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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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It was shortly after dinner that the Eucharis landed with a thud on the polished translucent surface of a landing pad that floated like a lily pad on a calm circular lake of glowing purple fluid, just now connected by a pathway to a city of pastel teal buildings adorned in lights and unfamiliar signage. There was a light fog enshrouding the area coating everything with slick dew. A black ooze flowed from the edge of the lake, creating a contrasting dark path of slightly tacky non-skid material leading from the shore across the bridge and pad right up to the gunship’s rear cargo door.

From out of the fog, a very tall humanoid appeared, treading the dark path with the grace of a lusty ballerina. Its body and limbs were spindly almost to the point of looking skeletal or like a stick figure, and its head had a huge cyclopean eye with several smaller eyes located in key places across its mostly-exposed body. It had large horns protruding from its forearms that shielded its hands and a swinging trunk-like appendage coming from its hourglass-shaped central column torso/abdomen. It carried a staff that it used like a cane. About halfway across the landing pad, it waited to meet the newcomers.

Inside the ship, Shosho Hanako waited just inside the cargo bay door-ramp.
Cargo Bay

Chieko made her way over to the ramp, uniform straightened up, hat on head, and took up position to Hanako's left. "Shosho," she acknowledged, before pulling out her science scanner and taking trace element readings. The young scientist was eager to explore, but she wanted to do this properly, and make the Empire look as least terrible as possible.

The purple fluid was tempting to check however, and the way that the black ooze made itself over into something reasonably solid - the academic, impatiently in her mind, tagged them all as things to want samples of. Chieko's hard earned patience was being tested with the sights outside the ship; but wait properly she did, if only just to keep from looking bad in front of the captain.

The resident who came to greet them, on the other hand, made her eyes grow wide and jaw drop to the deck. The strangeness was something to behold for her, and in itself, a reason to be there. Chieko, however, did not move, as her dropped jaw slowly morphed into a smile of sheer excitement.
Cargo Bay

Izokia had put her hair into a tight pony tail. She began to do one rapid check of duty uniform and retied her pony for the fifth time since the landing process began. To complete her routine she touched her hand to her tattoo as if would magically disappear of she left it alone for to long.

She was looking across the planet's surface for not only possible threat but also for some potential medical research subjects. Her search finally reach a high point when one of the inhabitants crossed her view. While she may have looked nervous about the new creature the only thing she could think about was how much she wanted to dissect one of them. She fought to banish the thought when it to her occured it may have some psionic potential. After all since its body was so slim it had to evolved something as an alternative to physical strength.

She breathed on last heavy sigh and looked over to Hanako and Chieko to try to determine their reactions. She took on a more pleasant appearence trying to hide her careless thoughts.

Not part of the away mission, Natsumi had remained on the bridge after the Eucharis had been landed. She reclined slightly in the pilots chair and studied the images on her view plates.

This place was strange. Very strange. The glowing liquid, black oozes, fogs and goo and generally creepy atmosphere the visuals send tingling down her spine.

"Mmmh, I think I'm really glad I am staying on the ship" she said, then hunched closer to her panel and the feed from the external cameras as she alien appeared out of the mists. "And that...That is creepy" she breathed, taking quick note of its spindly form, the horns, the one big eye on its head and many smaller one scattered around.
"Definitely unusual. I can not think of any natural evolution that would account for such a creature. I am going down to the hold for a few, I want to get some more precise readings." he said to Natsumi.

He left the bridge and quickly made his way down to the Cargo hold. He took out his Science scanner and performed an atmospheric analysis. He had the scanner relaying the data to Charisma for analysis.

While it did its work, he walked over to Hanako. "Well, you wanted to meet aliens ma'am. Your guide would seem to be a rather interesting specimen. Be careful."

"Could of picked a creepier place ShoSho, though I have to admit the ooze adds a bit to the ambiance."

Bors said walking up to join the rest of the group at the edge of the cargo bay. Staring out into the scene before him he crossed his arms and thought to himself that all this needed was a monster of sorts and it would be perfect for a late night horror flick. As if on cue the Alien started to approach them, carrying itself forward on its spindly legs.

Well this is just keeps getting better and better.

Turning to the ShoSho he kept his cool, even though his internal thoughts were to run to the armory and grab the biggest largest weapon he could find and blow it to pieces.

"You know boss, its not to late to go grab some more firepower." Nervously laughing as the creature approached.
Chieko grinned at Bors' words while trying not to giggle, "Did you ever think that it may feel the same in its first reaction to us?" She thought it was cute seeing such a big man sweating under such a thin veil; but her attention returned to their host as she very much agreed with the words of the XO. The scientist then checked her scanner to see if the readings she had been trying to take had come in yet.
Landing Platform

"I agree," Hanako told Sune. "I will see what has has to say."

The Shosho lowered the ramp to the surface and walked forth to the alien, coming to a stop in front of it. She was only a quarter of its height. Its long trunk-like appendage sniffed at her. A heavy-seven-fingered hand came slamming down on her shoulder with an audible thud and the alien's trunk started moaning in horrendous vuvuzela horn noises that were accompanied by a translation in trade from an orb seated in/on its forearm-claw.

BBZZzzzzzzZZzzzMMRRRRRRR... "This is the dreamworld. All peaceful persons are welcome on the surface. The dreamworld has expected you. This habitat will suit your needs. I am envoy Bruvurmamurmmamurr-Samurrvurmurr Drrr. On behalf of my people, the Essai Web, I extend greetings to Yamatai." The alien used its other hand to grasp Hanako by the chin and leaned her head back to look into her golden eyes with its huge purple one and then ruffled her hair for a moment.

Hanako waited for Bruvurmamurmmamurr-Samurrvurmurr to finish manhandling her before replying, "I am Hanako. I am commander of this ship. We are part of the military of Yamatai but we are on a peaceful mission of exploration. Am I correct that you mean this planet itself is an artificial intelligence?"

BBrrrZM... "You are correct. Is it powerful but benevolent. Your crew is welcome to visit the city." With one hand still wrapped around Hanako's shoulder and upper torso, Bruvurmamurmmamurr-Samurrvurmurr used its free arm to make a sweeping gesture in the general direction of the illuminated structures faintly visible in the fog, pointing his staff towards them. At this point he released the Shosho and began its slow-motion-fashion-model-runway-walk back towards where it had come from.

Hanako turned back towards the ship with a grin and excitedly made beckoning arm gestures for the others to come along.

Takeyu was a bit late, having spent a bit of time repairing one of the ships systems down in the tunnels, when he had finished he'd realized they were close to the planet and left Cherry in charge of engineering while he went and cleaned himself up.

Now he stood in the cargohold in a crisp, clean uniform, staring out over the ramp and what looked like a majestic view. "Very nice..." he seemed rather impressed as he descended the ramp and walked over to the Shosho, stopping just a few feet from her.

"Very interesting place here Ma'am," said the Taii.
Chieko followed down the ramp at a respectful distance behind her captain, eyes moving around to take in the view as they went, but paused once on the ooze. Upon seeing how much larger the being was compared to Hanako however, the scientist started to feel a little afraid in spite of herself. She then jumped slightly when the hand came down on the Shosho's shoulder, and panicked slightly before looking to Bors in case she had to do something to prevent him from doing anything rash.

All the while, though, the academic tried to make sure she kept en eye on what was happening as well. A poor twitch reaction could cause a rather peaceful situation turn into a terrible one in an instant; however Chieko was under no delusion at how Hanako's life could be dangling on but a thread. After seeing things go well though, she was quick to catch up to the Shosho and follow along.

Natsumi continued to watch everything from the camera feed on the bridge. She sat uneasily in her chair, hands resting tensly on her controls. She stiffined as the creature took hold of Hanako with its large hand. She flinched, almost darting her fingers to the weapon controls.

"Hells blazes" she breathed, unsure for a moment if the alien was going to harm the Shosho. If it did she would be quick as hell on the anti-armor guns. But it didn't.

Natsumi let out the breath she didn't know she had been holding when the alien let Hanako go and sank into her chair a bit. She was surprised to see the look of cheerful excitement on the Shosho's face when she turned and waved for the rest of the team. she couldn't remember having seen that sort of look any time before, maybe save for the holiday.

And now they were going and would soon be out of range of the Eucharis's cameras. How she wished she could send a drone or two along! She did not like the idea of them being out of visual contact. Natsumi frowned and wondered if this was how Hanako felt every time they went out on an away mission and she stayed behind.

Shosho, I will be monitoring from the bridge as best I can. send me word if there s [i]anything[/i] you or the away team need
she sent the wireless note to her commading officer.

Natsumi then settled back and hoped everything would be alright.
Landing pad

Izokia let out a stifled yelp when the creature went for Hanako's head. She did not discount the psionic abilities after it stared into her eyes. Izokia let out a heavy sigh when she saw the Shosho wave the rest of the team over. She stepped down the ramp following Chieko she whispered to the scientist, "Do you think its even organic?"
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko had entered before the rest of the crew, intent on making sure the place was properly tidy. Working would help take her mind off her worries, too. Thankfully, she had everything in a presentable state before the others appeared. She continued to quietly work while they gathered, glancing at the ramp for a brief moment before they exited. The glimpse she had caught of whatever was outside made her very glad this was a voluntary mission.

Once the others had all stepped outside, she sighed and leaned heavily against one of the storage containers. Murakami felt relieved that Misato hadn't been in the group. She considered closing the ramp after them, just in case her roommate tried to follow after.

Ayumi sat alone in the medbay, having returned after a short rest in her quarters. She balanced a medical scanner on her knee with one hand, the other rested on her lap. She'd taken up sitting in the rolling doctor chair. Worrying did not suit the young Neko, the medical lab now had fresh supplies out and it seemed as though she was certain that crewmates would be coming back wounded.

Having nothing else to do, and desperately needing something to occupy her time, she began to play with the settings on the medical scanner. Even though she was worrying her face didn't appear as such, she seemed to be completely calm, her posture proper, and her body relaxed. Ayumi was ready for anything medically, she just didn't want anyone to get hurt or worse.
Medbay, Showers

Sienna fastened her belt around her little waist and glanced up toward one of the mirrors on the wall, tossing her damp hair out of her face with a flick of her head. Another hot meal and a good nap had done her good, as had another luxurious shower. She was halfway through her clean clothing already, and given all of the other amenities available aboard this ship she figured that the crew wasn't accustomed to rewearing dirty clothes. She made a mental note to ask about laundry facilities next time she got the chance.

Tugging the short-sleeved, figure-clinging blue shirt down, she ran her fingers through her hair a few times and stepped out of the showering facilities. By now she figured that the ship had landed on the supposed artificial planet out there, and an away team was no doubt trapsing about playing diplomat with whatever inhabited it. Until she was given some sign that it was safe to leave the ship, she wasn't about to willingly go anywhere, which of course left her now for the first time in her life without anything to do.

The realization struck her like a sack of bricks as she stepped out into the mostly empty medbay, pursing her lips and clucking her tongue softly as she looked around thoughtfully. Now that the majority of the crew was out of the way, she began to think of how she might best make use of the time she now had on her hands.

Seconds later she noticed a tiny black-haired Neko (she assumed) that she didn't recognize, sitting at one of the medical gadgets, absently tinkering around with it. She suppressed a smirk as she casually strode over to her, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her dark pants.

"What, they didn't let you tag along?" she asked somewhat whimsically.
Landing pad

Chieko smirked back at Izokia, "That question would be like asking the same of you and I. As far as I can see, there is no good reason why it's not organic; but as always, investigation is brings in better answers than assumption. The question is, though, how does one politely ask another if they can perform that investigation?"

The scientist started to grin again at her words of wisdom, though inside she had hoped that Bruvurmamurmmamurr-Samurrvurmurr would be around long enough for her to ask that question, or get her hands on a library. That, however, lead the next light bulb that went off in her mind. Chieko finally caught up to Hanako and with a smile, "Shosho, what would be the chances of them letting some of us get access to a library?"
Alien City

"I have no idea," Hanako grinned.

As the group approached the end of the bridge, the purple lake gave way to a dark shoreline. The alien envoy continued to lead the way through the fog, until the first buildings were visible, surrounded by the shapes of hundreds of people from dozens of other species.

Bruvurmamurmmamurr-Samurrvurmurr's voice erupted again as a horn-like buzz not unlike a swarm of bees stuck in a tuba. The translator unit on his wrist came to life once more. "Go. Play. I will be watching," the many-eyed alien said before fading into a swirl of fog.
Cargo bay

Misato took her time and donned her MINDY, making sure she had her full heavy load-out, and made sure to add a teleportation module to it so that if she needed to jump to the away team she had the ability. She watched the crew leave the ship she was a bit worried but she dropped to a lotus position and meditated waiting for orders to head out or the crew returning.

Mitsuko-chan, what are you up to? Looks I'm in for a long wait. She sent to her room mate as she looked over at her. It was then she thought to sent a message to the Shosho.

Ma'am, Would you mind me sending a drone along with you and the team. I'm curious about you all's safety.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko made an odd face when Misato appeared, in full armor. At least she was still inside the ship. She relaxed her expression, but couldn't help but tense up for a moment at that message. I was making sure the cargo bay was in proper shape, since the captain was passing through.

She kept her back to Misato, finding something else to occupy her for the moment. I suppose I should stay here to greet the others when they return. I think it might be best to close that hatch... Murakami glanced at the ramp leading out onto the strange planet.
Takeyu just nodded his head and watched the Shosho, his intention was to just follow her - and ensure that no harm came to her. This was an unusual planet afterall and he wasn't about ready to just accept that it was a safe, peaceful place.

He just hoped none of the crew did anything that could potentially send a bad message.....
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