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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 27, Part 2] Night on the Beach (YE 39)


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Hanako's World
2日 1月 YE 39 - 1400 hours (Local time around late evening, 10pm-ish)

The Eucharis crew had landed somewhere on an uninhabited island, with the the ship's shuttles resting in a small sandy clearing at the edge of a huge beach with pristine white sands and a forest of twisting pines, large-leaved tropical plants, and thick coconut-like trees along to the rear and a tidal pool with the sea on the other side. The only lights came from a half-full moon and neon teal fluorescent sea life that shimmered in the waves.

"Help me gather some rocks and dry plants for a campfire," Hanako suggested, walking out of the shuttle wearing one of the newer PT uniforms with the blue T-shirt and shorts, but with bare feet. Meanwhile Victory dragged out a bunch of hammocks and started setting them up on trees as well laying out some old rugs to sit on or picnic on. "Are we going to make Ramiro our bartender?" Hanako half-jokingly asked.
Hanako's World

Masumi was one of the first out of the shuttle after Hanako and in about three seconds, her eyes switched to ultra-violet vision to see clearly in the moonlight. With a bit of haste to her step, she began collecting twigs and dry leaves. Intuitively, she made leaf kebabs on twigs, pushing each dry leaf onto a sturdy twig until it was full and then began on a new one. Soon, she had a half-dozen leaf kebabs and looked towards Hanako, about to ask her if this was enough. She held her tongue, though, and looked towards the forest, wondering what secrets it held.
Hanako's World

Ramiro emerged from the shuttle and surveyed the area around them. "Well, if we find some good long branches, some rope, and a long, flat board I can probably lash us together a make-shift bar." He ducked his head back into the shuttle and went to the back, rummaging through their tools and supplies. He came back out with a long coil of rope and a service panel that he had detached from one of the walls. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to at least put the panel back where I found it."

Ramiro dropped the supplies at the edge of the area that Victory was setting up. "Now for the rest," he said to nobody in particular as he jogged off into the woods. He came back a minute or two later, straining as he dragged a 10-foot log through the underbrush, with a pile of thick branches ranging four to six feet long tucked under one arm. With a loud grunt he dropped them nearby the rope and service panel and dusted off his hands. He bent over, pressing his hands on his knees and leaning forward as he caught his breath for a few moments.

"Next trip," he said, again to nobody in particular, as he jogged back out into the trees.

Jax was next out of the shuttle, dressed in aforementioned Hawaiian shirt, straw hat, and Star Army workout shorts. Under his breath he cheerily hummed the tune of Aethersperm's latest hit- emphasis on hum, as actually singing the lyrics would definitely land him in some disciplinary action. Over his shoulder he hefted a shovel.

"I'll start digging the pit!" he announced and scouted for a spot near the main gathering, but not so close as to pose a fire hazard, yet still far enough from the water that a sudden change in tides wouldn't ruin the fun. Before digging he took off his shirt, due to the fact that it was a rather nice shirt and getting it soiled by sweat and sand would suck. It had absolutely nothing to do with vaingloriously showing off his new abs in the slightest. At all. Period.

Jax kicked off his flip flops and began digging a circular pit about seven feet in diameter and four feet deep.
By the Beach

Dr. Pan decided to search out rocks for the fire pit rather than gather up branches; her echolocation was a bit fuzzy when it came to vegetation. Granted, as a common Nepleslian carrying rocks wasn't exactly her forte, but as long as it was one at a time, she could manage it. Despite her age, her spine was fine!

She had her own new exercise uniform on in full, and her glasses, as usual. In her defense, aside from being a cyborg she didn't actually need to see with her eyes, so sunglasses at night was sensible precaution. Answering her captain, she said, "He brought the most booze, I suppose the honour is his."
Down by the Sea

Mehitabel stepped down from the shuttle and into the darkness with trepidation. Being this close to two unfamiliar biomes, woods on one side, a great body of water on the other, filled her with a very vague sort of unease that even casually attired flag officers and the promise of alcohol couldn't remove. Though, application of the latter would no doubt help soon enough.

She had dressed as much for the beach as possible on such short notice. Something Bel had seen in the secondhand stores back on Yamatai had inspired her to take scissors to a pair of her civilian pants for an instant pair of warm-weather shorts to pair with a particularly old 'Family Fun Day' t-shirt from the Arsenal, and comfy shoes. None of which would be irrevocably damaged by sand, or salt.

Letting her eyes adjust, the clerk bravely hefted a cooler and drug it towards Jax. "Let's not start drinking before the food is even over the pit," she joked.
Down by the Sea

The only thing visible within the gaping pit were the occasional flying clusters of sand, and two fluffy, blonde cat ears that occasionally twitched to remove themselves of said sand. After a few moments, Jax quickly dug an air trench along the side of the pit, and climbed out. Tossing the shovel aside, he wiped his forehead with his arm and strolled over to Bel with a mischievous smirk.

"You're right," he agreed whilst flipping open the top of the box and reaching inside. He pulled away with a beer in his hand. "We should definitely wait until everything is set up. It would be improper to do otherwise."

He looked to his hand with mock surprise and horror. "What is this?! A beer?! How on earth did this get here?! Well, I'd better return it to the cooler!"

Then, the goofy mechanic popped the tab and began raising the can to his face, to his growing "horror".

"What in the world?! It seems that this can of beer has grown a mind of its own! It appears to be trying to forcibly pour itself into my mouth! Well I won't let you, villain!" He cried out, even putting on a "struggle". In the end though, his strength was not enough for the dastardly drink! Using proper Nepleslian technique, Jax drained the whole can in about six seconds and ran to toss it into a trash bag. He came back to Bel a moment later, snickering.

"I have been defeated." he shrugged and began setting up trash cans. Lord knows he learned his lesson about littering within the first few days of living in Yamatai.
At the Beach

For someone who spent nearly all of her time on duty, Natsumi actually had beach attire, which she had bought on her first trip to Hanako's World years ago. She did not get to wear said attire much, but today was one of those days. The snowy haired neko stepped out of the shuttle clad in her attention getting red and white striped bikini, over which she wore her frilly orange and pink sun dress. Atop her head a floppy wide brimmed straw hat. She too was barefoot, forgoing shoes or sandals and enjoying the feel of warm sand under foot.

She grinned as she looked out upon the beach and all of her shipmates as they went about setting up for the party to come. She was half tempted to go for a dip in the surf, the thought of the warm tropical water was appealing, but not yet. Instead, she made her way over to Ramiro, who she still felt a great desire to spend time catching up with. She grinned at her old friend and planted her hands on her hips.

"Anything I can help you out with?" she asked.
Down by the Sea

As Natsumi left the shuttle Ramiro was just exiting the forest with another long log and another armful of sticks.

"Uhm..." He said un-confidently as he look around and thought to himself. "I'm almost done gathering the wood I need to build a bar, so maybe you could bring out the alcohol? There should be about six or seven boxes that I just filled with assorted alcohols, I tried to grab at least one of each. By the time you do that many trips from the shuttle I should be about done here."

After another trip into the forest Ramiro had collected a sizable pile of long wood. He organized two 10-foot logs, which were the remnants of the trunk of a fell tree, parallel to each other. At each end, he placed a shorter, but similarly thick log on top of them, creating a rectangle. He went to work lashing each corner of this rectangle together until he had sturdy base weighing several hundred pounds. He then started on the branches. His first step was to strip off any sticks or twigs that still clung to the branches. Occasionally this involved pulling out a serrated knife that was sheathed to the belt of his khaki cargo shorts and forcibly carving protrusions off of the branches. Next he lined up next to each other, checking their lengths and either manually breaking them or using his knife to shorten any that were too long. Before too long he had a line of sticks that were each roughly one of six different lengths. When he was finished with this step he began laying them down and organizing them around the base. With these sticks he made four rectangle of two different sizes, which would eventually make up the sides of the bar.. Each side of the log-base had a rectangle next to it with a length matching the base, and a height of about four feet, with longer branches going across the diagonal cross-sections.

Ramiro stood back for a moment to examine his design before he started cutting up the rope into shorter lengths and continued lashing his bar together. He started by lashing together the corners of each of his four rectangles, and then attached the cross sections. When these bar-sides were completed he lifted one of the longer sides vertically and placed it onto one of the logs that made up the base. After tying the side to the log in several places as he carefully held it in place, he then grabbed a shorter side and did the same, also tying the touching edges of these two sides together. Before too long he had all four sides attached, each tied to his log-base and also tied to each other along their vertical edges. On the two longer sides he added a vertical support-stick in the middle, to make sure it could take some weight. Ramiro then began adding sticks short-ways to the top of his structure, attaching one every foot or so until he had nine or ten of them spanning the width.

Again Ramiro took a step back to examine his work. "It needs some finishing touches," he said, as always to nobody in particular. He jogged back into the shuttle and emerged a few seconds later with a half-dozen burlap sacks. Nevermind why they were in there. He cut along one side seem of each sack, and along the bottom, until he was able to open the sack into one long piece of burlap that was still attached by a seem in the middle. By poking holes along the edges with his knife, he made openings through which he threaded roped and tied these lengths of burlap all the way around three sides of his make-shift bar, covering everything except one of the two 10-foot sides which faced away from the gather. He then lifted the service panel onto the top of the structure and tied it down, wrapping a length of rope short-ways over the top of the panel a few inches from the edge, threading one end through the burlap and wrapping the other end underneath the open side of the bar, and tying the two ends together underneath the panel. He did this again for the other side, one more time short-ways directly in the middle, and then twice more long-ways. When he was finished he grabbed the panel and gave it a few tugs in random directions to make sure it wasn't going to move anywhere.

For a last time he took a step back, this time to admire his handiwork before he said, "Now time to stock it."
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Hanako's World, Shuttle
Candon Suites left the shuttle wearing his PT uniform with a large hard case in hand and his sword sheathed in the saya on his back. His bare feet sunk into the cool, soft sand. He still hated planets.
Walking over to the pit Jax had dug he laid the large hard case on its side. They would need that once they had enough wood.

Now he needed to find a dead tree… right there by the beachfront. The sword snapped into his hand as he walked over to a large woody tree, not a palm. It would be an opportunity to practice using his sword in flight. He released his grip on Kokū Ken telepathically began controlling it's flight up, down, and around the tree. Dry twigs and limbs fell to the ground as the sword cut its way through the dead foliage, cleaning the lumber. It was time to bring the tree down.

Positioning it above the tree the Dark Sword began spinning faster and faster, becoming a round shadow in the darkness of the night. The air whistled around the blade as it spun, distorting light around it as it distorted gravity in two different directions. Satisfied with the excessive speed Candon made a move that both excited and terrified him. The blade accelerated into the ground on a course parallel to the tree. A sound like many saws roared as it sliced across the length of the tree, reducing it to roughly 180 kilos of oddly split logs.

"We have wood," he called as the sword docked with it's saya, "I'll need a hand!"
Hanako's World

Takao emerged from the shuttle's doorway in the lower half of his exercise uniform, minus shoes, with a Hinomaru-red button up shirt loosely buttoned at about mid chest level. On his head was one of the baseball caps seen with the working uniforms, though instead of being the Eucharis it bore the name YSS Imperator above the image of a Sharie class battleship. Underneath the image was its registry number, reading out 'NB-S1-45' in exact clone text to the name of the vessel.

On the Shoi Kohosei's back was a small drawstring bag just big enough to hold and conceal the body of a guitar, though the neck probably gave it away that he was carrying it. He walked over to one of the rugs Victory had already set up and set down his instrument and looked up at the voice requesting a hand. He turned his head and made a megaphone shape with his hands which settled around his mouth,

"On the way!"

Takao then set off to help get the wood, walking with a purpose towards Candon.
Hanako's World

Wazu left the shuttle wearing a boonie hat and sunglasses along with a t-shirt and swim trunks.

It became clear very quickly that he had misjudged where and when this party would be taking place, leaving the hat and sunglasses behind in the shuttle as he pulled his wheely-chest full of stuff out onto the beach.

Everyone else seemed to have their own thing to do, so Wazu would head over to the make-shift bar. Jax had already stocked up on the base alcohols, which left the last few important parts to Wazu. Small umbrellas, fruit wedges, rums, Syrups, fruit juices, and the all important tanks of NO2.

First came the jigger and shaker, followed shortly by Rum, Pineapple juice and ice in equal measure. A splash of Coconut milk, A quick shake, and then into a set of tall glasses.

Then came the Coconut milk, poured into a whip-cream dispensor that was then charged with NO2. A small swirl of heavy Coconut whipped cream ending up on top of the drinks.

A quick drizzle of honey, and then one of chocolate syrup ontop of that.

Followed by a tiny umbrella, holding a cherry and a wedge of pineapple in place.

A small row of fruity drinks made ready for anyone working up a sweat moving tree branches around.
Down by the Sea

Freyja walked out of the shuttle, eyes downcast. She wore only a red volumetric thong and bikini that showed off her curves. Her ears drooped and her tail hung limp. She made a beeline for the cooler Mehitabel brought and pulled out a beer. It wasn't as strong as she wanted, but it would have to do for now. She popped it open and downed it almost as fast as Jackson.

With a sigh, she walked to the trash can and tossed the empty can in. This isn't going to do it, she thought. "Bel, you have anything stronger in your cooler?" Freyja called to her as she walked back over to the box. She wasn't feeling patient enough to wait for Ramiro to finish the bar.

Her ears perked up at a new sound. She turned towards Wazu, staring at the cart he pulled. The hope that he had something stronger drew her like a cat to the red dot of a laser. She snatched a fruity drink and took a big drink. "Wazu, I love you right now," Freyja said without emotion.
Ghetto-Rigged Tiki Bar

Jax waltzed over to the bar after he finished setting up trash cans, drawn by the sight of his much-beloved pina coladas. He removed his straw hat, now only clothed in a pair of shorts, and swept up one of the hurricane glasses.

"Not bad, Wazu!" he praised, plucking the cherry off the top and tugging it off the stem with his teeth. "Buuuuuut..."

Jax reached over the counter and pulled up one of his handles of rum he'd purchased, then proceeded to pour way more than recommended into the glass. He took another big gulp and purred.

"Now we're talkin'!" he sighed, leaning back against the bar to see how the preparations were coming along. That's when he noticed Freyja, the blue one... looking... blue...

...He hated himself sometimes.

Regardless, he hadn't spoken to her much at all, like, ever. The first actual conversation he'd ever had with the infantry woman had been today. Jax took a moment to observe. From his limited experience, he knew for certain that she was by nature a relatively cheerful sort. So, it wasn't just a natural bad mood like Candon. No, there was clearly an external cause. Come to think of it, she seemed happiest when around Jun-

Oh... Junko... The same Junko that he hadn't seen since the ship left Yamatai.

Okay, but for real, was it some sort of sick Yamataian custom to ditch your ex without even a simple phone call?! Him, Tsuguka, possibly Mehitabel (as he was unsure of the nature of their relationship), and now Freyja! For Yui's sake, they had standard issue communicators!

Glancing at Freyja, Jax knew exactly what was about to happen, because he'd done it himself, quite a bit. As an NCO, he felt it was part of his job to notice things like this amongst the enlisted. Wait, was he becoming... mature and responsible?! Screw it. Questions for later.

<Starting heavy, are we?> he asked the neko telepathically, taking care not to make it look like he was talking to her, to prevent causing a scene and possibly embarrassing her. He also avoided addressing the issue directly, just in case he was wrong, and like, she was sad because of the season finale on some Nepflix show.
Hanako's World

Masumi wasn't the first to respond to Candon, but she was the quickest to act after putting her leaf kebabs in the pit that was recently dug up. She had set them in a triangular pattern with care and attention not especially necessary. Then she ran to the pile of logs recently cut up by the incredible weapon Candon held.

"I can get the big ones!" Masumi said with an air of excitement. "I would be happy to assist in such a way!"

She then grabbed the biggest, bulkiest piece and floated into the air with it, over the heads of Candon and Takao to avoid hitting them with her massive wood. She made her way to the fire pit and realized she would crush her kebabs if she simply tossed the wood into the pit. She looked between the pit and Candon worriedly before acting.

She lifted and threw the log just a few inches up so that she could press one palm flat against it to hold it while her other hand delicately picked up the half dozen of kebabs. She then tucked them underneath her arm and side and kept them there before readjusting her hold on the log and dropped it down onto the pit. She then pulled her leaf kebabs out from their position between her body and arm and neatly stacked them next to the pit, where they wouldn't get crushed by the rest of the logs that were to be put in it.
The Beach

"The booze, got it!" Natsumi replied to Ramiro with a smile on her lips, then turned and went back to the shuttle to retrieve the boxes he had indicated.

Thanks to her super neko strength, Natsumi was able to carry two boxes at a time, easily hefting them and bringing them over to where Ramiro was setting up his bar. She deposited the first two, then went and got the next set and the next, then the last one. By the time she was done, a nice stack of boxes was neatly set beside the bar and she smiled at her handiwork at about the same time Ramiro was admiring his.

She rubbed her hands together, then glanced at her friend. "Now what?" she asked with a raised white eyebrow.
Hanako's World, Wood Pile

"Thanks guys," he called back as he spotted the volunteering crew mates, one he hadn't met but the other he recognize a klick away. Roommates tended towards familiarity and bubblegum pink hair had trouble blending in. "We'll only want a quarter of the wood to start with. Maybe less, I'll light it once it's about ready. I've got a party trick for that."

Watching Masumi pass overhead with a piece of the trunk at least twice her weight was an impressive sight, though it made him miss his old body and it's strength. Being a Minkan just made him feel old and feeble compared to what he used to do. As he carried a few fragments of the tree to the pit he took notice of the carefully made leaf/stick things she'd made. They would have probably been good for tinder if that had been necessary and/or the intention. It wouldn't take long before the pit was sufficiently filled.

"Alright everybody, listen up, I'm making a confession!" Candon hollered, looking for attention, "shortly before our departure I took a military-grade weapon from the armory without permission." Kneeling beside the big black hard case he'd brought he popped the clips holding it shut and opened the box to remove what the moonlight could barely reveal as a rifle-looking thingy.
"This is a W2904 flamethrower. Are we ready to light this candle?!"
Hanako's World

Masumi's lips spread from one another while her pink eyebrows shot up as her eyes took in the sight of Candon's W2904.

Trailing off, she said, "It's beautiful..."

When she realized how desperately she wanted to have the pit lit, she hurriedly went to the side of the pit and scooped up the leaf/stick things and unceremoniously dumped them on the pile of logs, wanting to be quick of pace in order to see the flamethrower in action as soon as possible. She took eight steps backwards, counting them aloud as she did, as she didn't want to be too close to the flames that would soon be licking at the logs. She put her hands behind her back and laid in wait now that she was a distance away.
On the Beach

Tan Ann Pan sighed and sat down a good fifteen meters away from the campfire, less eager than the others to witness Candon's pyrotechnic display, partly on principle and partly because it didn't look very impressive to her preferred way of visualizing the world, which didn't involve radiation (and good riddance!)

She hadn't completed the circle of stones on her own in the time that the others had taken, but some help from the others would cover that well enough while she lounged and cooled down, and waited to see if she needed to treat any injuries. "Alright, I'm at a safe distance," she admitted, before flinging herself back to her feet to fetch one of the drinks Wazu was mixing up.
On the Beach

Mehitabel didn't looked... Annoyed... Instead she reacted to Jax's antics with an exaggerated eyeroll, hands on her hips. "Oh no. Stop. What would happen if you moved on to liquor. Think of the younglings," she said tonelessly, then stuck her tongue out at the retreating engineer. For herself, the clerk was waiting on Ramiro's bar to finish setting up. Beer and, despite her predilection towards excessive sweetness in tea, mixed drinks really didn't suit her tastes. Neither did drinking on an empty stomach; something about booze without food never sat well with her.

"Ah, sorry Freyja, this is just the beer cooler. Almost everyone else-" she started, reaching out to pat Freyja on the arm before her unfortunate friend found the first round of pina coladas. Part of her wanted to reach out and try to slow down the neko. The other part.... The other part figured that getting absolutely trashed in a relatively safe setting, surrounded by friends and colleagues, wasn't a bad way to deal with being wordlessly dumped by your girlfriend.

She had just noticed her favorite fluffy white officer carting over cases of the Good Stuff for Ramiro when Candon made his pronouncement. Like a moth to the as yet unlit flame, Mehitabel did a 90° turn to get back into the proximity of the fire pit.

"No, but yes, very much yes," she said eagerly, hands balling up in anticipation against her thighs.
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