves at the pilot with frenzied abandon. The insects attacked with relentless ferocity, their mandibles clacking and snapping in the dim light. For the hive, this was a matter of survival. The pilot had disturbed their slumber, and they were willing to do whatever it took to protect their queen and their hive.

As the creatures moved with deadly purpose towards the stranded pilot, he was granted a brief reprieve. A console, barely still functioning, exploded. Some long corroded component finally giving way under the weight of the creatures triggered a plume of gas and fire, throwing the creatures away from the door. And Zan.
He did not have time to panic, he only saw targets as his field of view changed from an abandoned lab to the walls and vents...even the doors across the room were open, and the creatures screeched and charged him. Zanven had no choice but to fire round after round towards the horde coming towards him. He really kicked a fucking beehive this time, but as he back peddled he managed to hit an old console, apparently it still had some energy along with some highly volatile materials and the resulting explosion rocked the derelict rustbucket.

The broken ship was not the only thing that was blown away though, along with the bugs that were evaporated in the explosion a hole was opened and Zanven was blown back into the corridor once again. He was knocked on his ass and his sidearm skittered away as he breathed heavily, shocked by the sudden work performed. "Every...damn time..." He said as he got back up, just in time to dodge one of the creatures trying to skewer him. He reached over and grabbed a floating piece of steel and rammed it into the head of the creature before clambering up as blood sprayed his suit and helmet. He looked for a moment for his pistol, but the rustling and screams of the damn bugs behind him...those fucking drones could not be far off now.

"Gotta look for more firepower..." He said as he rounded a corner and began to sprint, if the ship was anything like the Resurgence, the next level down should house training, power armor bays, and an armory...as well as the hanger he escaped from. He just hoped the damn drones were not waiting for him as he found an elevator shaft, he looked back before breathing for a moment. "Fuck it...can't be worse than right here." He said before looking down, seeing an access hatch, he took a deep breath, making him nearly remember the rib that has been injured and then he jumped down the shaft to the hatch and grabbed on as the sudden yank nearly made him smack his head against the steel shaft.

He lowered himself to the bars and footholds until his headlamp showed he had made it to the next level. The elevator was cockeyed and he stepped down onto it and went to the door as he pried it open just enough to slide in between. Back on the floor he entered, he looked for anything that could be a damn armory with something he could fight back with...or perhaps even a pod he could jettison...something, there had to be something...
With every step he took, the rustling and screeching of the bugs grew louder, signaling their relentless pursuit. He knew that he needed to find some form of weaponry, anything that could give him an advantage in this deadly game of cat and mouse.

As he rounded a corner, his heart pounding in his chest, he caught a glimpse of something in the distance. A glimmer of hope, perhaps. A door that was slightly ajar, leading to what looked like an armory. The room was dimly lit, and the air was thick with the smell of gunpowder and rust. But in the far corner, he could see the glint of metal.

As he approached, his heart pounding in his chest, he realized that he had stumbled upon a stash of weapons and ammunition. A pulse rifle, a couple of grenades, and a handful of plasma cartridges. He knew that it wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. The optics on the rifle had been corroded away. There were perhaps twenty shots left on the rifle. The sound of the drones was growing louder, and his chances of survival were growing slimmer by the second.
He was already starting to do equations in his head as he moved, in order to get out of there alive and to make sure the deaths of his squad were not squandered he had to make sure he could make it off this hunk of metal. Seeing the ajar door he rushed forward, pushing his battered body forward so that he could give himself a fighting chance. Once inside he shut the door, wrenching it closed as he could see in the dimly lit room...he had at least made it somewhere he could gain an advantage.

"A fucking relic for sure..." He said as he looked at the GP-12 Phased Pulse Rifle, it was the heavy variant with longer range capabilities and a grenade launcher attachment. He gave a chuckle before picking it up, the dust was knocked off and the scope was trash so he took it off and tossed it to the side, he was more than capable of aiming down the iron. He checked the battery, it was nearly empty so he ejected it, and with a little digging, he was able to come up with five cartridges. He kept the nearly spent charge just for emergencies, all in all, he had at least 520 rounds. As soon as he was done taking stock and loading one, he placed the other packs on his belt, after a couple more seconds of digging carefully, he knew his chances of finding anything like power armor were slim, but the one thing he did find were two grenades for the launcher attachment. He loaded them and made sure the weapon was ready as he took a few deep breaths. "Now I need to make my way to a working transponder to at least show where I am...I just hope that Bacon-63 made it back to report in time." He said before hearing the sound of drones outside. He brought up the rifle as he steadied himself, when the door was blasted open he immediately identified three drones and pulled the trigger, burst firing three rounds each to destroy them.

Without another moment to hesitate he bolted out of the door and took off towards the corridor to the right, the sounds of the drones and the fucking creatures were fighting an intense battle. There was a reason this ship was not already a part of the "egg" after all, soon finding a very old map, if he continued on...he could make it to engineering, which would allow him to hopefully find something like a heavy loader, or something like a transponder...this place had some power left so there was undoubtedly a way to get a signal out.