Star Army

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RP: Yome Ismâopate Mission 3.1 New Traditions


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
Planet: Âmuar
Location: Mâhoa'ka Âdor Âmuar (Dream Sky Harbor)

Keyul walked down the ramp from the air lock of the Yome Ismâopate. He pulled up the hood of his Wotamu to stop the snow from falling on his head. Ahead of him at the base of the ramp were Sogi and Tota his wards. The two of them were grabbing handfuls of snow and tossing them at each other. He laughed at their antics; and made his way to join them.

He looked up at the ship and at a sight that was uncommon for most clan members. Snow was gathering on the hull of the ship, there was easily an obâpo thick layer that accumulated since their arrival. Looking around he saw that there was even more accumulating on other ships that had been here longer.

A ground glider transport was approaching the ship the lift system clearing the snow beneath it and sprayed the snow at anything close to it, "Tota, Sogi stay near the ramp. We don't want you to miss out on the fun because you got hit by a ground glider.
Murr Whisk preened before the mirror in her assigned quarters as she was looking forward to the time off the ship. She looked at herself and nodding in satisfaction of the garb she had designed for herself. With the loose style, yet a bit more tighter than normal. Grabbing her Wotamu and slinging it on as she left her cabin to begin her shore leave. Shipboard duties done. Last of the written reports done and filed. It was time for relaxing to see what the future held.

She left the ship in time to see the last of snow tossing of the two baqli, Tota and Sogi as they scampered to get away from the approaching ground glider. She took in the view that was offered and the snow covered ships. It was a new experience to see the white stuff falling from the cloud covered sky. What landed on her nose as it melted was cold, yet enticing in the newest sensations. Even though she was wary at first, wondering who activated the fire suppression system that snow so closely resembled.

She held out her paw/hand to catch a flake or two to watch it melt into water. Murr smiled as she advanced down the ramp. It seamed that these falling flakes of frozen water had the ability to dampened sound. She pulled the hood up and over her ears as a few errant flakes found their way into her ears, sending shivers of lancing coldness into her.

She was seriously debating of heading back into the warm steel confines of the Yome Ismaopate. But she knew if she stayed aboard the ship, she would be subjected to pulling watch at some station beyond her comprehension. Or stuck with a grizzled veteran and their war stories, shenanigans and conquests to ad nausea.

She came to a stop near Keyul to wait on the ground glider that was approaching. She nodded to Keyul at seeing him once again mobile and in good health. She smiled at Tota and Sogi.
La'tâ stepped down from the Yome Ismâopate, though she wore casual clothes, her posture was still as straight and proper as it was when she was in uniform. Shore leave was not enough to bring her out of habit, however she did pause in awe as she saw the white powdery snow. She had heard about snow, and even seen pictures and video in her science classes, but she had never seen it in person. She stepped fully over the ramp and bent down, scooping some up into her hand to get a feel for it. "This is...different than how I thought it'd feel."
Keyul took care to keep an eye on the baqli, "This should be a good experience for them, and well I'm still getting used to all this 'weather'. I have procured accommodations at the Vithui a Weâmi Uospate on the eastern edge of the city. They are hosting a number of activities that deal with this climate. I'm looking forward to watching these two trying some of activities. To be honest, I am also looking forward to trying a few."

Tota and Sogi came over to Murr, "Hello Murr-Sar." they said and signed with handspeak. "You should try to make balls out of the snow. It is not as easy as it looks. Too much pressure and they break." Sogi added.

Tota gave an impish look, "Of course once you make one, you have to figure out what or who to through it at."

Keyul acknowledged La'tâ with a nod, "That is very true La'tâ. Very different from the times they would make snow back on Sotâka Ruomâq. It is also a lot colder than I expected. Fortunately we have plenty of thermal coats. Any specific plans for the two of you? " He said including hand speak.
Murr smiled down at Sogi and Tota as she listened to them. She nodded and bent down and retrieved a bunch of snow. It was pleasantly cold as she tried to make her first snowball, which escaped from her paws to fall to the ground, leaving a tiny chunk of packed snow in her hands. She looked thoughtful and toss it at Tota, being carefull to aim for his chest. She watched spatter like a mud ball she used to make as a Baqli.

Her next snow ball was much better as she used the same principle in making mud balls. Instead of mud, snow. To test it out, she flung it hard across the dividing open space to thunk soundly against another nearby ship's hull. She watched it spatter in an explosion of snow with a good chunk still stuck to the side of the targeted ship.

Murr realized after a few minutes of playing in the snow, her paw/ hands went numb. Even felt warm since she wasn't feeling the coldness anymore. She made a few more snowballs, lightly packed them, just enough to hold together and threw them at Soga and Tota. Even sent one towards La'ta.

Her eyes were sparkling with merriment, as she breathed out plums of misted warm air. She couldn't help herself as she felt like a kitten with a new toy.
La'tâ smiled towards Keyul and then let out a soft chuckle. "Yes the temperature is rather..stinging I suppose. I knew it was supposed to be cold but I've never been in cold like this outside of an environmental suit." After speaking she eyed down to Keyul's abdomen. "How are your injuries doing? Any complications or lingering pain? Also, I don't have any plans in particular." She likely would've offered another smile, but before she could she was hit in the shoulder with a snowball which caused her to jump and look around startled.

"W-what?" Because it broke on impact she did not immediately realize what was going on but once she did she scooped up some snow on her own, though it took a few attempts to not reflexively pull back because of the cold. She finally lumped some snow together and threw it back and Murr, however it didn't stay together well and broke apart in the air, showering her instead of hitting with a soft thud.
Sogi and Tota finding themselves the target of multiple attackers made their way for shelter laughing at the turn of events. They started lobbing snowballs as fast as they could make them without a care for accuracy. After all they now had multiple targets to attempt to hit.

Keyul laughed when La'tâ got pelted by Murr. "The injuries are fully healed. About all that I have left now is physical therapy. To strengthen the musculature. But keeping up with those two balls of mischief. I don't see that it will take me long to get back to full fighting trim."

He dodged an errant projectile, and then scooped one up and tossed it at Murr as she was focusing on others. He laughed at the simple pleasure they were sharing.

"Well, you are more than welcome to come along with us. The Vithui is a recreational facility, and they promise plenty of activities. Plus it will give you a chance to mingle with some of the locals if you like." He offered to his crewmates.
Hiding near the opening of the bay to the ramp, safe from snow balls and and possible wind, Memi watched. His eyes darted to and fro taking in everything the cold environment had brought. Finding that it was far to cold to draw let alone paint, he had set up a few camera systems to record the antics of the crew in the snow. Instead of drawing he had been sitting on a cargo crate bundled up in all of his robes with a emergency cold weather blanket wrapped around him over it all.

Each time a snow ball had found it's intendet target he chuckled, it had looked like a lot of fun, but how they were down there in the wet and cold he could not fathom. Not in the lest. And now as it developed into a full on skirmish he reached over to his bag and pulled it over, just so if any stray "rounds" came flying his way he would be able to block them and stay dry and warm. Wishing he had thought to bring a carafe of kadamui with him, he pulled out on of the damusia that he kept with him at all times. Taking a sip he found the beverage extra cold leaving a burning tingling sensation running down the back of his throat.
La'ta looked revealed to hear Keyul's words and gave him a nod in confirmation. "It's good that everything healed up well...and it does look like you'll get plenty of exercise, whether you would like to or not." She chuckles, but keeps glancing in Murr's direction, ready to dodge any retaliatory fire.

She did glance over at the baqli and then back to Keyul as he spoke about joining them. "I would like that, I wouldn't know where to start at a place like this. I spend most of my free time with less active forms of relaxation."
Murr smiled at La'ta attempt at the snowball and received the snow shower in good grace. She sent a few more snowballs at Toga and Sogi. She listened to Keyul speak as the impromptu snow ball fight dwindle. She brushed off the snow and realized her paw hands were numb. It was a curious feeling as she tried to do a dexterous movements with them and failing miserably. She blinked as this was weird stuff. She then realized snow was fancy looking ice crystals that melted into water. Some had refroze on the back of her paw, sticking to the fur.

She brushed the fur free of frozen water off the back of her paws and wasn't sure what to do next. It was cold as it began to settle upon her once she slowed her movements down. She tucked her paw up inside her garments to warm them up again. At first she could feel the warmth of her body against her hand paws. Then they began to hurt like crazy. She hissed in annoyance, but kept them covered till the pain went away to be replaced by coldness then warmth.
Keyul approached the ground glider that stopped near the Yome. "Sogi, Tota get into the vehicle." He called out to the baqli. They stopped their assault and made their way to the vehicle.

"Murr, La'ta if you are coming with us. Get your gear stowed in the vehicle and take a seat. I'll join you shortly." He said as he made his way up to the cargo bay.

"Memi, I just wanted to extend an invitation to you to join us. La'ta and Murr are coming along. It should be a lot of fun. It is my treat. Although if you are coming. Our first stop is going to be to get anyone who hasn't gotten some cold weather gear equipped. After all this is supposed to be fun. They have some great equipment with built in warming, after all our people are better suited to warmer climes." He said extending his arm in greeting.
Murr loaded her travel kit into the ground glider vehicle. She then climbed into the vehicle after the Baqli boarded. She took her seat in the comparative warmth of the vehicle interior. She was happy and content to be with friends and teammates.
La'tâ took her luggage and placed it into the cargo space on the vehicle. She then climbed in, offering a smile to the two baqli and sat beside Murr. "I wonder if they have snow related activities for us to do."
Murr nodded as she got comfortable. She signed to La'ta : We'll find out soon enough : She being thankful that others took the time to learn sign language so she could communicate quicker without digging out an electronic notepad to use.
Keyul got into the vehicle and a few other crew members got in and took seats. The operator closed the door and the vehicle swung away from the starships and accelerated. With the vehicle closed the heating system increased its activity. Before the vehicle had left the sky harbor the interior was a comfortable temp for members of the clan.

Tota and Sogi left their seats so they could remove their coats. They placed them on their seats and walked forward to where the crew was sitting. They stopped were Murr and La'tâ were. "This is the first time we have gotten to play in the snow. We saw it once when our ship landed. But the snow was all hard and packed." Sogi said.

Tota laughed, "It was hard enough that our ship only settled a little into it. But it was much colder than here. The crew could only go out in space suits to work safely."

Sogi then held out a flyer, "Here, this is from the place we are going. It lists some of the activities that are available as well as some of the features of the place. They have a facility where guests can get food at any time. And its included in the price of the quarters. I'm going to make sure I know where that is." he said.

Once clear of the harbor the ground glider moved onto a major transitway and accelerated. The operator called out that they would reach their destination in 15 tui'sa.
Murr smiled at Sogi as she took the flyer from her to look it over. She sped read through it quicky, figuring that she could pick one up for herself once they reached their destination. The resort looked well prepped for a lot of activities and even had arranged times for transport for the activities that were held elsewhere. She took note of the prices and location where the food being served at around the clock.

She nodded once she had gotten a brief glimpse of what is offered and prices. She passed the flyer to La'ta, so she could look over the flyer. She signed her thanks to Sogi and Tota for showing her the flyer.
La'tâ took the flyer after Murr and began to look it over for what activities the place offered. "This is actually my first time with snow as well. Though the snow you saw sounds interesting, I think I prefer is being soft. If it wasn't so cold it feels like it'd be comfortable to lay down in. But before all that, a meal does sound good, something warm and sweet don't you all think?"
Keyul activated his datapad and pulled up the information on the festivities. He made sure to identify some activities that were indoors for when his companions grew tired of the cold. He sent them to his companions communicators so they could refer to them later.

He then wrote and sent a message to his brother, and copied his parents. He included some images of the snow from the Sky Harbor.

He swiveled his chair so that he could look at Murr and La'tâ. He took an image to capture the scene of the four travelers he was with. It pleased him that his fellow crew members took well to the baqli. A good sign that they were adjusting to their new life, and considered the two females with him as close to punla.
Quietly sitting in the rear of the transport, Meme had a handheld recorder out. Silently he panned it around the cabin recording the trip and the other passengers. Always careful to keep behind of the lenses. Not wanting to taint the vid with his presents as any good historian worth their scrolls would. With a whisper of an electronic motor's whine, the recorder brought one of the flyers into focus for a few seconds. He figured he could edit the vid to extent the period of time the flyer was in frame, for the future viewer.

He wasn't sure what all he would record at the feasible that would be worth the data space. But he would try to find some aspect that he had not seen archived before.
Murr sat looking content as the ground glider sped through snow covered countryside once leaving Sky Harbor. Ears twitching, picking up sounds. Eyes always moving to spot danger before it became a threat, subconsciously. She was with her team as she made eye contact with Keyul, she gave a soft smile that a comrade in arms would give to a fellow team mate that served together in combat.

Seeing the two Baqli being playful kittens as they took in their new surroundings and having adapted to being with soldiers. Murr was glad to have them along. It gave proof they did their job with wisdom and compassion to guide them in their actions. As it could've been a bloodbath on the planet that the Colonist had illegally settled or uprooted to return to an already crowed World Station or the few Lifeless Planets that only the most desperate to get away from World Station like her family did. But the domes reminded them that they still lived on an airless dead world.

With now more living planets opening up. Murr was looking forward to become a colonist when her service contract was up. Even this snow covered planet gave the opportunity to not worry about a Dome collapsing in a quake or a ship crashing into the Dome. Or some other life threatening calamity. She was out doing her part.

She knew she would never make the higher ranks in the military, but she was going to leave her mark despite her handicap. Her being less than perfect. And a recognized adult having gone through the rituals that she could determined her own fate. She took the hard route and was doing her obligatory military service to the Poku.