Machine Planet Labyrinth - Room #32
"Area clear. Doorway spotted, standing by," her sultry voice coolly spoke, weapons at the ready as she continued to scan. The incessant shrieking had stopped as quickly as it had begun, and with that, Noriko allowed her sense of pain to return. It was difficult to tell the extent of the hearing damage she had taken, but the soldier knew that was irrelevant - hemosynthetic flesh didn't know that permanent damage existed. Even then, she completely switched to her suit's audio sensors instead, just to be safe. Right now though, Noriko didn't feel safe despite declaring the area clear; she might have been unsocial, but she could tell that something was off.
The Shôshô gave an order, a demand, did not seem happy. It was best to let Junko deal with her, however, there was something that Noriko wanted to address too, something she wasn't going to let wait. It was likely now or never after all.
"Hasegawa-san, please warn me in the future if you will move past me and into melee range," she began, speaking to the other Neko, mind to mind. "Friendly fire is not friendly," Noriko added, repeating the little saying that they were taught in training. Naturally, the new little Neko also knew this echoed the last tragedy as well - she didn't want to be on the giving or receiving end if it happened again.