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RP: YSS Heartbreaker [Mission 3 Aside 9.5] Breakdown

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
YSS Heartbreaker, Cabin 4
Edtoto laid on one of the beds in her room, looking at the dim glow of a tablet. Her free hand was scatching Skade's head, sitting as it was on her stomach. It had only been a couple hours since she had dragged the Neko to her little den. She didn't mind her falling asleep afterwards, enjoying the opportunity to relax but she had some work to do. She was analyzing the transmission the YSS Heartbreaker had picked up, translating it properly. It kept getting stronger and it was only a matter of time before they had the full transmission clearly. The broken message didn't assuage her sickness.

Edtoto stopped scratching Skade's head, placing a hand on her muzzle. She didn't show it but there was a lot being said other than the basic translation she was giving. It gave everything they needed to know, but left out the emotional tone that she could pick up. She felt her stomach lurch, and immediately crawled out from under Skade. Her whole body heaved and she gave out a loud retching sound. It hurt immensly, her body not designed to gag so she punched the wall in her attempt to lash out at something.

"Uhh, what?" the Neko said, shaking her head as she sat up on the bed. That sounds like it hurts, she thought as she put on her undergarments and put a hand on the lizard's shoulder. "Edtoto? What's wrong?" I think she's throwing up or just really nauseous. What do you do for nausea anyway?

Edtoto groaned, shivering. "I don't want to listen to it anymore... I should be there helping them and I'm not," she whimpered, holding her head. "She sounds so scared and I don't even know what happened to her!" She continued, sounding distressed.

Hmm...well I'm pretty sure she doesn't have cancer or is pregnant, the technician thought, mentally going over the PANTHEON list of causes of nausea. I'm hoping she didn't get a concussion from her accident earlier and its not like we hit the bottle before we did it, so I'm assuming this is emotional stress. Duh. Now, how to calm a freaked out alien?

"Hey, hey, its okay," Skade said, giving Edtoto a hug from behind. "You're doing your best with what you have right now. Once you have this done, I'm sure you'll be able to convince the Captain to get us there." Leaning over the Vekimen's back to kiss her neck, she asked, "Anything I can do to help?"

Edtoto was breathing heavily, trying to relax. "We can't ge there faster, and they are dying, Skade. My family is dead, my Clan is dying, and I don't even know what is happening to everyone else! While I am sitting here with everything being provided for me. I just feel so horrible," She sobbed, breaking down. "I don't even know what I am doing anymore!"

Whoops, the Neko thought, putting her chin on the lizard's shoulder. "It's hard feeling powerless. I remember feeling responsible for Sayoko almost getting killed and there wasn't anything I could do to fix it." Shaking her head at the memory, she continued, "Of course, that's not as apocalyptic as your situation, but the good thing is that you'll have time to fix that. You made a suit of power armor, a few bugs but nothing that can't be fixed, and you're bringing reinforcements to help your people. You're doing your best, Edtoto, regardless of the issues you're dealing with." Here's for hoping I'm not making this worse, she thought as she looked the lizard in the eye.

Edtoto listened to Skade, leaning back into the Neko's comforting grip. The conversation seemed to relax the Vekimen as she let out a stuttering breath. "I just feel so bad... Like... I've eaten more fresh food in this last little while than my entire family had seen their entire lives. My station for that matter I would say. I can have showers, and I actually regrew an arm! If that happened on the station I would have been instantly recycled. Now they are being attacked, and I'm here..." She sighed.

As Edtoto talked, the Neko held onto the lizard more and more tightly until she realized what she was doing and released the pressure. I had no idea...does anyone know? And actually, she thought, then said aloud, "Why are you out here? And how did you meet Sally anyway?"

Edtoto was taken a little off guard by the question, but she was able to answer it. "Every few decades the station decides to make what your kind would call a Hail Mary. They randomly select a group of two or three band officers. They load us into ships and give us a heading. We then follow that heading unti we reach a certain power lever, shut down atmospheric controls and ingest a sedative. Sally found me frozen on my ship, and I would have more information to give if the Thoot hadn't destroyed it" She explained, leaving out the absurdly low success rate. It was probably obvious though.

Hail Mary, my ass. More like a generational suicide mission. How long had the Vekimen been throwing darts at a map and hoped to get lucky? Skade was silent for a moment, then laughed, kissing the alien on the cheek. "Silly, silly Edtoto. You survived a trip like that and you're worried about doing your part? You did more than your part. You made that entire exercise profitable. Who knows if anyone would be looking for their transmission if you hadn't met us?" Putting her head right next to the lizard, she said, "I for one am glad you're here. And your people will be glad to see you too, especially with the calvary you're bringing."

Edtoto snifled slightly, nuzzling her head against Skade's cheek. She was silent for a long time before letting out a sigh. "You're right... I'm just over reacting aren't I..." She sighed, sitting down fully into Skade with her butt on the floor. "I'm sorry for waking you up with such sillyness."

Giggling at the nuzzling, the Neko pulled Edtoto to her chest. "Never be sorry for talking things out, love." Wait, did I...I guess I did. "But," she said, reaching a hand up to the alien's horns, "I know how you can make up for waking me up."

Edtoto looked at Skade when she called her love. "That's new... Have I made that much of an impact?" She asked, more curious than anything. "And how would I be able to repay you?" She adds, smiling a little.

"You have for me," Skade said, stroking one of Edtoto's horn as she continued, "I think you know how, my lady."

Edtoto smiled, turning to face the Neko. "Do I? You might have to lead me a little good Sir" She huffed in a lustful tone.

"Of course," the Neko replied, lifting the alien off the floor and onto the bed.

Edtoto allowed the Neko to pull her into the bed. "Oh I think I know how to pay you back now..." She whispered, pulling the Neko into a kiss.
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