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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Cargo Hold

Sune raised an eyebrow at Misato in a Mindy.

"Suzume-Hei, who authorized you to suit up in power armor. Let alone move about the ship in it. Secure that armor immediately. If we need to deploy armors we will do so via the armor bay not the cargo hold."
He said.

He noted that Takeyu was going on the mission. "Nayacesen-Taii, be careful out there my friend. There is something about this planet that just does not feel right. We will be standing by if the situation changes."

For an exploration mission we are woefully ill equipped. Hanako should have put in a request to logistics for some VCMAD to assist. he sighed as he watched the team head out.
Takeyu nodded toward Sune. "I'm getting that feeling as well," he said to his fellow officer and turned back toward Hanako before looking out over the beauty that was this planet.
Cargo Bay

"Yes sir, sorry sir I was just standing ready... I'll go and stand down." Misato stood and moved back to the PA bay. She grumbled a little as she stepped out of the PA but she sat down before it, with out dressing, she would be ready to jump back in, with just a moments notice.

She was a bit irked that she couldn't wait suited up and send a drone with the away team but at least she could wait here ready to go. Now she just had to figure out how to apologize to Misuko. She thought for a few minutes staring at her MINDY before her, maybe it was for the best she distanced herself from everyone, then it would be easier during operations.

A few tears ran down her cheeks before she wiped them away, She tried to close her eyes to meditate but Misuko kept creeping into her mind.
Landing Pad

Chieko could only take the Shosho's look as encouragement and looked back to Izokia. "Looks like we're finding a library or archive on our own," she smiled, "Ready to explore?"

Natsumi reclined in her chair at the pilots station. She looked almost like someone about to take a nap, but really she was focused on the ships sensors via her SPINE connection.

She reached out with the ships sensors , one to track the away team as best she could, but more so to gather as much information she could on the planet and the life forms that inhabited it. Also, if anything went sour, she would be able to have the ship in the air in just minutes. She still felt uneasy about this whole thing.

"Well they didn't maim her, so I guess its ok." Bors said out loud before stepping down the landing pad and making his way toward the ShoSho, "So boss do you want a body guard or should i go see what trouble i can start?"
“Since this is a city, opportunities exist to do what we normally do when we visit a city: to go shopping,” Hanako speculated. “We can probably barter; but, we should also see what currency is used here. We can explore the city, seek out new, unique and interesting items, and pick up the local rumors and gossip. At the same time, we should document the species we encounter. Koizumi Chieko will be responsible for that. Just as usual, Bors, we should be safe by not going alone.”

All around them were aliens previously unknown to the Empire. A huge whale-like creature passed over the group, slick with slimy hydrating gels and kept aloft by a giant anti-gravity sled. To their right was a large worm-creature looking at them as it seemed to slowly dance in place. To the left was an awful-smelling primate thing with 6 large insectoid eyes circling its face which resembled an anus, but half a meter wide. Little tongues short of out its furred skin every few seconds, sticking to one of the swarm of flies around its and shoving the captured flies into the giant face-orifice, which occasionally left out a loud fart-and-or-burp. Ahead was a marketplace full of more life of all shapes, sizes, colors, textures, and smells. There were robot drones zooming through the air and along the ground picking up trash and even buying and delivering things for people. In addition to the life that was here in person, there were about half of the locals that, according to scanners, were simply volumetric.

Hanako approached the shit-reeking, zoo-smelling flycatcher thing first but made a 180 when it said, “No free sex. What do you got?” Wait, that was a prostitute?? She looked at Bors with her nose still wrinkled.

Ahead in the marketplace they could spot vendors selling everything from foods, to pets, to objects seemingly made of light. The city was composed of numerous pastel teal buildings and the markets took up spaces along their edges, with the various shops and streetside stalls identified by multilingual signs that showed various glowing alien scripts in rotation.

Ayumi had heard Sienna come in, her ears picking up the sound, but choosing to ignore it. She really had no reason to be playing with the medical scanner, though it wasn't boredom which bid that she do so. Perhaps this was nervousness, worried that someone would come in gravely injured and the fact that the scanner may be on the other side of the room would spell disaster. Ayumi chastised herself silently, what silly and irrational thinking. The thought was quickly discarded as Sienna spoke to her.

A slight swivel in the rolling chair and Ayumi was facing her crew mate. She tilted her head slightly and gazed up at her, a blank look on her face as she worked to answer the question in her head. There really was no question of "let", Ayumi probably would have been very upset if she had been volunteered for the mission. Something about this whole thing was not sitting right with her, and she still hadn't pinpointed what.

"I did not volunteer." Ayumi replied softly, leaving out any other conversation which could be had afterwards. Why hadn't Sienna gone? Did they not let her tag along either? Jokes or searches of information were left unsaid, for the moment.

She turned back to the medical scanner, looked at it for a short second and then back up at Sienna, "Have you done your mental back up yet? It is suggested you do one before any away missions, but periodically backing up can be beneficial as well." Her tone remained stable, sounding almost like a recording that one would find playing over loud speakers.

Sienna pursed her lips a touch as she returned the Neko's suggestion with a strange mishmash of a grin and a quiet scoff. The woman-machine before her sounded much more like the androids this ship's crew was almost entirely made up of with that droning, packaged-in-bulk tone of a message repeated over and over at an information kiosk. She surveyed the sleek, sterile facility with a gliding sweep of her eyes, her hands still casually stuck in the big pockets of her pants as she replied. "Nope," she replied. "Don't plan to, either." She tapped the back of her neck along her spine with her index finger. "I ain't wires and microchips like y'all are. I'da figured they'd've already told you."
Ayumi tilted her head, her eyebrows raise slightly, but not enough to look like an extreme facial expression change. The other's statement confused her, it took her a few blinks to understand exactly what Sienna meant when she spoke. She was quick to recover though, shaking her head in just the slightest.

"I was not informed, I apologise." Was her quiet reply, "If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know."

She wasn't entirely sure how to handle someone who couldn't have a mental back up done, it seemed like a worrying thing to be unsure of your future at any moment. Ayumi knew she would live for a long time, did Sienna?

"I have not done very much research on Neplesians, however I will make sure to update my knowledge as soon as possible."

"Hai," Chieko responded to the order, bringing her scanner to the various creatures they were encountering, recording them in her digital memory. Then when the recordings got large enough she sent the data packages back to the Eucharis for storage or further analysis. The smelly one sure mad the scientist raise her eyebrow, however, when it made the comment about no free sex.

The academic's brows raised further when she noticed that some of the population there was volumetric. "Shosho," Chieko began again, "it's looking like some of these 'people' aren't actually 'here'." She then headed up to one of the specterish denizens to get a better reading, hoping it was just a mistake.

Sienna gazed down her nose at the Neko, her expression nonchalant, intrigued, and slightly perplexed all at once. This one was certainly rounding out her observation thus far that these Nekovalkyrja were programmed with quite a wide array of personalities, or in this case, the lack thereof. The dark-haired one before her seemed every bit of a soulless automaton as her artificial origins would suggest, entirely the opposite of Natsumi's overly friendly and welcoming demeanor. Not that she was troubled by it, she simply couldn't fathom the reason for manufacturing en masse a gynoid designed to be a perfect soldier with such a wide array of personalities. It seemed counterproductive to her. Why not just make them all the same? It would make more sense from both a production standpoint as well as issuing orders. A perfect infantry force, at least in her admittedly limited understanding, seemed like it would be much more uniform and lacking such diverse senses of individual identity, let alone such apparent difficulty dealing with adversity as this crew seemed to have.

She broke the pause with another distant smirk and ran her hand through her damp hair once more, idly scratching the top of her head. "Right," she replied casually. For a moment, she considered consciously overlooking introductions, but quickly realized there wasnt much point. She didn't have anywhere else to be at the moment, and if she wanted any information about where they were or the ship she was aboard, this was as good an opportunity as any. "Well, since you ain't informed yet, I'll just make it easy. I'm Sienna," she told her offhandedly.
Lower Planetary Orbit:

"Trajectory Locked. Thirty seconds until atmospheric entry."

Kale glanced out of the cockpit window at the planet below. Directly below him the continent upon which the Eucharis was supposed to have landed. It looked so small from up here.

"Check safety restraints. Twenty seconds until atmospheric entry."

For the third time in about five minutes Kale checked that he was properly strapped into his seat. It wouldn't do to become so much bloody paste on the cockpit glass after all.

"Final checks complete. The YSS Eucharis acknowledges your flight plan. Atmospheric entry in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

The cockpit glass began to glow a pleasant cherry red as the shuttle descended. Hard to believe that such a lovely colour would be instant death upon touch. Kale lay back in his seat. First post and he'd been assigned to the ship of the Empress' protege. What were the odds? The term nervous didn't quite cover the emotions he was feeling right now.

He took a deep breath as the shuttle came to a halt next to the much larger vessel.

The back door opened.

"Show time."

Sensors pinged something, rousing Natsumi from her observation of the strange planet. A shuttle, a Star Army shuttle was on approach. It requested permission to come along side and transfer new crew to the Eucharis.

Natsumi, being the only person manning the command center at the moment, sent the appropriate response granting the desired permission. Soon the small craft was along side and beginning its transfer process. Natsumi was tempted to greet the newcomer or newcomers, but with no one else to take over for her she felt it unwise to leave the bridge unattended.

Instead she opened a line to Sune. "Chusa, we have a new crew member coming aboard from a shuttle craft" she informed the ships Executive Officer.

Bors looked back and forth between Hanako and the Fly-eating prostitute for a moment before settling his gaze on the ShoSho.

"Some people have interesting taste I guess." Shrugging his shoulders before turning and heading towards what he supposed was the center of town, figuring that's where some more... interesting.. creatures may be.

Izokia nervously went in place behind Chieko. On their way over to the volumetric alien she turned to the scientist and whispered " Makes you wonder where the brains are, or the organs, or the anything for that matter. It could be a hive mind or a collective mind set." Half way through her statement she began to get lost in her own thoughts and fantasies of a world with volumetric people living in a computer simulation. She was almost blind to Chieko and the alien standing right in front of them.
Kale was not the only new crew member within the transport ship that was descending to the planet’s surface. Kanashii Karei, a science officer who had been killed in action during a previous mission, sat very near to Kale. Like many he had stored his memories and his soul had been transferred his body made anew. His appearance was identical to what it had been before. His soft blonde hair fell to frame his face, and though one could not see them at this very moment as he had his eyes closed his cold penetrating eyes were still a startling shade of turquoise. Having already been painfully killed he was not quite as nervous during the entry of the orbit. He had fastened himself in well before the moment of instruction.

The science officer already adorned his green-paneled uniform and before entering the atmosphere he had been sure that there was not a wrinkle in sight. He also wore a pair of square-framed black spectacles. They were not necessary for vision but rather something he enjoyed wearing for their aesthetic appeal. He felt they made him look more intense, and intelligent. He also rather enjoyed the effect of taking them off when he wanted to seem pensive, ponderous, or even annoyed.

He opened his eyes as they came closer and closer to the landing pad where the Eucharis awaited them. He was rather excited to be back with the Eucharis. After his recovery he did consider that they may want to transfer him elsewhere, but that was not something he would relish. There were many benefits to being back on the Eucharis and he was quite grateful that had worked out in his favor. He wondered if his mother had had anything to do with it. It was no slight thing to be under the command of one so close to the Empress. Impress her and one could go far he imagined. It was why he had fought so hard to be assigned to the ship the first time. That and the thought of going on exploratory missions might broaden his scientific knowledge and aide him in his ambitions of making new advances that would benefit the Empire his family was so tied to.

He unfastened his belt as the door opened and looked toward Kale as he spoke. His facial expression did not change and he did not add anything to the proclamation of excitable intent. Rather he stood and took hold of his bag which held all of his military issued supplies. Everything except the uniform he was wearing, his side arm, and scanner were within it. Without speaking he stepped closer to his fellow crew member and awaited an officer to give them permission to board the ship.
Alien City

Hanako went back over to Chieko and Bors and got up close to them so they could talk quietly amongst themselves. "Perhaps we should attempt to sell some of the salvage materials I've bought to raise whatever currency they use. Surely we can do better than that person," she joked, gesturing at the one selling sex. "I am already interested in that hard light technology over there. My theory on the volumetric people is that they are either AI or people with minds in the planet's computer using volumetric avatars."
Alien City

Chieko smirked at Izokia's curiosity while noting a definite confirmation that at least one of the volumetric readings was correct. "Well," the scientist commented back to the medic, "I suppose we could just ask, but I'm not sure about how rude that may come across." She then was about to head over to one of the not quite there beings, when Hanako came up.

"I would be inclined to agree with the benefits of having some of the local currency," the academic replied to the captain, "especially when used as a social lubricant. As for the volumetric people, I was about to see if they were denizens or kiosks." Chieko then started to back towards one hoping for a positive response to the next action she wished to take.
Alien City

Takeyu stayed by Hanako's side, keeping an eye out for anything... or anyone... that might try and harm her, although he felt that things should be safe enough - they were on an unknown planet after all and it wasn't a good idea to keep ones guard down just because the locals where being all nice.
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