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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 3: The sound of machina

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Rin thought it over a moment. She didn't want to go in and fight, possibly getting maimed like the others had. She also hadn't exactly been a successful fighter thus far anyway, her suit's efforts to calm her down having helped cleared her mind to these realizations. Maybe....

"Claymere-Taii, I volunteer, if you don't mind. I just don't want to be a burden...."
"Claymere-Taii, I volunteer, if you don't mind. I just don't want to be a burden...."

Nyton looked over at Rin, her comm window opening in front of him. "You haven't been a burden Rin-san. And just because you are not following us in does not make this task any less important. It could actually mean the difference between success or failure. Go ahead and get into position and keep yourself hidden from detection until we give you the signal." he said.
Rin nodded. "Hai, Taii." Her suit floated over to the deactivated Aether Canceller, and examined the machine and any controls, noting that it was unplugged. She mentally told the AIES of her armor to lower power consumption to a bare minimum that would be enough to keep mobile, by at least walking, life support, and communications. Hopefully, she wouldn't be fired upon or needed an energy weapon, at least her LASR would still be available.
Yoroko moved into about where the second rank would be. This time she wouldn't be leading the charge but she had a feeling that she'd be in just as much danger. At least we have a Samurai assisting us. Yoroko thought before remembering the other 3 samurai that were with them. Heh, I wonder where they are right about now. Yoroko was around when two of them had gotten hit with the psychic grenades but there was still one additional Samurai around. She's probably protecting Kotori. I wonder how the Miharu is doing. Yoroko clipped in her last SLAG clip and chambered one of the rounds in preperation for the next push. "Sir, Are you sure it's wise to leave only one person behind?" Yoroko sent specifically to Nyton, not on the team channel. "If more nekomachina show up they could be outgunned alone."
Kai listened to his part, making sure he could reach the bazooka quickly if needed, chambering the type of round Nyton had specified, and replacing it on the rack, readying his LASR for another fight. He got in place near Yoroko, and awaited the order to move out.
The white Mindy II was already leaving the hatch of the Hoshi, its metallic feet levitated up from the ground as Sumaru drew from within to raise his form. Then he received Nyton's message, and then leaned only slightly forward, and in that second-- he took off with a sudden burst of speed. He brought up a 3D map of the complex in his HUD and with his mind link to Wish's AIES he allowed his machine to lead him in the right direction, going through the tight hallways and passages in breakneck speeds. He trusted his instincts and his armor-- the two worked together and created an effortless display of agility and celerity, he flew with his head forward, making high speed turns on a dime and efficient maneuvers to avoid the wreckage and scrap in the halls.

From: Hasegawa-Juni said:
Understood, moving to collect weapons now.

He messaged to the ground lead, with a simple mental command. Then as he zipped along, Sumaru was somehow reminded of before when he was a simple Yamataian pilot-- he used to take his Mindy II out just to practice moving the machine around. Now, here he was zipping through small spaces with the simplest of ease. How much time had passed indeed, he was here and that very same Mindy was now a part of him. His mind drifted a moment as his eyes were drawn to his three fingered hand in its technological gauntlet. But with his drifting mind, he wasn't paying attention to what was ahead, something inside alerted him to the cargo container in front of him. It was his AIES' collision warning system, Wish brought his attention forward and Sumaru was forced to make a sudden stop. The Ke-M2-R2901 Inertialess Drive System may have been intact, but Sumaru could still feel a ghost of the sensation as he came to the sudden stop in front of the container-- his Mindy's nose was practically pressed to it, he was just that close.

That's when he realized just where he was, the scorch marks and mechaneko bodies lying all over the ground made it quite obvious. He scoured the remains, and quickly collected in one of his arms all the weapons he could carry, and ingeniously he pulled the cords from the bodies and tied straps around the other guns so he could put them over his shoulder mounted weapon. Once he collected all that he could, the resourceful samurai changed facing and flew off towards the group with the new supplies attached to him, making sure not to go as fast as before so he wouldn't lost any weapons.

This part wasn't long, he was a steady and fast pilot. So in only a few more minutes Sumaru had made it to the assault team, slowing down to hover over to Nyton. "I got all I could manage," he said as he began off loading the weapons. Making sure that everyone who needed one, got one. Then the male Neko moved over beside the leader and released a NSD to take a look down the hall up ahead. "Sorry for the delay," Sumaru said to the Taii as he kept an eye on any activity through that NSD.

The sensor specialist shifted a bit uncomfortably at that--she was quite content enjoying her safety while not being reminded of the danger that her crewmates were facing. "It's funny, I'd expected this position in the battle to be... better. As it turns out, waiting in place while looking for some sign that we're under attack or word from the Hoshi is just a good breeding ground for anxiety."

The former neko stopped for a a moment after the admission, a bit embarrassed about what Yukari might read into it. After the brief period of silence, she finally sat bolt upright, starting to pull up some additional controls. "Well then. Let's see what we can decide as far as maneuvers..."
Nyton observed AIES data regarding his soldier's physical profiles. There were signs of tension, excitement, fear, and calm. These figures ranged from various levels although it was more obvious for some. Physically they seemed well off enough. Fatigue was being offset by adrenaline and anticipation. Emotional ranges were pumping chemical reactions within every brain which in turn affected the performance of each individual. AIES kept a track on all of that which Nyton quickly perused while waiting for everyone to finish assembling.

His reverie was interrupted suddenly by a private communication from Yoroko.
"Sir, Are you sure it's wise to leave only one person behind?"

There was no sign of ire at being interrupted, Nyton was in complete control of his countenance. "We can hardly afford one member as it is let alone two. So long as Rin remains stealthed and at low power then she should remain undetected. Meanwhile we continue to draw the full attention of the enemy in our advance." he replied.

The discourse went no further because Sumaru arrived shortly after, his arms loaded with the nekomachina's weapons.
"Sorry for the delay."
As Sumaru began to pass out the weapons Nyton took a quick look at one and ran diagnostics on it. The weapon was useless, damaged during the melee apparently.

"This one is no good. It must have gotten damaged during the fight." Nyton said with a shake of his head before setting it down. He immediately began to give each weapon a quick scan to determine their levels of operability. Out of the nine weapons retrieved only two were operational. Taking the two functional weapons he then passed the first one to Yoroko. "Here, since Nakamura is carrying the bazooka you can hold onto this." Nyton said, before turning to Tom. "Freeman, a little extra firepower while you cover our backs." Nyton then passed the saber rifle to Tom before looking down the hallway.

"Alright let's move out. Nimura and Hasegawa, by your lead. Don't forget to cut through the cabling ahead of us with those sabers so we don't get bottlenecked on the stairs. Everyone stay alert and watch for more enemies. They could be stealthed Armors by now or simple boobytraps so keep your eyes open and expect an attack from anywhere." Nyton said. With that he took his position and readied his LASR for action.


Mara arrived at the medbay, an odd sight floating along without any legs. The action was winding down but Sanjuro had to remain by Ichigo's side while Sora remained by the other critical sprite she had removed. Are engagements always this inconvenient? the doctor thought to himself. The constant interruptions were a little more high speed than the emergency center at the hospital if anything just because there were at least a few more doctors on hand. Plus no one was trying to shoot him. With little need for orders now that they had also gotten into the rhythm the nurses got to work. "Here let me help you." said Chidori walking up to Mara, her holographic name projection still following above her head. One of the patients nearby began to shift off of her bed. "Use my bed. I'm feeling much better now albeit a little sore." she said, the name Ishida floating over her head. She had short black hair and had a slightly darker skin tone. "Besides this is nothing to what you're going through right now." Ishida said.

Sanjuro looked over at Ishida and simply nodded his approval. She had been one of the patients he predicted to be making a full recovery soonest. Already Kasumi was running over with a bag of hemosynth to administer to Mara. "I have the bag ready! Lets just get that armor off of you." she said, a little too cheerfully but at least she was excited to be helpful.
Tom nodded to Nyton after receiving the weapon and prepping it for use.

"No problem, sir."

Taking a moment to look over the team alongside Nyton, Tom nodded.

"Rin will do fine, I am sure," he said. "Any forces remaining in this place are likely to be drawn to our group anyway."
Nimura darted forward and made her way to the opened doorway leading into the cable-fenced catwalk. She didn't immediately go in and instead leaned on the left side of the portal, the aether saber-rifle held at the ready. One of her drones detached to keep an 'eye' through the doorway.

The eye quickly ducked away. Nimura sent the information to the rest of the team that she had made visual contact with two nekomachina close to the gateway below. They appeared armed for anti-personnel combat - like the initial horde they had faced back in the hangar.

She waited for Sumaru to get into position.
Sumaru looked over the weapons dropped to the floor with a disappointed glance. Before moving into position, he reached back and pulled his LASR from the shoulder mount and offered it to Nyton. "It's not much, but I'd rather we have another man armed. Besides I have this," Sumaru gestured to the plasma rifle in his hand, which he then put into that shoulder slot that the LASR was taking up, freeing both hands.

Seeing that Nimura's drone had scouted ahead of his own, he recalled his deployed NSD and stepped into position. "Alright let's move," he said back tot he group as he started to move ahead in point. The samurai was years from being a rookie, his movements were precise and efficient. He moved ahead steadily, quietly and swiftly, making sure to check all his corners and moving into cover as he went. Now, the opening to the group on the floor. The pilot paused and raised a first, signaling for the team to stop. Quickly from his position he scanned the room for cover, making use of two NSDs to give him a full view of the room.
The catwalk went on ahead of the entry, metal cabling to the right and what looked like large square-angled ventilation ducts on the left. The catwalk - gridded much like Miharu's maintenance crawlspaces were - ran across fifteen meters before making a turn to the left with open metal stairs going down to the next catwalk below.

Overall, the structure was 8 levels high and was effectively much like a very wide fire escape. To the left beyond the catwalk's metal cable guardrail (which was practically more like a fence since it spanned all the distance from floor to ceiling on each catwalk), the rest of the larger chamber rested... it had the look of an empty cargo hold leading to a big industrial doubledoor, with a small console to open it on the lower left corner of its frame. The two nekomachina present were next to that console - he did note one of them had a missing arm.

Nimura turned her helmeted head to him from the opposite side of the door and tilted it curiously to the side, as if silently proposing that she go first.
"My LASR is still operational. Haven't run out of ammo yet here." Nyton replied to Sumaru's offer of his LASR. He set up to observe what the two scouts would see with his AIES.

Nyton watched the view via Nimura's drone and wondered why two under armed nekomachina were posted by the control console. Those two must be bait or a distraction. Nyton postulated. Maybe the catwalk is rigged with a trap like explosives or something. But if the metal content is too durable then explosives wouldn't be as effective. Maybe we can stall our detection long enough to reach a better position although its certain they know we are coming this way. There isn't any other way to go. he continued to think.

"Lets go into stealth mode again. If there is some weapon pointed at this section then there is no sense in making it any easier for them to get a lock on us. Nimura, go on ahead but don't set foot on the floor. That whole catwalk could be set up with something. Move slowly in case of any trip wires. Hasegawa, cover Nimura and follow but not too closely. Keep several meters apart. Nakamura, Mizuno, be ready to support them when the action starts. Freeman and I will cover you two on your advance. Everyone remember to hover over the floor. Don't step on it in case it's been booby trapped. Those of you with aether weapons be ready to cut through the cabling should we need to break out of the catwalk. Hinoto, see if you can determine what is behind that double door." Nyton ordered. His suit went into stealth mode again, the optic and thermal camoflauge rendering him nearly invisible while AIES kept him situated to his team mates.

Whatever happens next, we'll know soon enough whether that catwalk really is rigged to explode or not. Nyton thought to himself morbidly. The anticipation of the combat that he knew would come was making him excited though.
Nimura burst into action - a little too quickly, it felt - as if she was a dog that had slipped her leash.

The sprite flew out, not bothering with camouflage before she turned and slashed twice with the lit blade of her aetheric saber-rifle, smoothly cutting down a segment of the metal cable fencing (they wouldn't need to bother with the whole catwalk after all) before diving through the opening.

The next moment was a little disturbing. Nimura landed in a crouch as each of the two nekomachina crumpled to the floor - the sprite had fired her M6's forearm cannons repeatedly, nailing each on the head repeatedly. Firing repeatedly on two different targets in midleap and hitting each of them repeatedly on the head was the sort of thing a samurai ace like Sumaru could pull off a few times on a good day - but it was very unusual for a ship sprite.

"Bishop 8, don't rush! That aether contact is just in the chamber beyond these doors!" Hinoto warned, speaking to the entire team.

"I won't. I'm fine," Nimura replied, for the first time with a little elation bleeding out into her voice. The sprite moved next to the console and turn to put her back against the wall, weapon at the ready. "Do not worry over me. I am expendable, so I make for suitable bait."

Nothing seemed to be biting, though.
As he activated his stealth and levitation, Tom spoke to Nyton. He held his heavy weapon in both hands.

"Sir, if what you say is true, wouldn't an area-of-effect weapon not need to bother locking on? This may be paranoia, but perhaps the enemy is waiting for us to cluster at the door for a surprise attack? In that case..."

A slight pause.

"...it may be best to have Nimura open the door before we all get behind it."
Kai lifted gingerly off the ground, turning on his thermoptic camouflage and moving forward, he shook his head in annoyance before chastising Nimura "No one is expendable. Just because the circumstances of your creation were different than mine or Tom's or Nyton's does not make you expendable." Figuring there were enough ready soldiers in the group to protect him and that his forearm weapons would work well enough against the Nekomachina, Kai switched his LASR out for the Gauss Bazooka, extending it and readying it to take out whatever Aether signature it was behind those doors. He flew towards the hole Nimura had made, waiting his turn through before floating towards the floor and off to the door's line of sight, holding the bazooka up and ready to fire the moment it seemed he needed to.
As the others started to head in, camoflouged, Rin did the same. The suit used just enough more power to activate the thermooptic camo as she listening for the orders. She crouched near the plug, waiting in her relative silence.
There was a vein on Nyton's forehead that AIES was currently registering as a source of tension. However the internal flesh could not reach it. Instead Nyton's internal memory system ran it's line of 'RELAXATION' memory strings to keep him calm. To say he was angry would be putting it lightly right now but he refused to show it. He would not stoop to a shouting fit, not now. The mission was too critical to get overemotional. Instead he began to move into the room, camoflauge off now, slowly floating as he had ordered earlier, and began to reassert his command.

"Bishop 5, return to take position here at the opening with your bazooka. You're too close to the blast from down there. Bishop 2, pair up with 5 and provide us cover while watching his back. Bishop 3, fly through the stairwell to ensure this room is actually secured, double time. Those machines might have simply been bait. Bishop 6, form up on my left and cover me as I make my approach on 8. 8, hold your position until I arrive." Nyton said calmly while he eased himself out towards the hole Nimura had just cut open.

Nyton waited a second to give Yoroko time to form up. Afterwards he then floated out from the hole and flew down to meet Nimura, quickly now to not waste anymore time. Once Nyton landed he took a spot next to Nimura, away from the door so as not to get caught up by something should the door open. With his LASR up and at the ready he motioned for Yoroko to take a place flanking him. AIES came up and designated the stairwell area to be her field of fire since Nyton did not feel the area secured yet. "Bishop 8, did you ever think that just maybe the machines were bait to lead us here so that aether signature could open the door and catch us in between something?" he began on the shared comm channel, still somewhat calm but letting some displeasure show. He knew he was putting himself in the cross fire he suspected but that was a risk he would take now.

Nyton opened a window to Nimura directly. His face was sharp now, the only hint of anger visible. Nyton then continued but still on the shared comm. "Bishop 8, I put you on this team because you are good. I put you on point because you are really good. But I did not put you into combat because you are expendable. If that is your reasoning behind this then I don't want you fighting here. I don't have time to explain so I'm simply going to make it a direct order. Fall back and guard Bishop 7. Remain stealthed and stand by. You are to remain outside of this advance unless I rescind the order. And that will only be under some extreme circumstances." he said adamantly. He then closed the window to signify that the discussion was over.

"Everyone, get ready. As soon as 8 is clear and 3 has finished his sweep we will open the door. We're going to try and make whatever is behind here come to us. 5 get ready to hit it hard and don't let up. 2 feel free to add some firepower to this. Be sure 6 and I are clear of the blast zone and follow up if there is still movement. 7 get ready to do your part when 5 has a target lock." Nyton said. There was some tension rising as he expected the combat to resume soon. The control panel was nearby but not quite within reach. Instead of getting closer though Nyton figured he would reach out with his VAW to activate the switch to open the door.
Tom acknowledged the order and took position near the torn opening, waiting for Kai to come to him.

He wanted to message Nyton, to inform the ground mission leader that he was endangering himself in what appeared to be a disciplinary gesture with Nimura. After all-the bitter thought crossed Tom's mind-according to Star Army rank, Nyton's life was priceless compared to the sprite's.

In essence, Nimura was right. She was expendable, perhaps the most expendable member of the group right now. Actually, everyone in the group was more expendable than the Nepleslian taking point near the door.

So why was he doing it? Tom thought about this for a moment, after overhearing Nyton's public chastising of Nimura. Honor? No. The Nepleslian had no room for that in the warzone. Kindness? No. The sharp words coming from his mouth, although measured, were brutal in their implications, so much in fact that he felt embarrassed for poor Nimura.

Sprites lived to serve, or so Tom thought from his years of working with them. Taking the fight out of Nimura... taking away what she did so well and in such a humiliating fashion... how would she react?

Tom started typing a message to Nyton, then paused in mid sentence. Was he acting out of line? Nyton had to know the risks of what he was doing, and he was always so calculating. Why do this now?

He had to know... but there was no time to know. Everyone was getting ready.

But. He had to know.
Sir, Nimura is arguably our best fighter. She may be reckless, but I do not think she is foolish. If Bishop 7 requires guard duty, why not have Bishop 4 provide the necessary protection? If this is indeed a trap, your current tactical arrangement may compromise our team in two ways: first, jeopardizing the chain of command by placing yourself on point and secondly, placing a less-than-optimal fighting force in position to engage the enemy. Please reconsider.
Sora continued tending to the critical patient she had moved for Ichigo in thoughtful silence. She was impressed with Sanjuro's emotional detachment to well... everything.

It must be nice to shut off your heart at times like this, she thought as she went through the slow process of stabilizing the patient's body temperature from the shock of leaving the tube early. The young Ketsurui doctor frowned at the readings she was getting about the woman's vitals- they weren't as strong as she would've liked. It'll take a few more minutes to get her body to equalize, damn the enemy for rushing us!

Her eyes went briefly to her fellow doctor to see how he was progressing but she returned her full attention to the patient again once she was satisfied that he had his own patient's situation under control.
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