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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 27, Part 1] Expanding Horizons (YE 39)


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Central Uesureya, Yamatai
2日 1月 YE 39 - 0800 hours

The YSS Eucharis, now nearly a decade now, had been repaired and was now in top condition again. Her hull was freshly painted and she had been moved out of the rusty old hanger, across the railroad tracks, into the flat expanse of the actual starport. The rear cargo ramp was open and ground crew were loading containers of supplies.

The long-time captain of the Eucharis, Shosho Ketsurui Hanako, emerged from her cabin and walked the short corridor around the bridge. She was wearing her well-used but immaculate Type 35 duty uniform with the regulation miniskirt and her officer cap tucked under one arm. She had flowing teal hair with purple tips and big golden eyes. Ahead of her, the doorway to the bridge opened with a hiss.

Hanako contacted all the crew members via their communicators. "All crew, this is is the captain. Please report to the ship. We will be departing Yamatai soon. Comes aboard and get situated. We have a new medic and I encourage everyone to get a mind backup with her."

Next, Hanako gave navigation orders. "Set course for Hanako's World in Kikyo sector 0303, destination Fort Hanako for additional supplies. We are going to be expanding our horizons a little and might be out there for a while."
YSS Eucharis
Cabin 6

After having had a night out on the town with Wazu, Masumi had come into the Eucharis around dawn. The ship had been quiet and peaceful for a few hours until the announcement from Hanako came over comms. Masumi sat straight up in her round nest and looked over at Candon Suites. She wondered if his reaction would be different from hers.

Hers was one that was filled with anticipation and wonderment. There were new opportunities to undo her past mistakes. New opportunities to create new memories of battle. She had done a good job of getting over the Kuvexian aether blast by facing it head on and replaying it in the VCE Cafe over and over again, doing it until she got it right time and time again.

After slipping into a Type 35, she was out the door of her cabin.


Having had been here last night, studying the Rixx with Wazu before going out, Masumi wasn't this time hesitant to go in, but knocked on the outer panel of the doorway as it opened for her, peeking her head around the corners to see if anyone was there.

"Oshiro Masumi, Nitô Hei, reporting for ST backup," she announced.
YSS Eucharis

Shoi Kohosei Hitoshi Takao turned his chair at the Starship Operations station, nodding to Hanako as she proceeded onto the bridge. He turned back in his chair as she began to recall the other crew back to the Eucharis. He relaxed in the seat, having tried to be early to beat the captain on the bridge. He carefully recalled everything he had done on Yamatai on this part of R&R before his thoughts were interrupted by Hanako's orders.

He sat up in his chair and put his hands to work plotting the course. He didn't bother plugging in just yet, as he could do it just as fast with his hands he felt. He tapped the final command before announcing in a calm voice, "Course laid in, Shôshô." He didn't look around as he was making sure he plotted the right course the first time.
Medical Bay

Dressed in his trademark coveralls and baseball cap, Jax silently glided into the med-bay. Over the past couple of months, his movements had become more fluid and cat-like, no doubt because of the rigorous training he'd subjected himself to. And, while he wasn't vain, he'd taken good stock of his musculature in the mirror prior to getting dressed, and was quite pleased with what he saw.

"Hey, doc? I'm here for a mind backup!" he called out upon entry, curious to see who they'd replaced Taharial with.
Medical Bay

Masumi found Tan Ann Pan waiting smartly with her hands clasped behind her back in the medical bay. Jax found her replacing the sheet on the MTBU. "Come right in," she said to them both. "Is your will up to date?" She felt this was always the first thing to ask. "Please make yourself comfortable."

Tan was wearing her duty uniform with its new teal panels, a smile, and her pseudo-Emrys knock-off glasses, lenses set to opaque, as usual. Though she had the dubious distinction of being the oldest person to have ever served on the Eucharis, she had the look of a marathon runner about her, not that of a matron or crone.

The round, black form of a Soul Savior Pod lurked ominously in the far corner, across from the MTBU, left laying casually against the wall by its pull handle.

"Ooh! Another Neppi! Could tell right away by that macabre sense of humor!" Jax smirked and leapt onto the gurney, the only sound being the rubber soles of his tabi boots softly padding against the deck. In a moment, he lay sprawled across the bed, ready for the procedure to commence.

"I'm Jax, bee-tee-dubs! Engineering department! We got the same job, 'cept you fix people and I fix ships!" introduced the nekojin, his tail hanging off the side of the MTBU and lashing back and forth.

"...Oh, and yeah, my will's fine."
"Alright. Lie still and relax; try to think about what you want to be thinking about if you have to start over again from here. Maybe a favourite food. Try not to get caught in mid-showtune, though, or the first thing you do might be belting it out." This may or may not have been true, but it was a fun myth to perpetuate.

Tan set the procedure to begin. It was automated, though it was good to keep an eye on it to make sure the machine didn't get confused and make a right-handed patient left-handed, or something. "Good to meet you, Jax. I'm Tan Ann Pan. I'm your medic, though I've mostly worked in my cosmetology specialty. Do you think ships ever get concerned over how big their weapon pods look?"
Medical Bay

After a quick nap, Wazu had gone right back to the medical bay to continue examining the Rixxikor biology. He had rented some super-computer time and was crunching the Rixxikor's genome through some off the shelf genetic engineering software... but at the same time he needed to study the usual biology just to understand what he was doing with the software...

Only for the Medbay to start becoming quite crowded.

He would excuse himself, and head back towards his cabin.
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YSS Eucharis - Bridge

Hitoshi probably arrived to find someone else with a central white panel on the bridge. Unless he was very early for his shift, Mehitabel was already quietly cleaning up the last bit of debris left by the workmen and ordering Hanako's agenda for the day. Since then she had been camped at the rear of the bridge, hard at work on the refit's completion. Really the only thing left had been countersigning the receipts for ordnance, food, and other stores for an... Extended voyage.

Did the ship's clerk sleep? Shiho for one could confirm that at least some of the time she did. Coming home very early and leaving after a few hours collapse on the futon at their apartment to resume the rather vigorous coordination required between the various divisions of the starport involved in returning Eucharis to service-ready status. Truth be told she had done rather poorly at social coordination, like she and Wazu had discussed, even neglecting time with Shiho to stuff herself into her sleeping berth at the end of the day at least a quarter of the time.

Having missed the last chance for an ST backup, then very nearly having needed to use it, Bel stood suddenly at the pronouncement. Such eagerness to have a 'copy' of herself made would have been considered a sin by the greater number of people on the planet she considered home. However, few of them faced death on a regular occasion, in the vast blackness of space where routine activities could be hazardous. The broad-winged Elysian woman bowed ever so slightly towards the center chair, whether Hanako was looking or not.


Almost bumping into the rapidly departing Wazu, Bel waves as she moved out of the way, waving at his rapidly retreating back, "Ah! Morning!"

Entering the bay, she found the reason why their reclusive advisor had so swiftly departed. The ship's small sickbay was practically overflowing with people. Pulling her wings in close, she waved to the assembled crew and entered the queue, "Oshiro-hei, Howard-heisho, Pan-hei! Good morning!"

When Hanako's summons came, Chusa Nicholas Saiga shot his own message to Tsuguka and Candon before making his way over to the ship. Upon his arrival—which was quick and only required him to walk over from the main starport—he made sure to check in with Charisma and inform her that he'd come aboard, and then set up in the wardroom.

"Find me after you arrive and get settled," Saiga's missive read. He'd sent them both a few communiques during leave, informing them of Star Army Command's reason for assigning him to the Eucharis. Organizing Hanako's infantry soldiers as a Special Operations Fire Team shouldn't be too difficult a task, but the veteran Chusa didn't intend to be lax with implementation. "We'll discuss final team placements before launch so you can disseminate assignments to your people."

Saiga's previous messages had included his own assessment of the crew's capabilities and strengths based on the data from mission reports and available footage of their last sortie. Tsuguka and Candon should obviously be made the Team Leader and Commander, respectively. That Tsuguka wanted to increase her aptitude with piloting was beyond desirable, too. Shiho seemed to be a generally unambitious sort of Neko, and more than a little no-nonsense, to boot; a perfect candidate to hold down her trigger finger and bring the pain as the squad's Heavy Weapons Specialist. The blue leopard girl, Freyja, carried a bold recklessness in her actions and had showed a readiness to clear obstacles, traits that could hopefully be refined and make her an excellent Combat Engineer. Junko, for her part, gave Saiga the impression that she was both patient and pragmatic in combat, so could do well as the team's Scout.

The scientist Oshiro Masumi would round out the squad well as its Information Technology Specialist. Her training as a Star Army Scientist gave her the basic know-how to deal with enemy computer systems, and even biological or chemical threats, and her chops as a qualified infantry Neko had been proven during the ship's last mission. Mehitabel, too, had shown her aptitude in armor, so could make a passable Supply Liaison and standby shuttle pilot if Hanako would allow it. Though these were support roles, Saiga knew how useful the Team Commander, IT Specialist, and Quartermaster could be if they had the ability to supplement the SOFT unit's firepower on the ground.

Ultimately, he'd leave everything up to the two Heisho who were acquainted with their comrades best, though. For all Saiga knew, the Eucharis' red Neko and SAINT operative had already made assignments based on his recommendations and got their subordinates to training. More than anything, becoming a Special Operations Fire Team was about each soldier having a role and remembering to fulfill it rather than being ultra-specialized space warriors. From what Saiga could tell, that kind of cohesion was all the Eucharis' team was missing from their past performance.

In the wardroom, Saiga sat at the same booth where he'd shared a few moments with Natsumi-taii before leave, sipping a cup of coffee he'd retrieved on his way in. Soul Transfer backups could come later—he'd always hated joining the rush—not that his would ever be used barring some admiral or politician's intervention. It was comfortable enough here. And though he'd probably be on the bridge during operations, the Chusa did not want to crowd the place now. Anyone who needed his attention wouldn't have much trouble finding him through the MEGAMI, anyway.
Recreation Area -> Med Center

Freyja had returned to the Eucharis the night before, hoping that Junko would be back early. She was in one of the rec room's holographic chambers running simulations against Rixxikor and Kuvexian enemies. The scenario was repelling a boarding action against the Eucharis. At the moment she heard the announcement, she was engaged in a firefight against a handful of Rixxikor in engineering. They were trying to reach the reactor to destroy it and disable the ship. She had managed to hold them off for a while, but it didn't look good.

"Later, then, you disgusting creatures," Freyja muttered. She signaled for the simulation to end and sighed, wiping her forehead with the back of her arm. Her blue skin was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and her white t-shirt was soaked. "I need a shower, but.. better get that backup." She said absently. Maybe Junko will be there. Her heart fluttered in response to her thoughts of Junko.

The prospect of seeing her love got her moving. She practically skipped out of the rec room and down to the medical center with a stupid grin on her face. When she arrived, she scanned the room for Junko's familiar form. The grin slowly faded, replaced by a slight frown. She'll be back. She's just late, Freyja reassured herself. Now say hello to everyone and introduce yourself to the new medic.

"Has anyone seen Junko-chan?" She blurted out. "I mean, ah.. Ohayou everyone!"
Medical Bay

"Thank you all for dropping in. We have just the one unit and the one staff member, yours truly. If you'd like to book an appointment, we can arrange for some spa services before the MTBU backup. How better to double your value?" Tan talked over the hum of the machine, though it couldn't disguise all her sarcasm.

She kept her eyes on the data stream, not even using her sonar; her unaugmented echolocation told her enough about the crowd in the room. To Freyja in specific, she responded, "She hasn't been in yet. It's going to be an hour or two before I can get to you, Nitô Hei Freyja."

'-EEEEEEEEEY MACARENA- Aw, damn it!' Jax snarled internally, having completely forgot about that totally-ridiculous myth that he totally didn't believe in. However, he couldn't help but snicker childishly at Tan's question. when the process was complete, he leaned in close to the other Neppi and lowered his voice.

"Well, maybe not, but I think the all the captains do," he hissed under his breath to the new medic. He glanced around to make sure no one else was in ear shot. "You didn't hear it from me, but have you seen how big our main cannon is? I'm not saying that anyone's compensating, but I guarantee the CO's of the fleet like to get together and have a little gun-measuring contest every once in a while, hm?"

With a hearty laugh, Jax swung his legs over the edge of the MTBU and hopped to the floor.

"See ya 'round, doc!"

As he walked out, he took some time to give passing greetings to his not-so-new shipmates. With the last mission and his "relationship troubles", he'd been unusually antisocial, and thus had barely gotten to see any of the new guys.

"Bel! Good to see you didn't get buried alive under that paperwork!"

"Masumi! Saw you were rooming with The Grump! My condolences!"

"How's it hangin', Blue...?"

As he was heading out the door, he looked at Freyja, and his smile flickered for an instant. He knew exactly what was up when she came in and immediately blurted out about Junko. Once upon a time, his own girlfriend had turned up missing before a mission, and he knew well the anguish and worry that could cause. The local bars had the tabs to prove it. But, he reached out and patted Freyja on the shoulder and gave her the best grin he could muster.

"Don't sweat it. She'll show up." said the engineer in a voice that, if one listened closely, sounded really uncertain. With that, he left, his tail flowing behind him. When he was sure he was out of sight, his smile faded, and his perky ears drooped sideways.


"Chusa." he greeted calmly as he plopped down on a sofa nearby to Nicholas. Whipping out his data pad, he began sketching the beginnings of a suit of armor which could only be described as "hella sick". It was much sleeker than a Mindy, on account that it wasn't as heavily armored. This option was designed for stealth. After a late night image search for "space ninjas", his renowned imagination had gone into overdrive.
Tan Ann Pan nodded and chuckled as Jax confided in her, and waved to him as he left, before sweeping the sheet off the MTBU bed and replaced it again, a habit learned in less robust environments with more liability payments. "Next, please," she called out to the queue--whoever was still present after more than twenty minutes of waiting, at least.
Medical Bay

Masumi raised a hand and ducked her head as she placed her hips on the table. Her pink hair fell atop it, splaying out and falling past the edges of it before she rested her chest and head down.

"I'm ready," she said. She imagined herself dancing, as she had at The Sweet Spot just last night. Dancing free and carelessly.

"I am. I'm ready," she reiterated.
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"Good, let's hope you don't need to be." Tan started up the machine again. "We'll be ready for the next in 15 to 30 minutes." Though not difficult, it was always awkward to give more precise estimates on how long the process would take for a given patient, given the personal nature of mind transfer. "You're doing well," she assured Masumi.
Medical Bay

The Neko became unconscious for the procedure, having not opted to remain clear-headed during it. She didn't feel the relatively small amount of pain during it. If she had been awake, it would have felt like a knife pushing into her skin, tearing past muscle and ligaments and grating against bone. Which was all relatively small in contrast to the pain a more experienced and wizened person would feel.
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<<Armor Bay>>

Junko looked up at the announcement on the PA. Backups would be very good idea, just heading back out. Junko hadn't had hers in some time, relatively speaking, with all the downtime. Eucharis' last minute save of the armor team had made it bled, last mission.

First things first, though.

Carefully, the trooper put the weapons she'd been maintaining back in working order. Stowed them back in the lockers, made sure they were set right. Cleaning and upkeep of her weapons was a meditative experience. Could do it for hours, just let her body do what was natural.


Junko slid in, noting she was a few Neko behind in the line. She'd been later than she'd thought she'd been. To be fair, she'd expected to be waiting even if she hurried. On the plus side, she had time to stand around and do nothing with a certain blue hued cutie.

She slid her hands quickly around Freyja's waist and gave her a firm squeeze. Brushed her cheek against her, which seemed to be the most telling habit she'd borrowed from her partner. They were technically still on duty, and she'd be professional through the day, but it wouldn't hurt anyone if she let that slip for a moment.

"Ohayo, Freyja-Chan!"

"Heisho," Saiga acknowledged as the ship's engineer came in. They'd met in passing back when the Chusa was Hanako's XO, but hadn't ever really spoken directly. The Geshrin officer's tenure back then had been short, after all; Saiga had spent barely a single mission aboard the Eucharis. But still, he remembered the impression of Jax's animated personality and aptitude at keeping the ship in good mechanical order.

The old SAINT operative mostly paid attention to a volumetric window projected from his multi-function bracelet, laid on the table again like it had been the last time he was here those weeks before leave. He was a fan of making his workstation anywhere that was comfortable. Perhaps it was a result of spending all those years having to make do in the field with Mishhuvurthyar death squads trying to sniff him out of hiding. Even when Jax sat down onto the other end of the couch and started scribbling on his data pad, Saiga didn't pay him much mind.

Until the catboy's sketch began to coalesce into something recognizable.

"M-meccha kakkoii!" Saiga declared after he caught a glimpse of the engineer's drawing, his eyes having wandered as an intel officer's eyes were prone to do. "What kind of power armor is that, Jax-kun?"
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'I am a disgrace to the clan!' was Jax's first thought when he realized he'd been found out. Then he remembered that he wasn't actually a part of any ninja clan, and that he was primarily self-trained and thus didn't even come close to the level of skill of an actual ninja. He went a deep shade of red and averted his eyes from Saiga.

(OOC: Think of Snake Eyes' armor from GI Joe.)

"It's a... um... stealth platform I was dreaming up. I-It doesn't have all of the heavy plating of a Mindy, and doesn't increase the user's strength. I... based the design off of an old children's story." stammered the mechanic quietly as he flipped the pad around and showed his officer. The suit's color was a mixture of dark purples, and the helmet featured two glowing teal eyes and an eerie grin filled with rows of sharp teeth. In the corner, in Jax's scribble, was the word "Cheshire".

"You see, I-I.... like... ninjas... so, yeah..."
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