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RP: 4th Fleet (NSN) [Mission 4.1] In Before the Close

Alrik continued his firing sequence; kneeling down, aiming at one open target and then firing burst shots to maximize accuracy and hits on the target. When that enemy had either retreated to cover or been taken down, he would move on down the line, watching the surroundings though.
Beta Squad

Kurt's movement took him away from the battlefield but there was nothing on the barren moon from which he could use to capitalize on.


Rana's first trio of RED mass driver shells impacted on the shields of a Ripper, causing the armor to stagger and kicking up dust around it. Otherwise, the Ripper seemed unharmed by the burst.

Her second burst was more effective, destroying the shields and blowing off its left arm at the elbow and destroying its aether rifle.


The three tungsten carbide from Cedric's AS4GS burst brilliantly on the Ripper's shields, diverting its attention from another Nepleslian unit.

In retaliation, the Ripper fired a swarm of mini-missiles at Cedric. Most of these missed but enough hit his armor and around him to shake the Marine up.

Cedric's observation probe could see explosions in the distance, signs that the other Marine units from 4th Fleet were also engaged with the NMX. It also meant that Volkov's Cavaliers were the closest unit to the objective.

But how did the NMX troops intercept the other squads before they'd gotten closer? None of the Marines had seen NMX troops leaving the base. The Fleet would have destroyed them en route.


By chance, Rita's BOLTs and moneyshots struck an unshielded Ripper, carving large chunks of armor plating off and destroying its shoulder mounted weaponry.

Bernhard, seeing Rita's strike, switched his target to her's. He fired three bursts of plasma rounds, jetting in a different direction after each burst. The NMX fire was slowly chewing away at his shields.

The Ripper they'd been aiming at collapsed. Most likely dead.

Rita's maneuvre with the PP Rod was partially sucessful, the Ripper was lifted into the air but not high enough to her. The Ripper decided that it had had enough of Rita's games. It activated its thrusters and sped towards her, Yama-Dura right forearm blade unsheathed.

It slashed at her but Rita parried the attack. Her own attack was also parried by the blade and her shields took hits from the Ripper's left forearm aether cannon.


The shuttle pilot cursed as Lisa's mortars fired and rocked his ship. Her swift departure had also left the shuttle still wobbling badly. Other shuttles had long since departed but as the pilot tried to wrestle with his controls, NMX gauss rounds started slamming into the shields.

One round finally broke through the shields and carved a large hole in the middle of the shuttle's side. Though the crew were alive and the shuttle lifted off successfully, it was obvious that some repairs were needed.

Lisa's mortar rounds destroyed an unshielded Ripper and damaged the shields of two more near it.

Alpha Squad

Victor's spray proved ineffectual. The shielded Rippers had moved to the fore, using their shields to absorb shots. Even then, the Rippers were unfazed. Too much firepower had been divided over too many targets to cause any significant damage to the NMX armors.

All it seemed to have done was point Victor out as a target worth shooting at. A positron beam glanced off his shields, reducing it 52%.


Phaedra's shot was on target but exploded harmlessly on the Ripper's shields.


Matteo's HPAR rounds struck true, killing the damaged Ripper before it could do anymore damage.


The Ripper Artan had fired at shifted position after moneyshots blew off its dorsal armor. Aether beams slashed out from its forearm weapons at Artan's Hostile, damaging his shields even more.


Alrik's move would have made sense in an urban environment or if there had been cover. But all it did was make him a motionless target in an open, airless environment. His shots were absorbed by his target's shields.

For his efforts, Alrik's suit was lashed by aether and positron beams, dropping his shields to 40% in those few moments when he'd been stationary.


Laura cursed as another trio of her drones were overloaded by a gauss round meant for Matteo.

Her forearm plasma chainguns and laser gatlings were eating away at Phaedra's target's shields but were unable to break through. In frustration, she launched a BLUE 40mm mass driver shell from her shoulder mounted launcher at the Ripper. The kinetic force of the shell cause the Ripper to stagger and took down its shields, much to Laura's jubilant surprise.


Above the battlefield, Admiral Valken watched the Marines' advance get bogged down. "Detach Green Squadron from the furball and begin ground attack runs. The Greys and drones should be able to handle the rest of the battlepods," he ordered.

On his display, Valken watched the 54 surviving craft of Green Squadron broke from combat and started heading towards the moon.

He turned his attention to the issue of the other Marine squads. Volkov's squad had gotten in close but all other squad should have made rendezvous with them within minutes. But they'd been ambushed within minutes of deployment. So far, no casualties though some close run things.

More importantly, Valken pondered what the sudden, seemingly magical appearance of NMX ground troops meant. "Admiral, will you stop pacing?"
Sawyer decided to take the chance and dismounted both of his plasma chainguns from his armored wrists and attached them to a point higher up his arms for safe keeping. Having done so he reached to his back and pulled his AOP out, loading in a red round he fired it at the ripper that he and Laura were firing upon. He accompanied it with a volley of 30 BOLTS from each of his missile launchers.
The next thing Samuel knew, he was on his stomach, sprawled in the lunar dust. An alarm was sounding, and something sharp suddenly jabbed into his arm, pumping him full of painkillers. As far as he could tell, his head was still attached, so that was a good start. His shields were still intact, but just barely; levering himself off the ground, he saw the battle was still blazing, but the NMX line seemed to be pretty intact, despite all that the Marines had thrown at them.

He swore loudly as he recovered his autocannon, spamming most of the rest of his missiles at the nearest mass of Rippers, following up with another scatter of plasma bolts. Despite the fire they were taking, the squad had definitely moved closer to the base. He scrambled towards one of the team's Aggressors for some extra shielding and maybe a bit of cover.
Rita slammed her vibrosword into the Yama-Dura blade from the inside line to push the Ripper's arm away from its body and expose it, while pushing its other arm away with the length of her HPAR. "Eat this, bitch!" she taunted, as the shoulder-mounted pulse lasers in her suit blasted it directly, aiming for its cameras and sensors. With the Ripper disoriented, Rita slammed her foot into her opponent's chest area to force it back, then fired a burst of deadly fire directly at it with the HPAR, keeping her melee weapon ready to parry its blade if it managed to recover quickly enough to charge her again.
"Don't hoard all the fun Rita!" Matteo called out.

The marine, having helped Phaedra finish off one Ripper, decided to keep following her attacks up with his own. He quickly went from prone to kneeling in order to clear his calf launcher from the ground and let loose a trio of ARROWs at the last Ripper the Sergeant had hit with her sniper rifle. His HPAR started to bark again as well as he let off several bursts to pummel the thing.

"I hope Valken doesn't mind us taking our time too much." he commented.
"Spread out those four shields across the Marine line, Lisa!" Cedric barked over the gun-fire, "Hopefully that'll break up some of the enemy fire!"

He grimaced at his target's retalliation, with his shield's dropping (though barely, thank whatever higher beings there were), and the ground shaking around him with the impact. However, Cedric took a moment to check the readings from his observation probe. Apparently all of the units were getting engaged by the Squids. Everybody had been hit hard and so they were getting bogged down by the enemy. It meant they were losing the advantage of force of action to the fuckin' Squids!
In retalliation (to the retalliation) of the Ripper missile fire, he took aim at the offending enemy PA once again, and fired the remaining four rounds in one of the barrels. Moments later, two from the second barrel followed. All six rounds were aimed at the Ripper's head. Cedric then quickly moved to relocate further to the right. He was quickly relading the empty barrel and magazine tube of his shotgun, chambering a round in that barrel, and getting ready to fire again.

"Beta, concentrate your fire on shielded targets at the front to weaken their defensive line!" He glanced up a certain Marine flying above the battle, "Rita, quit showin' off! Just kill the bastard and move on to another one!"
Panic struck him as the enemy's attacks pounded into his shield, bringing it down below half. His eyes stayed focus on the draining of his energy as he made his foolish mistake of treating this like an urban environment. Dropping low to the ground, he rolled out of the firing arc that had put him into the position before hand. He started to rush towards those in the squad that had released the shields, trying to find some cover as he went. As he dashed for the cover, he would attempt to place shots on any of the enemies that were out in the open.
Artan thrust himself backwards, before he moved to launch himself airbound, working on keeping his hostile moving, and avoiding any other object in the sky. His HPAR attempting to follow the target he had fired upon, as he continued to spray melting metal at the enemy.
Kurt had looked around and noted there was nothing of worth on the landscape that he could use to mask his approach to flank the NMX forces, so he immediately went into the Designated Marksman role; assuming a kneeling position at the right of the NMX battle lines.

Taking time to quickly assess the situation, Kurt noted that his squad was having a little more success than Alpha squad in suppressing the Rippers.

With Victor's spraying being ineffective against the three shielded Rippers advancing on him, Kurt immediately raised his rifle to the Ripper closest to him, so that the the other two Rippers behind it would either have to fire through the Ripper or waste time moving to the sides of it to return fire to him, exposing their flanks to Alpha.

In his kneeling position, he wrapped his left arm around the outside of the rifle stock and held the stock with his right hand, creating a vice between his arms and his chest with the stock. With both eyes open, he placed the targeting reticule roughly where the Ripper's lower midsection was, so there would be less material to send a projectile through.

With the barrel resting on his left knee, Kurt inhaled and exhaled, did it again, and on the circulatory pause following his exhale, slowly squeezed the trigger, maintaining firing discipline by keeping his cheek welded to the stock even after the round exited the barrel.
"Roger, roger." Lisa commed back to Cedric and relased last three bots to make frouth shield on the line. Since Matteo left his position, Lisa herself squatted behind the shield she set up for him before. She looked through the battlefield and saw that her sqad was not doing so bad. She raised her LPA, leaned from behind her shield and fired at neares Ripper.

Land combat tactics still elluded her a little. After all you can get girl from piloting school, but you cannot take piloting school out of the girl. "Hey Sarge, I think Alpha should spread yout a barrier and get their shields a rest! They are getting pounded pretty heavily." She commed to Cedric from behind the shield.

Okay, Alpha neede a help and Cedric did not say she cannot fire her mortars. And range was not a problem with the mortars neither. Though she had to wait for the weapons to reload and cooldown. "Ten seconds till next arty-support!" Lisa radioed too so other could look for targets.
"Good idea, Lisa." Cedric stayed crouching, trying to put one of the deployed barriers between himself and as much frontal fire as possible.

Scanning the field quickly, he re-opened the comm-line between he and Phaedra, "Sergeant: if you have any shield drones then you might want to give your squad's shields a rest. Lisa said you might want to consider deploying some drones." Another quick survey around the field before he continued, "Besides that, her mortars are reloading. Get your Marines spotting priority targets for her next volley."

Which instantly reminded him of his own sniper, Private McNair, "McNair: I want you to start seeking out high-priority targets for sniper and mortar fire, understand?"

With that all cleared up, he moved closer to one of the four shields Lisa had set up along the battle lines. He moved his observation drone forward as well, in hopes that it would start giving them information about their own battle, and not just that the other Marines were being engaged right now.

Then he mentally face-palmed. Phaedra didn't know, and so he immediatelly contacted her again, "Sarge, we probably won't have any ground support for a while. My drone is picking up fighting all over the surface at the other landing zones. It looks pretty heavy to me."

His voice somehow didn't betray the adrenaline and excitement he felt from his first real fight in several months. Yet, he was in control. Totally in control, tough, and deadly like any Marine NCO. Or at least that was the image he was trying to give.
Phaedra did not like this; she did not like her Marines being caught in a straight-up firefight like this. Still, they were steadily advancing towards the facility and the number of Rippers opposing them was thinning; they were nearly there.

"Laura, deploy shield drones for Victor, Artan, and Alrik to take some of the heat off of them. Press forward Marines; we are nearly there!"

She took aim at another Ripper, targeting the same location just under the head and above the neck ring. She steadied her MPR and fired a round, hoping for the EMP charge on the tip to disable the Ripper's shields at least temporarily. She then loaded in an IFF round and, aimed, and then fired it at the same location.

"Alpha, be advised; friendly ordinance incoming on marked targets."

"Sarge, we probably won't have any ground support for a while. My drone is picking up fighting all over the surface at the other landing zones. It looks pretty heavy to me."

"Affirmative, Staff Sergeant. Continue to press forward," she replied.
Upon realizing he had been spreading himself too thin seeing as spreading his fire among the rippers had amounted to little less than nothing. To make matters worse his shield had taken another hit, drawing him closer to the prospect of losing his head. There was one bright side, he had managed to gain their attention. "Alright, Squids let's try this again then." He made a small 'tch' noise as he continued to advanced as he abandoned his previous tactics in favor of something more focused so to speak.

DARTS would have been nice, but no use crying over have and have nots. There was a reason he had chosen to arm himself with the LPA in the first place and it wasn't simply because it looked sleek. This time he would aim dead center at the closest of the Rippers and quickly switched to the weapon's beam mode. Victor wasted little time in firing the concentrated beam towards the Ripper more than happy to see how it would fair head on against the Squid's shields. He was prepared to mow them down one by one with the beam.

To be honest, Victor would much prefer to be up close hacking away with his vibroknife. But that wasn't exactly on the table, especially since their squad leader had just kindly informed them about the presents being sent to Rippers soon. As he focused on the task at hand, Victor made a quick scan of the area around and found himself a bit puzzled by Alrik's movements.

"Sarge, I know I'm not a picture perfect model of mental health. But is Private Wolf alright?" Victor asked openly confused as to where Alrik was trying to head to.
The RED shell from Sawyer's AOP missed the Ripper by a few inches and exploded near the Power Armor, toppling it over. The BOLTs from the Aggressor's calf launchers struck the Ripper and others around it. Slowly, with a lot more pits and holes in its armor plating, the damaged Ripper rose only to have one of its arm comically fall off.


Samuel's mini-missiles spread some damage across multiple NMX Rippers but none of the Rippers hit seemed visibly affected. Likewise, his scattering of plasma rounds did not seem to perturb the Rippers. The lack of concentrated fire actually made the Rippers increase their own rates of fire.

He was out mini-missiles and moved to take cover behind Sawyer's Aggressor. The two Rippers tracking him fired gauss rounds and mini-missiles that impacted against Sawyer's shields rather than Samuel's. In addition, the kinetic force from two 50mm gauss rounds toppled Sawyer over.


"Stop wasting your shots with sprays of useless fire! Controlled bursts on a single target are more effective, you idiots! What have you been learning in Basic!" Bernhard shouted over the radio. He had watched Samuel's foolishness in the distance from his vantage point above the battlefield.

He could not fire because he was too busy dodging the swarms of NMX mini-missiles tracking him.

Rita's moves did just as she intended and the Ripper fell downwards to the moon's surface. However, its brain-slave pilot did not seem to be the brightest, firing its gauss cannon at Rita and propelling itself faster towards the surface.

As the Ripper crashed onto the lunar surface, the gauss round exploded on Rita's shields, blowing her backwards into a spin.


Matteo's ARROWs impacted on the Ripper's shields as did his well placed HPAR bursts. In response, the Ripper stopped its own movements to take aim at Matteo. A bright purple positron beam and white flashes of aether played havoc with Matteo's shields, reducing them to 15%.


Cedric's first three rounds blew up against the Ripper's shields as the Ripper tried to move sideways. The second three rounds tore off its left shoulder mounted positron gun and the Ripper's entire left arm.

It fired back one-handed at Cedric with its aether rifle. Most of the shots missed but a couple did score against Cedric's shields.


Nothing shot at Alrik as he made it to one of Laura's shield walls.


Artan's shots proved ineffectual. All it did was cause the NMX to fire more mini-missiles at him, overwhelming his shields and doing damage to his armor.


Kurt's aimed shot flew true, the EMP tip of the round penetrating the shields and blowing a hole clean through the Ripper's midsection. It slew to a halt and collapsed, dead from the round.


Lisa's burst of plasma damaged the unshielded Ripper, melting part of its chest armor.

As she focused on the target, her HUD signaled that the mortars were loaded.


Phaedra's first round did its job, disabling the NMX shields and causing it to go dark. Her second round embedded itself in the NMX's shoulder and the transponder began emitting immediately.


"Yes, Sergeant!" Laura acknowledged, sending out the rest of her drones to protect the three Marines. She felt that they were cannon-fodder since their wild sprays had done little to hinder the NMX.

She noticed Alrik had made it to a shield wall she'd put up. And as she was distracted, a gauss round slammed into her shields, knocking her over. "Damn you, you damn rookie!" she cursed violently, trying to right herself.


Victor's plasma beam was spot on, taking down the Ripper's shields before it had to cool down.


"Dearest Cavaliers! Did you miss us? Green Squadron is inbound for ground attack runs! Green Six and Eight will be chaperones for this evening. We need laser-painted targets, that IFF we're seeing isn't something our missiles can lock onto. We are four minutes out so get those targets painted! Green Six out."
Rita jetted backward and downward to stabilize herself, and immediately deactivated her thrusters to drop back down to her comrades. She landed behind Lisa and crouched slightly to stay behind the triangular barrier her shield drones had made. She shouldered the HPAR, and focused her fire on of the Rippers that was already being fired at by another marine. "Hope you don't mind, need to let my shields recharge!" Rita called out over the roar of the battle to Lisa. "If you can keep laying down that mortar fire, I'll make sure they stay off of you!"
As Matteo beat on the Ripper like a drummer would a drum, he heard Phaedra firing again. But the enemy they were supposedly 'sharing' didn't have it's head blown off or other. "Hey Sarge." he spoke up to between bursts. "Can you call your shots? None of us can back you up if we don't know what your shooting at." He briefly looked up at her.

A mistake.

Fire smashed into Matteo's shields; the Hostile's thrusters instantly flared to life - too late to stop the damage already done, but in time to stop any more from landing. The marine let off another trio of missiles at the Ripper as he skied sideways and into cover behind Lisa. "You know, we all really should focus on the same guy at once or something." Matteo offhandedly mentioned to the rest of the group as he went prone. He gave up on creating a crossfire between the two squads; it wasn't going to happen, even if it was an effective way to confuse the hell out of the enemy.

Prone and behind Lisa, he focused in on her target instead and opened fire, shooting around the marine and even accidentally clipping the edge of her shield with a stray.

Alrik ignored the curses by Laura as he finally reached the cover of the shield wall. He took a moment to check himself and try to gain control of his adrenalin rush, like a rushing tide had overwhelmed him, he could feel himself being pulled deep and deeper into the sensation of drowning. He found it hard to breath as he closed his eyes for a moment, remembering what he was taught in Basic. " Alright... Calm yourself down, you're behind a shield for the moment and none of your shots have placed, but you just haven't been thinking about the situation at hand. Firing random bursts haven't been doing it, but now that you have cover and thrusters are still active."

He switched on his Monoeye to lock onto a target in the enemies line of fire, preferably trying to search for one that looked different from the rest. Perhaps an officer or something of the like, he attempted to use his abilities in Humanities to gain some hint to as who may be leading the assault on them. If they target was found, he would attempt to lock on with the Monoeye and train his accuracy to hit that target. With that complete, he would activate his Thrusters to jump above the shield for a few seconds at best, attempting to place a burst of plasma on the target. Before retreating back to the safety of Laura's shield.
Without missing a beat Victor once again switched modes this time to the weapon's semi-automatic mode. The marine fired two three round bursts towards the Ripper whose shield he just finished punishing. "Boom! Baby Boom." However, for the first time since they entered the skirmish his goal wasn't simply trying to blast away at the Ripper. Although taking it out of commission would have been gravy. Immediately after firing he made full use of his thrusters to take to the air, seeing as the vantage point would be better for Victor to proceed and attempt to use his LPA's laser targeting system to begin trying to paint the Rippers as targets. He'd much rather waste their aerial support's missiles over his own in case he needed them later.

"So as much as I am loving this, and don't get me wrong I am loving this , anyone else craving Neppies?" He was always far more social once violence came into the picture, despite how inappropriate a time it was to discuss getting something to eat. "Anyways, anyone else up for buddying up and trying to off these guys before the cavalry arrives?"
Cedric swore rather violently as aether fire smacked against his slowly draining shields. Instantly the Marine NCO rolled himself on to his back to avoid the remaining incoming fire. He could see around him as the surface of the moon directly around him was peppered by the fire of the now badly damaged Ripper. The moment that fire stopped, the Marine rolled himself back up in to a crouch, shouldered his shotgun once more, and took aim at the still injured Ripper. It was rather easy to spot, seeing as it was one of only two at the moment that was missing an arm, and it was firing directly at Cedric at the moment. With fourteen rounds of tungsten carbide slugs loaded, he toom aim for the thing's center-mass, in the approximate region of the brain-case, led his target as best he could, and then fired of a quartet of rounds at the offending Squid mech. Moments later, Cedric stood up, and moved in a low-crouching sprint to a new location to avoid getting himself zeroed in on.

"Lisa, Keep with that mortar fire!" He called over the radio, then he thought of something quickly, "Greer, you're my designated laser man! Pick out some place where it might hurt and designate targets for our air support! I want my hackers back away from the main fighting while the rest of you cover fire for them and Bernie!"

He then opened comm to Phaedra, to relay his orders for Beta to her, "Sarge: I have Greer running laser designation for my squad and the rest of Beta, except for our hackers, are providing covering fire!"
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