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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 4.0] Panai halpujo Wumyi (Arms that are Joined Friends)


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Location: Mâhoa Movi Libra (Space Harbor Libra)
System: Daichi

Qaedal Aaeas stood by the view port looking down at his pride, the WAP Yome Ismâopate (Searching Hawk). It was more than strange to see him in an alien facility. But the past few years had given him new perspectives. He watched as Toidomo his To'a approached.

"Does it disturb you to see our ship in this Mâhoa Sar?" he asked when he stood by his friend and Ta'a.

"It does not disturb me, but it does seem unnatural. But look at all we have been through. Our people in a time of great changes. So we must set the example for them to emulate. Is the Yome ready for departure?"

"Almost Sar, the Bajao'ai have almost completed the modifications to our communications system. And they have modified one of the passenger Ruo'sa to occupy. Has their leader named their liaison?" Toidorno said looking around the room.

He spotted the Yamatai ship's commander as she entered the room. "We should probably take our places at the table. The sooner we workout the details, the quicker we can get on the way."

He walked over to Katae, and gave a clan bow of respect. "A pleasure to meet you face to face. May our forces work as well as our leaders expect."
Keyul walked into the meeting room for the mission briefing. He looked around spotting the Ta'a and To'a. He then noticed Murr standing guard. He crossed the room and stopped next to Murr. "You do realize that these are our allies. Qaedal does not need a security team here. Besides, I hear we are going to have one of the Aeon's personnel aboard our ship. I'm going to sample the foods before the briefing gets started. I hear that a member of the Yome is going to be aboard the Aeon, not sure who that will be."
La'tâ felt a little out of place near the briefing room, to her it felt like it was shaping up to become a bit of a diplomatic thing and she had been raised to not stand out in such situations. However she was part of a team that was going to doing a share of the work so she did not know how she would keep a low profile.

She did make her way into the meeting room however, and out of habit glanced around to make sure there were no signs of possible threats or hidden devices. She did manage to retrain herself form doing a full physical check, that was someone else' job, so she simply looked the room over with her eyes. Once she was satisfied she found herself a seat.
Murr nodded to Keyul as she moved with him to get some refreshments. Even though she was still very alert for trouble since this was way out from the usual haunts of the Yome. Her eyes and ears continued to move.

The gray furred Qaktoro watched as Effy, one of the Niko from the Star Army approached. Potos took note of the heraldry that this Niko wore. It marked her as part of the Aeon crew. She smiled when Effy extended her paw in . Potos returned the gesture. "I am Potos Kehula, my rank is Kasâvyjo and I am Bajao'ka Tinsae for the Yome Ismâopate. " she said in trade with a hint of an accent.

Keyul walked with Murr to the refreshments. He spotted Memi in the corner of the room working with his image capture devices. "Well, at least Memi has come out of the Yome. Even if it just so he can take images of this gathering." he said as he picked up a plate and put a sampling of the food items on the table. There was a mixture of Yamataian and Clan food, so he took some familiar items, and a few of their hosts items to try."

Attention, Attention, YSS Genshō now docking in Bay 28.

Katae looked at Qaedal as she lowered her arm. "It would seem that the third ship has arrived. The Commander of the ship has experience with the Star Army and the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. But it have to agree having a team of scientists along will improve our chances of success."

Qaedal nodded, "The YSS Genshō is known to us. They have been working with our people to study ruins left on one of our colony worlds. I've not the pleasure to meet with their Ta'a though."

Keyul made his way to the ship's temple. It was his place of duty, and he anticipated that some of the crew would come to seek him out prior to departure. It was on of his duties that he enjoyed. He adjusted the room environmental systems, and selected an appropriate set of life sounds. He lit a scent stick and started his devotions.


Dar'tagnan and Elza'beth made their way through the Yome. Both of them wearing their goggles to shield their eyes from the bright lights. The two of them deposited their personal effects in the cargo hold, since they needed to report to medical prior to getting their cabin assignment.

Dar walked along side of his époux, "I must say I like the way the Clan ship's environment smells. If I were to close my eyes, I could almost believe that we were walking through a field back home"

Elza turned and smiled at Dar, "Yes. it is rather pleasant. No harsh chemicals, a definite change. Is their lighting very bright?" she asked as they entered the medical section.

Dar stopped once he cleared the door. "Che'valier Sa'gesse Dar'tagnan and Che'valier Sa'gesse Elza'beth reporting for examination as required."
Medical Ward

La'tâ was already in the medical ward she had decided to come back immediately so that she could be there for the examination, after all these were two species not currently on record. When she saw the two enter she offered a smile to them and stepped forward. "I am a La'tâ Qoji, a Wapoin'a...um nurse would be the term in trade?" She motioned to the medical beds behind her "I can get you started on her examinations, it is mostly a routine physical with extra care in scanning for pathogens."
Elza'beth stepped forward. "Hello La'tâ Qoji, routine physical. Have you examined a Shukaren Daur before? Or for that matter a My'leke like my époux?" She got up on the closest bed. "My name is Elza'beth, I am trained as a Counselor in our Navy. My typical duties would be to evaluate the crew, and work with crew members who are having problems. I'm not sure what my duties will be here."

Dar looked at the other bed. "I do not believe this bed was meant for a person of my species." He climbed onto the bed and did his best to get into a comfortable position. Do you have experience with other species?"
L'atâ smiled warmly and gave a soft nod. "Époux? That would make him your Imat...umm spouse in Trade." Once they were both on the beds she reached up and pulled down the Wapoin Wunyasa over each one. "As for have I examined your kind before, unfortunately I have not. However I do have a data pad with the average results for your species on it." She started up the scans for both of them and then showed them the data pad. "So I can diagnose simple things. For something that is a greater problem I will inform my superior."

She gave them a toothy grin to try and reassure them before she bowed and grabbed some basic tool for physicals. While the scans ran she was going to do basic checks on their senses, reflexes and the like, she'd also check in their mouths for inflammation as well. She made sure not to get too personal with the physical though, the scans would direct her to any problem areas afterwards.
Medical section

Dar'tagnan listened to La'tâ. "Thank you for your time. This is our first time being aboard an alien vessel from our perspective. Although I can say that your environmental systems are very pleasant."

The scans showed that Dar'tagnan was in good health, all his readings with normal for his species. He also kept an eye on her when she was examining Elza.

The medical scanner's showed that overall she was in good health. The scans did identify that she had damage to her eyes and optical nerves. Cybernetic implants had been put in, which integrated with the visor she wore.
Wapoin Ruo'sa

La'tâ looked over the information that the scans provided and gave a nod. "Dar'tagnan Sar, you are in fine health, I see no problems. Elza'beth Sar, your health is fine as well. Though concerning your eyes, rather your implants. Did you submit information on them to our database? Hopefully, it won't be needed, but should something happen, having their schematics would ease things."
Wapoin Ruo'sa

Elza sat up and put her goggles back on. "The schematics for them are in my dossier. It should have been uploaded into your ship's computer, or brain as you call it. I have a spare set in my baggage. But it would be helpful to get the schematics to one of your technicians. Thank you for your concern."

Dar slid off the table with a feline like grace and came around to stand near Elza. "As a healer there are a facts that you should be aware of. First, please notify your food preparation personnel to mark any beverage that has alcohol in it. It is toxic to me but not to Elza.

Second, Elza and I are linked to each other. When we are together, she can see through my eyes. Which is preferable as it allows her to see in a broader spectrum of light. The link allows us to communicate to each other privately."

Elza draped an arm across Dar's shoulders. "Do you by chance know where our quarters are? And could you help us find them?"
Wapoin Ruo'sae

As Elza' spoke La'tâ tapped a few times at her datapad to make sure everything was properly in the database. However, at Dar's words, she paused a moment and then shifted over to send a medical directive to the entire kitchen staff about marking alcoholic beverages. "I am sorry, I had not considered that with the beverages. I'll send a notice now, and then I'll speak to the head personally." She had a serious look on her face, frustrated with herself for not having that prepared ahead of time.

She then collected herself quickly and gave a nod to them both. "Yes, I can show you to your room." She looked at her pad again to check if they had a room together or separate. But either way, she would walk and make sure they followed as she guided them there.
La'tâ would find that Elza and Dar were in fact assigned to a room together. Dar walked over and adjusted his goggles to account for the light levels present. He then picked up their luggage. "When you are ready?"

Elza listened to La'tâ, "Do not berate yourself. Back in our nation, everyone knows about the hazard of alcohol to a My'leke. The information is probably in the data package but probably not in a prominent location. So what can you tell use about the Yome Ismâopate? Have you served long aboard her? Our last ship we served on was the Gam'trosha. The mission was very taxing. Our ship was lost for a while due to an extreme engine malfunction."
Wapoin Ruo'sa

La'tâ nodded after checking her pad once more and took a turn down the hall as they walked. "I want you two to be as comfortable here as you would at home. It is something I personally take pride in." She offered a smile to the two before looking forward again. "As for my service? I would not say it was long, but the entirety of my service has been here. The crew is very friendly, and though we've had some scrapes with enemies everyone has performed well, and stayed safe."
Passage way

Elza'beth listened to La'tâ once the Tula was through she spoke, "So, after all your time aboard. Do you consider the crew an extension of your family? In our service I am a counselor, so I am naturally interested in the social structure of your crew. How does your family feel about you serving in the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku? My service in our military is expected, because of Dar and my status. Government service is expected since we are 'nobility' status. Serving on a ship gives us a chance to see things few Neshatens ever will."

Meanwhile the Yome moved out of the Yamataian Space Station. It moved gracefully through the space near the station, it took up a position some 30 KM in front of the Yamataian starships. The Tinvyma Movidoanor was activated and the powerful forces of the engines began manipulating the fabric of space. Once there work was complete a precise wormhole was present. The crew on the bridge signaled the Yamataian vessels to proceed.

La'tâ smiled at Elza's words and gave a soft nod. "In a way, but our social structure is different from most species. I believe. I think it is similar to what is called 'clans' in other species, but there are differences still." There was a pause in her speech as she contemplated how to explain it. "I do see the crew as a family, but it is not an extension, rather it is like being part of more than one family."

The mention of how her family felt about her being crew to this vessel took her smile away for a moment, but it did not seem to be out of sadness. "They are fine with my participation. The Qoji family often takes up the role of retainers for others in the Muiqor house, but at the moment there is not a need for me as a retainer, so I decided to increase my life experience and value for when I am needed."

Dar'tagnan listened to the Neshaten care taker. "Families can make things awkward. Even when they are doing their best to be helpful. Many of my friends often found themselves on the disapproving side of their parents. Our people have been dealing with some internal matters, it was a such an event that Elza was injured.

I am looking forward to working with you and your comrades. The last mission of our ship was rather tragic."

La'tâ gave a soft nod to their statement. "Yes, it is fortunate when one's wishes and the family's wishes are in total alignment...However, if you do not mind, what was your previous mission? I hear talking about these things can be empowering in the long run." She stopped only a few moments after and gestured to a door "These are your quarters."
Dar'tagnan looked at La'tâ. "Our mission was supposed to be a reconnaissance mission. We were having issues with insurgents.
But our vessel suffered an massive malfunction of our propulsion system. The Gam'trosha was hurled through space at incredible velocity. Our primary power system was building to a catastrophic explosion. We lost a good number of our crew and found ourselves adrift in an uncharted star system. We were blind and adrift. Our Lexicon, the equivalent of your Tin-To'a was able to get some of the systems back online enough to slow us down and stabilize our orientation.

We were brought down to the surface of a world that the surface was toxic. It turned out that this world was part of the Old Empire. Once we established relations, they were able to help us retrieve our core. It took some time but we finally got the Gam'trosha back online and were able to return home after many months."
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